Ilia, Emile, Dax, Rick, & Mikal/Roderick
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Mikal gives Ilia a small smile as she announces her intent to protect. She just hopes that Ilia’s protection doesn’t fail as badly as Mikal’s did all those years ago, for Mikal and Ilia’s sakes.
“Good to hear.” is what she says out loud, trying not to show her dark thoughts on her face. She leaves them to their training conversation and answers, “Only if most everyone else agrees to it.” to his question of staying the night here. “I personally have no problem with staying near a water source, but it is risky since we know for a fact X are roaming this area now.” The lake is in plainview and nothing has changed, save for footprints Rick and Dax made and the body print of Dax lying down near the water. “Just decide quickly. Because I know the area has X in it, I would rather keep moving. I don’t mind if we stay, but I’d like to move.”
Rod doesn’t appear to have an opinion, instead just setting the spit back up so that he can roast some X meat.
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((Please read the note at the bottom of the post. Since I didn’t mention it before, this isn’t your individual warning.))
The 3 remaining hunting tents are in fairly good condition. None of them are perfect, but that’s to be expected after 3 years left to the wild. A look at them reveals the standard issue tent: There’s a solar battery attached to the top of most of them so that they can charge the AC system they have hidden within. This would make it perfect for desert travel, though that wasn’t the original intent, or at least not fully. The frame hasn’t changed in over 100 years except now there’s microfilament within each piece that has to fit together just so to have the power from the solar battery come through. The cloth is made to ward off the worst of the elements, though you’re not 100% sure if that includes the desert sun. Should be fun finding out, right?
--One of them, as far as you can see, only has the problem of missing a support. You can still build it, but it’ll be kind of flimsy on the left side and, with the missing filament, you won’t have AC. Actually, that’s a pretty glaring flaw now that you think of it.
--Another one is missing strips of cloth from it, making it solid construction-wise, but it’ll let sun through in places and take in more heat.
--The last one looks almost perfect… except someone stole the solar battery. So construction-wise, it’s perfect. You’ll just have no AC while you use it.
Your choice. After that, the rest of the store is still open. Just be careful how much time you spend in it. Troy & Anari
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The sound of Anari being forced into the sand alerts the 2 X Troy can see, but the other 4 seem to either not hear or not care, you can’t be sure. Either way, you might wanna either move before those 2 X come closer to investigate or come up with a way to kill them silently so they don’t alert the other 4. Anari can tell they’re far enough away that slight noises won’t reach them, but close enough that if someone does something stupid enough to get seen, they’ll be able to tell you’re here simply by eyesight. Especially someone of Troy’s stature. Make your move, for the alert X shall be there soon!
Lyle & Richard
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Richard, by virtue of not having picked out a bed to sleep in at this point, may be able to heard Lyle’s warning. Or he could be so sleepy that the warning fell on deaf ears. His choice. Lyle, on the other hand, starts to see what’s making the noise, but only through the scope of his rifle, so they’re a good while away. That something is a solitary X, maybe a vanguard of some sort? It’s completely unaware of your presence, but that only applies to this one. You’ve seen that X rarely travel alone and that if they do, they’re either meeting up with more X real soon or are more dangerous than the standard X. Take all this into account, then decide what you’re gonna do.
*Since I failed to mention this in the OOC, I’ll say it now:
Please no one-liners! Like Sort said, blind me with bullshit if you can’t come up with something. I’ll warn you once individually should it happen, but after that, I start thinking of ways to kill you off. And this is a post apocalyptic desert with races of man-eaters being its primary inhabitants. There’s no end of ways I can have you killed off.