QuizmasterBos Wrote:Currently I'm thinking of a way to time the sound effects for the sex scenes, so I can tell you how far they are off.
I've got a really dumb way of doing so: - Use a recording software to record the scenes. - Cut and paste using an editor to get all the scenes separately. - Using a sound editor of sorts to see the exact moment in seconds when a sound effect starts and using it to find when it should start and end.
QuizmasterBos Wrote:Also, the forward facing model for Monty Mole looks great, but the sideview definitely needs work. I suggest you start with the feet. The claws are stacked upon one another but they should be partway hidden to show that they are on the same height.
ivanaedler Wrote:QuizmasterBos Wrote:Currently I'm thinking of a way to time the sound effects for the sex scenes, so I can tell you how far they are off.
I've got a really dumb way of doing so: - Use a recording software to record the scenes. - Cut and paste using an editor to get all the scenes separately. - Using a sound editor of sorts to see the exact moment in seconds when a sound effect starts and using it to find when it should start and end.
Hey, nonono, not necessary to do that! While programming, I tell the software to play the sound in an instant X. I have control of that. The problem is the sound itself. It starts silent, then, 2 seconds later, it plays on. The problem: I dont have a backup sound. So I will record it while playing, then edit it.QuizmasterBos Wrote:Also, the forward facing model for Monty Mole looks great, but the sideview definitely needs work. I suggest you start with the feet. The claws are stacked upon one another but they should be partway hidden to show that they are on the same height.
It's a plan to improve him. Thanks for the recommendations
QuizmasterBos Wrote:I see my role here to see this game through to its completion and help making it as perfect as it can get.
This game must undoubtedly become the absolute best fanmade porngame ever.
ivanaedler Wrote:QuizmasterBos Wrote:I see my role here to see this game through to its completion and help making it as perfect as it can get.
This game must undoubtedly become the absolute best fanmade porngame ever.
Thanks for the link! I will check!
Me too! I'm perfectionistBut I'm also a 'do it , even not being so good at first'. Otherwise, plans will stock up and nothing done :/
As for the timings, I can't tell the program *exactly* how many seconds, as I edit each frame (22 frames per second). So 100ms/22 = a slice that I can use. But again, I can edit just the sound, then its just a matter to check all the 25 scenes (because there will be one or two that was OK before, but now they will play earlier).
QuizmasterBos Wrote:My only problem is the way to time it. If I play the scene I notice the sound effect doesn't start at the correct point. But I don't know how many frames that is. Unless I do the math of course. Hmm...I guess I'll need to play it by ear then.
ivanaedler Wrote:QuizmasterBos Wrote:My only problem is the way to time it. If I play the scene I notice the sound effect doesn't start at the correct point. But I don't know how many frames that is. Unless I do the math of course. Hmm...I guess I'll need to play it by ear then.
Trust me, its easier for me to check these, as I'm deep in the code. I'll remove silence in the first microsseconds when I have more time.
QuizmasterBos Wrote:It's sad to see so much work fall on your shoulders. At times like these I wish I had the ability to draw or understood code.
So the only things I can provide you is my opinion as well as my creativity. I'm glad that these are both often understood and even praised.
Brings ato my face.
MPLDAM9919 Wrote:Of course, I did run into a few glitches here and there. 1. The info block in the beginning 1-2 won't show it's info
MPLDAM9919 Wrote:I encountered a glicth where I couldn't move on the world map. My only hope was to replay the first level (by pressing space) and it worked fine agian.
MPLDAM9919 Wrote: There's this werid glitch on 1-4 where I got fucked by a Goomba and I couldn't jump.
MPLDAM9919 Wrote:I wish I could help you out, but I'm not a programmer. I'm more of an idea's person.
coolness32 Wrote:Just thought you should know, when you play with the keyboard setup as "single left hand", when you are done with events where there is dialogue or thoughts, the space bar to proceed makes Peach jump and she jumps I was wondering if the "proceed" button could be something different on single left hand so that she doesn't jump when you have to press the space
ivanaedler Wrote:"3- Peach will no more slide to left/right if she enters/leaves a door"
Biles Wrote:"3- Peach will no more slide to left/right if she enters/leaves a door, except for exiting pipes. She still continues with whatever sliding moment was interrupted upon entering pipes.
Biles Wrote:[*]On the first level, for some reason she can't climb onto the vines when standing directly on top of the block it grows out from and I have to kinda jump onto it from the side.
Biles Wrote:In the Watery level, gaining any powerups, masturbation, lactating, and such still do not work.
Biles Wrote:[*]Raccoon Peach still loses her tail after fucking a bunch of goombas.
Biles Wrote:[*]In the second level, the tanooki powersuit does not reset itself when Peach dies by accident or deliberate.
Biles Wrote:[*]Raccoon Peach will sometimes display a standing pose when slowly descending downwards using her raccoon tails.
Biles Wrote:[*]Coins converted from bricks still continue to retain their floor ceiling collisions. I missed out on a shitload of coins in the subcon world after I hit the big P button.
Biles Wrote:[*]Bonus toadhouse should be fully boxed in via collision as this sorta thing kinda happens
Biles Wrote:[*]In the duration the running bar continues to tingle, Peach should not be using the regular jump animation at all, she should be using the flying animation instead just as Mario did in SMB3.
Biles Wrote:[*]When Peach throws a veggie, she shouldn't be stopping to do so unless the player wants to.
Biles Wrote:[*]Peach should be able to hold the veggie and run at the sametime.
Biles Wrote:[*]Those long rectangular mushroom platform should have its wall collision removed as they prove problematic to reaching items and such. And why are they curved in the first place? It was never like that in SMB.
Biles Wrote:[*]Remember a long time ago when I suggested you should put an invisible collision wall somewhere on top of the Mushroom castle in the first level? Well now that you've improved the collision codes, I think it's safe to say you can remove it and put it at the very edge of the left side of the screen.
Biles Wrote:[*]You know that super long grey stone wall near the end of the watery level which you'd have to swim over or below it? Well, it should have a ceiling collision so Peach doesn't end up using it as an instant elevator, not that it creates any sort of major problems to the game.
Biles Wrote:[*]I hope you still consider my proposal to give coin blocks and bricks ceiling collisions as I found out how vital it has now become. Now that you've increased Peach's jump height, players may find it problematic if they do not want to jump through a line of blocks. In the vase rooms in the subcon level when Peach tries to hit the upper bricks for coins, she constantly jumps out of the vase all the time.
Biles Wrote:[*]I have an idea for swimming mechanics. I think it was either in SMB3 or SMW that when swimming underwater, if you press up and the jump button, Mario would bob up dramatically. Pressing the down button and then the jump button keeps him leveled. Should we apply this to Peach?[/list]
ivanaedler Wrote:Biles Wrote:[*]When Peach throws a veggie, she shouldn't be stopping to do so unless the player wants to.
It becomes strange seeing Peach throwing it while walking. And I would need to create a new walking animation just for that. Its things and features like that I dont see any real advantage other than aestethic.
ivanaedler Wrote:Biles Wrote:[*]Peach should be able to hold the veggie and run at the sametime.
Explained before. I wont be doing that until finding a better mechanism.
ivanaedler Wrote:Biles Wrote:[*]Those long rectangular mushroom platform should have its wall collision removed as they prove problematic to reaching items and such. And why are they curved in the first place? It was never like that in SMB.
They only have some ground collision in order for Peach to jump on them. No collision on its wall/trunk. Curvy for aestetic purposes.
ivanaedler Wrote:Biles Wrote:[*]Remember a long time ago when I suggested you should put an invisible collision wall somewhere on top of the Mushroom castle in the first level? Well now that you've improved the collision codes, I think it's safe to say you can remove it and put it at the very edge of the left side of the screen.
I dont understand. Change this collision placement? Peach still needs ceiling and wall collisions in that area.
Biles Wrote:[*]You know that super long grey stone wall near the end of the watery level which you'd have to swim over or below it? Well, it should have a ceiling collision so Peach doesn't end up using it as an instant elevator, not that it creates any sort of major problems to the game.
ivanaedler Wrote:Biles Wrote:[*]I hope you still consider my proposal to give coin blocks and bricks ceiling collisions as I found out how vital it has now become. Now that you've increased Peach's jump height, players may find it problematic if they do not want to jump through a line of blocks. In the vase rooms in the subcon level when Peach tries to hit the upper bricks for coins, she constantly jumps out of the vase all the time.
I will keep brainstorming about a solution.
AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:Has anyone ever seen the Super Mario Bros TV series? That show makes me cry honestly...it is so bad I want to rip my eues out. The characters they draw are nowhere near close to what they actually look like. Seriously, if you ever want to just cry a bit, watch it. Its only netflix. Or just youtube it.
Anyways on another note, cant access computer for awhile :\ kinda bummed out now cuz I cant test the updates nor can I see anything!! >_<
I will cheer on the sidelines with my Iphone!! Go Ivan! Go ivan!
But seriously, how are things going? Any difficulty with anything?
Any new ideas that have come up? I might as well do some collaborating while not using my computer. That way I'd actually be useful...
GeraldMason Wrote:I actually like a few of those ideas, especially the castle destruction one despite it's difficult concept.
One idea for the bosses is veggies/fireballs, maybe hammers or whatever other power-ups are added. Or using the environment - But I much prefer the idea of actually fighting some bosses as opposed to simply sexing them up.
On the other hand, I do like the idea of Peach getting raped by Wendy. Perhaps make it so if you lose in a battle with a boss, they rape you and THEN it counts for a death?
Or perhaps give you the option to sex them up when you win?
Though the "defeat rape" is something I DEFINITELY wish to see with bosses, and the options to fight them over simply getting freaky with them is also a must.
Like say they get dominant in the situation as opposed to when you lose, you technically get "tops" or whatever.
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