CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

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Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Thu Oct 25, 2012 4:19 am

"...We should probably do something about that zoning out, Myu..." Jenny comments, honestly surprised how her partner/"honorary sister" could daydream like that with a giant stomping around. Ah well, not much helping that. "Lemme sum it up for you: a giant showed up, the horsemen up front took its legs out, I shot it in the neck, and the rest is history."

"And this..." Jenny plants the stinger tip-first in the ground to show Myu. " my personal spoil of victory. Made of stuff that's stronger than most forms of steel, and I'm sure can fetch a pretty penny from a blacksmith. How about we sell it, and then get some real good food at the next town?" The simple thought makes Jenny's mouth water; if that stinger's really worth as much as she thinks, her and Myu could have quite the wholesome meal tonight...
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Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby Taria » Thu Oct 25, 2012 4:27 am

Ginglias pats the child's leg reassuringly. "Not if we remain cautious, little one."

Sevren hisses and smacks the golem violently on the ass. "Quit your squirming already!"
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Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby KnightVanilla » Thu Oct 25, 2012 4:55 am

Seeing how the fire wasn't entirely helpful. Emily remembers about the banner she had meld with one of her runes. The banner should be able to protect the Ivan. Running to retrieve it, She unfolds it running straight back to Ivan. She uses it trying to wrap the the fire and shade in it like a sack. The rune should be able to act as a ward keeping it from escaping the confinement of the cloth. And within that confinement hopefully that mage's fire will be captured inside it as well and burn that thing will it's trapped in the sack.
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Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby SugarCookie » Thu Oct 25, 2012 4:56 am

Perfect timing, as soon as she finishes thinking, she hears Logan say something to her. Timing like this happens a lot around her, she noticed it and by now it doesn't creep her out like it used too. She snaps out of her thought, puts back the smile she normally has and replies.

"Oh its nothing, I get lost in thought a lot. Passes the time, ya know?"
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Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby daxtinator396 » Thu Oct 25, 2012 4:58 am

(whoops x.x I`ll start using Felecia :3)
James nods glad she had understood,"Yes. Humans took my family from me.I take it out on the other humans." He felt maaybe he shouldn`t but no one had ever taken the time to get to know him. Maybe... maybe he should fix this starting with them. He then shook his head,"After this..." He thought to himself as he began thrusting into Felicia`s ass.
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Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby napsii » Thu Oct 25, 2012 11:38 pm

Jin had seen Shades before. They were evil creatures, produced by twisted spirits fighting for control of one broken body. This Shade, though only half-developed, was still a threat and worst of all she knew that ordinary fire spells would not vanquish it. A cleric, perhaps, could slay it with a holy spell, but the technique to even immobilize a Shade was a tough one. She tensed, dispelling the torrent of flames as soon as they began to splash against the man in armor. She did not want to cook him like a chicken, but he soon saw to strip his armor and Jin moved in for the next attack. They had to separate the Shade from that man, so that their spells might do their work.

She was not certain what the other girl meant by trying to encapsulate the Shade in a banner, but then realized that there was a rune of warding across it and it might contain the Shade. With a flash of insight, Jin projected another beam of flame, which split into tendrils of flame to snake up under the banner, enclosing the Shade in an intense net of fire. She closed her eyes, concentrating all her powers on sculpting and molding that flame so it was concentrated and hot, hot, hot...

Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby berserkerhorn » Fri Oct 26, 2012 12:48 am


Garian and Aessith:
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“What do you mean by fun? Childish games?” she says. “Look I don’t have time if you’re talking about childish games…”

Ivan, Jinedria, and Emily:
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The Shade is completely engulfed within the flames of Jinedria. The earth is scorched by the sheer heat of the flames. The shade vanishes into nothing but some ashes. The ordeal leaves Ivan feeling weird. Jinedria feels magical sickness as she has used a bit too much magic for her age. It seems the teamwork displayed by Emily and Jinedria has worked.

Ivan only:
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“Hello… my friend…” The shade whispers inside his head. The shade had possessed Ivan long before Jinedria removed its physical body. The mental body still remains within Ivan.

Jennifer and Myu:
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(Lady will return… when she’s not busy…)
Myu is dragged away by the leader of the caravan. “Stay here… we need to talk to you…” She is placed in the center of the caravan. It is an impenetrable defense of over 10 royal guards, 2 mages, and 3 horsemen. (These guards are not defeatable)
(Jennifer is all alone now… better find someone else to interact with…)

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“Well… what do you think of to pass the time?” Logan asks. “I think of all the places I haven’t explored… There is a rumored place that is said to have floating islands. Apparently the amount of magical energy in the ground around the islands sustains and upholds the islands to the point where they are stable enough to have 50 giants jumping on one side without moving the island at all…” Logan says.
(It’s a photo from avatar…)
Avatar_FloatingIslands.jpg (26.86 KiB) Viewed 1077 times

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“Sounds fair…” Amy says. Felicia nods in agreement while moaning from the bitter sweet pain of the cock inside her back door. Amy squirms and giggles as Felicia tickles Amy’s belly with her tongue.

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“Then pull it out!!!” The golem shouts. The ground cracks some more as she struggles out. Her legs are on the floor to help her pull her head out of the floor of the forest.

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Julia hugs tighter on to Ginglias when they said they had to be careful. After 10 minutes she dozes off. Her tiny head slumps on to the shoulder of Ginglias. Calvin pulls on Geegee’s robe pointing at his daughter sleeping on GeeGee. “Careful… you’ll wake sleeping beauty…” he says
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Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby That_One_Guy » Fri Oct 26, 2012 1:00 am

Garian sighed and moved a hand through his hair, "I was talking about something" he said and smiled at her, trying to use a stronger charm spell on her, trying to make her obedient, if it doesn't work, he'll just resort to the old fashion raping.
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Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Fri Oct 26, 2012 1:19 am

Jenny's about to protest when the caravan's leader is dragged off, but they move too fast for her to address them...well, without making a big scene, that is. Damn, now who is she gonna talk to?

Well, since she's a guard in this caravan, Jenny decides to pass the time scanning her surroundings, making sure there's nothing nasty headed their way...again. If she finds the coast indeed clear, she can always find someone nearby to chat with...
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Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby SugarCookie » Fri Oct 26, 2012 1:40 am

(bahaha, that movie sucked in terms of story writing, but great visuals).

Fagsag thinks for a bit picturing the islands "That would be funny as hell if the island did fall, and 50 giants died for being idiots. Hehe"
After laughing a bit she adds "And I think about my mysterious past, oooOOOooohh. Nah, I was justing thinking about private stuff, and what I did before I became me"
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Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby Hazard1325 » Fri Oct 26, 2012 2:36 am

Ivan slowly stands up coughing he looks around taking a few minutes for his eyes to readjust after the heat. "Good work, I think I'll need a short rest. Tell the other horsemen to lead the caravan for now while I collect my things. He picks up his breastplate ignoring heat coming off of it. He began staggering back to where he had been thrown off his mount hoping Fenrill was in better shape then he was. He went to gather his weapons and shield that had been dropped in the conflict. If Fenrill was alive he hitched him to Ginglias's cart to pull it back, he even helped push it, the labor took the edge off the pain.

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Then he heard the whisper squinting around him. "Go away, your dead." Ivan hated when he heard his old comrades voices again. Occasionally it happened and brought back memories, most of them weren't pleasant ones. Some times speaking out loud helped but he tried not to do it around others since it made them nervous. It would pass in a few moments and he could focus on returning the cart to its owner.
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Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby KnightVanilla » Fri Oct 26, 2012 3:34 am

As the Shade body was destroyed Emily gave a sigh of relief to see Ivan still alright. First running to the mage that had assisted them with the creature. "Um thank you for helping us miss. I'm not sure how it would have ended if you hadn't intervened. I should probably help Ivan get his things, and thank you again." She gives her gratitude to the mage before running off to help Ivan gather his things. Catching up to him she folds up the bannner and hands it to him. "Here you go, funny thing your banner saved your life right?"
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Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby Taria » Fri Oct 26, 2012 3:51 am

Ginglias lifts up her head as she is tugged on, having fallen asleep herself while sitting on top of the carraige. "Wha... huh? Is there still fighting going on out there?"

Sevren pushes bakc down against the golem rebeliously as he continues to fuck her. "I will do as I please with you."
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Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby daxtinator396 » Fri Oct 26, 2012 12:15 pm

James continues to ram into Felicia`s ass forcefully as she made Amy giggle cutely with her tongue,"Enjoying my treat Felicia?" He asked with a chuckle. He hadn`t had his ashes hauled so thoroughly in quite a while and his head was quite clear. He knew they couldn`t stay as much as he would love two little fuck toys at his beck and call they wouldn`t be happy here. His cave was comfortable for Dragons not humans.
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Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby napsii » Fri Oct 26, 2012 6:38 pm

Jin hunched over, feeling the hammer of exhaustion begin to beat on her. Her limbs burned, a pit formed in her stomach and her head swam with an otherworldly haze that seemed to leech in and out of the earth, which by now was smoldering from the deadly flames. Magic was always an art of efficiency over raw power. Not since the era of the Great Elementals had the elements been wielded as instruments to shape entire continents or end whole civilizations; mortals and even the Iievyr were ants by comparison, and their bodies could not feed such exuberant spells.

Nevertheless, she grinned, nodding to the mage girl and then looked to the warrior with concern. For having nearly been consumed by a Shade, he was quick to hop back to his work. Jin liked that, but eyed him as he went to gather his gear.

"You're welcome. Just be careful. I already know that Shade isn't dead... oh, and make sure not to fall behind the caravan." she commented, wiping a hand across her forehead.

With that, she went to walk off towards the rear of the caravan, but kept those two in sight in case anything else went down. She just needed to calm her nerves. The rest of the caravan was beginning to chug along, like nothing had even happened, it seemed.

She barely noticed, though, that her hair was illuminated an incandescent red-orange from the afterglow of her power. It was one downside to being an Iievyr: you lit up like a lantern when you used your powers.

Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby berserkerhorn » Sun Oct 28, 2012 2:06 am

(time to get my violent thoughts on… for the bored monsters of course.)

Garian and Aessith:
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“Let me guess… like every boy your age you’re after… girls…” she says. She sighs and looks back at the caravan. “Look as much as I would like to I have a job to do…” she says turning back to look at Garian. “Maybe later, when we stop for a break.” She says. She turns around to leave.

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Jennifer notices Ivan, Emily, and Jinedria amongst the fields. The grass around them is scorched and burning. It signifies that either they had a skirmish of their own or they were just fighting something that disappeared. Either way, it was worth checking out

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“I would pay my bag of gold to see that happen…” Ivan says. “As in thinking about your life before this one or your life before you became merchant?” Ivan asks. “I know some gypsies out in the Sadda Vale desert that believed in a so called thing called “reincarnation” where when one dies they become another creature.” He looks down at Fagsag waiting for an answer

Ivan and Emily:
Emily is following Ivan.

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Ivan manages to pull Ginglias’ cart back to the caravan. Fenrill is perfectly fine.“I’m not… and guess who’s my friendly host until I can extract revenge?” the shade says. Ivan feels shivers go down his spine as he communicates with the shade that nearly killed him only 20 minutes ago.

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Luckily for Jinedria being a lievyr also meant that she could recover from magic sickness quicker than humans.
The merchants barely notice Jinedria as she makes her way past them. Zephyros looks up from a stare at the ground below. He notices Jinedria walking towards her cart. He hops off nimbly and runs up to hug Jinedria tightly. “What happened?” he says noticing her hair. He gently holds her hair in his hands looking at it. “Is it just me or did something happen to you?” he asks showing Jinedria her own hair

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“You know… it’s funny… how two people can fall asleep at the same time…” Calvin says taking his daughter off of GeeGee’s back. He then points to Ivan and Emily. “The nice warrior got your cart back… sadly I don’t know how you’re going to pull it to the next town…” he says.

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The golem manages to free her head and crashes Sevren in to the tree behind them. “GET OFF ME YOU DAMNED STONE LIZARD!” she says grabbing Sevren by the scruff of his neck and throwing him in to another tree. She huffs and puffs. She screams in a bit of pain as his thick basilisk cock pops out of her pussy quickly. She immediately doubles over in pain.

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“Hello?! I heard screaming in here!” a male voice calls from the entrance of the cave. The two girls look at James and stay silent.The girls seems happy but at the same time scared of James.The shadow of an armored person is cast on the wall. He does not notice James yet.
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Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby daxtinator396 » Sun Oct 28, 2012 2:44 am

James pulls out of Felicia`s ass with a quiet pop,"No sounds." James moved in to the shadows of the cave, his claws unsheathing and he waited for the man to enter as he edged around to the side of the cave entrance so he could get the drop on the intruder,"Not in my cave." He thought to himself with anger.
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Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby That_One_Guy » Sun Oct 28, 2012 2:52 am

Garian sighed, "I must be out of it, magic doesn't work on these fellows." He said and then grabbed her, putting his arm around her mouth to keep her from screaming and started to drag her back into the woods behind him, whistling a soft tune.
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Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby Hazard1325 » Sun Oct 28, 2012 3:29 am

Ivan hauled the cart to Ginglias with Fenrills help. He looks burned, bruised, and exhausted. "Here is your cart miss, I think some of your goods may be damaged but it's still rolling." He gave her a brief smile but seemed distracted. "Thank you for the help collecting my things Emily, I should go rest. I'm feeling tired."

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Ivan spoke with the shade through his mind now that it revealed its nature. What exactly do you want? And who are you for that matter? Ivan doesn't seem very panicked for having an intruder floating around in his mind. The shade didn't even find open hostility, apparently the knight treated enemies with the same respect as allies.I don't know what manner of creature you are but keep things civil and I wont have you exorcised immediately.
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Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby SugarCookie » Sun Oct 28, 2012 4:39 am

She keeps looking forward as she continues talking, "Meh, religion is just an excuse to start wars, and before I lost my memory that is. I tried going on a quest to find out who I was, but after a year or two I just gave up, I must of not been important enough"
...She ponders for a few seconds and goes on a ramble before Logan can reply "I mean, you know how some people say no one is unimportant? Well if there was no trace of me, anywhere, not even in the shack I woke up in, either someone erased me, or I must not of been that important. Like destinies, if you believe in those, someone is born, and what they do in life has an effect, but for a lot of people they do nothing in life, and if they were to never exist, it wouldn't make that much of a difference.
" 'cause I mean, I don't believe in freewill, you can persuade, or convince people to do things, and they make choices based off of what they've experienced, so really the future could be predictable, assuming you found a spell strong enough to know everything that is, and has happened. And a lot of people have little effect on a lot of things, so they would be considered important?
"Lets say bob grew up away from any cities, farmed, scavenged, traded on occasion but never talked or left an impression on anyone. He dies, end of his story. Now if he were to never exist, would it change anything?
".... I'm sorry, I'm rambling again ^^"
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