Flash 11 SWF - window tiny in LOK site

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Flash 11 SWF - window tiny in LOK site

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sun Aug 19, 2012 3:57 pm

Dear LOK staff,

I have some problems upping SWFs. I've just noticed that, when I upload a SWF using Flash 11.2, the window becames tiny when attached to a post (impossible to play it in the site), forcing us to download it first, then playing offline. This does not occur with flash 8, 9 and 10.

Click to Play
(Javascript Required)

TEST 11-2.swf [ 4.01 KiB | Viewed 5382 times ]

Test with resolution 500x400 pixels. Window resolution: 234x200.
If used more pixels, say, 800x500, the resolution stays at 234x200.

Is there a way (or a planned update) to address this issue?
Flash 11 has interesting features like LZMA compression (sometimes it can compress, say, 8mb to 5mb!), JPEG deblocking (without noticeable performance hits), and hardware/GPU acceleration.

Thanks a bunch!
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Re: Flash 11 SWF - window tiny in LOK site

Postby maximilianos » Fri Aug 24, 2012 4:23 pm

I used to bleive this place was alive like you, but then I realised it wasn't (no arrow there ;P)
I often find myself thinking that most people are utter shite. I try to be positive and prove myself wrong. So far I've yet to succeed in doing so.
On the otherhand: I know a few of the actually great people out there and that makes me happy enough.
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Re: Flash 11 SWF - window tiny in LOK site

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Fri Sep 14, 2012 2:26 pm

Renara sent me a PM telling that it's a problem with the server with LZMA compression. So I can make Flash 11 SWF's provided it does not have LZMA (but with the other new features enabled) until he fixes it with PHP 5.4.
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Postby Viappinize » Wed Jan 23, 2013 7:46 pm

Everything is clear , thank you ...
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Re: Flash 11 SWF - window tiny in LOK site

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sat Jun 01, 2013 4:08 pm

Renara! A message appeared on top of this thread. I think its because TEST 11-2 is an example of LZMA and php doesnt recognize it (in the past, it did but the window became tiny).
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