CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

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Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby BlasterBlade210 » Sun Oct 28, 2012 5:00 am

Melody sees the Golem having it's way with the victim... landing on the ground as she keeps her distance... she seems to be frowning slightly at this point, having found someone straying and not taking the chance to have her way with the victim. Despite this, she begins to sneak up on the Golem's victim carefully, maybe to join in on the fun it's having with whoever he caught?
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Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Sun Oct 28, 2012 5:10 pm

Spotting the scene over with Ivan, Emily, and Jinedria, Jenny walks over, taking note of the charred and burning earth around them. "Sweet mother of Ares, what happened here?" She inquires rather calmly, though still with some concern. Judging by the scene alone, they either recently killed something fire-based, or something blew itself up. Either way, whatever they were fighting had better not return to start any trouble with her...
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Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby napsii » Sun Oct 28, 2012 6:35 pm

Jin had been so absorbed in trying to steady her rickety mind, that she was nearly bowled off her feet when Zeph crashed into her with a hug. She blinked back to attention, returning the embrace with a wordless hug of her own. Indeed, being an Iievyr, she did not have to spend the day in malaise after casting a few spells -- her energy would pinball back after a few moments. She shook her head, an incandescent orange splattering across her vision to some confusion, until she realized that was her... hair. For a moment, she stiffened with fear; this side effect was one unique to the Iievyr, unless drawn up intentionally by a spell, but few magicians wove such spells unless it was for entertainment purposes.

"Not really," she tried to smile, "A monster attacked some caravaneers, but I scared it off with a spell." she half-lied, knowing the Shade hadn't been truly slain, but rather its form dispersed. She grimaced internally, wondering where it had gone to. Shades were bitter monsters, and they were always quick to exact revenge.

Her cheeks intensified red with a blush.

"And u-uh, my hair is... that just sort of... happens whenever I use my magic," she paused, looking down at how tightly his arms were wrapped around her.

"Any chance I can go free?" she grinned in embarrassment.

Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby KnightVanilla » Sun Oct 28, 2012 9:20 pm

As Emily assisted Ivan with gathering the cart back to their friend. She couldn't help but think of what the mage had said. It made her a more paranoid than she already was. When Ivan announced he was going to rest she turned to him "Thank you.....for risking your life for me.....I owe you my life. If you ever need anything don't hesitate to ask alright."
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Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby Taria » Thu Nov 01, 2012 4:04 am

Ginglias stirrs from her slumber and looks up at Ivan and Emily. Stepping off the carriage she walks back towards her own. "T-thank you." She say meekly avoiding direct eye contact and rubbing her eye tiredly.

(giving up on he's Sevren too unpleasant.)
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Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Thu Nov 01, 2012 6:13 pm

Jenny's eye twitches at how the people she just asked for information are ignoring her entirely, as if she doesn't even exist. Perhaps they didn't hear her? "Umm, hello? That giant's roaring didn't turn you deaf, did it?"

(Seriously though...Hazard, Knight, Nap...I think you three overlooked somebody...)
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Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby Hazard1325 » Thu Nov 01, 2012 6:57 pm

Ivan shook his head a few times trying to clear it. He stared at Jenny for a few seconds before putting on his smile. "Terribly sorry, my ears are still ringing. Ivan Grimsbane." He holds out his hand to shake. "You must be one of the newer recruits. There was some trouble with a... shade I think the wizard called it? It attacked Miss Vigil and I attempted to stall it until help arrived. The wizard used fire to drive it off and after that I had to return the cart" Nodding to Ginglias. "and I think I should rest after that." Ivan had quite a few bruises and burns from the encounter and his armor looked terrible as usual.

(Planed on responding after the next post from Berserk, sorry Zender)
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Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Fri Nov 02, 2012 12:14 am

Jenny takes Ivan's handshake when he holds it out, and replies: "Jennifer Spade, though I personally prefer 'Jenny' as a nickname. Nice to meet you, Ivan." She then hears his story about the shade, how a fire mage drove it off, and how he should rest. Looking at his armor and the bruises, it seems he has a point. "Yeah, a little R-and-R would do you good. No offense, but it looks like that shade gave you some real hell."

Jenny then recalls how Ivan called her a "newer recruit," and while she may not be the most experienced of her comrades, she's not a green newbie either, so it may help to clear that up. "Also, I wouldn't call myself a recruit, per se; I've got a year or three of experience, mostly with friends from the town's female guard station. I specialize in swords and bows; if you want evidence of the latter, check the downed giant's throat." She then waits a second or two, to see if either of the other two (Jinedria or Emily) wants to take initiative and introduce themselves...
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Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby KnightVanilla » Fri Nov 02, 2012 12:35 am

Meeting the other guard Emily waits for Ivan and Jenny to finish their conversation. As things were closing up Emily goes up to Jenny greeting her with a bow. "Hello I'm, Emily, a rune merchant. I'm not much of a fighter, so Ivan had to save me...." Some part of Emily realized she felt guilty for Ivan putting himself in danger for her. Her solitary face though kept these internal issues hidden away. With a some what blank stare towards Jenny.

(My bad Zen hehehe)
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Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby Hazard1325 » Fri Nov 02, 2012 2:10 am

Ivan nods to Jenny "I didn't mean to offend, you're just new to the caravan I haven't seen you before. Good work with the giant, minimal losses." He coughs a few times into his fist then looks at Emily. "I may have slowed the Shade down but you managed to call the wizard over. If not for that I doubt either of us would be alive." He turns to go find Sharon's wagon, hopefully it had room to take a nap on. Before he gets very far he turns around and finds Ginglias. "You're horses were killed unfortunately, if you'd like Fenrill can pull you're cart for a while, just take his barding off first or he'll be to tired to get very far."
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Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Fri Nov 02, 2012 2:54 am

Jenny smiles reassuringly to Emily, and replies: "Nice to meet you Emily, and don't worry about it. Fighting's not for everyone; if runes are what you like, then feel free to work with them. Besides, that's what guards like me and Ivan are here for." She then turns back to Ivan, and replies to him: "Thanks, Ivan. I actually joined up with a partner of mine, but she had to meet with the caravan's leader...whatever they're talking about, it must be pretty important..."

Come to think of it, Myu's been gone for quite a while now...a tad longer than Jenny expected, in all fairness. She hopes nothing happened to her between then and now...
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Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby BlasterBlade210 » Fri Nov 02, 2012 11:56 pm

Melody flies off, then sees the Caravan... she smiles as she not only hides but (in case she gets spotted), assumes a human form, a blonde hair girl with the same size chest. She starts to scout out a suitable victim.
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Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby berserkerhorn » Sun Nov 04, 2012 5:30 pm

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Zephyros blushes and lets Jinedria go. “Sorry, I got worried…” he says. “At least now I know that nothing bad happened to you.” He steps back and sits there and looks at you. “aren’t you at all fatigued? I mean I’ve seen plenty of mages that have used magic and afterwards they usually take a nap… You’ve used your magic on a monster and on a fantastic fire show… and yet you’re still standing…” he says with amazement.

Ginglias, Ivan, Emily, and Jennifer:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

The guard that took Myu away comes back to Jennifer. “Listen… your friend is conversing with the leaders of the caravan… She won’t be back for a while… We’ll release her immediately after the meeting.”

Ginglias has to decide upon Ivan’s offer. Her horses are currently dead it seemed. Ivan is offering his horse to pull Ginglias’ cart of possessions. “You can sit here with us if you want… there’s plenty of room up in our cart for the four of us and your bags…” the miner family says. Their cart only contains a few mining picks and a small box of gems and minerals.

Ginglias, Jennifer, Emily, and Ivan are conversing
(minimum 4 posts each between the 4 of you)

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

“What do I want? I want revenge of course… for you stealing my prey away from my prey… Of course there’s the lievyr too but… you intruded first…” the shade says. Lievyr’s are rumored to be extinct. “I thought I would’ve driven you mad by now… guess you’re not the typical person.” He says somewhat amused. Ivan feels his body shifting as though the shade has some control over his body.

Melody, Garian, and Aessith:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Aessith looks up in the sky and notices another female succubus flying towards the caravan. The prey that Garian and Aessith are after is now a contested prize amongst the creatures of the lands.

The female guard struggles as she gets dragged into the woods. She takes out her dagger and manages to make a small hole in Garian’s clothing. He could feel the cool spring air amongst his demonic skin. As she is dragged a small pendant that hangs from her neck hits Garian’s arms. Perhaps this was the item preventing the incubus charm of Garian?

Melody notices the small conversing group in the middle. It consists of Ivan, Ginglias, the miner Family (mother, father, and 1 small girl), Emily, and Jennifer. There are two people near the back. They are Logan and Fagsag

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Felicia squeaks quietly as the cock is suddenly pulled out from her ass. This sets the male on edge. He draws a sword and cowers behind his shield as he moves towards the rear of the cave where Felicia and Amy are. The person steps on a bit of James’ tail. He stands there for a bit looking around at the cum covered ground. “Dragons…” he mutters loud enough for James to hear. James could easily pounce on the man by now.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

“If we really are nothing… then does that mean that life is nothing but a mere illusion? We improve from the illusion of the past and provide for the illusion for the future through our illusions.” Logan says.

“Everything we do has an impact on the people around us… remember… there wouldn’t be the rare legend without the mere commoner to support them. If they did something great for no one… would they still be legends? Or would they just be forgotten just like the rest of us? Erased forever in this unending thing called time.” Logan says while turning his head to look at Fagsag.

“I say… the commoner is the greatest thing of all… It is the greatest shining star even if we are forgotten… We made the legends that are to be told to the children of many to come. Yet we are all blind enough to not see that and only see the great legends without even considering the people that made them legends...” Logan says.

“The farmer wakes up and farms to provide for his family and the future of his bloodline. One day that bloodline shall have a ripe fruit and that fruit is the legend of that bloodline which shall be consumed by the people and create more legends."

"The point is... we're all important... so don't consider yourself to be nothing..." Logan says with a small smile
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Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Sun Nov 04, 2012 6:09 pm

Jenny sighs at the guard's notice, wishing Myu was done already...but it seems it can't be helped. "Understood. If any trouble comes up, though, let me know. Myu and I are...close." She doesn't specify how close, but it's definitely close enough for her to be concerned. If any harm came to Myu, Jenny would be devastated...and whoever caused such harm would have her blade to answer to...
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Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby napsii » Sun Nov 04, 2012 6:11 pm

Jin smiled and rubbed the back of her neck, still a little embarrassed. It was nice to know that Zeph cared, though. She did not want to express herself as cynical, but there were too many selfish people in this world for society to be at its healthiest. Chuckling nervously, she shrugged. Here was the one fault in her disguise she found hard to mask. At least when she had worked with the Fayers, she'd used magic only behind closed doors, unless it was a few simple tricks at the front desk. Humans had their natural limitations, and excuses were hard to come by for why she possessed the powers of an Iievyr while claiming to be a mere human.

"Well, I didn't exert myself that much..." she minimized, knowing her two displays would have knocked over any human, "But I guess that's just me. I practice a lot and it pays off. Magic is an art of efficiency. You know, using less energy without compromising?" she shrugged again. It was a bald-faced lie. Jin almost never practiced her magic. Not because she didn't have to (which she really didn't, given the sheer amount of arcane energy in an Iievyr's blood) but because she could never find the time or the space. Her town was a small one, and she was one of the only three mages there, the other two being Mr. Fayers and the local priest.

Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby Hazard1325 » Sun Nov 04, 2012 7:12 pm

Ivan turned to leave but apparently thought better of it. "On second thought I'm not as tired as I thought. I'll walk for a while." Ivan ran a hand through his hair holding it on his forehead for a second. He turns to Jennifer. "Why don't you tell me a bit about the guard station Miss Spade, I didn't have a chance to stop by last time." His movements seemed slightly off for a while taking an off step in one direction or another. Jennifer gets the feeling he's not really listening, he even yawns once or twice all the while trying to keep a smile on his face that looks a little forced. He's humming something softly to himself barely audible.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Now that the shade was using his body Ivan began reciting an old Akrovian prayer in his head. The verse was old and often sung by whole regiments marching out across the battlefield before it would erupt into chaos. While not real magic the memory strengthened his resolve reminding him of the battles he had survived and the agonies he hand endured over his life. He had never given up before and he wouldn't let this shade control him while he was still awake... unfortunately he knew he would have to sleep sometime so he kept himself in the middle of the group and tried not to think about sleep. "If you're going to be unreasonable I'll find a way to force you out spirit."
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Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby daxtinator396 » Sun Nov 04, 2012 7:55 pm

James growls as the man steps on his tail and sweeper it out from underneath the mans foot hoping to make him fall and then pounced on the man his claws going for the man's throat as fast as he could make them. He aimed between the large shield he was hiding behind like a pup hides behind his mother.
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Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Sun Nov 04, 2012 10:13 pm

Jenny momentarily raises an eyebrow at Ivan's change of mind, but decides to go with the flow. "Well, the general in charge of the station is an old friend of mine. Me and my partner often fought alongside her, back before she got promoted. There's also our division's own commander, who has an...'outspoken' vocabulary..." Jenny is of course referring to Commander Grace, and how she seems to be in a perpetual state of PMS. That woman's done more damage to the English language than she's ever done to raiding parties...

Amid her flashbacks to the guard station, Jenny notices that Ivan's moving a bit...oddly. "Ivan, are you alright? You don't look so good..." In her ears, his humming sounds more like low, pained groans, further raising concern that he may be injured or sick. Turning to Emily, she asks: "Emily, do you know any doctors in this caravan? I think Ivan needs one..." While saying that, she moves over to Ivan, ready to try and catch him if he falls over.
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Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby BlasterBlade210 » Mon Nov 05, 2012 12:49 am

Melody makes some tears on her outfit, to make it more "convincing" with her claws, showing off some of her chest... then, while still listening in, tries to get close to an unsuspecting member of the Caravan, while formulating a very tall tale in her head, thinking of herself as a Princess seperated from the others.
Last edited by BlasterBlade210 on Mon Nov 05, 2012 2:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby SugarCookie » Mon Nov 05, 2012 1:19 am

Fagsag smiles at Logan, that kind of smile you give when you think the other person understands you. "Thanks" She says looking forward, in an obvious better mood. She looks in front of her to examine the others on the caravan.
(PM, OOC, or quick post what I would see, dialogue with only two people gets boring after a while ^^)
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