AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:Wait what happened to 1.6c? Was this version so awesome that it skipped a letter?
AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:For the level selection, would it be possible to make it appear on the main menu after the player has beaten the game?
AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:Wait, are you making it based off SMB3 only? I was thinking you were doing it by having a small feature of each into the game...
If you need me to, I'll get the roms and play them on my laptop. But no promises. I am not very good at the side scrolling Mario haha.
AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:Have you thought of Shadow Mario? or the Blue Fake one? One of the maps could have him, and Peach would be soo excited! They would have sexy time, but the fake would be really rough and then BAM! Finds out it was just a fake and so GAME CONTINUES!
AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote: You could make the people have a choice wether to do it or not. If they do, they'd lose their power up or something and if they dont, they would just have to stomp on him. The idea needs revising but Shadow Mario is an interesting character...
AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote: and yes indeed we can. I really wished Blarg and Ivan both worked on the same game instead of separately.
HappyGoomba Wrote:It happened again in just about the same place.
I can tell you it was definitely the hog hole. As soon as the goomba fully popped out, she disappeared. The castle spawn point was not on screen.
I'm assuming that you're having the pipes recycle goombas who aren't near the princess when the pipe needs to spawn? I ask, because after a while on this level, the goombas would come out of the pipe and promptly fall asleep. Sometimes they would turn into sleeping threesomes. This also happened with the Monty hole on the forest level.
SuperDodoman12 Wrote:phantom dick xD
MPLDAM9919 Wrote:The game's looking good! I see that Birdo is now walking around in the 6th level but she doesn't do anything yet.
MPLDAM9919 Wrote:Birdo won't let you pass and finish the level unless Peach lets her fuck her. (Dialouge for scene - Birdo: Hello Darling! I'm afriad I won't let you pass. Tell you what, I'll let you pass if you agree to make love with me! Peach anwser 1: No way!!! I'm not making love with you!!! Birdo 1: WHAT?!? Take this you bitch!!! *becomes stark naked with HUGE breasts* Peach awnser 2: Make me cum!!!
MPLDAM9919 Wrote:Then Birdo pulls out her dick
MPLDAM9919 Wrote:Instead of Daisy/Rosa being in the costume change, the both of them would be unlocked by playing through the story. An example of this is you'd meet Daisy in the next world (World 2. Which I'm assuming is the dessert cause A. All 2-D Mario games segway into a dessert and B. Daisy's Kingdom might be there.) And you'd meet Rosalina in World 4 or 5.
MPLDAM9919 Wrote:Daisy: "I'm willing to help serch with you if you let play with that cute little pussy of yours! Peach anwser 1: Ummm...I don't know.... "
AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:Birdo cant talk in Mario games
AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote: I'm sure we would rather have many Birdos on different maps rather than just one trying to block an entrance no? ... We should have 3 different ones. Each depending on how many enemies Peach has fucked on that level. In turn making sorta like a Morton scene. A Virgin dialouge, a Whore, and a Slut. Which in turn would be a lot of work. But I like how your thinking.
AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote: But you should make your dialouge a little less "Jump into sex!" if you know what I mean. They are people not just whores.
AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:Of course what could happen to make this true would be, if we saw Mail Toad in the beggining of the level saying "I'm reporting this right away to the others!"
QuizMasterBos Wrote:I need to get Ivan off of this idea STAT. Poopsex is incredibly gross and only a very small amount of people that play this game would actually find that arousing.
And if Ivan really wants to pursue this idea, then he HAS to make a poll for it.
ivanaedler Wrote:Thats why I've put 'fix attempt #2'. I will analyse if more, and test the attempt #3. lets get rid of them once and for wall!
No, pipe doesnt recycle goombas if Peach is far away. Only if Peach is near to them (camera screen x 1/2camera screen). Hmm cannot reproduce the three sleeping ones, but again I will make better code for hog holes.
coolness32 Wrote:A post about birdo made me have an idea, or more like a question. What about having a mini boss at the end of levels? I understand about wanting enemies to be dominant in one area, but I think mini bosses could work. Even if it's just something like (for example) at the end of level one could be a giant goomba, or something along those lines.
*edit - YAY!!! I don't have to have my post approved anymore!!!
HappyGoomba Wrote:The easiest way to reproduce is at the Monty hole in the forest level. Go there, wait for 10 goombas to fall in the hole. Jump down, have a party. Go through the pipe and come back to the hole. The goombas should fall asleep as soon as they walk out of the space/time rift.
AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:Flying... Hmm...lets just inplement noclip as well! Haha I dont about having peach be able to fly through the whole map due to glitches it can cause but its aaaaallllll up to Ivan! And welcome back!
AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:What about having Birdo be introduction to Yoshi? She could like lay a huge egg or something and then walk away and that brings Yoshi into play. Meeds revising to do what you think is best.
QuizmasterBos Wrote:Welcome back Ivan.
Asianp3rsuas10n and me have been hard at work collaborating while you were gone.
I will post our ideas in this thread soon, probably later this day.
freakyfurry Wrote:Have you considered the Red Star power up from Super Mario Galaxy? It was the one that gave Mario flight. In game, it was only unlocked when you beat the game, so maybe it could be some kind of reward given if you beat the entire game, and decide to play it through again.
QuizmasterBos Wrote:I'll still need some replying on one particular bit involving Shadow Mario, but the rest is more or less done.
I've filed our conversations and made comments of them in Notepad. Each idea gets filed into a a specific category.
To make your life easier, I'll show them to you in each order as well, just so you know how much we agreed on things.
QuizmasterBos Wrote:Idea 1
QuizmasterBos Wrote:Currently SMB1, SMB2, SMB3, SMW and even SMS can be put into the game with different stages and enemies.
QuizmasterBos Wrote:Idea 2
QuizmasterBos Wrote:Idea 3
QuizmasterBos Wrote:Idea 4
QuizmasterBos Wrote:Idea 5
QuizmasterBos Wrote:Idea 6
QuizmasterBos Wrote:Idea 7
QuizmasterBos Wrote:Idea 2-1: F.L.U.D.D. appearing in game. (water shooting device). Peach getting washed right in the area
QuizmasterBos Wrote:Idea 2-2: Kill/sex ratio. Every 1 enemy you fuck you had to kill some to compensate.
QuizmasterBos Wrote:Idea 3-1: Peach Movement more refined
AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:1. Ok since you dont want to include the themed world, then brainstorming for that shall be haulted until further notice. I would still like to incorperate shadow Mario though. Due to the fact that even though he belongs in the SMS (Super Mario Sunshine) world, I feel he can still fit with the world we have now. What we could do is leave it at a cliffhanger until we do get to the themed world, and that would be where we will have the final battle. Still needs revising.
AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:2. How would you like us to help? I will try my best at art but no promises due to the fact I only have Paint lol but I'll try to get myself a copy of Illustrator if you want me to.
AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:4. I think instead of paintings of enemies he meant that their will be random splooshes of paint around the map, and thats where enemies will come from.
AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:Find the ideas that will create a happy future for all fappers of the world.![]()
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