Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.48 (Nov 2/18) - HIATUS

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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6d

Postby QuizmasterBos » Sat Sep 29, 2012 11:53 pm

See, that already makes three people that don't want this.
A warning is nice, but that still means it's in the game and I don't want that.
You can't cater to everyone, so please don't put it in the game.

I hope he reads this when he gets back.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6d

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sun Sep 30, 2012 2:42 am

I'm BACK! I rode 190miles instead of 380. A very hot sun, palpitations and problems with logistics. 15 people did not finish, me included. 20 still riding this night on the motorway. But it was fun. I may ride in the countryside. I'm hating trucks! Lots of them! And their horns!

AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:Wait what happened to 1.6c? Was this version so awesome that it skipped a letter?

Yes because the 1.6c was buggy. Sometimes I improve a letter because of this, and because too many addons.

AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:For the level selection, would it be possible to make it appear on the main menu after the player has beaten the game?

Yes! And it can be saved in the user computer. I will do that.

AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:Wait, are you making it based off SMB3 only? I was thinking you were doing it by having a small feature of each into the game...
If you need me to, I'll get the roms and play them on my laptop. But no promises. I am not very good at the side scrolling Mario haha.

Of course NOT. This game uses SOME FEELINGS of SMB1, 2, 3 and SMW. Why 'some' and not 'all'? Because I dont want to plagiazire everhthing :/ (this explains features like tingling animation having 5 instead of 6, and the turnips style and size).

AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:Have you thought of Shadow Mario? or the Blue Fake one? One of the maps could have him, and Peach would be soo excited! They would have sexy time, but the fake would be really rough and then BAM! Finds out it was just a fake and so GAME CONTINUES!

So she will be thinking its her lover Mario? Hmmm I will analyse. A thing to do AFTER finishing vegetables mechanism and 6 priorities.

AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote: You could make the people have a choice wether to do it or not. If they do, they'd lose their power up or something and if they dont, they would just have to stomp on him. The idea needs revising but Shadow Mario is an interesting character...

I Didnt understand clearly. You say 'them' in regard to Shadow Mario and Blue Mario? Do what? sex scenes?

AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote: and yes indeed we can. I really wished Blarg and Ivan both worked on the same game instead of separately.

Blargh has said in his forum that he's not used to team work. He prefers to update alone because he will have more control. But who am I to change that? I really want to collaborate to his version, and I even asked him to use his source code to inject MIM AE features. No answer (thats because he doesnt want an ENF Peach plot, for example, and other different features he wants).
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Sun Sep 30, 2012 4:18 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6d

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sun Sep 30, 2012 2:48 am

HappyGoomba Wrote:It happened again in just about the same place.

I can tell you it was definitely the hog hole. As soon as the goomba fully popped out, she disappeared. The castle spawn point was not on screen.
I'm assuming that you're having the pipes recycle goombas who aren't near the princess when the pipe needs to spawn? I ask, because after a while on this level, the goombas would come out of the pipe and promptly fall asleep. Sometimes they would turn into sleeping threesomes. This also happened with the Monty hole on the forest level.

Thats why I've put 'fix attempt #2'. I will analyse if more, and test the attempt #3. lets get rid of them once and for wall!
No, pipe doesnt recycle goombas if Peach is far away. Only if Peach is near to them (camera screen x 1/2camera screen). Hmm cannot reproduce the three sleeping ones, but again I will make better code for hog holes.

SuperDodoman12 Wrote:phantom dick xD

Hey dont be soooo detalhistic! :? I will remove it. But again, try to enjoy the game with its, 90-95% of accuracy...otherwise I will be an OCD man trying to get all 100% :D But I will improve that.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6d

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sun Sep 30, 2012 3:01 am

MPLDAM9919 Wrote:The game's looking good! I see that Birdo is now walking around in the 6th level but she doesn't do anything yet.

Heyheyheyhey, by parts, by parts!

MPLDAM9919 Wrote:Birdo won't let you pass and finish the level unless Peach lets her fuck her. (Dialouge for scene - Birdo: Hello Darling! I'm afriad I won't let you pass. Tell you what, I'll let you pass if you agree to make love with me! Peach anwser 1: No way!!! I'm not making love with you!!! Birdo 1: WHAT?!? Take this you bitch!!! *becomes stark naked with HUGE breasts* Peach awnser 2: Make me cum!!!

Nice ideas so far!

MPLDAM9919 Wrote:Then Birdo pulls out her dick

Now, Houston, we have a problem. I've scripted Birdo to be a 100% female. BUT! I want to create an hermafrodite/futa (option to be chosen by the player). For this I will have to have Biles' Birdo version, and some animations I will make.

I liked your script, though. I will keep it with me for when I have the futa scene!

MPLDAM9919 Wrote:Instead of Daisy/Rosa being in the costume change, the both of them would be unlocked by playing through the story. An example of this is you'd meet Daisy in the next world (World 2. Which I'm assuming is the dessert cause A. All 2-D Mario games segway into a dessert and B. Daisy's Kingdom might be there.) And you'd meet Rosalina in World 4 or 5.

Yes a DESERT. I will think about it.

MPLDAM9919 Wrote:Daisy: "I'm willing to help serch with you if you let play with that cute little pussy of yours! Peach anwser 1: Ummm...I don't know.... "

I think its better to do a scene that let them aroused 'with no purpose, and Peach embarrassed', them Daisy will start teasing and grabbing Peach parts. Or, like Asian said, the scene may trigger if Peach is horny (> 75%)
I will save your script! I liked it!
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Sun Sep 30, 2012 3:32 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6d

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sun Sep 30, 2012 3:05 am

AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:Birdo cant talk in Mario games

Yes she can! In SMB USA, japanese edition!
(here an image showing Peach talking to Mario. Sometimes , two birdos appear talking there as well)

AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote: I'm sure we would rather have many Birdos on different maps rather than just one trying to block an entrance no? ... We should have 3 different ones. Each depending on how many enemies Peach has fucked on that level. In turn making sorta like a Morton scene. A Virgin dialouge, a Whore, and a Slut. Which in turn would be a lot of work. But I like how your thinking.

Hmm yes Birdo should be a mini boss with different characteristics. E.g: The Birdo blocking the entrance scene should be a mini boss but a friendly one. A Bad Birdo boss (Mayba when she gets angry) may throw eggs to do nasty things to Peach (not only hurting her until losing life)

AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote: But you should make your dialouge a little less "Jump into sex!" if you know what I mean. They are people not just whores.

Thats what I've said above ;)

AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:Of course what could happen to make this true would be, if we saw Mail Toad in the beggining of the level saying "I'm reporting this right away to the others!"

I liked this!

QuizMasterBos Wrote:I need to get Ivan off of this idea STAT. Poopsex is incredibly gross and only a very small amount of people that play this game would actually find that arousing.
And if Ivan really wants to pursue this idea, then he HAS to make a poll for it.

Again, this idea is NOT mine, but I've put there. And if someday this is ever implemented, it will be as a HIDDEN option for those who like this kind of fetish ('brown screen area'). Or 'better', a different version game (parallel game). I've explained that on page 1. And its a thing that may never be implemented, depending on user feedbacks.
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Sun Sep 30, 2012 4:50 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6d

Postby coolness32 » Sun Sep 30, 2012 3:51 am

A post about birdo made me have an idea, or more like a question. What about having a mini boss at the end of levels? I understand about wanting enemies to be dominant in one area, but I think mini bosses could work. Even if it's just something like (for example) at the end of level one could be a giant goomba, or something along those lines.

*edit - YAY!!! I don't have to have my post approved anymore!!!
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6d

Postby HappyGoomba » Sun Sep 30, 2012 3:55 am

ivanaedler Wrote:Thats why I've put 'fix attempt #2'. I will analyse if more, and test the attempt #3. lets get rid of them once and for wall!
No, pipe doesnt recycle goombas if Peach is far away. Only if Peach is near to them (camera screen x 1/2camera screen). Hmm cannot reproduce the three sleeping ones, but again I will make better code for hog holes.

sleepy.jpg (32 KiB) Viewed 2985 times

The easiest way to reproduce is at the Monty hole in the forest level. Go there, wait for 10 goombas to fall in the hole. Jump down, have a party. Go through the pipe and come back to the hole. The goombas should fall asleep as soon as they walk out of the space/time rift.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6d

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sun Sep 30, 2012 4:19 am

coolness32 Wrote:A post about birdo made me have an idea, or more like a question. What about having a mini boss at the end of levels? I understand about wanting enemies to be dominant in one area, but I think mini bosses could work. Even if it's just something like (for example) at the end of level one could be a giant goomba, or something along those lines.
*edit - YAY!!! I don't have to have my post approved anymore!!!

Yes it may be, but I think level 1 should not have a mini boss. I think some is able to have it, others not .

HappyGoomba Wrote:The easiest way to reproduce is at the Monty hole in the forest level. Go there, wait for 10 goombas to fall in the hole. Jump down, have a party. Go through the pipe and come back to the hole. The goombas should fall asleep as soon as they walk out of the space/time rift.

Hmmmm you got a clue! Now I know where the problem is occurring. I will modify it.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6d

Postby freakyfurry » Sun Sep 30, 2012 7:30 am

Have you considered the Red Star power up from Super Mario Galaxy? It was the one that gave Mario flight. In game, it was only unlocked when you beat the game, so maybe it could be some kind of reward given if you beat the entire game, and decide to play it through again.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6d

Postby AsianP3rsuas10n » Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:32 am

Flying... Hmm...lets just inplement noclip as well! Haha
I dont about having peach be able to fly through the whole map due to glitches it can cause but its aaaaallllll up to Ivan!
And welcome back!

Blue Mario and Shadow Mario are the same characters, I just didnt know if I got the right name or not haha. An yes players could choose wether to fuck him or fight him and the rest is explained hah.

And i did not know Birdi could talk! I was basing my comment just on the Majority of mario games. Most of them just have her make some weird noise.

Idea! I'd collaborate with Quiz but I'm too lazy to send another message so, what about having Birdo be introduction to Yoshi? She could like lay a huge egg or something and then walk away and that brings Yoshi into play. Meeds revising to do what you think is best.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6d

Postby QuizmasterBos » Sun Sep 30, 2012 1:41 pm

Welcome back Ivan.
Asianp3rsuas10n and me have been hard at work collaborating while you were gone.
I will post our ideas in this thread soon, probably later this day.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6d

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sun Sep 30, 2012 2:14 pm

AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:Flying... Hmm...lets just inplement noclip as well! Haha I dont about having peach be able to fly through the whole map due to glitches it can cause but its aaaaallllll up to Ivan! And welcome back!

Thanks. Hmm its possible to make this but as you've mentioned, glitches will start to appear. Also, the game will so a lot more complex. I dont think its so important to have these abilities in regard to more levels, sex scenes, and puzzles and meetings.

AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:What about having Birdo be introduction to Yoshi? She could like lay a huge egg or something and then walk away and that brings Yoshi into play. Meeds revising to do what you think is best.

I prefer to let it like Mario World in this case. Peach will break a brick, then an egg will appear. She will exclain once: 'Oh what's that?' then the egg will crack an a dick will appear. She will be embarrassed and will touch it (Peach is curious). After sucking, yoshi appears with a hard dick and he will say 'now its my turn. You have let me horny, Princess'. After this first encounter, Peach will be able to mount on it. If Peach touches a hazard (like spikes, bad enemies -> those which dont make sex), she will be thrown backwards and dino will run away.

QuizmasterBos Wrote:Welcome back Ivan.
Asianp3rsuas10n and me have been hard at work collaborating while you were gone.
I will post our ideas in this thread soon, probably later this day.

Thanks. I've seen the posts, I'm glad you guys will exchange ideas. I will be programming MIM once I get better. It's like I wandered along World 2 (Desert) for hours :?

freakyfurry Wrote:Have you considered the Red Star power up from Super Mario Galaxy? It was the one that gave Mario flight. In game, it was only unlocked when you beat the game, so maybe it could be some kind of reward given if you beat the entire game, and decide to play it through again.

But, to give fidelity, Peach may have a Handman suit with black overalls (new costume). I prefer to use her handman (Mario) in the end of the game (unlock). So Peach can take the red mushroom and turns into a Super Mario. And levels may be spiced up with more difficulty. I may use the red star for other purposes (Peach will have the small breasts size locked, but she will be horny all the time).
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6d

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sun Sep 30, 2012 4:52 pm

ImageI started to work on peach inner collisions (huge changes ahead). This is necessary because:
1) Peach will respect walls and ceilings more
2) Peach will stomp enemies better
3) Peach will no more gets hurt in a void area when she's swimming (now she will be hurt only if the enemy/hazard Really touches her body).
3.1) Also, collisions will work on tilted Peach (like when she's swimming or flying). Collisions will also be tilted.

EDIT: I will test as far as I can before posting.
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Sun Sep 30, 2012 9:01 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6d

Postby AsianP3rsuas10n » Sun Sep 30, 2012 7:58 pm

Oh boy. New changes means new bugs. Lets get our Goigle Chromes fired up and running!
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6d

Postby QuizmasterBos » Sun Sep 30, 2012 10:53 pm

I'll still need some replying on one particular bit involving Shadow Mario, but the rest is more or less done.
I've filed our conversations and made comments of them in Notepad. Each idea gets filed into a a specific category.
To make your life easier, I'll show them to you in each order as well, just so you know how much we agreed on things.

First up is the definitely list. This list is one where we both agreed on, so I hope everyone else does too.

Idea 1
During your absence MPLDAM9919 posted he wants to see world 2 as a desert world. However, this would conflict a bit with our idea of making: Themed worlds.
And by theming I mean creating each world after various Mario games. Let me elaborate.

Each world will consist of locations and enemies that match those who would appear in each Mariogame. Take SMB1 for example. We'd get a variety of plains, underground areas, mushroom hills high up in the air, long bridges and underwater areas and only enemies such as goomba's, koopa's, bullet bills and piranha plants will appear. You know, since those appear in that game. That means no shy guys... yet.

Because after the SMB world we get SMB2 world. Shy guys, snifits and Birdo will appear in this world. Since SMB2 is so radically different from SMB1 in terms of enemies, it would make a great new world to explore. Also, you can still put desert areas in world 2 since SMB2 had deserts as well. But now you can also put snowareas, waterfalls and plains in there to mix things up a bit. 4 desert levels in one world would get a bit stale, no?

Currently SMB1, SMB2, SMB3, SMW and even SMS can be put into the game with different stages and enemies.

Idea 2
Wario and Waluigi should appear into the game. How exactly they are supposed to be implemented is not sure yet, so this is idea still needs to be worked on.

Idea 3
In the Super Smash Bros games (SSB), Peach has hearts coming out during various moves, like when she uses her hips/butt to knock into another character.
So we thought hearts should come out during sex as well. The size and amount of hearts would change depending on how many enemies Peach has laid.
When Peach orgasms a big heart should appear. To get a bit of an idea it's best to watch some Super Smash Bros Brawl videos. I'm sure you could find something.
Just look up Peach moves brawl in google.

Idea 4
The timer on some of the stages can be a bit low, especially if you're simply trying to find everything. You might want to increase the timer a bit, by about 50-100 seconds or so. Not too much that you can barely move and still finish on time, but still enough to fuck all enemies and explore the stage.

Idea 5
If you beat the game and get the virgin ending, Mario gets to fuck Peach one on one. If the player beats the game with the slut ending he won't get any. Instead Peach will get into a massive gangbang featuring various/all enemies in the game.
Mario will either:
- Kill himself
- Fuck Daisy instead
- Jerk off

Idea 6
The last few ideas only work if you implement the themed level concept mentioned in idea 1. In particular the Super Mario Sunshine (SMS) world.
In the SMS world Pianta's will replace toads. Instead of mushroom houses Pianta huts will appear similar to those on Isle Delfino.

Idea 7
Painting of enemies will pop up around the world and enemies spawn out of them. This concept was used for the Stu enemy in SMS. It will basically replace the hog holes, but only for that world. If you need more info on this, do not be afraid to ask.

That is all for the definitely list. I hope you think positively about each one.

Next up is the Not sure of list. We aren't sure of these. These are only two ideas though, but we do need your opinion.

Idea 1
Again, assuming you'll implement themed worlds, F.L.U.D.D. would appear in game. He's a water shooting device Mario uses in SMS.
It looks like this:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


It can shoot powerful beams of water to knock enemies back and clean stuff off. Mario carried it on his back.
I do not actually want to make this a powerup. I merely want F.L.U.D.D. to appear and squirt Peach's privates to make her squirt.
AsianP3rsuas10n wasn't sure about this idea, so matters will fall into your hands.

Idea 2
Asianp3rsuas10n wanted to incorporate a kill/sex ratio. That means that for every 1 enemy you fuck you had to kill some to compensate.
This way players can get the virgin ending even while fucking some enemies.

I on the other hand thought this would take away the challenge of getting the virgin ending and since you can save, players could always reload and try a level again.
And if enemies become nearly undodgeable, I'd be sure to tell you.

Finally one last category: Need to ask Ivan. We don't know really know what to think and need your opinion on the matter.
It's only one idea and it's this.

Idea 1
Should the control of Peach be more refined? By which I mean, should Peach act more like Mario in the Mario games? In SMB3 Mario has a lot of forward momentum so it takes quite a bit before he stops. Peach stops almost instantly. Maybe Peach should go forward just a bit more after she stops, particularly when you stop pressing buttons after you ran.

These are our ideas made up in roughly 25 hours. I hope you're not too dazed by this huge wall of text and that you'll answer us soon.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6d

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Mon Oct 01, 2012 12:22 am

QuizmasterBos Wrote:I'll still need some replying on one particular bit involving Shadow Mario, but the rest is more or less done.
I've filed our conversations and made comments of them in Notepad. Each idea gets filed into a a specific category.
To make your life easier, I'll show them to you in each order as well, just so you know how much we agreed on things.

Let's go!

QuizmasterBos Wrote:Idea 1

Themed worlds are an advanced matter that can cause confusion. First, its planned to do a 8 world game (each 'world' is a region of the entire Mushroom Kingdom, except World 5 (SubCon) and maybe Wolrd 9 (the sky with rosalina?)

I want to let those places explorable, in its full extent, like Classic Mario.
I think themed worlds will create complexity.

QuizmasterBos Wrote:Currently SMB1, SMB2, SMB3, SMW and even SMS can be put into the game with different stages and enemies.

There are interesting possibilites, like World 5, for example, having SMB3 feelings, and World 7 having a more SMW approach. This simplifies things and gets more spice. Peach can visit different places in a given world, if the world theme is almost the same: e.g. level1 (SMB grass), level2 (SMW grass and mountains, compatible with SMB grass).

QuizmasterBos Wrote:Idea 2

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm interesting but I think it requires so many brainstorm, and it may be done after the 8 worlds and the koopalings. And of course, when we have more sex scenes. If you guys help me with assets (desert floors, icy textures) I could finish them quicker.

QuizmasterBos Wrote:Idea 3

Hearts! Interesting Idea! Approved! But this should be configurable (on/off).

QuizmasterBos Wrote:Idea 4

I think of disabling the timer altogether, like Mario2. I noticed that the timer was a bad choice :/

QuizmasterBos Wrote:Idea 5

Liked this idea. But I prefer Mario to Fuck another one instead ;)

QuizmasterBos Wrote:Idea 6

It requires severe brainstorming when I finish the 8 worlds. Again, I see its possible to make different themes in some levels of a given world, using compatible textures and environments.

QuizmasterBos Wrote:Idea 7

Painting of enemies: I need more info (STU from Super Smash Sunshine).

QuizmasterBos Wrote:Idea 2-1: F.L.U.D.D. appearing in game. (water shooting device). Peach getting washed right in the area

Liked this. But priority = lowest.

QuizmasterBos Wrote:Idea 2-2: Kill/sex ratio. Every 1 enemy you fuck you had to kill some to compensate.

No. The player needs to strive to get the virgin ending. He will be able to load in a given slot anyway. (yes we will have slots and a way to save locally -> clipboard copy/paste to a txt file).
I prefer people in the forum helping me about a given enemy that's hard / impossible to trespass without fucking. E.g. a piranha plant in a place with no fire power. So I will add this fire power.

QuizmasterBos Wrote:Idea 3-1: Peach Movement more refined

For sure! But not right now. This will require acceleration mechanics. Not hard.

Thanks for the ideas!
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Mon Oct 01, 2012 2:55 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6d

Postby AsianP3rsuas10n » Mon Oct 01, 2012 1:15 am

Alright, thanks for the feedback.

1. Ok since you dont want to include the themed world, then brainstorming for that shall be haulted until further notice. I would still like to incorperate shadow Mario though. Due to the fact that even though he belongs in the SMS (Super Mario Sunshine) world, I feel he can still fit with the world we have now. What we could do is leave it at a cliffhanger until we do get to the themed world, and that would be where we will have the final battle. Still needs revising.

2. How would you like us to help? I will try my best at art but no promises due to the fact I only have Paint lol but I'll try to get myself a copy of Illustrator if you want me to.

3. All we would really need to do for backgrounds, is find a 2D picture thats already been drawn and modify it to our liking and BAM! We have our back ground. An we dont even need to make it a world if you dont want. Even just a level or two. SMS has many different levels but are fairly the same overall. Not only that but it can use almost everything we have come up with so far. Fruits, Yoshi, Toad Houses. But no need to worry now. We should discuss this once all modifications you want to do is done.

4. I think instead of paintings of enemies he meant that their will be random splooshes of paint around the map, and thats where enemies will come from
The first few mintues will give you an idea of what it looks like. In the game it is used to teleport Mario to different worlds so we thought "Why not do the opposite?" and send enemies through them as well?

5. Okay! You can do the save if you wish, but I advise we complete it perfectly and make sure there are no glitches because if something happens, it will not end well.

Unfortunetly enough, half of our collaborating is based off of Mario Sunshine and so we technically planned out stuff for the future rather then now hahaha. No problem though. We shall venture forth into the deep dark abyss that is our minds and find the ideas that will create a happy furture for all fappers of the world. :lol: :lol:
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6d

Postby MPLDAM9919 » Mon Oct 01, 2012 4:43 am

Your ideas are intresting, QuizmasterBos. But Idea 5 is not a good idea. Let's keep this game lighthearted and not make it dark.

I'm glad you and Ivan like my theme worlds idea, though. I was thinking you can unlocked a new girl to play as in each world by fucking her (discluding World 1).

I was thinking:

World 1 Kingdom (Grasslands): Peach (tutorial)
World 2 Dessert: Daisy (maybe make a new model cause the current one looks too much like Peach in my opinion)
World 3 Water (Ocean/Beach): Misty (Gen 1 form. But you can change to the HG/SS in character select once Misty's onlocked)
World 4 Forest: Krystal
World 5 Snowy: Rosalina
World 6 Mountains: Zelda
World 7 Sky: Samus
World 8 Darkland: I haven't thought of one yet. But maybe we can throw out ideas.

And maybe some after-game/mission girls which include some more of the Nintendo girls and some thrid-party girls.

And of course, I shall wirte up some scripts when I have then chance! Is that alright?
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6d

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Mon Oct 01, 2012 4:55 am

I'm still programming the collisions.

AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:1. Ok since you dont want to include the themed world, then brainstorming for that shall be haulted until further notice. I would still like to incorperate shadow Mario though. Due to the fact that even though he belongs in the SMS (Super Mario Sunshine) world, I feel he can still fit with the world we have now. What we could do is leave it at a cliffhanger until we do get to the themed world, and that would be where we will have the final battle. Still needs revising.

Its better to create levels inside a given world that gets a given theme. So, in world2, we may have 2 levels like SMB3, 2 levels like SMW... And in world2, 3 levels liks SMB3, 2 like SMW... That way, its better to manage. Creating entire worlds with a different theme may be interesting when we have a huge game, or different MIM sequels.

AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:2. How would you like us to help? I will try my best at art but no promises due to the fact I only have Paint lol but I'll try to get myself a copy of Illustrator if you want me to.

MIM requires some interesting graphics, all vectorized. People can even find non-traced versions (bitmaps, like png , gif and jpg) but I will have to work on them from scratch. I'm not putting any traced bitmaps because of the high points/curves size, that can pass over 3000. You dont need specific apps. You can paint using gimp as well (even paint, provided you save as PNG with transparency). However, it's better if done with vectorized images, like SVG or Flash internal format (FLA). You can use illustrator as well as Flash IDE to create vectorized imagens inside FLA archives.

AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:4. I think instead of paintings of enemies he meant that their will be random splooshes of paint around the map, and thats where enemies will come from.

Its interesting but it appears to be a 'PORTAL' game like. I still prefer using pipes, underground, structures like castle, sea and the sky, as a classic / natural way for them to appear and reappear. There are more possibilities: different toad houses full of enemies, canons that fire enemies... It may appear strange some levels in MIM having grafitti/painting that blinks then an enemy appear from it.

AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:Find the ideas that will create a happy future for all fappers of the world. :lol: :lol:

Thanks. All ideas are welcome. When I see one idea connecting nicely to MIM and its plot, for sure it will be added without arguing.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.6d

Postby AsianP3rsuas10n » Mon Oct 01, 2012 5:09 am

See Ivan? Everyone comes up with this idea! Hahaha

I already discussed the guest character thing with Ivan before. He said that he wanted a game just in the Mario world with no guest characters with Krystal being maybe the only one to add in. As much as I love the idea myself, I understand why he probably wouldnt want it. He'd have to get all new sprites (thats what they're called right?) to use and he already hates the fact that we have so many costumes hahaha. Of course a ideas should be considered and possibly can be added in but either after the game is done or in a different version of the game.

Let me also just say this now before it happens more often. I for one like to come up with ideas in a broad way. As in, my ideas are never specified 100%. I only want to sorta throw it out there and let the rest be modified by Ivan or the others. I wish to collaborate with everyone willing but do not turn down an idea without thinking of a way to change it for the better. I'm not quite good with grammer so bear with me. All ideas are mutable and can be changed up in different ways. Of course there are exceptions. Obviously we can reject ideas that make no sense or if Ivan says no hahaha.
So if you think an idea is not good, please come up with something to replace it if possible.

The idea of what Quiz was saying was not to actually make Mario a depressed plumber with suicidal thoughts but rather coming on with a different approach. Slut ending should indeed have Peach be ganagbanged by all the enemies, but should also show that Peach no longer likes Mario and so he meeds to move on. Possibly to Daisy or just magazines and what not haha.

I do like the theme world idea alot but rather on a different level. What me and quiz came up with was the idea of taking. a bit of every Mario game and implementing them into this one. Since Ivan doesnt like it though because it is hard to do, we will probably brainstorm more on a more broad topic when it comes to mapping like Deserts and what not.

Now Ivan, when you wake up one day, and you want to work on making a new map, yet you feel SUPER lazy and dont want to try, just remember that our 1st Mario game, litteraly had the same maps just colored and positioned differently hahaha. :lol: and please dont take my negative feedback personally. I dont agree much with people in real life anyways so if you get annoyed by me, just go look up some funny pictures and have a laugh. I mean no harm to anyone. I'm here to help!

The graffiti portals were supposed to be part of the SMS level. It was our mistake to move so far ahead with the idea before pitching it to you.
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