CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

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Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby TheDaughterOfHades14 » Fri Oct 19, 2012 9:01 pm

(Probably should've read all this stuff before huh? Would've made a lot more sense. Anyways. Giant.)

Claire blinks twice. She looks up and notices a giant. She drops her jaw in shock and starts to back away. She then stops herself. (Do I have my sword and knives? I'm gonna say I do.). Claire pulls out her sword. She looks at the Giant's reflection through her sword and smiles. She then charges at the giant.
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Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby berserkerhorn » Fri Oct 19, 2012 11:03 pm

The attack works on the right foot of the Giant. The Giant howls as his right foot gets sliced up. The wasp manages to jab one eye of the giant. The giant grabs his eye with one hand and yelps in pain. The giant’s other hand crushes the wasp instantly.The sudden loud howl makes the 4 horsemen concussed. They are unable to move for now. The giant is currently blind in one eye and its right leg and foot are unusable.
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Without ever looking up she says. “Is that so? Well there’s room for two. So move to some other place inside your territory if you’re bothered.” She continues to dig. The hole fits can fit the entire torso of her body. It would make the perfect rape trap if a person was pushed face first into the hole.

Garian and Aessith:
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Garian notices that the last guard is a female. She stands in place and is shivering from fright at the sight of the giant. Claire has left along with the other guard. The other guard is a male. Claire turns around and notices Garian
(note… they are NOT Jennifer and Myu.)

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Claire moves up to the giant. A guard grabs Claire’s arm. “No don’t go! It’s too dangerous!” the guard says. Claire notices Garian and Aessith behind the boulder.

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“I guess I got the gift of loving animals when I was young. Probably got into me when I was born.” Zephyros says. He goes into the telling of his story

“I was born in the middle of the Thoukrath Mountains. My mother gave birth to me when a great blizzard happened… Sadly, she died in the process of giving birth to me. I was born surrounded by snow and wildlife. After my mother died, my father gave me to his friend, my master. I grew up in my masters house since then. My father killed himself 2 years after giving me away. Currently I am 20 years of age.”

Zehpyros looks down at the dirt trail. “Speaking of which… I never got your story and age either…” Zephyros says.

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The giant is now crippled on the right leg and is blind in the left eye. It is unable to use it's hands for combat due to the pain. The wasp drops by your feet dead.

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+1 mind read from the wasp. (the one I’m posting now does not count as it is unreadable)
The second mind is unreadable. It seems to be thinking of too many things at once. She should probably move on to the next mind.

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Ivan seems to be doing really good with the spear tactic and trying to bring it down. Emily seems to be doing the thing she was doing with the griffon earlier. Jennifer is firing arrows and Myu seems to not be doing anything at this time. Fagsag is throwing rocks at the giant. Claire gets stopped by a guard for her safety. The 4 horsemen are attacking the giant’s feet with Ivan but seem to be paralyzed form the loud howl made by the giant.

Jennifer and Myu:
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The dead wasp falls down instantly. When the caravan is done killing off the giant, Jennifer might be able to salvage the stinger from the squished wasp and turn it into a weapon (read last post for more info)
(sorry for fast posts)

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Amy yelps as the cock slams into her once more. “Wai-! Stop!!!!” She struggles to get out from underneath Felicia to hurt James but the combined weight of James and Felicia is too much for her. She eventually gives up and lays there exhausted. Felicia looks back up. “2 times and you’re still not done huh? You really are a monster.”

(Dax… you are one horny little boy >_>)

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The stone does nothing to the giant. 1 hits a foot guard and he turns around with a large ugly scowl on his face “HEY WATCH WHERE YOU’RE THROWING THOSE THINGS! YOU’RE HITTING YOU’RE ALLIES!” he calls.
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Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby KnightVanilla » Fri Oct 19, 2012 11:20 pm

That was odd a mind Emily couldn't read. Who ever this was is either crazy or just panicking like crazy right now. Turning her attention to see how Ivan was doing it seemed he had his end under control. For now though there was still one Mind left to check. Hopefully she could read this ones mind. Thinking about how well things were going. She had a sigh of relief before she would breach this ones mind. Whoever this one is it better be readable, don't want an unpredictable enemy.
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Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby That_One_Guy » Fri Oct 19, 2012 11:49 pm

Garian smiled and tried to use his Incubi Charm spells on the two girls, hoping to get one of them...or both of them. If the man notices, he'll kill him without hesitation.
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Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby napsii » Sat Oct 20, 2012 12:38 am

Jinedria smiled, nodding her head. A natural talent for magic was rare, but some were the... animal type. Iievyr like herself were famed for their connection to nature, but she seemed to find herself fighting the wildlife just as much as she comforted them. Such was the way of nature, she supposed: the land was home to innumerable species of dangerous, dangerous creatures. She listened with courteous attention as Zeph wove his story. The pasts of others were important, she had thought, more or less because she'd made her own a tight secret. Hearing that Zeph's mother had died was depressing, and so she straightened her face when he mentioned the fate of his parents.

"I'm sorry to hear that." she said with sympathy, her mouth slanted with displeasure. Wisely, she switched the subject.

"Well, there's not much to say about me," she shrugged. To any human, that would have screamed a lie -- Iievyr were far from unmentionable, "I was adopted by the Fayers' clan. They live just one town over, and run the arcane shop there. I never really knew my parents, but the Fayers always treated me really nicely. They taught me a lot of magic, too, so... I've been running the store ever since. Fire magic is my specialty." she spoke, raising a hand. She flicked her fingers, and a vibrant orange-red flame flickered to life on her fingertip. It was small, but the heat was tangible for several feet around.

"And go figure, I'm just 19 myself."

She quenched the flame, turning to Zeph with a little smile. He was rather boyish -- she could have mistaken him for seventeen or eighteen.

Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby TheDaughterOfHades14 » Sat Oct 20, 2012 12:39 am

Claire sighs. "It's too dangerous? What the fuck do you want me to do?! Just stand by and watch?!" she says. She looks over at Garian and rolls her eyes. "Stay away from him" she thinks. Claire then turns back and stares at the guard. "Look. Why do you even care about me? You don't even know me".
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Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby SugarCookie » Sat Oct 20, 2012 12:41 am

"Bah! Fuckdisshit" Fagsag says walking back to the caravan...

(walk of shame!)

She passes Claire and Garian along the way "Yes, too dangerous, not much you can do anyways... I just figured that out the hard way Dx"
Then sits she on the wagon pouting.
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Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby Hazard1325 » Sat Oct 20, 2012 1:00 am

Ivan turns for another charge, he goes for the other leg, once it's forced prone he can drive a spear through its eye. Just as Ivan began the charge he felt his armor rattle from the giants scream, after a few seconds he steadied himself and Fenrill. After coaxing the horse into it he charged either for a lowered vulnerable spot or the other leg with or without the other horsemen.
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Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby daxtinator396 » Sat Oct 20, 2012 2:43 am

(Well I`m very frustrated and my girlfriend thinks it`s fun to tease me! Long distance relationships suck x.x)
James simply laughs as she struggles and remains unable to move out from under the two of them and lays back taking it all just like she should.He began humping her like man possessed intent to pump another monstours load of his seed into her belly. He spanks Felicity on her rump and whispers teasingly in her ear,"Your next. And soon you`ll feel this monster`s dick in your ass." He said as he continued his teasing of her body as he pounded away at Amy`s abused Sex.
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Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby Taria » Sat Oct 20, 2012 3:18 am

Ginglias silently goes over to the deranged girl throwing rock, not having much else to do while this battle is going on. "Are you sure that's such a good idea?" She questions as she notices her projectiles hitting friendlies more often than the giant, well... giant.

Sevren leans over the tight trench as he digs his claws into the golem's shoulders and attempts to foceably turn her around. "You don't tell me what to do!" He hisses as he glares at her, his tongue flickering from his mouth in snake-like manner.
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Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Sat Oct 20, 2012 4:18 am

"Tch..." Jenny grunts at her missing the giant's eye. Sure, it was a small target to nail...but it still stings a bit to see her miss it altogether. Speaking of stinging, the wasp seemed to gouge out that eye for the cost of its own life...well, bummer. If nothing else, she can salvage its stinger after the battle, maybe fashion it into an ultra-durable sword; she could always use a back-up, just in case she needs one while Luna Katti is getting a quick re-tempering at the local blacksmith. Anyhow...

Jenny takes aim at the giant once more, this time giving priority to its scalp, throat, and/or temples...whichever one is easiest to target. If it can paralyze those cavaliers with a howl, then her shots should be aimed with utmost killing priority. The sooner they drop this mammoth creature, the better.

(That's right, bub...keep standing around like an obese idiot...)
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Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby berserkerhorn » Sat Oct 20, 2012 4:44 am

The giant collapses on its knees. An arrow manages to lodge itself in the throat of the 10-ton giant. It holds its neck and collapses and starts leaning forward. The people in front of the giant might want to move away.
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The attack us successful as the giant falls on its knees. The four horsemen move away from the giant. Ivan is in front of the giant. The giant is going to collapse on Ivan if he doesn't scram out of there.

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Felicia yelps in pleasure as her ass gets spanked by James. “We’ll see if you can last that long when Amy wants to get fucked… isn’t that right Amy?” Amy has a disgusted look upon her face. “What did you do to her you fucking horny piece of shit?” Amy hisses with rage. She acts tough but her face seems to be of pleasure.

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The golem swirls around. “What do you want?! Get off of me!” she says. She puts her stone hands behind her back trying to get Sevren off of her. Her hand accidentally touches the already elongated membrane of Sevren. She does not seem to know what it was just yet, for her hand is still on it.

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The second arrow hits the giant in the throat just as the giant falls to its knees. The arrow seems to be choking on the giant as it gags and struggles to breathe. Eventually the giant starts leaning forward. It seems Ivan is trapped in the giants collapsing path.
(it is an idiot… what did you expect from a giant that you meet at the start of an expedition, a 10-ton freight train charging at you?)

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(You might want to interact with each other… yes… I’m being lazy…)

Garian, Aessith, and Claire:
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Garian watches as Claire rolls her eyes at him. Apparently his incubus powers don’t seem to be working on this girl. The guard however turns completely around and tilts her head sideways. The male guard does not seem to have noticed yet. The sudden death of the giant means that Garian might have to act fast if he was going to lure anyone in.
“Stand back and let the people already attacking handle this…” the guard says to Claire. He watches as the giant falls struggling for its breath

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Before Emily can breach the mind of the third, it is already upon her. The shade pulls Emily off of her horse. It flies in to the nearest patch of long grass and hisses in Emily’s face. “Hello… sweetie…” It licks its lips and reveals its long teeth to Emily.

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“Well… it seems we have something in common… we never really knew our parents…” Zephyros says. When the flame comes on Zephyros stares at the flame like a moth attracted to a light. “Wow… A flame magician…” Zephyros says. He continues to stare in the flame until it was quenched. He shakes himself out of the trance and looks back up at Jinedria. “Sorry… I’ve had this thing for fire…” Zephyros says. He blushes and looks away.
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Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby Taria » Sat Oct 20, 2012 4:47 am

Sevren grunts as the golem grabs ahold of his dick and he shoves her forward.
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Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby SugarCookie » Sat Oct 20, 2012 4:52 am

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SugarCookie Wrote:"Bah! Fuckdisshit" Fagsag says walking back to the caravan...

(walk of shame!)

She passes Claire and Garian along the way "Yes, too dangerous, not much you can do anyways... I just figured that out the hard way Dx"
Then sits she on the wagon pouting.

Well I already did that...

Lets just say I edit it with this;

Missing and getting pissed at her failure of hitting allies, a random person questioning her obvious idiocracy just made her snap "Bah! Fuckdisshit, I'll be over there" Fagsag says walking back to the caravan as the giant collapses seconds after in a gory mess. She did feel a bit like a badass not looking at a dying giant, walking away, even though she didn't do shit to help it die. If only she had sunglasses...

She passes Claire and Garian along the way, and overhears their conversation "Yes, too dangerous, not much you can do anyways... I just figured that out the hard way, *sigh*" Then sits she on the wagon pouting.
Last edited by SugarCookie on Mon Oct 22, 2012 1:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby Hazard1325 » Sat Oct 20, 2012 4:54 am

"Break formation!" Ivan tried turning sharply to avoid the slowly growing shadow. His horse was exhausted but he pushed him still after this was over he could have a long break. If Ivan makes it out from under it in time he would slowly trot to the giants head to finish it off and then collect his lance and shield he dropped in the field earlier, he may or may not notice Emily yet.
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Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby TheDaughterOfHades14 » Sat Oct 20, 2012 4:59 am

(@Berserker. Pretty sure he meant he used his powers on the guards...)

Claire shrugs. "Fine. Whatever." she says. She puts her sword back into her sheath. She turns around and walks in the opposite direction.
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Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby KnightVanilla » Sat Oct 20, 2012 5:09 am

As Emily was focusing to find her last mind to breach was the of her attacker. Being pulled into the toll grass she dropped her staff to see this monster ready to do what it wanted with her. However it didn't pin her down and she was close enough to some damage. Big mistake for underestimating this girl. In a panic she pulled her runic blade out thrusting it into the shade. Her reaction was quick to activate the rune as it would form whatever the monster considered its internal organs into its missing blade piece. Which she would then pull the sword up using his own body against him.

(the staff is dropped right by the horse)
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Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby napsii » Sat Oct 20, 2012 6:40 am

Jin hummed to herself. They did share that one element, but she was not sure if that was something that brought friends closer together. Her parents had once expressed that she had never lost them, but rather... they had lost her. It did not change much, but knowing she was an Iievyr of Fire -- the blazing element of change in the world, always making new borders -- was somehow a crutch to lean back on, whenever she questioned her own ambitions. Power and fame were worthy ones, naturally, but not when walked the same road as tyrants and outlaws to reach them.

Zeph's loopy stare had her grinning. Whether magician or muggle, it seemed like simple tricks of fire were always a best-seller for people. She had actually heard of magician a few leagues over who staged elaborate fireworks shows during the winter solstice, all using some clever fire magic, although she couldn't put on such theatrics. Once or twice, the nobility had tossed her a coin for enthralling their children. Fire, even being as deadly as it was, was spectacular to observe from a distance. It reminded Jin of the time a great wildfire claimed the trees leagues over, and she watched it burn for days.

"It's okay. Fire is always interesting to look at. It's not motionless like rock, or polluted like water, or invisible like wind. It's always changing, and never stays still... you can do a lot with fire." she said rather thoughtfully, raising her hands again. The gout of flame sprung back to life, but this time colored a spectacular neon blue. Jin pressed her hands closer, as if cupping the flame as a ball, and the fire took that very shape, curling and compressing into a hazy, mirror sphere of blue flame. She brought her hands apart, and the flame shot up toward the air as it was released, growing wide and thin like a rope of flame, bridging her two hands. Jin blinked, and the flame shifted from its neon blue into a loud emerald green.

She extended an arm out flat, and the cord of flame diverged from her palm, curling and twisting up and around her wrist. She narrowed her eyes, and the flame intensified, seeming to take on the ghostly shape halfway between a snake and an Elemental. It winded up and down her arm, curling up and down her chest and bringing a tender warmth with it, before Jin huffed another breath of life into the flame serpent, and great wings of green flame sprouted from its spindly back. She reached out toward Zeph, and the flame serpent glided off toward him, hovering gracefully between the wagons. A passing gust blew over the creature of flame, and it blurred and whipped for a moment before returning to form.

With a fiery tongue darting from its mouth, the serpent whizzed up and down around Zeph's body for a number of revolutions (thanks to Jin's control, not burning him but leaving strips of heated feeling behind on his skin where it had passed) before at last, disappearing into oblivion. Jin blinked, feeling a little dizzy. The trick wasn't a difficult one, but trying to sculpt flame so delicately was a chore.

"Mrs. Fayers once suggested I put on shows outside the shop. Never really got around to it, but I did a few performances on some holidays. You probably have no idea how many guys I get chasing after me after just a few tricks." she shrugged playfully. Magician girls were like golden idols to some people, it seemed.

Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby daxtinator396 » Sat Oct 20, 2012 6:24 pm

James chuckled at Felicity`s reaction,"Oh we`ll see." He says with a sly grin. He keeps up his thrusting knowing that Amy can only last so long and judging by the look on her face she was enjoying it,"Your face tells me how you really feel. Your mouth may express your rage but your body tells me otherwise. Our dear Felicity likes me inside her so much I don`t think she wants to leave." He said spanking her again and finding himself very close to his orgasm once again finding the fact that Felicity was his slave until she swapped back very very appeaeling.
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Re: CARAVAN IC- the stone forest

Postby berserkerhorn » Tue Oct 23, 2012 3:10 am

The giant lands on 3 unlucky footsoldiers. There are now 37 soldiers guarding the caravan now. There is time to salvage stuff from the giant and wasp while the rest of the soldiers rest up. (This is not the checkpoint)
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The golem falls into the hole. “GAH! GET OFF OF ME!” The upper part of her body (below the breasts) is now stuck inside the hole. This leaves her rear completely exposed. All that is left to worry about is the flailing legs of the golem trying to get her-self out of the hole she dug. Her pussy is exposed as she kicks.

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Zeph is mesmerized by the fantastic light show. He stares intently on the flames. “Green flames? I haven’t ever seen green flames…” He says excited. “I always had the feeling you were something special…” Zeph says whilst watching the flame erupting to life by the hands of Jinedria. “I never knew… you’d be this talented with flames… or even be the fantastic magician that you are!” Zephyros says.

As the fire swirls around his body a small crowd gathers around Jinedria. They start clapping and cheering at the end of her magical performance.

Garian and Aessith:
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(make a move one of you)

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Julia starts to climb Ginglias as though she was a mountain. Calvin seems too busy comforting his wife to notice his daughter climbing Ginglias.

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Logan walks back to the cart. “Damned dead wasp got me…” he says holding his arm. There is a giant spike sticking in it. Bug guts cover his body. It looks like the dead wasp fell on him. “Can you pull it out for me?” he asks.

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Felicity smiles. “Amy…. Join us pllleeeeassssseee!!!!” she begs. Amy blushes as James realizes how she really feels. He pussy tightens up on James’ rod. “Felicia… this isn’t… right…. Tell him to… stop…” Amy says. She looks away to prevent James from seeing her blush. “James is my lover now amy…” Felicia says as she wraps her arms around James.

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The giant falls. The force of the landing sends Ivan and his horse flying. They are now 10 feet from Emily and the shade in the tall grass. The reeds whistle and sway around Ivan.

Jennifer and Myu:
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(waiting on Zender… make a move)

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The shade laughs. “Joke’s on you missy. I don’t have guts.” He says. His cold green aura flows down on Emily. She can feel the power of the shade. It opens its mouth and licks Emily’s face. “I’ll make this slow and long…” he says. He has dark blue orbs for eyes. He is basically a large black cloud that has green aura leaking from it in the form of a human
Last edited by berserkerhorn on Tue Oct 23, 2012 9:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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