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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6n

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sat Oct 13, 2012 4:27 am

HappyGoomba Wrote:I've got a couple of weird ones. 1. I died on the Platty level, so I chose to restart the game. After going through all the beginning stuff, the first level was autoscrolling.

Darn, forgot to update one variable. Marked for fix!

HappyGoomba Wrote:2. On the grasslands level: Peach and the goombas seemed to be in different dimensions. They couldn't touch each other. The goombas would react and chase Peach and swarm her if she was horny, but she couldn't fuck or stomp them.

Problem with 'on_action' variable. This variable says to enemies that they can't fuck peach while a given enemy is fucking her already. When this action finishes, on_action sets itself free. When they get 'to another dimension', thats because on_action wasnt updated correctly. It may be happening in one of those 9 sex scenes (you had 9 laids). So I'll be checking this.

HappyGoomba Wrote:3. Peach still disappears when a goomba comes out of the castle at the end of this level. She's off having sex. I can hear the sound effects and the horny bar rises. She reappears when the sex scene is done.

I will check that too. I see this is a hard to fix bug. I need to make exausting tests in this area to fix that particular issue. If she's disappearing and reappearing, I have a clue. Peach touched a given goomba before having an immediate sex with another one. That touched goomba continued to walk until getting offscreen. When Peach finished the scene, that distant goomba, already touched before, started its sex scene. So Peach hasnt disappeared. Actually, she warped to the new goomba position, faster than the camera, so the camera hasnt followed her. I may use timing mechanics to let on_action disabled , say, 1 second after each sex scene. it will let Peach invulnerable for a second, just enough for the player to escape. But I will have to fix the on_action glitch first.

HappyGoomba Wrote:4. The problem with the goombas going to sleep as they come out of the pipes or the space near the Monty hole is still there. It's much better than it used to be. At the Monty hole, it's about 50%. In the grasslands, it's much lower, probably 10-20%.

Its an easier bug to fix, but sorry, I did have no time these days to fully test this. I'll be raising this priority on sunday afternoon.

HappyGoomba Wrote:I like the new descending slope code. Back before the physics change, I would have her walk down the stairs and jump to her dressing room without pausing. Now I can do that again. The slopes in the forest and grasslands are still too steep, so I have to stop moving before a jump, that's kind of odd behavior for a platformer.

Is she still having 'little jumps' in those steep slopes? If so, I may turn them less steep.

HappyGoomba Wrote:Speaking of platformers, maybe you could add a switch to turn off autoscrolling when you add the switch to turn off the new physics. It would be a great boon to fumble-fingered old farts like myself.

YES. I will be doing that after fixing those issues above ;) Thanks for the reporting.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6n

Postby AsianP3rsuas10n » Sat Oct 13, 2012 5:16 am

Well, not much I want to know because one question will lead to 1,000 questions haha.
All that I really have to ask is, is it harder to program in Java or Flash? This way I can prepare myself for the worst. I love writing, but never have the enthusiasm to do it. I think coding will be easier for me though because I can do it about whatever I want instead of a specific topic like in class. Thanks for the explanation though
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6n

Postby GeraldMason » Sat Oct 13, 2012 5:23 am

By the way, I wanted to quickly say this project is brilliant. Of all my time on here no one's been so dedicated thus far. Which is in itself a shame, it would be awesome if people were as dedicated as you to work on something like Bowser's castle, but I'm glad you intend to see this project through to completion while also making all the improvements that have been made.

Kudos to you and everyone involved.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6n

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sat Oct 13, 2012 12:31 pm

AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:All that I really have to ask is, is it harder to program in Java or Flash? This way I can prepare myself for the worst. I love writing, but never have the enthusiasm to do it. I think coding will be easier for me though because I can do it about whatever I want instead of a specific topic like in class. Thanks for the explanation though

Hands down, Flash is easier than Java (even advanced AS3 flash). Flash has two ways to code: As2 and As3. As2 is faster to code but you dont have so many controls in a game (code is limited). But AS2 is simplier enough to be converted to another language (like HTML5), so if I want to see this game in HTML5, it will be easier for me.

Java is more rich, being more robust in features (like 3d games), and you can reuse code better and use libraries, however its slower than actionscript in many areas. Also, there is no editor which timeline abilities, so you have to instance objects (contructors) with its own timeline events, using in-code timers'. Also, objects which will deal with graphics in a timer manner (FPS). In other words, you dont have a GUI of the game arena in order to place objects and the time and speed each object will play.

I may decide to convert this game to C++, using free engines. This way, it will be up to 600% faster (even a Pentium 3 can play it), I can use midi music (so if the player has a good wavetable/synthesizer, even only software, they will play it with orchestra quality), and compiling will be faster (some seconds!). But I will need to create level editors in order for me to place objects and enemies, otherwise I will have to 'create a level by mind'. Also, people will need to download the game pack (executable, ini files, data files) and install it locally. Lastly, I will need to compile for MAC, Linux, Solaris and others. On the current stage of development, I may create two more worlds until the end of this year (I'm being optimistic) but if I go to C++, I will need one year or more to 'get warmed up' and create code which will create more code (like a level editor).

GeraldMason Wrote:By the way, I wanted to quickly say this project is brilliant. Of all my time on here no one's been so dedicated thus far. Which is in itself a shame, it would be awesome if people were as dedicated as you to work on something like Bowser's castle, but I'm glad you intend to see this project through to completion while also making all the improvements that have been made.Kudos to you and everyone involved.

Thank you! Well, I have interesting plans for Bowser Castle but I fear losing focus on MIM AE, so I prefer to make more features to MIM before starting up another project. I can do both at the same time (well I can run multiple Flash projects) but I prefer to wait a bit in order to warm up. Then I will be like 'gogogo' mode (I start some projects with a medium-to-large list of features). Otherwise, development stalls.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6n

Postby MPLDAM9919 » Sat Oct 13, 2012 6:29 pm

I'd rather have Ivan finish the MiM project before starting a new project like Bowser's Castle. Better to have a complete game than an incomplete game, right?
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6n

Postby HappyGoomba » Sat Oct 13, 2012 6:44 pm

ivanaedler Wrote:
HappyGoomba Wrote:I like the new descending slope code. Back before the physics change, I would have her walk down the stairs and jump to her dressing room without pausing. Now I can do that again. The slopes in the forest and grasslands are still too steep, so I have to stop moving before a jump, that's kind of odd behavior for a platformer.

Is she still having 'little jumps' in those steep slopes? If so, I may turn them less steep.

Yes, she is. It looks like she's skipping down the hill.

I was also wondering: Do you adjust the "horniness levels" between versions? In 1.6m the horny bar climbed much faster. For example, starting at zero, the three goombas at the first toad house raised the bar above 50% in version m, but barely get it to the 25-30% range in version n.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6n

Postby Hattorihanzo » Sat Oct 13, 2012 9:19 pm

Hi ivanaedler, when will this little guy in the first level get his reward? ;) ;)
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6n

Postby AsianP3rsuas10n » Sun Oct 14, 2012 12:59 am

Ah okay! Thanks for the explanation. I actually thought Flash would be harder due to the fact that animation is done frame by frame which is tediuos. But then again I havent tried animating in Java yet so I have no room to talk.
Do you use CMD to compile everything? Or can it only be used for Java?

See? One leads to more. My mistake lol.

Anyways, getting ilustrator as we speak. I'll learn the insides and out soon enough. Took a graphics design class in my senior year of Highschool so it wont be all strange to me. I'll try my best to be of some use soon.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6n

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sun Oct 14, 2012 1:53 am

HappyGoomba Wrote:Yes, she is. It looks like she's skipping down the hill.

I will check grav physics engine (its simple, it doesn't involves calculus programming or 'distance Delta-T'). I will just lessen the detection of it. If it does not help, I will make the slopes smoother.

HappyGoomba Wrote:I was also wondering: Do you adjust the "horniness levels" between versions? In 1.6m the horny bar climbed much faster. For example, starting at zero, the three goombas at the first toad house raised the bar above 50% in version m, but barely get it to the 25-30% range in version n.

Hmmm, no.

Hattorihanzo Wrote:Hi ivanaedler, when will this little guy in the first level get his reward? ;) ;)

Hey! Soon! ;) Blargh is exchanging info with me about those animations. Its a plan to make these animations, just pardon me because I'm polishing features yet.

AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:Do you use CMD to compile everything? Or can it only be used for Java?

Yes, cmd! I used to do that when programming Duke3d mod (yes, I was doing a 'Dukesterx clone'), using pure WIn32. I also used to code in openwatcom. Java uses a more elaborated 'build' to compile code (like 'ant'). But all is straight forward with gcc or even mingW.
PS: I really dont want to get enthusiasm of using C. I prefer finishing MIM on Flash first, or at least creating 300% more content for it.

Illustrator is good! Be sure to grab the trial version or even consider bying the student edition. Anyway there is GIMP and alternative programs for free (search for 'alternative.to' site for that).
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Sun Oct 14, 2012 3:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6n

Postby AsianP3rsuas10n » Sun Oct 14, 2012 3:14 am

Hahaha well I dont want you to start using C! If anything I'd encourage you to focus with flash.

Yea I probably should just gotten Gimp but I was at the store and saw Photoshop and decided to pick both of em up while I was there. Its not a big deal.
Anyways, would you mind if I picked up some of ur stuff and play around with it? I'd just like to see if I could either replicate it or change it up.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6n

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sun Oct 14, 2012 3:22 am

AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:Yea I probably should just gotten Gimp but I was at the store and saw Photoshop and decided to pick both of em up while I was there. Its not a big deal.
Anyways, would you mind if I picked up some of ur stuff and play around with it? I'd just like to see if I could either replicate it or change it up.

Sure, be my guest! In regard to the latest version FLA, please wait for me to go back from the trip, so I'll up the 1.6o FLA along with the playable SWF game (once I update 1.6n). You can play around with older versions in the first post in the meanwhile.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6n

Postby AsianP3rsuas10n » Sun Oct 14, 2012 5:30 am

Alright will do.

Just a few buggies and some other stuff before I get some shut eye.

Well the new Koopa scene, it seems when they cum, that ones penis sticks out of her a bit. I'm not sure if you meant to do that on purpose or not but either way. Also do you see the cum on her thigh? That scene doesnt come on her thighs but why does it appear there afterwards? Also do you think the animation moves a bit too fast?
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Not only that but the cum on her body doesnt move with her as she is getting fucked. It looks like it's just glue still haha.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Also, for some reason when I turn off the Sound completely and then turn it on again, the title screen sounds starts to play and then keeps going on in a loop. Not only that but (i dont know how i did it) one of the times all sound was gone completely besides the title music. (counldnt hear any noise of them fucking)

Other than that, you still never fixed the gallery mix up. Orgy is still the rape scene, and rape is still the orgy scene for the goombas ;)

Oh and Morton's scene, no sound when shes getting fucked...As well as fire daisy's boobs dont blend in with her skin very well. If you want, I'll try my best to fix the color on it tomorrow...no promises on a master peice. It will probably look worse.

Thats about all I gotta say for today talk to ya tomorrow.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6n

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sun Oct 14, 2012 6:07 am

Peach in X-naut base (act 1):

tech room corridor8.jpg
tech room corridor8.jpg (23.82 KiB) Viewed 2295 times

Actual stage:
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Sun Oct 14, 2012 6:20 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6n

Postby coolness32 » Sun Oct 14, 2012 6:28 am

ivanaedler Wrote:Peach in X-naut base (act 1):

Actual stage:

oh wow I really like her wearing the Mario hat. That's actually something personal for me so I really am enjoying it! Will she be able to wear the hat in the game at all? Just be chosen as an accessory?
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6n

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sun Oct 14, 2012 6:30 am

coolness32 Wrote:oh wow I really like her wearing the Mario hat. That's actually something personal for me so I really am enjoying it! Will she be able to wear the hat in the game at all? Just be chosen as an accessory?

I can create accessories for Peach to use in game, like Mario and Luigi hats. Maybe even a Toad 'hat'. The problem is that when Peach turns into a Raccoon, for example, the hat must be removed, or strange things may happen. Also, Mario hat will be out of place with raccoon outfit colors. So those accessories may be activated like gloves and stockings: only in certain costumes.

AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:Well the new Koopa scene, it seems when they cum, that ones penis sticks out of her a bit. I'm not sure if you meant to do that on purpose or not but either way.

Hmm you're being so detalhistic :o But yes, its easy to fix. Blaaaaargh!! Come here! :D (no , no need to ask him, I will fix that).

AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:Also do you see the cum on her thigh? That scene doesnt come on her thighs but why does it appear there afterwards?

I will disable those cum and redirect them to the body.

AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:Not only that but the cum on her body doesnt move with her as she is getting fucked. It looks like it's just glue still haha.

Hahahahahah (no, not funny). I will check!

AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:Also, for some reason when I turn off the Sound completely and then turn it on again, the title screen sounds starts to play and then keeps going on in a loop

Collateral bug due to inner mechanics. It works well with level songs, but not for small songs. I will see what can be done. As for disabling all the sound, try to press 'M'.

AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:Other than that, you still never fixed the gallery mix up. Orgy is still the rape scene, and rape is still the orgy scene for the goombas ;)

I will. I've just forgotten this.

AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:Oh and Morton's scene, no sound when shes getting fucked...As well as fire daisy's boobs dont blend in with her skin very well. If you want, I'll try my best to fix the color on it tomorrow...no promises on a master peice. It will probably look worse.

Fire Daisy??? You say, Fire Peach using Daisy outfit? The problem may be the fire peach boobs, not daisy outfit bras. Yes, you can do it. I can look at that tomorrow night.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6n

Postby AsianP3rsuas10n » Sun Oct 14, 2012 2:09 pm

Lol Sorry! But its just one step closer to achieving the perfect game!!

Hahaha thats the first time I've seen you crack a joke Ivan lol. Even though it is such a commonly used joke, it was still hilarious to see you say it hahaha

The No Sound thing was happening even when I put all sounds on. But I couldnt replicate it again so no worries.

And YES FIRE PEACH! Lol Sorry!!! It was late, I cant control if my mind wanders at 1 in the morning! Lol anyways, where can I grab the FLA for fire peach? First page?
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6n

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sun Oct 14, 2012 2:55 pm

AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:Hahaha thats the first time I've seen you crack a joke Ivan lol. Even though it is such a commonly used joke, it was still hilarious to see you say it hahaha

I need to be more humorous :lol:

AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:YES FIRE PEACH! Lol Sorry!!! It was late, I cant control if my mind wanders at 1 in the morning! Lol anyways, where can I grab the FLA for fire peach? First page?

Yes, in SOURCE CODE area. That's not a fire peach code, but all the game code. You have to search for 'titF' and 'titB' in the library. Inside this object (movie clip), there are five columns.
[o] [ ] [o] [ ] [o]

You will check fire peach boobs in the fourth or fifth column. Just click on it in order to see how its done. You may need to hide some layers (red X ) in order to see the boobs, not Bra clothes.If its too complex, just tell me and I'll upload just fire peach code for you, tonight.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6n

Postby Biles » Sun Oct 14, 2012 6:24 pm

I hope it's not too late to submit the block redux for the 1.6o update.
brownblocks.png (12.39 KiB) Viewed 2151 times

My concern might be that my remade version of the smashable brick might be bigger in file size than the original version because of adding more details even though I made efficient use of anchor points. I've also redone the coin as well, but that too I feel might be bigger as well.
(106.5 KiB) Downloaded 13 times
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6n

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sun Oct 14, 2012 6:50 pm

Biles Wrote:I hope it's not too late to submit the block redux for the 1.6o update.

Hey, there is time! I've not come back yet. I'll deal with 1.6o tonight or tomorrow.
I like the breaking brick, you did a nice job!! But, huh, the left block is...strange. Maybe its too blacky in the edges (and the highlight in the left appears to be displaced a bit).
Don't worry about file size increases, I will check them all. ;)
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6n

Postby Biles » Sun Oct 14, 2012 7:15 pm

Well, it was intended to be dark in the edges as I searched the internet for that particular block for reference. As for the highlights, I don't see anything wrong with it or perceive how it's displaced in anyways.
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