Hardware question!!

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Hardware question!!

Postby SugarCookie » Wed Sep 26, 2012 2:43 am

Hey, you guys are computer savvy right?

I have a quick question, and I can't get a good answer anywhere else.

My computer sucks, I tried overclocking it, but it turns out the BIOS won't let me (it's a laptop anyways), and earlier today I was browsing the googleshops, and I found a really good processor, thats really cheap.
Did some research, found out it wasn't compatible (wrong socket), so I found one that was. Still cheap, and about .8 more GHz then the 2.0 one I have now.
Before I spend $40, I wanna make sure it's compatible, can someone look through these specs for me?

My current processor (info gained from CPU-Z)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

AMD Athlon X2 QL-62
Max TPD - 43 W
Socket S1 (638)
Tech - 65 nm
Core VID - .950 V
Memory Cache - L2 256MB

The one I'm looking at to replace it
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

AMD Phenom II X2 N620
TPD - 35 W
Socket S1
Manufacturing Process - 45 nm
Core VID - Doesn't say
Cache Memory - L2 1MB

Will it work? Because I don't wanna take apart my Acer Aspire, and figure out it doesn't work, because I heard lappys are very easy to break.
(Also to the mods, sorry if this is spam, but no one else I know will help me DX)
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Re: Hardware question!!

Postby Zeus Kabob » Wed Sep 26, 2012 9:01 am

I can't give you a hard and fast number, but I'll give you a bit of advice.

Firstly, if you're looking to improve your graphics/gaming performance, it might not be the CPU that you need to upgrade. You would have to look at GPUs, which would give you more bang (FLOPS) for your buck.

Secondly, I've never taken apart a laptop, but I've talked to a few people who've both modded a laptop and built a desktop. From what they've said, it's a lot harder to modify a laptop than it is to modify a desktop, so I'd be wary to take apart my laptop unless I had a really good idea of whether the parts would fit, etc.

Thirdly, you posted the L2 cache size as 1 MB. Are you sure that's an L2 cache and not an L1 cache, and that it's MB and not GB?

For the final question, do you know how many cores each CPU has and if they have any difference in instruction set, operations per tick, or threading control? All of these would allow it to get more done per tick (GHz is a measure of ticks per second), making the clock speed less important than the other factors.
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Re: Hardware question!!

Postby BlueLight » Wed Sep 26, 2012 12:12 pm

fourth question, what is your computer model? I can get a lot more information by knowing the model number unless you had additional upgrades
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Re: Hardware question!!

Postby BlueLight » Wed Sep 26, 2012 12:12 pm

fourth question, what is your computer model? I can get a lot more information by knowning the model number unless you had additional upgrades
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Re: Hardware question!!

Postby SugarCookie » Wed Sep 26, 2012 1:50 pm

For the other stuff, it has the same socket, so it should fit... right?
and I'm not sure about the cache, that's just what I saw on the page, and the current GPU I have is a NVIDIA GeeForce 9100M G.

I've googled a guide to taking apart this specific model, not that hard to find actually.

for the last stuff, both are duel cores, the one I have is 2.0 GHz, the one I'm looking at is 2.8 GHz.

Acer Aspire 4530, it's an older model, from based on the stuff I googled, it's different from the factory build. For example, I have two internal hard drives, both with 143 GB of space.
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Re: Hardware question!!

Postby BlueLight » Wed Sep 26, 2012 2:02 pm

....143 GB? That's roughly 286 which sounds more likely a number they'd use (Not that i've seen it ever use in a hard drive.) but are you sure you don't have 1 hard drive with 2 partitions? (Maybe you have a 300GB drive but the formatting takes some space. I think my 1TB drive has nearly 30GB missing from it.
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Re: Hardware question!!

Postby SugarCookie » Wed Sep 26, 2012 2:13 pm

Probably, "My Computer" says I have two disk drives (C: and D:), both with 143 GB... probably, I'm not at my home computer atm, but I do it's around 140 GB each, maybe 148, or something like that, I can't remember off the top of my head.

I also just defragged them, did the D: drive first over night, and right now it's doing the C: drive.
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Re: Hardware question!!

Postby Zeus Kabob » Wed Sep 26, 2012 3:48 pm

The sockets are S1, but that doesn't mean that the case leaves enough room for a larger chip to be put in it.
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Re: Hardware question!!

Postby SugarCookie » Wed Sep 26, 2012 8:08 pm

Would it be larger then the one I have?
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Re: Hardware question!!

Postby Zeus Kabob » Wed Sep 26, 2012 9:06 pm

Depending on the model of each chip, the Phenom could easily be bigger than the Athlon. You'd probably want to bring the computer into the shop to check that out.
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Re: Hardware question!!

Postby SugarCookie » Wed Sep 26, 2012 9:25 pm

If only Ebay had a shop XD

I think CPU-Z gives me the size of the chip I have, I'll just google the size for the other one once I get home.
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