Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.48 (Nov 2/18) - HIATUS

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Peach frontside from Luftmallow

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Mon Sep 17, 2012 4:45 am

And finally, Peach frontside complete! Thanks, Luftmallow!

Its already in the game since days ago, but I've made a comparison.
It was hard to adapt every piece, mostly because you know, when we play with faces, if we miss a PIXEL of a given eye, for example, she can appear as a monster, a person with Down Syndrome, an Asian person, even a man... :/ Difficult to deal with the face. But it's done ;)

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

peach frontside.jpg
peach frontside.jpg (68.71 KiB) Viewed 2674 times

(Shhhh...My version is the first at the left). Veeery good! How about her earrings in the polar coordinates? Perfect, isn't it!? :mrgreen: Ok stop laughting!
The two other versions are the same. The right one is zoomed in.
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Mon Sep 17, 2012 5:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.5h

Postby Biles » Mon Sep 17, 2012 5:03 am

*Looks at front view of Peach*
Hmm not bad for what you have to work with. Seeing that it's finally finished, do we expect to see Peach face us when she enters the pipes from now on? Also, a little tip to improve the walking animation when Peach is either facing us or has her back to us, when she takes a step forward, make sure the leg crosses kinda towards the front. This way she looks less like a tank and more like a graceful cat. Same goes for her arms if you haven't done so already. :3
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.5h

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Mon Sep 17, 2012 5:07 am

Biles Wrote:*Looks at front view of Peach* Hmm not bad for what you have to work with

Thanks for Luftmallow!

Biles Wrote: Seeing that it's finally finished, do we expect to see Peach face us when she enters the pipes from now on?

Oooh yeah! And your Daisy Striker outfit is done! I'll ship the SWF soon!

Biles Wrote:Also, a little tip to improve the walking animation when Peach is either facing us or has her back to us, when she takes a step forward, make sure the leg crosses kinda towards the front. This way she looks less like a tank and more like a graceful cat. Same goes for her arms if you haven't done so already. :3

I didnt understand exactly. You're saying both the frontside and backside animations should have the leg crossing the front thigh/leg?
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Mon Sep 17, 2012 5:15 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.5h

Postby Biles » Mon Sep 17, 2012 5:12 am

ivanaedler Wrote:I didnt understand exactly. You're saying both the frontside and backside animation should have the leg crossing the front thight/leg?


Notice the leg stepping forward, it kinda crosses towards the center. That's what we should see in Peach in the front and back side of her animations. The legs don't have to completely over-cross the center, but just enough to make it look a bit realistic.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.5h

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Mon Sep 17, 2012 5:17 am

Biles Wrote:Notice the leg stepping forward, it kinda crosses towards the center. That's what we should see in Peach in the front and back side of her animations. The legs don't have to completely over-cross the center, but just enough to make it look a bit realistic.

Okay, working into that! Also I will let her arms better (right now, its like they're detached).

EDIT: I let her legs better (gait) BUT!! I cant let the leg too much to the right light in the photo above, because I need to swap the leg layers when she's walking on the opposite side. If not, a given leg goes behind the other when the right legs goes forward (which is correct), but that right leg will be IN FRONT of the left when that left leg goes forward because the left leg is still on a layer beneath the right leg! :mrgreen:
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Mon Sep 17, 2012 7:10 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.5h

Postby freakyfurry » Mon Sep 17, 2012 5:34 am

I agree with yurinicolau, the new koopas have a strange look to them, and the old ones seemed to look better to me.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.5h

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Mon Sep 17, 2012 5:43 am

So I will change Koopa's head (as the other parts are really better versions).
EDIT: How about now?
koopa troopa 1st version improved.jpg
koopa troopa 1st version improved.jpg (15.92 KiB) Viewed 2643 times
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Tue Sep 18, 2012 4:06 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Mario and Peach sex tape!

Postby yurinicolau » Mon Sep 17, 2012 8:13 am

Hey folks! Today a I bring a cool video for you guys!


ivanaedler Wrote:So I will change Koopa's head (as the other parts are really better versions).

Hell yeah! Koopa Troopa is back and improved!! 8-)
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Re: Mario and Peach sex tape!

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Mon Sep 17, 2012 8:20 am

yurinicolau Wrote:Hey folks! Today a I bring a cool video for you guys!

Ok this is serious! Now we may have ideas for an ending of MIM ;) The difference: Peach will be controlled by the player.

NEWS: I think I've dealt with the 'Peach recycling' bug in hog holes, depending of the quantity of enemies respawn.
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Re: Ideas for ranking

Postby QuizmasterBos » Mon Sep 17, 2012 4:48 pm

yurinicolau Wrote:
Biles Wrote:Hehe well actually, achievements and ranking have already been implemented in flash for quite awhile now. Go visit Newgrounds site.

Hey Biles, no need to kick me in the balls man! ;) But still, you didn't place your opinion... What do you think about the implementation of the sex achievements?

QuizmasterBos Wrote:Looks pretty cool, but it would need some real achievements to up the replay value. Not the standard stuff alone (like fuck all enemies for example).
We need secret areas, secret powerups, secret sexscenes, something that forces a player to scour the level in order to find stuff.

That said, I do like your achievement titles, but how about we try to make the words alliterations (starts with the same letter).
Goomba's Slut -> Goomba's Girl
Shy Guy's Bitch -> Shy Guy's Slut
Turtle Popper -> Turtle's (Or Troopa's) Tramp, or even Koopa Kisser (though that sounds to decent, if you know what I mean)

Wow! Really nice catch QuizmasterBos!! It's nice to have some alliterations (makes them funny! :D ), but I also think that we must not loose sight of what each title represents... For example, SHYGUY'S SLUT sounds good, but tergiversate a little from the main conception of the title, because I know for a fact that Ivanaedler is planning to add sex scenes with some belt whipping for Shyguys and also sex scenes with what we may call "a consented rape", so in that case I still prefer the term "Bitch" instead of "Slut"... But I loved the other two suggestions! Already changed it at my post!! 8-)

You are also right about the need of some real achievement and not only the standard stuff (like fuck all enemies) I totally agree with that! But we must keep things pratical for Ivanaedler right now, because his TODOlist is already big enough as it is, that's why I haven't suggested (yet!!) none rather them those standard ones. But just between us (tell no one about this! :lol: ) I'm gonna suggest later a few titles for some eastereggs in the game!! :mrgreen: Although I'll wait for a better moment to release them... ;) Feel free to post here some ideas too!

Thank's for the feedback and the suggestions!

Thanks for the positive reply. I appreciate it.

So Shy Guy's Slut doesn't sound specific enough? Make it Shy Guy's Sexslave then. Covers all the bases and is still an alliteration. (Literally just came up with it)
We can reserve Bitch for the Boos.
So that makes it:
- Goomba's Girl
- Troopa's Tramp
- Shy Guy's Sexslave (only with your approval)
- Boo's Bitch
- Bob-Omb's Broad (not too sure about this)
And even some ideas for possible future enemies
- Monty Mounter
- Birdo Banger (not too sure about this one either)
And my personal favorite:
- Chuck Fucker (No alliteration, but still sounds nice)

At Ivanaedler and yurinicolau

Now for the idea of changing the koopa's troopa's back.
I kinda like both in their own way.
The first version because he has that perfect rapeface.
The second version because it fits in the game better, the first one always looked a little out of place.

I don't think having both versions in the game at the same time would work very well.
So either:
- it stays the way it is;
- it reverts to the old one;
- we "mix" the two together (maybe if yurinicolau tells us what he thought was so great about the old model, we can improve on this)
- and if all else fails, we could always give the option.

Just think about it.

Aaaaaand the third option has already been done. I didn't even notice there was a 51st page already.
This thread grows fast.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.5h

Postby Biles » Mon Sep 17, 2012 8:42 pm

Oh bah, it seems that invisible Peach has come back to roam around as her body gets fucked once more.

blockage.jpg (32.69 KiB) Viewed 2407 times

In the second level, if you have a laid enemy in front of Toad and Toadette, you will never be able to deliver them the key because upon trying to interact with them, you'll end up fucking the enemy over and over again, and will never finish the level at all.

BTW in the menu section before you start to play, did you deliberately disable the "same character for all" button or is that a bug?
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.5h

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Mon Sep 17, 2012 8:52 pm

Biles Wrote:In the second level, if you have a laid enemy in front of Toad and Toadette, you will never be able to deliver them the key because upon trying to interact with them, you'll end up fucking the enemy over and over again, and will never finish the level at all.

Oh Darn! :evil: I will change its mechanics. I was thinking about that since last week. Its better for Peach to interact when pressing up key (or W). As the creatures will be aside of ladders, vines and doors, it will work without those glitches.

Or she can just touch the toad (like the chancellor and Osama). No! The player will be annoyed when trespassing this area. The toad will let her stuck everytime, until exiting the conversation. Touching creatures only works in certain areas (like a corridor or if the enemy/friend is really blocking the area).

I may also disable DO-over selection (that is, pressing 0 to 9). Sorry but thats due to:
1) The way 0-9 was coded in the first place: it conflicts with creatures that wander in the same area as the selected enemy.
2) 0-9 manual changes break the feeling of fucking in a new style, or a random one, depending on the laid number.
3) I will use 0-9 for other functions.
4) DO-OVER key can trigger a random scene if the player let Peach fuck all the scenes with that enemy anyway.
5) DO-OVER selection was created in an era when goombas and koopas only walked short distances (a bit left, then a bit right). So they never overlap. Also, there was a limited number of them (no way to respawn them), so DO OVER selection was useful. But now?? Peach can fuck endlessly in the hog holes, shyguy vases and enemies that wander along the level, falling from unexpected places.

I may even disable DO-OVER altogether if players understand the reasons of it. Because:
1) some special enemies (like the laid goomba with its cock upwards in level 1) will fuck peach everytime she walks past him while in heat.
2) Peach can lactate/masturbate and trigger hogholes with tons of enemies.
3) it will make more sense (enemies will be dead/deep sleeping once and for all). So Peach IS doing her job well
4) 'Do Over' key, then, can be used for other purposes, like 'Meeting Key', or 'Talk TO Key'.
5) These sleeping enemies can be fucked again (like the laid gomba with cocks up) if Peach passes over them while in heat. So its a different way to let the player avoid that area if he doesnt want to let Peach lose the horny bar, which is her shield for hazards. However, it will be like that goomba scene. Peach sitting on his cock. The normal scenes (blowjob, titsjob, assfuck) should be done with living/not sleeping creatures.

I will also think of a way to let enemies CHANGE DIRECTION when hitting each other, so they will not overlap and it will give more fidelity to classic Mario.

Finally, I think of levels of just one kind of troopa enemy (a level with goombas only, another with shyguys only, another with koopas only, another with ostro only, another with chucks only). So, hogholes will only respawn a given enemy type in that level, giving Peach different feelings in each level. BUT! Certain areas of a larger level can have the same kind of enemy (like a catacomb/underground with goombas or a sky area with koopas), while the rest only has shyguys. Also, this configuration DOES NOT apply to the mini bosses (like Birdo).

Biles Wrote:BTW in the menu section before you start to play, did you deliberately disable the "same character for all" button or is that a bug?

BUG! I will fix that when I reach the computer.
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Mon Sep 17, 2012 10:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.5h

Postby HappyGoomba » Mon Sep 17, 2012 9:28 pm

I also found a bug with the key on that level. I went to the end of the level, talked to the toads and went back and got the key. On my way back, I missed one of the jumps and died. Peach still had the key, but when I got to the end of the level again, I got the original conversation telling Peach to go back and get the key. I went back to the beginning, but the goomba wasn't there. I couldn't get the toad to recoginize that Peach had the key, so I couldn't progress past this level.
I'm assuming that dieing was what caused the problem, but I also went up to the hidden level after getting the key.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.5h

Postby QuizmasterBos » Mon Sep 17, 2012 9:58 pm

ivanaedler Wrote:
Biles Wrote:In the second level, if you have a laid enemy in front of Toad and Toadette, you will never be able to deliver them the key because upon trying to interact with them, you'll end up fucking the enemy over and over again, and will never finish the level at all.

Oh Darn! :evil: I will change its mechanics. I was thinking about that since last week. Its better for Peach to interact when pressing up key (or W). As the creatures will be aside of ladders, vines and doors, it will work without those glitches.

Or she can just touch the toad (like the chancellor and Osama). No! The player will be annoyed when trespassing this area. The toad will let her stuck everytime, until exiting the conversation. Touching creatures only works in certain areas (like a corridor or if the enemy/friend is really blocking the area).

I may also disable DO-over selection (that is, pressing 0 to 9). Sorry but thats due to:
1) The way 0-9 was coded in the first place: it conflicts with creatures that wander in the same area as the selected enemy.
2) 0-9 manual changes break the feeling of fucking in a new style, or a random one, depending on the laid number.
3) I will use 0-9 for other functions.
4) DO-OVER key can trigger a random scene if the player let Peach fuck all the scenes with that enemy anyway.
5) DO-OVER selection was created in an era when goombas and koopas only walked short distances (a bit left, then a bit right). So they never overlap. Also, there was a limited number of them (no way to respawn them), so DO OVER selection was useful. But now?? Peach can fuck endlessly in the hog holes, shyguy vases and enemies that wander along the level, falling from unexpected places.

I may even disable DO-OVER altogether if players understand the reasons of it. Because:
1) some special enemies (like the laid goomba with its cocks up in level 1) will fuck peach everytime she walks past him while in heat.
2) Peach can lactate/masturbate and trigger hogholes with tons of enemies.
3) it will make more sense (enemies will be dead/deep sleeping once and for all). So Peach IS doing her job well
4) 'Do Over' key, then, can be used for other purposes, like 'Meeting Key', or 'Talk TO Key'.
5) These sleeping enemies can be fucked again (like the laid gomba with cocks up) if Peach passes over them while in heat. So its a different way to let the player avoid that area if he doesnt want to let Peach lose the horny bar, which is her shield for hazards. However, it will be like that goomba scene. Peach sitting on his cock. The normal scenes (blowjob, titsjob, assfuck) should be done with living/not sleeping creatures.

I will also think of a way to let enemies CHANGE DIRECTION when hitting each other, so they will not overlap and it will give more fidelity to classic Mario.

Finally, I think of levels of just one kind of troopa enemy (a level with goombas only, another with shyguys only, another with koopas only, another with ostro only, another with chucks only). So, hogholes will only respawn a given enemy type in that level, giving Peach different feelings in each level. BUT! Certain areas of a larger level can have the same kind of enemy (like a catacomb/underground with goombas or a sky area with koopas), while the rest only has shyguys. Also, this configuration DOES NOT apply to the mini bosses (like Birdo).

Wouldn't you just be able to set another key for talking to characters? That would eliminate possible future glitches too. I also suggest making a little box with the word "talk" appear when you're in range. This makes it a bit more obvious to talk to a character. Specifically since all other toads in the game have automatic textboxes appear when you come in range. You can even make the box click-able to talk to the toad, like the Menu box at the bottom left of the screen.

Also, if you're going to change the do-over key anyway, might I suggest down arrow/S instead. Seeing how enemies are always on the ground after sex, wouldn't you instinctively press down to do 'em again? Of course, that would mean you would need to change the masturbation key, but honestly, I always thought it's current place wasn't the best spot to put it.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.5h

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Mon Sep 17, 2012 11:04 pm

HappyGoomba Wrote:I also found a bug with the key on that level. I went to the end of the level, talked to the toads and went back and got the key. On my way back, I missed one of the jumps and died. Peach still had the key, but when I got to the end of the level again, I got the original conversation telling Peach to go back and get the key. I went back to the beginning, but the goomba wasn't there. I couldn't get the toad to recoginize that Peach had the key, so I couldn't progress past this level.

Hmmmmmmmmm I will check that! Peach should lose the key upon dying, then she needs to take another key. I'll check.

QuizmasterBos Wrote:Wouldn't you just be able to set another key for talking to characters? That would eliminate possible future glitches too. I also suggest making a little box with the word "talk" appear when you're in range. This makes it a bit more obvious to talk to a character. Specifically since all other toads in the game have automatic textboxes appear when you come in range. You can even make the box click-able to talk to the toad, like the Menu box at the bottom left of the screen.

Ok! I can do that, like the game LOK: an animated diamond appears with the word 'Talk'. So, the tips area (pink text on the left) will be left alone for other info (like the tips on each restart).

QuizmasterBos Wrote:Also, if you're going to change the do-over key anyway, might I suggest down arrow/S instead. Seeing how enemies are always on the ground after sex, wouldn't you instinctively press down to do 'em again? Of course, that would mean you would need to change the masturbation key, but honestly, I always thought it's current place wasn't the best spot to put it.

The problem is that we already have the buttons ZXC (right handed) and JKL (left handed) for Peach, aside of pressing SHIFT for lactation. Imagine a fifth key (like V or B). It will let the game more complex. I can make a way to let the masturbation act only when she's not touching any enemy, just like the pipe approach from HumminBird, but I will need to make deep changes in game code.

I've mentioned the lack of importance of DO-OVER action because if you observe this action closely, you will see the DO-OVER functionality APPEARS TO BE not necessary anymore. The player will be always searching for new enemies for Peach to 'use' them (or kill them) in order to save the kingdom and let Morton without any army. There are levels with , say, 10 shyguys (aside of vases and hogholes)! More! You can replay a level. So,I can't see advantages of DO OVER key :/ (actually there is one: Players WOULD like to see the same scene Peach did, avoiding statistic samples to see it again, that is, 10% of chance to see the scene again in a new goomba).

But let's not forget its interesting to let the player NOT see which sex scene will be triggered (a surprise!) instead of selecting what he want to see again and again. Worse! When you force a dead enemy to have the same scene again and again, it's like Peach is cheating, against the 'law of nature' of the game. If the player has a favorite scene/couple of scenes, I think its better to let it configurable (like a list of scenes to be enabled/disabled). Finally, I can let Peach fuck an sleeping enemy if she passes over him while in heat, as she simply can't stand away of a cock in that arousal level.

EDIT: I need to think about a workaroud. DO-OVER may stay, yes, but I think the plot needs to change. More below.
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Tue Sep 18, 2012 3:11 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.5h

Postby QuizmasterBos » Mon Sep 17, 2012 11:59 pm

QuizmasterBos Wrote:Wouldn't you just be able to set another key for talking to characters? That would eliminate possible future glitches too. I also suggest making a little box with the word "talk" appear when you're in range. This makes it a bit more obvious to talk to a character. Specifically since all other toads in the game have automatic textboxes appear when you come in range. You can even make the box click-able to talk to the toad, like the Menu box at the bottom left of the screen.

Ivanaedler Wrote:Ok! I can do that, like the game LOK: an animated diamond appears with the word 'Talk'. So, the tips area (pink text on the left) will be left alone for other info (like the tips on each restart).

Exactly my thoughts.

QuizmasterBos Wrote:Also, if you're going to change the do-over key anyway, might I suggest down arrow/S instead. Seeing how enemies are always on the ground after sex, wouldn't you instinctively press down to do 'em again? Of course, that would mean you would need to change the masturbation key, but honestly, I always thought it's current place wasn't the best spot to put it.

Ivanaedler Wrote:The problem is that we already have the buttons ZXC (right handed) and JKL (left handed) for Peach, aside of pressing SHIFT for lactation. Imagine a fifth key (like V or B). It will let the game more complex. I can make a way to let the masturbation act only when she's not touching any enemy, just like the pipe approach from HumminBird, but I will need to make deep changes in game code.

I've mentioned the lack of importance of DO-OVER action because if you observe this action closely, you will see the DO OVER is not necessary anymore. The player will be always searching for new enemies for Peach to 'use' them (or kill them) in order to save the kingdom and let Morton without any army. There are levels with , say, 10 shyguys (aside of vases and hogholes)! More! You can replay a level. So, I can't see advantages of DO OVER key :/ Let's not forget its interesting to let the player NOT see which sex scene will be triggered (a surprise!) instead of selecting what he want to see again and again. Worse! When you force a dead enemy to have the same scene again and again, it's like Peach is cheating, against the 'law of nature' of the game. If the player has a favorite scene/couple of scenes, I think its better to let it configurable (like a list of scenes to be enabled/disabled). Finally, I can let Peach fuck an sleeping enemy if she passes over him while in heat, as she simply can't stand away of a cock in that arousal level.

Of course! There is no need to have the do over key anymore. Why have a gallery then?!
By completely removing the do over function altogether, we simplify the game. I understand now.

HOWEVER: If you want to keep the surprise effect of sex scenes, you must change the gallery to accomodate that.
Why? Because a person is currently able to choose which sex scene he/she wants to see for a specific enemy.
Though a player would know how many scenes are available for each enemy, we wouldn't be able to let the player see all of them right away.

What I mean is that only the scenes the player has seen should be available for replay. That's what the gallery is for.
However, since the scenes are randomly picked that can result in a player only having a small chance to get the scenes he/she hasn't seen yet.
The goomba has like 10 scenes. Eventually, players would have a 10% chance to see the scene they still need. That would also make them annoyed, rather than aroused since the outcome is decided by chance.

SO! We need to rethink the strategy on the gallery. Either we remove the surprise effect for which sex scene happens, or we'll have to change the gallery in some way.
What do you think?
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.5h

Postby coolness32 » Tue Sep 18, 2012 12:57 am

Without the DO-OVER key, that would make the player have to find enemies instead of just hover over one. That seems to be the point of this game anyways.

About the Sleeping enemies, would peach be able to avoid them? simply jump over them or would she be pulled towards them when she gets within a certain range?

Another thing about sleeping enemies, are there any plans for a sleeping enemy in the water level? and other sleeping enemies besides a sleeping goomba?

An idea I just had about the shyguys. since they are supposed to be shy, maybe they could appear and then run away from peach and she has to chase them down and catch them. That also plays into the part of her "actually saving the kingdom.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.5h

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Tue Sep 18, 2012 1:37 am

QuizmasterBos Wrote:Of course! There is no need to have the do over key anymore. Why have a gallery then?!

Hey! The gallery is the tome of the game.

QuizmasterBos Wrote:By completely removing the do over function altogether, we simplify the game. I understand now.

The idea is not to simplify the game, but to think about a better solution. Brainstorm.

QuizmasterBos Wrote:HOWEVER: If you want to keep the surprise effect of sex scenes, you must change the gallery to accomodate that.

The current mechanics of the Gallery is to reveal all scenes for a given enemy if Peach are fucked in all the scenes. After this, Peach will fuck a random scene. But the gallery will be open for that enemy.

QuizmasterBos Wrote:Though a player would know how many scenes are available for each enemy, we wouldn't be able to let the player see all of them right away.

Let's think that way. The player started the game. He sees that Peach gets fucked by enemies while trying to finish the level. So he says 'wow, some scenes are REALLY good, I would like to see it again'. So you're right. Because he will not be able to do that once DO-OVER is 'over'. BUT! Once he keeps letting Peach fuck, he will see, even in the same level (1) or in the following levels that a given scene is equal to one he had seen (or a given coin sound, maybe, to alert the player). So he jumps to the gallery and WOW! All is there to choose from.
However, you is still right because the player would like to see that scene IN THE GAME, not in the gallery.. Hmmm... Yes, you're right. Only because of that, its not possible to remove Do-Over functionality. Because this is the most obvious advantage.

I've thinking about using coins to replay a given sex scene. So the player can spare coins to use to a given enemy, pressing DO OVER key. What do you think?

Remember, I'm just brainstorming DO OVER functionality. All I have said before makes sense (tons of enemies, respawing enemies, Peach being able to replay a level in the World Map and the 'cheating' appearance when 'reawakening' an already dead enemy). But I forgot that the player would like to see the same scene in laid enemies (a kind of a replay of what he did) :( . So a way to improve that is to change the plot. Like "Peach needs to law down enemies in order to make them into a DEEP SLEEP, because her fluids does so, like a poison for them" or anything in that sense (so the enemies, in fact, don't die exactly).
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Tue Sep 18, 2012 4:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.5h

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Tue Sep 18, 2012 4:06 am

Update 1.5i almost done:

1) NEW level: Platty (by me) with auto scrolling! Its not complete yet but its playable and has an exit.
2) NEW costume: Daisy Striker outfit by Biles
PS: I may not add any more outfits for now, except MISTY GEN2 and YOSHI by LuftMallow and Blargh, HammerBros and a really sexy outfit (fishnet?)
3) New items in the World Map, like white castle and a moving airship. Removed the star blinking from the level circles.
4) Little animation while in backside mode. Also, player doesnt need to keep pressing UP to see her backside.
5) Fix to Koopa Troopa (back to version 1 , but improved)
6) Fix to the 'recycle' bug (tests needed): Peach now can have sex with tons of enemies respawning from Hog Holes, one at a time, without her disappearing.
7) Fix to the Peach pubes color when a Fire Peach walks frontside (like in the World Map).
8) Improved Peach backside and frontside gait, as well as Peach arms when frontside.
9) Character Select Screen: no more possible to add clothing to RACCOON powerup. Why? Because Raccoon is a SPECIAL powerup that let Peach fly. The costume should not change because Peach may appear without a tail! However, you can still change DRESS, FIRE, RACER MUSHROOM and FROG costumes, but remember that these new clothes will change only when Peach gets that powerup, not immediatelly upon changing in the character screen!
10) Changed text from 'Racer Speedy Peach' to just 'Speedy Peach' when taking up Racer Mushroom (thats because Peach may be using another costume).
11) Toad eyes will blink. Osama mouth/beard will move when talking.
12) Changed the way the toad talks to Peach in Level 2: a button will appear if Peach gets near him. This will be the default behavior for encounters.
13) FIXED bug in Level 2. When Peach dies with the key, she wasn't able to get the goomba again when talking with the toad.
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Thu Sep 20, 2012 12:14 am, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: MiM 'Mim Ae version' (XXX) 1.5h

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Tue Sep 18, 2012 4:48 am

coolness32 Wrote:Without the DO-OVER key, that would make the player have to find enemies instead of just hover over one. That seems to be the point of this game anyways.

That's what I'm refering to!

coolness32 Wrote:About the Sleeping enemies, would peach be able to avoid them? simply jump over them or would she be pulled towards them when she gets within a certain range?

It will be like the actual laid goomba (in level 1), with his cock up. If Peach touches him while on fire, she will fuck him. Of course she can jump to avoid that (or masturbate) ;)

coolness32 Wrote:Another thing about sleeping enemies, are there any plans for a sleeping enemy in the water level? and other sleeping enemies besides a sleeping goomba?

Yes! Koopa Troopas, Shyguys, cheep cheeps and maybe a purple guy (forgot the name) from Mario World.

I also plan letting sleeping enemies able to wake up at any moment.

coolness32 Wrote:An idea I just had about the shyguys. since they are supposed to be shy, maybe they could appear and then run away from peach and she has to chase them down and catch them. That also plays into the part of her "actually saving the kingdom.

Yes! You're right! But there are some plans of them using the belt. They may be shy using the belt, but they will feel more 'protected' using it in a way to lock peach up and flee...however, they will end up fucking her (while restraining her). This may be done in scene 4 or 5.
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