Much Ado About Samus

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Re: Much Ado About Samus

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Tue Jan 11, 2011 1:23 pm

Zeus Kabob Wrote:Owner of Succuby, you have made me swoon. That animation is wonderful, 'nuff said. (not really, but I am not experienced in critiquing aesthetics[and of course by critique, I mean properly worded and expressed compliments])

It is not my animation - i find it on one of sites a long time ago ;) Just post it like sample that big is not better some time ;)
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Re: Much Ado About Samus

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Wed Jan 12, 2011 10:42 pm

Corta hi :mrgreen: How are you ? Image
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Re: Much Ado About Samus

Postby corta » Thu Jan 13, 2011 2:58 am

'ello, oos :D concerned about me slacking off, huh?
alright, then..

last few days it's been all about making a kerrigan for dig and adding stuff to 'Pirates ahoy' (or whatever the hell I named it..)

Kerri looks like a veined lizard girl right now, and I hate her hair. (i'll throw it into bussa's critique thread if I decide that I need help with it..)
and for them 'rats.. ooh-ee transitions from singles to doubles is interesting.. (currently doing 'research' ;) )

and for anyone playing at home, here's the sort of thing you're in for:
AHOY.png (123.12 KiB) Viewed 13594 times

..kinda crowded, huh?
Active Thread: [ Flash Edits ][27th July/19]
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Re: Much Ado About Samus

Postby SteelSaurus » Thu Jan 13, 2011 3:10 am

Here's the almost done Metroid Samus.
I like parts of it, but some of it makes me want to scrap it all-together. Tell me what's up.
Click to Play
(Javascript Required)

Metroid Samus 07.swf [ 36.89 KiB | Viewed 13572 times ]

I'll get right on it! Eventually...
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Re: Much Ado About Samus

Postby corta » Thu Jan 13, 2011 3:34 am

SteelSaurus Wrote:Here's the almost done Metroid Samus.
I like parts of it, but some of it makes me want to scrap it all-together. Tell me what's up.

it's getting interesting..

The Good:
I'm slowly warming to the idea of the chest cavity..
skin-tone suits the suit. (heh. :lol:)

The Bad:
the boobs will have to be stiff like armored fusion suit. (not that much of a big deal.)
the shoulders are the main thing that gets to me.. [spoiler-text.(Highlight it to see)] They look like hairy testicles :o Do full metroids look any better?
The colour-scheme seems to go a bit off with the gray.. all the other colours are so vibrant.. (I've got no resolution to that, but it's something to think about..)

There's a bit of work involved in making pretty gloves.. they look good, but all the other hand sets we've got will have to follow. currently, 4 hand sets. 7 with front/back variants.

this project of yours has come a long way from the pic you started with, steel. Awesome work!
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Re: Much Ado About Samus

Postby MrBear » Thu Jan 13, 2011 7:08 am

Corta I love your artwork dude, just, love it.
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Re: Much Ado About Samus

Postby Valithan » Thu Jan 13, 2011 7:43 am

Tell me what's up.

I like the armor styling and how it goes from heavy plating to just skin overlays, however I don't think the shoulders work and I especially don't like the absence of the stomach. On the picture file you posted, that design has parts that work, but I think mostly because the picture comes off as being masculine, whereas samus herself, esp in playshapes' styling is very heavily feminine. If you want to keep the tri-nucleus metroid aspect on samus, I'd suggest maybe giving her a third breast, and then those three would comprise the nucleus with some minor changes. As far as the shoulders go, I think an omega metroid makes for a better reference and it looks like its shoulders are about the same designing at it's thighs...
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Re: Much Ado About Samus

Postby SteelSaurus » Fri Jan 14, 2011 7:06 am

Val, got any decently sized pictures of an Omega Metroid?

I can work with the shoulders and maybe some of the colors. Would a single nucleus work best? Should I remove the gloves and redo the shoulders and thighs to match the eye on the cannon?

Anything else other than the helmet?
If I succeed in making a good mega breasted model, would anyone use it?
Last edited by SteelSaurus on Fri Jan 14, 2011 7:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
I'll get right on it! Eventually...
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Re: Much Ado About Samus

Postby MrBear » Fri Jan 14, 2011 7:09 am

Is anyone doing any animations for these? I remember corta doing animations but looks like hes working on character models along with SteelSaurus
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Re: Much Ado About Samus

Postby Allsop2604 » Fri Jan 14, 2011 3:45 pm

I'm just asking myself if it's a bad thing I look forward to these updates more than the actual LOK ones.... oh well, they're all so good. :D
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Re: Much Ado About Samus

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Fri Jan 14, 2011 4:11 pm

I am a little sorry - but may be not to make stomach transparent ? It looks like metroid is there - and she have not got her own stomatch - may be more sexy will be if they will armor human body some how ? :mrgreen:

Like some how by interlacement tentacle and may be teeth ?
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Re: Much Ado About Samus

Postby MrBear » Fri Jan 14, 2011 5:35 pm

@ Corta, I see her hand is cuffed as though a cock should be in there, are you planning on a three pirate gang bang? :O
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Re: Much Ado About Samus

Postby corta » Sat Jan 15, 2011 2:19 am

MrBear Wrote:@ Corta, I see her hand is cuffed as though a cock should be in there, are you planning on a three pirate gang bang? :O

tee-hee :mrgreen:
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Re: Much Ado About Samus

Postby Zeus Kabob » Sat Jan 15, 2011 8:44 am

@steelsaurus: I think that your model looks great, but your multicolor armor is throwing me off. It has green w/ the same texture as red. I think that you have to make it all one or all the other, instead of having a random red section.
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Re: Much Ado About Samus

Postby Nex » Sat Jan 15, 2011 10:49 pm

@ Corta

Oy, starting out with Flash, and kinda new to it. Had the same problem with your file as a few other people (keeping animations from looking like a crazy Pop Tarts commercial cuz it cycled through the costumes). I managed to separate those images from whatever code they were attached to, but I did notice one thing...

In your FLA files, it seems like your symbol for Samus' head in the "Main Parts" folder somehow got switched with the Samus head in the "Skin" folder. The one in the "Skin" folder is the one with all the Action Script attached to it.

Just letting you know cuz it confused the HELL out of me.
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Re: Much Ado About Samus

Postby corta » Sun Jan 16, 2011 2:50 am

Nex Wrote:@ Corta

Oy, starting out with Flash, and kinda new to it. Had the same problem with your file as a few other people (keeping animations from looking like a crazy Pop Tarts commercial cuz it cycled through the costumes). I managed to separate those images from whatever code they were attached to, but I did notice one thing...

In your FLA files, it seems like your symbol for Samus' head in the "Main Parts" folder somehow got switched with the Samus head in the "Skin" folder. The one in the "Skin" folder is the one with all the Action Script attached to it.

Just letting you know cuz it confused the HELL out of me.

Yes and no, no, no.
it's a little un-organised, yeah. but you don't need to deal with any of that,
the code you're after are located in all the buttons - they're just a set of variables that tell each piece what to do - and they'll auto-correct whenever they need to.

the code for Naked sam is
Code: Select All Code
_root.helm = 1; = 1;
_root.body = 1;
_root.tits = 1;
_root.spads = 1;
_root.armu = 1;
_root.arml = 1;
_root.legs = 1;
_root.feet = 1;

- just attach that (or whatever character you're after) to the start of your movie.

and I can't stress how much that I don't want people to just extract one character.
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Re: Much Ado About Samus

Postby Nex » Mon Jan 17, 2011 8:51 pm

Hmmm... I've got a problem. I tried using the above code to get Naked Samus, but it didn't work. What action script is it? Will it work with both 2.0 and 3.0? Gonna try to research and figure this out myself, but help would be appreciated!
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Re: Much Ado About Samus

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Mon Jan 17, 2011 9:40 pm

Only i use AS3 here :mrgreen: So all code there is on AS2 ;)

There is not _root in AS3 :cry: Image

I remade some part of Cortas components to AS3 - so if you need it i can post it but it is not a official version :lol: ;)
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Re: Much Ado About Samus

Postby Nex » Wed Jan 19, 2011 1:02 am

Can you? I'd really appreciate it! That way, I wouldn't have to start my project over from scratch...

I also found some programs that can convert AS2 code to AS3, so i'll probably try that, too.
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Re: Much Ado About Samus

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Wed Jan 19, 2011 3:26 am

I am not a animator - so i a little sorry for this - i made it for exchange original Cortas stuff for my needs.

It is old version (not the last i think it was made before Corta's last update with hands).

This has specific in work: all code is on first frame in root - i mean when you just enter to program.

All animation is (must be) in object with name "sex" - when you enter you will see object - all animation have to be in it. Or it will not work i think.

The code - is some thing like instruction what frame in armor/body to play - it works on first enter to "sex" animation. It works fast so i use it.

It is good becouse it can let not to make like Corta do now - just make a list what armor to put on - not to make layesr with the same armour. But it is bad becouse it is more easy to forget what it have to do :mrgreen:

All constants that i change are on 1 st frame of root. Just put 1 to all of them - for naked Samus.

Sorry for my english Image ;)

I am sorry it is may be not good for animation but in games i often use functions that do all - so all animation on my side looks the same is this ;)

If you need Samus in helmet with shoulder : (Change what is too => you need)

Code: Select All Code
var weapon=1;
var cannon = 1;
var helm = 5=>1;
var hair = 1;
var body = 1;
var tits = 1;
var spads = 2=>1;
var armu = 1;
var arml = 1;
var legs = 1;
var feet = 1;
//цвет глаз
var iris =1;
var emotion=1;

var messyhead=0;
var messyhelm=0;
var messytits=0;
var messyass=0;
var messylegs=0;
var messyfoot=0;
//var messycalves=3;
var messyarmsu=0;
var messyarmsl=0;
var messyback=0;
var messystomach=0;
var messypelvis=0;

//Цвет испачканности
var messyheadcolour=1;
var messyhelmcolour=1;
var messytitscolour=1;
var messyasscolour=1;
var messylegscolour=1;
var messyfootcolour=1;
//var messycalvescolour=9;
var messyarmsucolour=1;
var messyarmslcolour=1;
var messybackcolour=1;
var messystomachcolour=1;
var messypelviscolour=1;
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