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About version 1.7 and new hands help...

Postby yurinicolau » Fri Oct 26, 2012 5:48 pm

Hey Ivan, how are you man? The upcomming achievement screen is great! Luigi is very impatient though... :D (Question>>> Why didn't you used the redesigned eyes you make for Mario at Luigi's too?)
Biles Wrote:Hey Yuri, have you considered trying to optimize those hands? Cause I believe from this point, any new graphics introduced to this game should be drawn in pen tools and not brush so that we can help boost the game's performance in the long run.

Biles I tried to redo those hands using the flash pen tool yesterday, but I don't know how to use it very well yet... Do you think if I gave you the FLA file of the hands you could give me a hand? :mrgreen: (Yes I made a pun!) But serious man, I wasn't able to properly remaster then using the pen tool, and you really showed some skill (making scenarios, blocks and characters with it). So do would you be interested in the hands FLA file? Also, I was talking to Ivan about implementing Tifa's mouths as a bonus feature (as so new lipsticks colors, hairs styles etc) and he was excited about it, but I had the same problem with them: my lack of skills at the pen tool :oops: . I'm still learning how to use it, but since you already know, if you are interested I could share some of those FLA files with you. Just give me your e-mail and I'll send them to you!

So... That's it! Either way, thank you for all the contribution you already did to the MIM game man! ;)
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6q

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Fri Oct 26, 2012 5:49 pm

yurinicolau Wrote:I was talking to Ivan about implementing Tifa's mouths as a bonus feature (as so new lipsticks colors, hairs styles etc) and he was excited about it, but I had the same problem with them: my lack of skills at the pen tool :oops: . I'm still learning how to use it, but since you already know, if you are interested I could share some of those FLA files with you. Just give me your e-mail and I'll send them to you!

A PM is enough ;)

Biles Wrote:Huh? But I thought I did. See those horizontal curved frowning lines underneath his eyes?

Yes, but it's that what I'm refering to (with semi balled technicque)

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!!TODO - Toad(CS4) Biles.swf [ 5.29 KiB | Viewed 3044 times ]

The new toad is really good ;) I've replaced only the head so far!

new toad.png
new toad.png (28.7 KiB) Viewed 3044 times
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Fri Oct 26, 2012 5:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.7

Postby MPLDAM9919 » Fri Oct 26, 2012 5:53 pm

ivanaedler Wrote:
MPLDAM9919 Wrote:The new update has some problems. For starters, TEC-XXX wouldn't open the door for me.

You have to go to the bathroom and explore there.

MPLDAM9919 Wrote: Also there this weird "flashing lingerie" glitch when the player grabs the dress or Fire Flower.

Please clean your flash cache.

I did both of those things and it still doesn't work.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.7

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Fri Oct 26, 2012 5:58 pm

MPLDAM9919 Wrote:I did both of those things and it still doesn't work.

Ok your're right. I've found a bug in the door. But I could not reproduce the stockings error.
EDIT: Uploaded a newer version with new toads by Biles!

Biles, I will do this task (readjusting sizes). That's because you made a misaligned figure in regard to the former :/
I wanted to replace everything but the chancellor didnt like it.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

toadsworth.png (42.39 KiB) Viewed 3035 times

I think we can use the toadsworth from Soda! Its that file with the optimized mushroom house you did. As you know, I will put this blowjob animation on a toad instead, and The Toadsworth will appear with his pants down, making Peach embarrassed. What do you think of using/improving this toadsworth? ;) Hey need just a bit more color (he's with low contrast)

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

toadsworth2.png (17.96 KiB) Viewed 3032 times
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Fri Oct 26, 2012 7:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.7

Postby AsianP3rsuas10n » Fri Oct 26, 2012 7:23 pm

Ok so some good news and some baaaad news.

Good News is, I promise I will finish Mario's head today!

Bad news is after today, I will not be able to help out with making enemies for a bit. You probably noticed that I was able to be on the computer often these past 2 weeks or so. I was on a bit of a vacation you could say. But now its back to class and less time on the computer... :cry: I will still help and see the progress through my phone though!
Plus a new hurricane is about to hit New Jersey so I may not make it back alive...Its called "Sandy"

So anyways back to work!
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.7

Postby Biles » Fri Oct 26, 2012 7:47 pm

WUUUUT We're at 1.7 already? O_o

yurinicolau Wrote:Biles I tried to redo those hands using the flash pen tool yesterday, but I don't know how to use it very well yet... Do you think if I gave you the FLA file of the hands you could give me a hand? (Yes I made a pun!) But serious man, I wasn't able to properly remaster then using the pen tool, and you really showed some skill (making scenarios, blocks and characters with it).

yurinicolau Wrote:So do would you be interested in the hands FLA file?

Sorry no can do :< I probably have a bit more on my plate to work on for the time being as I don't wanna get overwhelmed. Perhaps a much later date I suppose.

ivanaedler Wrote:Yes, but it's that what I'm refering to (with semi balled technicque)

Oh I see what you mean. Well, the only thing I can change is the blush color. It looks like Toad was playing in the dirt :P

ivanaedler Wrote:Biles, I will do this task (readjusting sizes). That's because you made a misaligned figure in regard to the former :/
I wanted to replace everything but the chancellor didnt like it.

Ah yeah, when I redid all the body parts, I deliberately reset the symbol center canvas in all of them. Sorry ma bad for not warning you about it. I almost forgot about Toadsworth, he's definitely gonna need a rehaul as well.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.7

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Fri Oct 26, 2012 7:48 pm

AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:Ok so some good news and some baaaad news.
Bad news is after today, I will not be able to help out with making enemies for a bit. You probably noticed that I was able to be on the computer often these past 2 weeks or so. I was on a bit of a vacation you could say. But now its back to class and less time on the computer... :cry: I will still help and see the progress through my phone though!
Plus a new hurricane is about to hit New Jersey so I may not make it back alive...Its called "Sandy"

Hey be careful!! No problem, I understand you. You're a great guy, we've had many meetings at nights. You, as Soda, Luftmallow, Biles, Blargh, Yuri, Slayer, QuizMaster and many more (sorry if I forgot your name) helped in a way I can't decribe. I'll be missing our meetings (but please priorize your tasks first). You may see interesting news when you come back ;)
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.7

Postby Biles » Fri Oct 26, 2012 7:50 pm

Oh I forgot to make one more point, with the canon Toadette in the game, I propose that we should rename the humanized version in Peach's royal bath to Toadella.
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Postby yurinicolau » Fri Oct 26, 2012 7:59 pm

Biles Wrote:Sorry no can do :< I probably have a bit more on my plate to work on for the time being as I don't wanna get overwhelmed. Perhaps a much later date I suppose.

Ok man! I understand... Meanwhile I'll keep trying to use the pen tool... Who knows?? Maybe I'll learn some tricks... Either way, thank you man! Keep up your awesome work, I'm sure that not only Ivanaedler and me, but all of MIM fans really appreciate your efforts! :D
Last edited by yurinicolau on Fri Oct 26, 2012 9:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.7

Postby QuizmasterBos » Fri Oct 26, 2012 8:09 pm

Okay that new toad design looks weird. The shading on his cheeks make it look like he's been beaten up.
Plus, the waving (?) is off. It looks like he's hitting himself. (At least that explains the cheeks.)
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.7

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Fri Oct 26, 2012 8:18 pm

QuizmasterBos Wrote:Okay that new toad design looks weird. The shading on his cheeks make it look like he's been beaten up.
Plus, the waving (?) is off. It looks like he's hitting himself. (At least that explains the cheeks.)

Hey wait wait wait. The cheek shadows was my fault. I'll imrpove it. I have an idea already. Turn it into a animated blushing.

Biles Wrote:Oh I forgot to make one more point, with the canon Toadette in the game, I propose that we should rename the humanized version in Peach's royal bath to Toadella.

Toadella! Wish accepted!
Actually, Toadella is human, but her dream is to turn into a Toad.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.7

Postby Biles » Fri Oct 26, 2012 8:25 pm

It's probably too early to report bugs given that the new version was just released but here they are. I haven't played through the entire game so bare with me...

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

legless.png (24.32 KiB) Viewed 2998 times
legless2.png (25.94 KiB) Viewed 2998 times
legless3.png (26.69 KiB) Viewed 2998 times

Because of the offset pieces, Toad finds himself legless in all of these 3 examples. Also, the ones that tend to look upwards, at least in Peach's castle, seem to look too far up, maybe adjust the angles of the head might work.

pipeprspctv.png (31.96 KiB) Viewed 2998 times

Unfortunately, because of given isometric perspective seen throughout the entire game, using the same pipe symbols upside down tends to make them very awkward looking. Unfortunately, this means another pipe symbol graphic will have to be made with the correct perspective in mind.

Remember when I talked about the overhaul of Peach? Well, I believe we should start isolating her feet as well.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.7

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Fri Oct 26, 2012 8:40 pm

Biles Wrote:Because of the offset pieces, Toad finds himself legless in all of these 3 examples. Also, the ones that tend to look upwards, at least in Peach's castle, seem to look too far up, maybe adjust the angles of the head might work.

Fixing that.

Biles Wrote:Unfortunately, because of given isometric perspective seen throughout the entire game, using the same pipe symbols upside down tends to make them very awkward looking. Unfortunately, this means another pipe symbol graphic will have to be made

no, no and no! These holes are detached from the pipe. So I'll remove that holes in upside down pipes.

Biles Wrote:Remember when I talked about the overhaul of Peach? Well, I believe we should start isolating her feet as well.

Hmmm that's no easy. I'll need to re-do more than 500 animation pieces, creating her detached feet there, and animating as desired.
Its better to create , say, three different foot styles (90 degree, animation pointing up and stay up, and animation pointing down and stay down), then , in some animations, this feet can move in those directions via code. However, this requires me to change some leg instances, because some of them are pinned as 'image', but I require them to be 'movie clip'.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.7

Postby Biles » Fri Oct 26, 2012 8:56 pm

ivanaedler Wrote:Hmmm that's no easy. I'll need to re-do more than 500 animation pieces, creating her detached feet there, and animating as desired.
Its better to create , say, three different foot styles (90 degree, animation pointing up and stay up, and animation pointing down and stay down), then , in some animations, this feet can move in those directions via code. However, this requires me to change some leg instances, because some of them are pinned as 'image', but I require them to be 'movie clip'.

I'm well aware of that, but this is likely a task I anticipated would be dealt with another time as part of a major overhaul of Peach that I proposed.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.7

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Fri Oct 26, 2012 8:58 pm

Biles Wrote:I'm well aware of that, but this is likely a task I anticipated would be dealt with another time as part of a major overhaul of Peach that I proposed.

If you really want to improve her, I'll be on this duty as well, and I propose that feet animation I said above. I can make some tests before hand, though. If it works, we set off!
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Fri Oct 26, 2012 9:05 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.7

Postby Biles » Fri Oct 26, 2012 9:04 pm

I hope I'll be able to improve her design. BTW, as soon as I finish rehauling Toadette, the flash file that contains her will also contain a minor adjustment of Toad. Apparently for some fucked up retarded reasons, Flash thought it'd be amusing to splash on additional anchor points to Toad's white pupils. :/
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.7

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Fri Oct 26, 2012 9:06 pm

Biles Wrote:I hope I'll be able to improve her design. BTW, as soon as I finish rehauling Toadette, the flash file that contains her will also contain a minor adjustment of Toad. Apparently for some fucked up retarded reasons, Flash thought it'd be amusing to splash on additional anchor points to Toad's white pupils. :/

No problem. Once you tell me, I'll do the opposite. I'll reuse my actual object placements, then I adjust Toadette.
Newer version with fixed bugs you have reported will be up in 20 minutes max (I also checked all the upside-down pipes and toads and I've seen that toads on level 2 were footless too). Fixed that.

Oh! I havent found the Birdo 'peepee' in the FLA (I like to adapt it and put in the Toads) :twisted:
Yuri, I will see if I can adapt Mario eyes on Luigi ;)
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Fri Oct 26, 2012 9:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.7

Postby Biles » Fri Oct 26, 2012 9:22 pm

ivanaedler Wrote:Oh! I havent found the Birdo 'peepee' in the FLA (I like to adapt it and put in the Toads) :twisted:

LOL, well I'll see what I can do about it >:3
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.7

Postby MPLDAM9919 » Fri Oct 26, 2012 9:55 pm

There's still a problem with the TEC-XXX bit. He just says "Peach? Are you listening to me?" and it just ends and I can't leave the room. And the flashing lingerie is still there.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.7

Postby QuizmasterBos » Fri Oct 26, 2012 10:37 pm

MPLDAM9919 Wrote:There's still a problem with the TEC-XXX bit. He just says "Peach? Are you listening to me?" and it just ends and I can't leave the room. And the flashing lingerie is still there.

I got the TEC door problem as well. I tried everything but it didn't open.

I didn't get any lingerie flashing though.

Also, clicking exit level in 9-1 and then going into a level (I chose level 7) it wants to go to stage 9-7. It crashes.
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