Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.48 (Nov 2/18) - HIATUS

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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8 (nov 03/12)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Mon Nov 05, 2012 1:24 am

QuizmasterBos Wrote:So, you decided to make Peach's nipple show through the fabric? Okay.

I think it became... interesting ;)

QuizmasterBos Wrote:You can make the gem on her chest look a little nicer though. It's not round enough. I think adding a few more curves on it shouldn't decrease the game's speed.

Ok ok ...
Updated above!

Now I want to consult the high council.
FIRE PEACH: Do I use the same colors of old Fire Peach dress to the new Dress, or use THOSE colors?

fire peach.jpg
fire peach.jpg (36.18 KiB) Viewed 2503 times
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Mon Nov 05, 2012 2:24 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8 (nov 03/12)

Postby Campo92 » Mon Nov 05, 2012 1:27 am

I like your gamestyle based on levels. If i wasn't stucked with studies, I've liked to work on flashes
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8 (nov 03/12)

Postby S.T.A.L.K.E.R » Mon Nov 05, 2012 2:16 am

ivanaedler Wrote:Hey, gosh, nooo! Havent you noticed the joke? :lol: I've put a 'saint' smiley to me, then I've added up a Paper Peach ponytail :lol: . Goombella is already in the game, I just need to make some scenes. She may appear in level 2-4 or 2-6.

O, I get it now, ok you got me. :lol: can not wait for the female bobomb and boo to make it into the game as well. :D
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8 (nov 03/12)

Postby Darthan » Mon Nov 05, 2012 2:43 am

ivanaedler Wrote:FIRE PEACH: Do I use the same colors of old Fire Peach dress to the new Dress, or use THOSE colors?

I personally like the current dress and colors. Largely because it is a different dress and not just a recolor of the original dress.

As far as the new dress goes, I really like it. The Playshapes dress seemed to be based on the SSB dress, this one looks more like the classic dress from the SMB games.

As for the nipples, would it be possible to have them show through the fabric of all, at least the ones that cover her breasts, her outfits if she is horny enough, and if she isn't they don't show. I think that would be a cool feature. Hell, you could even make it so that the hornier Peach is, the more they show through.
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8 (nov 03/12)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Mon Nov 05, 2012 2:55 am

Darthan Wrote:I personally like the current dress and colors. Largely because it is a different dress and not just a recolor of the original dress.

Please explain. So you are saying that the current FIRE PEACH dress could be remade (optimizing curves) but maintaining the same style and colors? I can do that. But I will NOT let it as is in the current state (fire peach dress with tons of laces) because its taking more than 1500 points/curves and its done using brush tool (if you zoom in, you will see scratches, holes and imperfections). These curves also cause lag.

Darthan Wrote:As for the nipples, would it be possible to have them show through the fabric of all, at least the ones that cover her breasts, her outfits if she is horny enough, and if she isn't they don't show. I think that would be a cool feature. Hell, you could even make it so that the hornier Peach is, the more they show through.

Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Mon Nov 05, 2012 5:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8 (nov 03/12)

Postby Darthan » Mon Nov 05, 2012 3:54 am

ivanaedler Wrote:Please explain. So you are saying that the current FIRE PEACH dress could be remade (optimizing curves) but maintaining the same style and colors? I can do that. But I could leave as is in the game because its taking more than 1500 points/curves and its done using brush tool (if you zoom in, you will see scratches, holes and imperfections). These curves also cause lag.

Yes, I was meaning to remake(optimize) the dress maintaining the same style and colors instead of just making it a recolor of the standard Peach dress as you had in your example image.
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8 (nov 03/12)

Postby MPLDAM9919 » Mon Nov 05, 2012 5:22 am

I have a bug to report! When loading a previous game and you grab the dress, the golves and lingerie don't show up. It's basicly the full pink dress and Peach is toatlly nude under it. And I didn't even set it to happen like that.
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8 (nov 03/12)

Postby Kantirocks » Mon Nov 05, 2012 5:29 am

I've been having problems with the lingerie too. If I change it to, for example all black, when I start the game it goes back to default (Red heels white everything else)
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8 (nov 03/12)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Mon Nov 05, 2012 5:44 am

Darthan Wrote:Yes, I was meaning to remake(optimize) the dress maintaining the same style and colors instead of just making it a recolor of the standard Peach dress as you had in your example image.

So we will have two different dresses, right? I have an idea. I will mix Peach dress (being white) and laces from the other, totally remade from scratch. I will do this 10 hours from now.

MPLDAM9919 Wrote:I have a bug to report! When loading a previous game and you grab the dress, the golves and lingerie don't show up. It's basicly the full pink dress and Peach is toatlly nude under it. And I didn't even set it to happen like that.

Kantirocks Wrote:I've been having problems with the lingerie too. If I change it to, for example all black, when I start the game it goes back to default (Red heels white everything else)

Ok I will take a look at that, 8 hours from now.
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8 (nov 03/12)

Postby MPLDAM9919 » Mon Nov 05, 2012 5:51 am

Btw, I like the new upcoming Peach model and dress. It says true to the Playshapes style and Peach looks very sexy with her nipples showing. I'm going to miss the old model and dress, but this one I approve on.
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8 (nov 03/12)

Postby coolness32 » Mon Nov 05, 2012 6:55 am

I have an idea/suggestion. I know this applies to me because I have an older computer, but of all the stages so far, the first stage runs slowly. My idea/suggestion is making the castle portion, with all the Toads, it's own sort of "starting level", then when you exit the castle, you come to the world map and can then proceed to go to the first stage. Like I said, my computer is old and doesn't handle this game very well, I even have the settings on low, but the first stage is really taxing.
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8 (nov 03/12)

Postby Darthan » Mon Nov 05, 2012 7:01 am

ivanaedler Wrote:So we will have two different dresses, right? I have an idea. I will mix Peach dress (being white) and laces from the other, totally remade from scratch. I will do this 10 hours from now.

What I meant was to optimize the current Fire Peach dress. The example pic is basically a recolor of the standard Peach dress and it would be a shame to loose the current dress. Basically I am just saying to optimize the current Fire Peach dress.

I also seem to run into problems with lingerie doing weird things during the game as well as the fact that when trying to select stockings once you hit black you cannot change it anymore.
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8 (nov 03/12)

Postby AsianP3rsuas10n » Mon Nov 05, 2012 9:05 am

Looks like I'm back in business boys!!!!!!!
Man, a week without electricity kills the soul I'll tell ya that.

By the end of this week, ur Drybones should be done! And probably some furniture.
I do like all this redesigning your doing ;) spiffing up everything. Lookin nice!
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8 (nov 03/12)

Postby coolness32 » Mon Nov 05, 2012 9:19 am

AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:Looks like I'm back in business boys!!!!!!!
Man, a week without electricity kills the soul I'll tell ya that.

By the end of this week, ur Drybones should be done! And probably some furniture.
I do like all this redesigning your doing ;) spiffing up everything. Lookin nice!

It always sucks to have to live without electricity! Glad to see you have access to it though. I am excited for the Dry Bones scenes, I always pick him in Mario Party.
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8 (nov 03/12)

Postby AsianP3rsuas10n » Mon Nov 05, 2012 9:45 am

Yea >_> it was terrible...my house was like a freezer...luckily it wasnt like middle of december/beginning of january. I probably would've died lol.

Either way, Drybones is my favorite character in Mario Party too! I feel all the pther characters are so under-designed. They arent cool enough to be used hahahah.

As for scenes, it may be a while because I think Blargh is making them. Unless Ivan decides his mediocre animation skills are up to the task :lol: :lol: kidding Ivan! Your scenes are great.

We should just optimize/remake everything Playshapes made! I mean it would down the size by a decent amount dont you think?
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8 (nov 03/12)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Mon Nov 05, 2012 11:43 am

AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:Looks like I'm back in business boys!!!!!!!
Man, a week without electricity kills the soul I'll tell ya that. By the end of this week, ur Drybones should be done! And probably some furniture.
I do like all this redesigning your doing ;) spiffing up everything. Lookin nice!

Whooohoo, that's the boy! I'm happy and reassured all is okay there!

AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:As for scenes, it may be a while because I think Blargh is making them. Unless Ivan decides his mediocre animation skills are up to the task :lol: :lol:

Hahahahahahahaha! (not funny!) My clever, prime knowledge about the 'Great Theory of Animation' (GTA), pursued by the Godly Trace Anatomists (GTA) who eat Garlic, Tomatoes and Apples (GTA) is a Grand Trash of the Art (GTA) :lol:
Now taking it seriously, I just need to fix those bugs above, finish her dress, make the level 2-3, detach the castle area of 1-1 (creating a new level), then I'll be making a sex scene with Pokeys.

Darthan Wrote:What I meant was to optimize the current Fire Peach dress.

You name it! No recolor, then.

coolness32 Wrote:I have an idea/suggestion. I know this applies to me because I have an older computer, but of all the stages so far, the first stage runs slowly. My idea/suggestion is making the castle portion, with all the Toads, it's own sort of "starting level", then when you exit the castle, you come to the world map and can then proceed to go to the first stage. Like I said, my computer is old and doesn't handle this game very well, I even have the settings on low, but the first stage is really taxing.

Hmmmmmmmmmmm It can be! I approve this, because we will have 9 levels in World1 :D
And I can put some doors in the castle area. HOWEVER. I'm on duty making a new remake of Fire Dress soon. Interesting enough, fire dress (whose skirt is a recolor of the old dress) uses 'just' 1100 curves instead of the 1500 of the old one. It might be reduced to 300 or less, as I will retain the laces.

Darthan Wrote:I also seem to run into problems with lingerie doing weird things during the game as well as the fact that when trying to select stockings once you hit black you cannot change it anymore.

I will deal with this later.

X Wrote: If you keep on changing all of this, you doom will be near!

I will let this trouble for the Great Gonzales. :P
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Mon Nov 05, 2012 3:04 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8 (nov 03/12)

Postby AsianP3rsuas10n » Mon Nov 05, 2012 12:33 pm

Your sense of humor is too weird Ivan :lol: :lol:
Thats ok, I still laughed anyways hahahah

K tell me, which hand do you like better? I also got the head in there too! Tell me what you think, if you want me to redo it, I will! I included the reference in there too just in case.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

DBONES HEADS and hands.png

Dbones.png (22.15 KiB) Viewed 2439 times

Here is a zoom in at the hands. It is very sloppy.(Will try to fix no worries) Which one looks better? I really hate both of them because theres no shading -_-" but yea. The one on the right is made up of 2 layers while the left one is made of one. I for one like the right one but it's your choice. Tell me if you dont like any of them. I'll make a new one.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

DBONES hands.png

Would you like to keep you old shoes of the koopa or make new ones? Same shell or new one? Your choice!

For everyone besides Ivan
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Can someone tell me if my art sucks? I mean it. I know there are those people that know something is bad but wont say it. COME OUT and tell me!! :lol: :lol: no really it will help me improve.

*whisper* To tell you guys the truth, I think Ivan is too nice and wont reject my artwork smh
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8 (nov 03/12)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Mon Nov 05, 2012 2:55 pm

AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:Your sense of humor is too weird Ivan :lol: :lol:

Everything here is a bit weird :D

AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:K tell me, which hand do you like better?

Nice face! The right hand is better but it just needs a bit thicker line. I can do that later.
6:23 am? You sure wake up really early in the morning ;)

AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:*whisper* To tell you guys the truth, I think Ivan is too nice and wont reject my artwork smh

Again and again. You are helping a lot, and your shapes are good enough! Believe me. Sometimes I just optimize them, that's also a way to say I appreciate it, and both men get a nice result (me and you) ;)
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8 (nov 03/12)

Postby AsianP3rsuas10n » Mon Nov 05, 2012 3:29 pm

Well ever since my power came back at 3:00 last night, I haven't slept.

You still never answered my question, new shoes? New Shell? Or keep the ones from your Koopa?

And your not suppose to look at the things I labeled for everyone else!
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8 (nov 03/12)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Mon Nov 05, 2012 3:49 pm

Ouf!! New...Fire...Peach..Dress.

From 1150 curves/points to....290. Due to all those laces. Techniques used: 'semi-balled', 'triangular bezier', and 'multi layered basic recipe'.
Do you want 130 curves only? Simple. I just remove those light brown laces and voila. I have to make the backside dress and forward/side dress, which have 1000 and 1600 curves each.

new fire peach dress.jpg
new fire peach dress.jpg (22.49 KiB) Viewed 2490 times

Please Luftmallow, dont be angry because of this! We're in the 'bezier curve enlightement era'. I've been learning more about that. :/

Everyone can continue creating art using brushes only (I REALLY appreciate it), and I put right in the game, but, with time, I've been recreating them using the Pen Tool, in, say, 10 to 30 minutes, lowering curves/points in an interesting way. And you can have this shape back, in FLA format. But again: PEOPLE, please learn to use the Pen Tool. And keep the layers! Don't unify them.
AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:You still never answered my question, new shoes? New Shell? Or keep the ones from your Koopa?

Sorry sorry! We will use the same shell and shoes!

AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:And your not suppose to look at the things I labeled for everyone else!

Why not? >D
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