I don't know how to download games.

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I don't know how to download games.

Postby FinishedStalking » Wed Oct 24, 2012 11:25 am

I've never been able t download games online from things like torrents or files. I'm trying to play Erotical Nights but can't get it to work, whenever I download something I can never run it from the file. Can anyone give me a rundown of how to download games like the ones on this and other sites? And a link to a nice version of Erotical Nights if anyone knows one. Also wanted to try Succubus Quest if that's out there. Thanks in advance.
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Re: I don't know how to download games.

Postby BlueLight » Wed Oct 24, 2012 1:39 pm

I'm just going to ignore the torrent part. However my best guess is that you don't have flash
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Re: I don't know how to download games.

Postby Zeus Kabob » Wed Oct 24, 2012 3:52 pm

Oh! Oh!!!

I haven't asked anyone on here, but I'm super confused by the cyclic redundancy checking in .rar files. I sometimes download files in parts, (part1.rar, part2.rar, etc), then I'm supposed to extract part 1 and everything else should work. The kicker? I haven't managed to extract one successfully, ever. So now I ask; what is the deal with CDC? Why doesn't it work for me? Is it a screwed-up implementation in FileRoller (Linux extraction program)?

Thanks for the help!
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Re: I don't know how to download games.

Postby BlueLight » Wed Oct 24, 2012 4:26 pm

So basically when you have part files like RARFILE.01 and RARFILE.02 you should also have 2 extra file that don't share the file extention convention.

I believe one will be named RARFILE.Rar. What I suggest you do since i don't have an archive like that right now, is just try to extract every file in the folder that does not have a number for the extension. See what happens and get back to me. I can tell you for sure what to do in 8ish hours
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Re: I don't know how to download games.

Postby Zeus Kabob » Wed Oct 24, 2012 8:46 pm

It works when I try to extract individual files from the first rar (I've got three files; part1.rar, part2.rar, and part3.rar.). There's a single file in there that gives me an error something like "CRC failed on file '***'". I don't really know why, but I don't want to re-download (600 MB or so). What's the deal? Is my file corrupted, or is there some other issue?
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Re: I don't know how to download games.

Postby BlueLight » Wed Oct 24, 2012 8:51 pm

I don't think it's corrupted, 1 what tools are you using the extract this, and 2 take a screen shot of the folder and tell me what you've done.

I'm not sure what you're doing for sure.
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Re: I don't know how to download games.

Postby Zeus Kabob » Thu Oct 25, 2012 8:44 am

I'm using FileRoller, the default archive utility for Ubuntu/Mint Linux. It works on one-file RARs, and it works on most other archive types (.7z, .zip, .tar, .bz, .gz, .jar...), so I don't think it's the program at fault (though maybe...)

I'll get back to you on the screenshot; I'm just signing on quickly for this post.
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Re: I don't know how to download games.

Postby FinishedStalking » Fri Oct 26, 2012 7:02 am

Can anyone help me? I've tried downloading things, nothing works, whenever I run a game I tried to download it never runs or works. I have flash. Just need some instructions on how to use torrents and things like that. And again, I'm trying to find Erotical Nights to download and possibly Succubus Quest if anyone has a good link to those. Or any other good site with good games like that.
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Re: I don't know how to download games.

Postby BlueLight » Fri Oct 26, 2012 7:09 am

....Grrr... you should be using 7zip :P I'm not sure if they have a linux version so i guess i can't blame you, but i can try.
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Re: I don't know how to download games.

Postby Zeus Kabob » Sat Oct 27, 2012 8:12 pm

Nah, 7-Zip is Windows exclusive. On the other hand, all of the functionality of 7-zip is included in FileRoller, so it can deal with .7z files, and it's got 7-zip's better .zip compression scheme.
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