Hi! I'm following this thread and its getting pretty interesting!
I want to help you if you wish (regarding camera code, graphics, sex scenes and gameplay). But pace by pace. I'm getting bombarded with timeouts (due to daily Work) :/
For about lack of comments, its normal. I've got used to it
When you see '1500 playing your game', be sure, 1500 got interest in your game, and better, 800 different people played it and 700 were the replays of some of these people.
I like the 'black circle camera movement' animation, its like the start and end level of smb3. If you permit it, can I use it?
BulmaSSJ4 Wrote:Now i got some of this ugly code i never wanted. Like... "Cam1= Cam2= Cam3= Cam4=..."
And i still have no idea why flash totaly glitches out if i use the Cam on 2 different Frames, with 2 times the same name.
I guess there is some global variable conflict inside that huge code
For about the VCAM. Be careful!! The setTimeout and setInterval are devil! They can be only used ONCE!
- Code: Select All Code
mariointerval=setInterval (function_name, 1000);
NEVER call setInterval again without clearInterval (or clearTimeout for setTimeout). This can mangle the code like in your frame 11.
When you put, say, mariointerval=setInterval (function_name, 2000) without clearning the former, you're not just modifying the rate of execution from 1000ms to 2000ms. You're creating another setInterval!
So, lets clear the interval first!
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You can force unloading the Vcam movie itself, in the end of each level.
Vcam code around the internet have this line inside them: 'onUnload=unloadMovie(this)', or something like that.
If this line doesnt exist, or its not being unloaded, force it! But check for those setTimeouts and setIntervals first!
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(even if it's not exactly the problem with your VCAM, I'm just telling you to be careful about it).
Also, for about creating new movies dinamically. You can create a large area (rectangle) MC with the instance name 'area' (in its own layer), and them spawn enemies INTO it, instead of _root (scene1!). E.g.
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For about some flash weird bugs (like imported library items being with empty MCs), try to clean the FLA like that.
1) if you're using CS6, save to CS5, then CS4. If CS5, save to CS4 then CS3.
2) use the former Adobe Flash version to open it and save again with a lower version (e.g. Flash CS5 to open a CS5 and to save as CS4. Then Flash CS4 to open a CS4 and to save as CS3).
3) open your latest Adobe Flash program, and load the CS3 or CS4 version. Now save as the latest version (e.g. CS6).
4) use the last version from now on to add code and features.
Its like opening a 400kbytes DOC with Microsoft Word 2007 and saving as a Microsoft Word 2000 DOC file. Misteriously, tons of problems get vanished.
Finally, try to DIMINISH curves count in your objects. The more the curves, the game will be slower! Each non-small object (like trees, ground..) should have a total below 800 curves. I noticed playshapes used to have more than 3000 curves in some objects!
You can do that:
1- converting art to PEN (redrawing them), using bezier curves. Sometimes, from 900 curves, you get as low as 100, with almost same quality!
2- using less gradients/color transitions. Its better to do , say, a ground texture, using 3 green colors, than using 12 colors from sand to dark green.
3- NEVER, NEVER trace a bitmap. The curves count could reach 10.000!!
4- Also, DONT use tons of movie clips inside movie clips (like 100 flowers MC inside the grass shape). Its better to draw the 100 flowers right into the shape. In the case, using clones of them.
5- try to use only one layer in all shape graphics. The curves/flat areas will be joined, optimizing curves.
6- using flash menu -> Modify-> Shape-> Optimize. Use it between 14 and 100% (the more you compress, less curves!)
7- deleting curves manually (use PEN tool, then press '-' to select 'delete vertices' tool, then just click on the vertices you dont need).
You may start designing/using better enemies from other games, like MIM (shyguys, boo's, koopas...). Just ask the authors (Luftmallow is a great designer here in the site). Check out 'MIM AE' and' MIM DO' (Mario is Missing Hacked) projects so you can use more ideas.
List of enemies you can think of adding to BW:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Goombas, toads, koopas, kamek, loki (guy in clouds, also known as Lakitu), flying turtles, Chain Chomp, Yoshi, Piranha plants, beige plants (which jumps when the character passes over it), Bullet Bills, Wiggler (catterpillar), shyguy, snifit (bad shyguy with masks), phanto (those possessed circular masks in Mario 2), pokey (can be used as anal beads), Birdo, Ninjis (purple creatures jumping intermitently), Subcon (little humanoids with wings that resembles workers from Chocolate factory), flurry (penguim), Boo, thwomps (big rocks), Mario, Luigi, Peach's umbrella (Perry), which is alive, Osama (king of Subcon)
Keep up your efforts!
May be force be with you!