Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Thu Sep 06, 2012 3:14 am

Victor covers his mouth in disgust and horror at the sight before him. Hewn bodies thrown about like garbage...blood saturating the very soil...the whole scene reeks of death and decay. To think that whole groups of men could commit such mortifying slaughter, without even a brief pinch of shame...

"Dear God..." he mutters through his cupped hand, the stench of death causing him to feel rather queasy. Those bandit bastards will indeed pay...and their deaths won't be quick, of that he'll make sure...
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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby daxtinator396 » Thu Sep 06, 2012 3:23 am

"Good point Nyx and thank you. May your prayer help them on their way in the afterlife. Keep those potions ready We might need them soon. These men were slaughtered so either they are totallyuseless in a fight or these bandits are good. I hope it was the former..." He said quietly as he was very on edge and the earth shifted around them slightly again. He was ready to defend against any surprise attacks but his screen couldn`t be that big,"Stay close. I can`t protect us if we were so far away from each other..." He said quietly.
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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby Icaelus » Thu Sep 06, 2012 6:26 pm

Mex stepped back, opening the door just a bit and stretching her hand out to call Ravenous. She had seen Sort go up and introduce himself to the woman that had been browsing the items in the magic shop. The catch was that he was hiding a light dagger behind his back. It was absolutely deadly to Necromancy magics and anything associated with them and it would still hurt a human pretty badly. She knew that, firsthand..
The familiar weight of Raven settled in her hand and she stepped forward into the room, leaning casually on the scythe.
Boss. Nice to see you again. You have to stop forgetting about me whenever you two get it o-Ow!
Mex scowled, kicking Raven's handle. He promptly shut up without another sound
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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby Sortaix » Thu Sep 06, 2012 8:29 pm

Sort and Mex:
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The woman just ignored Sort, going back to her shopping, but he did get a good look at her eyes and they were not purple. Sort then decided he was just getting jumpy, so he went back to Mex and gave her a warm smile.
"Meh, I guess I am just getting a litle paranoid. Oh well, let's go ruin somebody's day, shall we, My Love?"
Sort asks as he extends his arm to Mex, so they can walk out of the town together. Their adventure orc slaughter adventure finally underway.

Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb:
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Lilia was able to successfully pick the lock on the farmers house. It was a simple lock, that did not pose much of a challenge. The two adventurers now have access to the house, but the farmer might not like two people snooping around his house for no reason. Upon entering the house, the two would find themselves in the farmer living room. Still no one in sight, but no demon dogs either.

Nyx, Victor, and Cat-Boy:
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Their were no real clues to the scene, the footprints were so messed up from the battle, they were impossible to read. However once Dax put his nose to the ground, like a faithful bloodhound, he was able to pick up the stench of men who haven't bathed in...years. Following the horrid stench of those who fear hygiene, Dax was able to follow a small path behind some bushes. The bushes had been uprooted and were covering the entrance to a tunnel. The tunnel was small though, only big enough for one person at a time, and the other end could be seen easily. It appeared to be about two hundred feet long, just long enough for ambush purposes.
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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby MiscChaos » Thu Sep 06, 2012 9:44 pm

Lilia smirks as the lock comes off and gently cracks open the door, making sure to create as little sound as possible. After a quick sweep to confirm nothing was creeping up on her, she ghosts into the house. Once in, she starts looking through anything she can get her hands on, looking for any clues as to what the hellhounds are doing and what these people are about. She'd admit though, just good ol' curiosity came into play too. It'd been a while since she could snoop around someone's house without having to kill them later.
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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby daxtinator396 » Thu Sep 06, 2012 11:15 pm

Dax wrinkles his nose in disgust as he picks up the scent of what had to be the bandits,"Jeeze these guys need a bath... Follow me." He said following the scent and trying not to throw up as he reaches the bushes and spots the tunnel and how small it is,"Single file. Me first. Stay sharp and as close to me as you can okay? This reeks in more ways than one. I smell a trap..." He said quietly as he entered the small tunnel first and placed his shield back on his arm and pointed it towards the other side ready for whatver comes his way. His cloak flutters alittle in the slight breeze created by the small tunnel as he moves forward cautiously.
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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Fri Sep 07, 2012 12:36 am

Victor gestures for Nyx to move ahead of him in the tunnel. "Dax is good on defense, so him moving first is proper. I'll take up the rear, since I have better abilities outside of a sword's reach." He is, of course, referring to his lightning magic, and if someone were to follow them into the tunnel with hostile intent, keeping him/her at a distance will be key.
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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby napsii » Fri Sep 07, 2012 1:13 am

Kaz's approach was converse to Lilia's. Rather than with stealth, the girl let out an excited whoop and with a skip and a hop, spun from her icy figure skating and cartwheeled up onto the porch, somersaulting with youthful elasticity into the house with Lilia close ahead. Rolling to a stop, she brandished Tide threateningly at any invaders before with a few quick glances, seeing there was nothing there. Disappointment spread across her face as she stood back up, only to harden into devilish excitement.

"Heeeellllloooo, doggies!?" she called without warning into the house. Her search wasn't as thorough as Lilia's, but she was bumping and knocking into enough priceless objects as she followed after the other girl to reveal something by chance.

Or, more likely, with the noise she made attract that 'something' to her.

Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby Icaelus » Fri Sep 07, 2012 10:02 pm

"Sounds fun."
Mex smiled, stretching a hand out to receive Sort's own. Ravenous hummed, the sound having a rather snicker-y tone to it. She ignored it, glancing back to the woman that Sort had left behind.
"Not a familiar, I suppose. Since she isn't dead yet, knowing you.."
Mex's smile took on a teasing tone, giving Sort's hand a light squeeze.
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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby Sortaix » Sat Sep 08, 2012 2:05 pm

Sort and Mex:
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Sort gave Mex a little kiss on the head at her remark.
"Yeah, I thought she was one at first, but I am just being cautious."
They continue on for some time, as Sort holds her close to him, before they walk upon the place where the guards were attacked by the orcs. The bodies litter the ground, several more human than orc. Sort spends a little time examining the corpses, picking up several arrows as he does. It appears the orcs ambushed the guards, allowing them to overpower them. He quickly finds the trail the orcs left as they drug their prize with them. Sort then proceeds after the path, his weapon ready. He then turns to Mex following him.
"Well My Darling, are you ready to sow death, pain and destruction?"

Dax, Vic, Nyx:
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The group was able to successfully make it out of the tunnel, without getting attacked. However, just a sew minutes after the group exited the tunnel two brigands showed up. They smelled horrible and were dressed in little more than rags with some leather armor over it. One had a large battle axe, an the other had two short swords.
"Hot damn! More people to rob!
"And look! they got a woman too. I call her first when we fuck her!"
With that being said, the one with the axe attacked Dax, while tho one with two swords attacked Vic. These men were brutal, but undisciplined.

Victor: Health 420 Stamina 1300
Dax: Health: 450 Stamina: 1280
Lilia: Health: 350: Stamina: 1230

Axe Brigand : Health 200
Sword Brigand : Health 200

Kaz and Lilia:
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Lilia's stealthy approach was quickly nullified by Kaz. As her breaking everything made quite a racket as well as her shouting. She made quite a bit of noise as she tried to get the attention of any monsters in the ares. Her approach did have one affect however, as a lone dog walked into the house behind them. He looked normal except that his fur was black as night and flames emitted from his mouth and eyes, steam came from his nose, and the fact, that his paws burned the ground wherever he stepped. He gave a deep growl as he entered the house, looking for prey. He took one look at the two women and licked his lips before pouncing at them.

Kaz: Health: 340 Stamina : 1150
Lilia: Health: 350: Stamina: 1230
Demon Dog: Health 400
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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby daxtinator396 » Sat Sep 08, 2012 4:48 pm

Dax eyes glared at them as they luanched their offensive at the two of them. It seems they wanted to save Nyx for more... lewd pursuits. He wasn`t going to give them a chance. He grinned as the man charged at him intent to strike him asunder with his battle ax and make it a tough battle for Victor. He grins and shouts as he raises his shield the spike growing forward and rushes towards the man,"Cats are king of the forest!" His other arm grows out his blade once more in case his attack fails and he needs to block with something else. He sends a shower of dirt into the eyes of Victor`s opponents hoping to blind them and make short work of them.
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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby Angel_Slayer_Alcatraz » Sun Sep 09, 2012 3:47 am

Suddenly a more powerful and pissed Nyx emerges
"Oh you dickless cock suckers are going to pay for saying that...
I am Nyx! The infamous blade priestess! Soon you will be another corpse to my name!"

Nyx draws her blade and jumps next to victor
"you ready Vic?!"
Sae the mindin´ in yer heid
Unrowes afore yer een
Frae hours o´ sweet yestreen
Aye the ember deid in monie a heid
Fare ye well I´m pertin away
I say farewell tae the warld
Mind me weel
I say farewell tae the warld

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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Sun Sep 09, 2012 4:45 am

"I'm always ready, Nyx." Victor replies with a confident smile, then turns to glare at the bandit, deflects his hasty charging attack down and to the side, and taunts: "Your technique is as crude as your words, ruffian." With that said, he swiftly brings the pommel of his sword forward to hilt-bash the bandit in his forehead, ready to appropriately dodge that second blade of his should it come for him.

As far as magic goes, he'll only use electromagnetic pulses for evasion in this fight, as his more offensive spells are wasted on a foe with such poor skill in his blade-work; unlike the bandit, Victor has clashed with greater weapons than a commoner's working tool, and they were all wielded with better technique than the average farmer can muster. He also leaves Nyx plenty of room for her own attacks, knowing that she wants to rend the brigand asunder just as much as he does.
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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby Icaelus » Sun Sep 09, 2012 12:04 pm

Mex blushed, raising a hand to rub the spot where Sort had kissed.
"Caution isn't any fun.."
She muttered. Caution did keep you alive, though.. The couple continued walking on for quite a period of time, Mex matching Sort's pace step by step so that she didn't fall behind. It was kind of difficult to walk when he held her that close, though.. They soon chanced upon the place where the battle...no, the slaughter had taken place. Corpses littered the bloody ground. The orc corpses were few..and the human were just..too many. Well. That just meant more fun for them, right?
"Of course. Glad to see they didn't kill that many Orcs. This should be fun."
Mex smiled maliciously, twirling Ravenous in one hand.
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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby Sortaix » Sun Sep 09, 2012 1:30 pm

Sort and Mex:
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Sort then led Mex down a small path that lead out close to the treeline of a forest. He stayed in front, with his weapon ready.It doesn't take long before they see a lone Orc, standing guard near a small path into the forest. He had a large battle axe with him, and appeared to be well built. "Well My Love, shall I wound him from here to make things easier on you, or do you want to take him out all by yourself? I know how much you like to kill things, but he does appear to be rather brutish."
Sort asks, giving Mex a warm smile.

Dax, Nyx, and Vic: (I swear i am going to change your name so it rhymes with the other two. :P)
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The bandits axe bounces off of Dax's shield, not causing much damage. Daxs spike does pierce the mans shirt, frightening him a little, as he pulls his axe back, preparing for his next attack. He then swings wildly at Dax, each attack hitting hard, but without any skill, as he makes various cat jokes, most of them involving the word "Pussy". Victors attacker did not fair much better, as he got hit in the head with a sword hilt, after being blinded by dirt (-10 stamina) (-15 Health). He took a few steps back, dropping one blade to rub his eyes.
"OI! That ain't fair, Bastards!"
He has dropped his guard, being undisciplined as he is.
Victor: Health 420/420 Stamina 1290/1300
Dax: Health: 450/450 Stamina: 1280/1280
Nyx: Health: 400/400 Stamina: 1260/1260
Axe Brigand : Health 200
Sword Brigand : Health 285 Blinded, dazed, and currently rubbing his eyes.
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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby daxtinator396 » Sun Sep 09, 2012 3:15 pm

Dax sees the man obvious power but without the skill to use it he was nothing but a rat underfoot and cats eat rats."You filthy rat. I`m done playing. We`ll see how you make jokes when your dead." He said with a cold anger the jokes starting to irritate him. He was going to strike him down now. A trio of large spikes sprouted behind the bandit in a semi circle around him preventing him from moving side to side or behind. Only forward. Towards him. He charged towards the man closing the distance and hoping to impale him on his shield and his arm ready to be raised.
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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Sun Sep 09, 2012 8:18 pm

A murdering bandit complaining about a fair fight. Imagine that. Victor muses to himself, but quickly steps forward to press the attack. Undisciplined or otherwise, every second spent taking it easy on his opponent, is another second in which he could be killed. To prevent that, Victor brings up Mjolnir in a rising slash, aimed to cut off the bandit's hand that still holds a sword, seeing how the other one got dropped thanks to the dirt-cloud. By the time his hand is lopped off, that bandit will be too busy clutching the stump in pain to pick up his other blade, though Vic slides it away with a boot to the hilt, just to be safe.

However, Victor does not use any lethal blows this time, tempting as that may be. Instead, he kicks the bandit in his knee to make him drop to the ground, then turns to Nyx, nods, turns back to the bandit, and says: "I'm not without mercy, so I'll let you glimpse the Blade Priestess one last time. How she chooses to deal with you, however, I cannot speak for." That bandit should get a good look while he still can, because knowing Nyx, the eyes in his head aren't the first pair of orbs she'd likely cut out...
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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby MiscChaos » Mon Sep 10, 2012 3:33 am

Lilia shuts her eyes tightly, amazed by how badly Kaz managed to blow her approach out of the water. She'd almost be impressed if she wasn't so focused on not throttling the girl. Still, it got results in the form of a hellhound at least. She funnels wind magic into her Red Wind, creating a blade of nearly invisible air. "C'mere, doggy. Time to get put down." she says, augmenting her running speed with additional wind magic and cutting across the dog's head, passing by as she does so and not stopping until she's out the door to give herself more room.
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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby Angel_Slayer_Alcatraz » Mon Sep 10, 2012 6:24 am

"may the afterlife be kinder to you than I"
She said as she walked over to him, stabing him in the stomach and cutting diagonally into the heart in one fluid move
Sae the mindin´ in yer heid
Unrowes afore yer een
Frae hours o´ sweet yestreen
Aye the ember deid in monie a heid
Fare ye well I´m pertin away
I say farewell tae the warld
Mind me weel
I say farewell tae the warld

(Old Irish folk Song)
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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby napsii » Mon Sep 10, 2012 6:31 am


Kaz grinned wickedly, flailing around Tide in a threatening manner as a fiery demon dog trotted into the house. She spun about on a heel quick-like to face the dog. The dim glow of flames about the animal had her thinking the obvious: play splash park! Of course it may have been rude to cause such deep water damage, but the girl didn't have much on her mind beyond "extinguishing a few fires" right now. Thinking to back up Lilia's head on assault, she submerged her hand in a pure orb of water and -- as if to throw the water bomb like a toy -- hurled it in an arc down to plop on the hellhound's head.

"Water magic is like, so effective against these guys, ya know!?" she shouted the obvious to Lilia as she took up a stance, ready to leap in right behind her water bomb.


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