Maybe I'm just blind and haven't read every post carefully...
I've never ever touched flash nevermind any coding except a bit of html and coding "Hello World" in java =D so this would be impossible for me.
Anyway, I just had a few ideas that could be implemented into v0.3... indeed I am not even sure if a new topic should be created for this but here goes anyhow.
1) Krystal should have her own "cum" that could stain her fur into being a darker shade (white being gray, blue being navy) in the same way that the Sharpclaw cum stains here body to become... "semen colour"?
2) She could orgasm while getting pounded just before she is filled with ejaculate therefore making a spray as such and making the dicks of the sharpclaws wetter (if not already soaking)
3) She could maybe say on a blow job start leaking while she is fingering herself ( like water streaks on her crotch area)
4) She could maybe pull her self of a dick afer being creampied as such and then masturbating and squirting to get rid of the cum (This I would love to see, however might be considered watersport as such, depends)
5) After some intense lesbian scissoring or sharing a dildo with another both her and her partner could end in a watery climax (making a puddle basically, no squirting just cum coming out of vaginas)
Just some ideas. If they have been previously mentioned I shall suck my own cock.

inb4 pics or it didn't happen
tl:dr Orgasms, wet hot orgasms, and some squirting if that's acceptable, IT TURNS OP ON AND MAKES HIM FAP MUCH!
P.S. Hope to be part of the community, and hope that you are willing to embrace me as brethren