Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.48 (Nov 2/18) - HIATUS

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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6m

Postby MPLDAM9919 » Thu Oct 11, 2012 6:16 am

Every bit of contributing counts. From the character designers like Biles to the script writers and sex scene idea people like me.

Anyways, I was playing Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga eariler and an idea popped in my head.

Remember the "Jellyfish Sisters"? http://www.mariowiki.com/Jellyfish_Sisters

They could have some massage or spa where Peach can go to where she can relax. Of course, there would be a lesbian sex scene involved. ;) Or a place where Peach can wash off all that baddie cum.
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Tifas tonge out mouth converted!

Postby yurinicolau » Thu Oct 11, 2012 9:20 am

Hey Ivanaedler! Today I was able to convert the tonge out mouth as the Geisha Peach's style:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Geisha open mouth.jpg
On the left the regular one and on the right the new one!
Geisha open mouth.jpg (84.82 KiB) Viewed 2676 times

I just hope I'm doing this right! :shock:

P.S. Do you prefer that I send to you the two mouths I already converted and later the other ones or do you prefer me sending you a single file when I finish them all? (I think it remains two or three more to be done).
Last edited by yurinicolau on Thu Oct 11, 2012 9:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6m

Postby Oriandu » Thu Oct 11, 2012 9:24 am

Just about the only complaint I have left is that the bustier Peach gets, the less attached her breasts seem. From the third on up they look like they're just taped on.
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MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6n

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Thu Oct 11, 2012 11:17 am

Version 1.6n is up! Features list on the first page, as always.

ImageNext Update list (100% items will be included):

Image1-(100%)Bonus pipe area in watery level finally fixed
Image2-(100%)BUG FIX: "When Tanooki Burn Peach is flying, her outer hand flashes back and forth between burn and vanilla skin."
Image3-(100%)BUG FIX:"She can't grab flower powerup in watery level"
Image4-(100%)BUG FIX: (more polished)"She will be descending better on slopes (as well as running)"
Image5-(100%)BUG FIX: Lalala pose, when she's clothed (clothes arent animating)
Image 6-(100%)Created a way to access the roof on level1 (and a new area to explore).
7-(80%) 3 new Peach animations: covering herself when naked (happening when she loses intimate clothing, like the skirt or bra). They're convencing animations (mainly during game, giving pleasure to the player) but may need some improvements (to be done pace by pace) and a new hand (for better grab). Some code needed yet.
8-(5%) Create special level: X-naut tech area (in the future, it will be a world Peach have to explore). This level is for Peach use her invisibility and embarassing moments.
9-(0%)BUG FIX: Peach 'in another dimention' when she fucks one of 9 goombas
10-(0%)BUG FIX: Peach disappearing when she fucks those goombas that fall from the castle (grassland level)
11-(0%)BUG FIX: Scrooling problem, when the player chooses RESTART GAME in the Platty or Airship levels.
12-(0%)Feature: a way to enable/disable auto scroll (it will not be cheating, but a way for the players to enjoy more those levels).
13-(0%) New enemies: Dry Bones (koopa skeleton), Hyper Cleft (those badboy rocky skulls with legs) and Chomp (side facing fish with metal teeth). That's not 'cheep cheep'. It will bite Peach butt if she go in that water.
14-(0%) 10 new furnitures and objects to be used in some areas, like a stool, a table, vases, barrels and boxes with magazines (inspiration from Paper Mario).
15-(0%) idea of new world: Puddle World (theme of candies, etc)
16-(0%) possibility to exit current level going to the start castle or door that Peach appears, getting rid of the 'exit level button'. So the player just need to go to the start of the level (or the end of it).
17-(0%) Leaf/Racoon tail attack. Enemies will be thrown out of the screen with the familiar sound.
18-(0%) A toad that let you buy or sell things in the bazar.
19-(0%) Change lipstick band from 1 curve to '2 curves'
20-(0%) Glitch FIX: on some pipes, Peach may be sliding when she uses it
21-(0%) Add an exclamation mark to Toads. If Peach approaches them, then they will notice and talk. If Peach is naked, they will talk soft or dirty, while embarrassed.
22-(0%) PHYSICS: SMB2 or SMB3 (ON/OFF)
23-(0%) Animation of Luigi fixing a pipe using a wrench (to be used in an special ocasion).
24-(0%) Toad house door animation
25-(0%) Re-edit 'boeing' sound to be on sync in sex scenes
26-(0%) Living bobombs (they can walk, stop while breathing, and may explode). They will not replace the running bobombs.
27-(0%) Peach new mode: 'invisible Peach'. To be used in the Sir Grodus Lab level.
28-(0%) Goomba will walk with their dicks down. If they see Peach, dicks will raise up!
29-(0%) Start making 'achievements' screen.
30-(0%) Diary page engine to accept achievements and actions done for the first time, like the first sex scene with a goomba.
31-(0%) Make vegetables and fireballs kick out enemies like goombas, koopas, shugys, birdo, bloopers and cheep cheeps.
32-(0%) Peach slippering pose, jaunting, and better walking movements - By Biles!
33-(0%) First veggie scene (when she's horny)
34-(0%) Peach death animation, going up then down, ripping her clothes during that (beware, Peach will keep in the same level after this. People already requested that. Peach will no return to WorldMap. She will need to use all her lives to finish the current level).
35-(0%) Replace Tifa mouth with yuri one ('small lipstick design').
(BRAINSTORMING) Better animation for grabbing a vegetable (squatting) -> I prefer to let her grab it in the actual way, and use squatting when playing with veggies
(BRAINSTORMING) If Peach can grab goombas too (e.g. after stomping him) goombas may wake up again, and if that occurs while she's grabbing him, he may suck her nipples.
(ANALYSING) BUG (coins from 'p' switch that gets converted from golden blocks no more letting Peach on top of them like they're ground)

yurinicolau Wrote:Hey Ivanaedler! Today I was able to convert the tonge out mouth as the Geisha Peach's style: I just hope I'm doing this right!

It's getting pretty good! ;) Just remember that her lipsticks need to be narrower. You can send me different files for each mouth.

Oriandu Wrote:Just about the only complaint I have left is that the bustier Peach gets, the less attached her breasts seem. From the third on up they look like they're just taped on.

In frontside view? I will improve them when I have more time. I'm fixing some hard bugs yet.

MPLDAM9919 Wrote:Every bit of contributing counts. From the character designers like Biles to the script writers and sex scene idea people like me.

For sure ;) Thanks for the script. I'm taking notes of them all.

MPLDAM9919 Wrote:Anyways, I was playing Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga eariler and an idea popped in my head. Remember the "Jellyfish Sisters"? http://www.mariowiki.com/Jellyfish_Sisters They could have some massage or spa where Peach can go to where she can relax. Of course, there would be a lesbian sex scene involved. ;) Or a place where Peach can wash off all that baddie cum.

Hmmmmmmm there are more sexy characters for that, but I can add them, as they're mario characters after all. And the jellyfish sisters can massage really well (as they're jelly anyway). A thing to brainstorm.
fire.gif (884 Bytes) Viewed 2228 times
animated wrench.gif
animated wrench.gif (8.33 KiB) Viewed 2456 times
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Tue Oct 23, 2012 12:59 pm, edited 32 times in total.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6m

Postby vyor » Thu Oct 11, 2012 2:50 pm

QuizmasterBos Wrote:
freakyfurry Wrote:http://coolrom.com/

Emulators and Roms for pretty much all the old games. The Nintendo 64 and earlier will run on almost any computer, but the gamecube emulator is pretty taxing on some systems.

Only problem is: There are no good N64 emulators.
Even the Gamecube/WII emulator is better than the so-called best N64 emulator.

Project 64 is very good, it even runs on a 9 year old laptop ;)
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6m

Postby QuizmasterBos » Thu Oct 11, 2012 4:44 pm

vyor Wrote:
QuizmasterBos Wrote:
freakyfurry Wrote:http://coolrom.com/

Emulators and Roms for pretty much all the old games. The Nintendo 64 and earlier will run on almost any computer, but the gamecube emulator is pretty taxing on some systems.

Only problem is: There are no good N64 emulators.
Even the Gamecube/WII emulator is better than the so-called best N64 emulator.

Project 64 is very good, it even runs on a 9 year old laptop ;)

That's because it hasn't been updated in years. I noticed that although games tend to run at full speed, many games still have graphical flaws.
It's pretty easy to tell the difference between being played on an actual N64 or on Project64.

99% of all Nes games and SNES games run at full speed with no graphical flaws or emulator-related glitches to them.
Dolphin (a wii and GC emulator) is being very actively developed and what they have is pretty amazing.
In a year of two almost all games will likely play perfectly on the emulator.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6n

Postby vyor » Thu Oct 11, 2012 4:57 pm

I have noticed alot more lag and graphical gliches with dolphin(might be the games I play to)
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6n

Postby Biles » Thu Oct 11, 2012 5:32 pm

As usual, more bug reports and miscellaneous issues:

  1. When Tanooki Burn Peach is flying, her outer hand flashes back and forth between burn and vanilla skin.
  2. I don't know, but it might just be me. I've noticed that if Peach is descending with a raccoon or tanooki and grabs that big coin, she briefly loses her descending ability and starts falling like a brick until she regains control. It's kinda like a turbulence airline passengers experience when they momentarily feel a sudden drop as a result of low pressure below the plane.
  3. Spoiler (click to show/hide):

    flowerwater.png (7.52 KiB) Viewed 2569 times
    Though the underwater level was fixed with what Peach could do, she still can't grab any exposed powerups other than the frog suit.
  4. Spoiler (click to show/hide):

    flashing.png (49.37 KiB) Viewed 2569 times
    For some reason, Peach's boobs kept flashing in and out over and over again.
  5. Spoiler (click to show/hide):

    earless.png (26.9 KiB) Viewed 2569 times
    When obtaining the leaf powerup along with retaining the outfit from the previous, the menu pic of Peach shows her missing ears.
  6. Spoiler (click to show/hide):

    invisiblewall.png (43.53 KiB) Viewed 2569 times
    I still say, the invisible wall no longer has to be there, she should now be able to walk on top of that roof to the left of her. Just as long as she doesn't fall off the left screen into oblivion.
Last edited by Biles on Thu Oct 11, 2012 6:24 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6n

Postby QuizmasterBos » Thu Oct 11, 2012 6:19 pm

vyor Wrote:I have noticed alot more lag and graphical gliches with dolphin(might be the games I play to)

It does depend. They actually have a wikisite dedicated to the state of each game.
So you know which games work well and which don't.
Here's a link in case you're interested.
http://wiki.dolphin-emulator.com/index. ... =Main_Page

It is true that overall Dolphin games work less well. But that is a newer generation console.
Development for the N64 and PSX emulators has stopped years ago. If they were continued, they would've played all games flawlessly by now.
That's pretty much where I'm driving at.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6n

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Thu Oct 11, 2012 6:59 pm

Biles Wrote:[*]When Tanooki Burn Peach is flying, her outer hand flashes back and forth between burn and vanilla skin.

Forgot to create the new hand mechanism of Burn Peach. I'll fix that.
EDIT: fixed! To be in the next update.
Biles Wrote:[*]I don't know, but it might just be me. I've noticed that if Peach is descending with a raccoon or tanooki and grabs that big coin, she briefly loses her descending ability and starts falling like a brick until she regains control.

I'll check!

Biles Wrote:[*]Though the underwater level was fixed with what Peach could do, she still can't grab any exposed powerups other than the frog suit.

It's a problem with that flower itself. I'll fix that.
EDIT: fixed! To be in the next update.
Biles Wrote:For some reason, Peach's boobs kept flashing in and out over and over again.

Whoops! Those work clothes are new functionality. Its incomplete yet. But I will raise this priority.

Biles Wrote:When obtaining the leaf powerup along with retaining the outfit from the previous, the menu pic of Peach shows her missing ears.

I will fix that.

Biles Wrote:I still say, the invisible wall no longer has to be there, she should now be able to walk on top of that roof to the left of her. Just as long as she doesn't fall off the left screen into oblivion.

Ok, now I can work on it, removing it.
EDIT: fixed! I've put some bonus itens there (not much). Will be in the next release.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6n

Postby AsianP3rsuas10n » Thu Oct 11, 2012 9:07 pm

Have you thought of adding this to the roof?

Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Not exactly like that but it is a good way to show that Peach cant move any further. Acts like a wall but also provides a nice little pic to see. Call it an easter egg if you wish.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6n

Postby Biles » Thu Oct 11, 2012 9:32 pm

Well, I've gone and done it. I've finally completed optimizing the goomba. With any luck, it should help boost the game's performance in the next update cycle. BTW, I've taken the liberty to slightly color the torso a bit, I hope this is okay.
Click to Play
(Javascript Required)

Goomba-redux.swf [ 2.98 KiB | Viewed 2491 times ]

(23.3 KiB) Downloaded 17 times
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6n

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Thu Oct 11, 2012 10:24 pm

Biles Wrote:Well, I've gone and done it. I've finally completed optimizing the goomba. With any luck, it should help boost the game's performance in the next update cycle. BTW, I've taken the liberty to slightly color the torso a bit, I hope this is okay.

Oh yey! Its okay!! No need to adjust any further ;) Thank you! I'll be adding it on version 1.6o!

AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:Have you thought of adding this to the roof? Not exactly like that but it is a good way to show that Peach cant move any further. Acts like a wall but also provides a nice little pic to see. Call it an easter egg if you wish.

Nice idea! I will add two castle roof (triangle shaped) and a flag. Maybe a picture of Peach doing nasty things (you know, that nasty Kamek...)
I can let it passable (background prop). I prefer. So Peach can wander in the castle roof.
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Nice job Biles!!!

Postby yurinicolau » Fri Oct 12, 2012 12:04 am

Hey Biles outstanding work man!! Now the game shall work even smottier then before!! Cool!!! ;)
About the lightenned at the Goombas color... I understand that you did that because it's the Goombas private area, but still, they don't use t-shirts nor are turtles... So I think one color only fits better the Goomba, you know... It gives him a sense of uniformity... So I took the liberty of changing back the torso colors to the standard one...
Just a peek:
Biles Goomba with regular color.jpg
-Biles Goomba version, but with regular colors.
Biles Goomba with regular color.jpg (19.08 KiB) Viewed 2448 times

So I'm posting your FLA file with this change here, just in case Ivanaedler prefer the old color version. But no worries! The credit is all yours man!!! :D I know Ivanaedler could do this blindfolded, but just to save him some time (in case he also thinks the regular color is better) I'm posting your FLA file with the regular Goomba color here:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Goomba Biles version with standard colors.fla
-Biles Goomba version, but with regular colors.
(25.31 KiB) Downloaded 23 times

P.S. Hey Ivanaedler, I sent youTifa's mouths converted versions FLA file just a few hours ago. Hell yeah!!! ;)
Last edited by yurinicolau on Fri Oct 12, 2012 12:34 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Nice job Biles!!!

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Fri Oct 12, 2012 12:31 am

yurinicolau Wrote:Hey Biles outstanding work man!! Now the game shall work even smottier then before!! Cool!!! ;)
About the lightenned at the Goombas color... I understand that you did that because it's the Goombas private area, but still, they don't use t-shirts nor are turtles... So I think one color only fits better the Goomba, you know... It gives him a sense of uniformity... So I took the liberty of changing back the torso colors to the standard one...

Biles did an awesome work! Less curves = faster game!
I just prefer yuri torso because of color uniformity. So I'll be adding the later goomba. ;)
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6n

Postby Biles » Fri Oct 12, 2012 12:34 am

Okay then, we'll go with the uniformity. With any luck in the far future when all the graphic elements are optimized, we could possibly afford to create a scrolling background :3
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6n

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Fri Oct 12, 2012 12:43 am

Biles Wrote:Okay then, we'll go with the uniformity. With any luck in the far future when all the graphic elements are optimized, we could possibly afford to create a scrolling background :3

You say, with different speeds, for structures like far mountains, when Peach moves left/right?
As for moving objects like clouds, we already have this function in the airship level.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6n

Postby Biles » Fri Oct 12, 2012 2:09 am

Yup, just like the moving backgrounds you see in the redux version of those SMB trilogy on SNES.
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Where are the mushrooms?

Postby yurinicolau » Fri Oct 12, 2012 4:16 am

Hey Ivanaedler, where are the mushrooms??? I'm saying this because at the first stage for instance, there is lots of flowers and only one mushroom at a hidden place! Shouldn't it be the opposite? I mean, at Mario games the mushroom where aways the easier item to catch, and the special itens wheren't that abundant, there was two or three tops at each stage... And also, Peach has much more then one size of breast, so even one more reason to place more mushrooms, right? I'm just pointing out something that intrigued me while playing this last versions...

P.S. By the way, nice catch the enemies acelerate on sight of Peach! :D
P.S.2. Just a question, will Peach's dirty stories be avaiable soon at her diary? I'm really eager to see them! :mrgreen:
P.S.3. Ohh man this game is going great!!!
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Re: Where are the mushrooms?

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Fri Oct 12, 2012 4:31 am

yurinicolau Wrote:Hey Ivanaedler, where are the mushrooms??? I'm saying this because at the first stage for instance, there is lots of flowers and only one mushroom at a hidden place! Shouldn't it be the opposite? I mean, at Mario games the mushroom where aways the easier item to catch, and the special itens wheren't that abundant, there was two or three tops at each stage... And also, Peach has much more then one size of breast, so even one more reason to place more mushrooms, right? I'm just pointing out something that intrigued me while playing this last versions...

The problem with the mushrooms is that Peach starts the game with Dress powerup, but shred. In normal Mario games, when Mario is mini Mario, mushrooms appear first, then Mario became Super Mario and the next powerups are fire or leaf. I will see if I can add "mushrooms only" in certain blocks, so it will turn the level more even.

yurinicolau Wrote:P.S. By the way, nice catch the enemies acelerate on sight of Peach! :D

Thanks ;) That was hard to do. But the hardest thing was to make Peach grab koopa shells! The koopa can even move in Peach hands and fuck her in case she carry him for a bit of time.

yurinicolau Wrote:P.S.2. For the next update, can we expect Peach's dirty stories at her diary??? I'm eager to see them! :mrgreen:

Yes, I will strive to put some of them. This implementation will advance over time and eventually will be complete ;) Thanks and have a nice night!
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