Humbird0: Babysitter's Club 2 (complete!) Updated 10/16/201

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New Version!

Postby humbird0 » Sun Oct 07, 2012 7:58 pm

I added a NewGame+ feature.
After beating the game, press "replay" and you'll see a new tab in the HUD.
This will allow you to instantly replay any missions you've already played.

I also fixed the problem with the last chore mission.
If you've already done the petshop missions, you'll find the petshop clerk wandering around town during the chore mission.

The download links in the 1st post have been updated.
Source: Game + Level Editor
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Re: Humbird0: Babysitter's Club 2 (complete!) Update!

Postby Emerlad » Thu Oct 11, 2012 2:47 am

I'll start of by saying when the game first started, I was like "aww man this is going to suck..." Then a few hours later after I'd played through twice I'd have to say, definitely changed my mind, enough so that I created this account to thank the author.

On a separate note however, I was unable to get the Replay tab to appear after finishing the game twice, with slightly alternate play paths. Both time after I hit the Replay button, the game started back at the beginning and for just a spit second the tab was visible on the bottom left above the save and load buttons, but then disappeared. Saving at this point also left me with an unusable save, as if I load a save after having hit replay the finish/replay screen overlays on top of wherever I was when I saved and there is no way to make it go away, including hitting replay again, as this starts the game over yet again, although I can still load again with the same problem.

Besides this minor caveat, the game was very entertaining. Is there something I'm doing wrong? Do I need to have a certain flash player installed(I think not? It comes with a Flash 8 launcher doesn't it? I've tried it with that and with my other player)? Is this a bug for just me or has anyone else experienced this?

Anyways thanks, oh and First post! Just registered whatever day this is.
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Re: Humbird0: Babysitter's Club 2 (complete!) Update!

Postby ima » Fri Oct 12, 2012 3:06 am

Can't find a tap for a nerd-girl. Little help with destination?
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Re: Humbird0: Babysitter's Club 2 (complete!) Update!

Postby ima » Fri Oct 12, 2012 3:13 am

Oh wait. I found it^)
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Re: Humbird0: Babysitter's Club 2 (complete!) Update!

Postby machamp623 » Fri Oct 12, 2012 4:49 pm

So i beat the game and was very meticulous about finding every job i could, so when i hit the replay button, i get nothing!
how do i activate the replay feature?
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Re: Humbird0: Babysitter's Club 2 (complete!) Update!

Postby BobbyGecko » Fri Oct 12, 2012 4:52 pm

I've just notice something, when you have both of the rabbit and young boy mission activated, you can go into the cave to have a scene with a rabbit which steal your dress, then, when you go speak to the young boy, there's another scene.

When the mission ends, you take back your dress downstairs but before talking to the mother, you can go to the cave to get undressed again. So you can clear the mission naked and explore the town like this. However, I don't think Humbird0 plans this, because if you go out naked, nothing changes and when you talk to the rabbits, you're suddenly dressed and fucked.

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Re: Humbird0: Babysitter's Club 2 (complete!) Update!

Postby ima » Sat Oct 13, 2012 6:22 am

Just interesting. Does Shelly understand, that she had been raped all this time? Or she just don't care?
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Re: Humbird0: Babysitter's Club 2 (complete!) Update!

Postby Spycam » Sun Oct 14, 2012 2:21 am

Hey, I've been looking through some of your other stuff and I'm impressed with your work. Do you think you could add a browser version of this for those of us who prefer not to download? That would be awesome.
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Re: Humbird0: Babysitter's Club 2 (complete!)

Postby 4access69 » Sun Oct 14, 2012 5:03 am

IIxmaster5000II Wrote:
alithanar8 Wrote:I found a bug in the game, I went to deliver the 3 binoculars and the 3rd person, the one with the red belt, would not accept it. i had 70 dollars when I started I dont know if that would have anything to do with not being able to complete it

Found out what your problem was after I ran into the same thing. the "person with the red belt" is
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the owner of the pet shop.
because there is a mission in which he leaves you have to do them in a particular order if you want to see all of the scenes.

But who is the person with green pants?
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Re: Humbird0: Babysitter's Club 2 (complete!) Update!

Postby Kvothe » Sun Oct 14, 2012 6:22 am

Gotta love those old prohibition movie references. Thanks for that, gave me a laugh.
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Re: Humbird0: Babysitter's Club 2 (complete!) Update!

Postby humbird0 » Sun Oct 14, 2012 7:44 pm

Emerlad Wrote:I was unable to get the Replay tab to appear after finishing the game twice.

That sounds like a bug. I guess I didn't thoroughly test beating the game twice with the replay tab present.
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Re: Humbird0: Babysitter's Club 2 (complete!) Update!

Postby humbird0 » Sun Oct 14, 2012 8:13 pm

Kvothe Wrote:Gotta love those old prohibition movie references. Thanks for that, gave me a laugh.
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I actually got that from a Marx Brothers movie. But it makes sense that they'd be parodying something from the Prohibition era.
The last version of Pokemon Hentai Version is: January 31, 2015
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Self-contained game!

Postby humbird0 » Mon Oct 15, 2012 3:26 am

I've finally managed to convert the game into a single self-contained flash file.
This will be helpful for those of you who were having trouble getting the downloadable version to run.
I also changed the ending a little.
As far as I know, it's error-free. Then again, I haven't tested Castlemania's ending yet.
It took a full week to convert this sucker, and Flash was straining my computer's RAM.
That's the problem with combining 2 games into one.

You can play it in the 1st post on this thread:
The last version of Pokemon Hentai Version is: January 31, 2015
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Re: Humbird0: Babysitter's Club 2 (complete!) Updated 10/16

Postby Wateenku1zoo1 » Wed Oct 17, 2012 7:29 pm

First, I enjoy the games, thank you for your effort.

Second, is there a way to get past the boy(s) in the cave without being seen? I tried many times to no avail. The fox creature insists on my staying. I unfortunately saved at this point. Is it now necessary to start anew?

Please note that I am using an emulator to play "H" pc games and a keyboard.
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Re: Humbird0: Babysitter's Club 2 (complete!) Updated 10/16

Postby humbird0 » Fri Oct 19, 2012 3:23 am

In the latest version, the fox girl will drag you to random locations in the cave.
One of them is beyond the 1st boy, so it's easier to get out.
It's mostly a matter of getting out of the way of their line of sight as soon as you see them.
They only see in a straight line, so you only need to move to one side, and they cannot see diagonally.
The last version of Pokemon Hentai Version is: January 31, 2015
Every Pokemorph created for the game
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Re: Humbird0: Babysitter's Club 2 (complete!) Updated 10/16

Postby dragonmaster77 » Fri Oct 19, 2012 11:50 pm

Can anyone tell me where Nicky is? I'm struggling to find his location? And if he's in the underground tunnels can someone tell me what I need to do?
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Re: Humbird0: Babysitter's Club 2 (complete!) Updated 10/16

Postby HappyGoomba » Sat Oct 20, 2012 1:50 am

Wateenku1zoo1 Wrote:First, I enjoy the games, thank you for your effort.

Second, is there a way to get past the boy(s) in the cave without being seen? I tried many times to no avail. The fox creature insists on my staying. I unfortunately saved at this point. Is it now necessary to start anew?

Please note that I am using an emulator to play "H" pc games and a keyboard.

For the first boy, he only looks left and right. Stand diagonally above and to the right, start running down when he's looking toward you, by the time you enter his line of sight, he'll be looking the other way.

For the second boy, as soon as you enter the area, run into the room and immediately run up. Continue around the perimeter of the room without pausing.
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Re: Humbird0: Babysitter's Club 2 (complete!) Updated 10/16

Postby Spycam » Sat Oct 20, 2012 9:59 pm

Just played through the game now that the browser version's up. Thanks man, awesome game.
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Re: Humbird0: Babysitter's Club 2 (complete!) Updated 10/16

Postby AsianP3rsuas10n » Sat Oct 27, 2012 2:41 am

Holy crap Humbir0...You've really changed the way RPG Maker games are played. At first I really thought, I'd have no fun with this game but it turned out to be quiet amazing. I also looked at all your other projects...You are the man. Keep making more please!
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Re: Humbird0: Babysitter's Club 2 (complete!) Updated 10/16

Postby TJesterTV » Sat Oct 27, 2012 2:38 pm

Great game, It had some decent puzzles with easy enough hints to understand perfectly.
I hope to see more like it if at all possible.
Let's have some fun shall we?
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