Coldcry (IC)

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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby daxtinator396 » Thu Sep 06, 2012 12:24 am

Jessi stood shocked by the sight but was ready to rush in once the scary dogs were taken care of though for now she hid behind Lilia trying to make herself appear as small as possible so the rapist dogs wouldn't rush towards her, her scent maybe even betraying what lay under her hat if they could even smell it past the large stink of sex that hung in the room. She was scared of the dogs before and now she was utterly terrified!
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby Icaelus » Thu Sep 06, 2012 6:20 pm

Deni clamped a hand over her mouth in horror as she surveyed the disgusting scene. A woman was getting raped by dogs..mutated police dogs. She would've simply continued to watch the scene in sick silence if not for some beast's roar that jolted her senses back. Was that some different monster...? She didn't want to know..
Shocked in action by the roar, Deni moved after Ak'Vit, who had simply just charged forward into the fray. A gunshot rang out from behind her, but she was past caring. The kukri knife once again felt different in her hands..heavier. Deadlier.
Deni would adopt the same strategy just then, keeping close behind Ak'Vit, but staying mostly out of range of the dogs so that she could step in and stab the monster that would eventually attack her.. Aggression was not something she was good at. Protecting her allies was the only thing she could do..
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby hailey<3 » Thu Sep 06, 2012 8:05 pm

Charlotte sighs. She wanders around the room. ''Anything I can do to help?''
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby Sortaix » Thu Sep 06, 2012 8:48 pm

The Armory:
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The predatory dogs, to engrossed with their prize, don't see the group of rescuers arrive. The bullet by Lilia did jar them to their senses, when it pierced the skull of the dog currently taking his turn, splattering his brains on the ground underneath him. His body falling down and his member sliding out of his victim. The attack by Ak'Vit was successful as well, her blade piercing the dogs snout, before it could react the energy blade was already in his brain. The dog fell dead, at her hands. Her attack with her tail however, swung wide over the last dogs head. The third dog backed off, having a little more of it's intellect in tact than the others. It ran around Denni, out of her reach and made a mad dash for Lilia, intent on taking out the ranged weapon. He was snarling loudly as he frothed at the mouth, quite angry at being disturbed.

The Computer Room:
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Kate roams through the cameras not finding anyone, until she checks the edge of the habitation center. She then spies a group of people in armor, behind a large barricade. Her compute skills, allow her to notice the large portable computer some of them are using, as well as the neat and clean coats of lab personnel. She catches this even just in time to see a woman run to the barricade screaming for help. One of the men in armor walk over and hit her with a stun baton, paralyzing her, just in time for a rabid minotaur man to come over. He bangs against the barricade for a few minutes till he sees the paralyzed woman, which then begins to sniff. One of the people in a lab coat runs over with a camera to record as the minotaur rips her clothing apart and proceeds to violate her right there in the street. The people behind the barricade appear only to care about documenting the event, not lifting a finger to help the poor woman. Also as Kate rummages through the systems, she would find many of these barricades all over the station, each one appearing to just be an outpost to document what is happening.

The Holding Cells:
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Cassie was unable to break out of her cell, the metal bars merely bouncing her off. She was fortunately able to turn around as the first zombie got withing striking distance. It attempted to attack her, but it was too weak. She grabbed the creature and swung it around slamming its' head into the steel bars, with enough force to crack the skull open. Her tail pierced the second zombie as it closed in, which gave her a moment to spare, allowing her to smash the things head onto the bed frame. However, the third one was able to grab her, ripping the front of her clothing off of her, as his claws barely scratched her skin, just enough for her to feel it. It then pushed into her with its weight which caused her to stumble back into something else. A dull blue glow encompassed her vision as an energy was placed in front of her, accompanied by the sound of a laser frying the zombies brain. As soon as the creature was dead, the pistol then wrapped around her front as the shield deactivated, the unkown person trying to grab her arms.
"Hold it! Hold it! I'm a cop, don't attack! I'm a cop!"
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby berserkerhorn » Thu Sep 06, 2012 9:22 pm

Cassie holds still. Her tail slowly creeps up behind the cop and wraps around the cop's neck. "touche my friend... hurt me and you'll die from my death spasms."
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby MiscChaos » Thu Sep 06, 2012 9:51 pm

Lilia releases a small smile of satisfaction as the dog's brains spills over the floor, knowing that one less rapist roams the station. Her grin grows as Ak'Vit kills another, but it fades when the dog starts coming for her. She goes to back up, but realizes that she has something behind her. A quick look... Dammit, Jessi! Unable to move with her stuck on Lilia's back, she realizes that she'll have to make her stand here. Digging into her medical pack, she pulls out a sterilized scalpel and wields it like a knife. She then takes a shot at the dog running her way, aiming for the body this time, fully expecting to miss and prepared to dig the scalpel deep in the beast's eye.
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby shinox23 » Thu Sep 06, 2012 9:58 pm

Hakkyou 's eyes opened when the mutant dog who was taking his turn was killed off and she hollered a command to the one that was about to attack the woman with the ranged weapon "SIT!!" Having lost one or two of her "Pets" made quite the nasty attitude rise up in her "Now why did you have to go and kill them? I was having such a good time... Not to mention, while nobody was looking, I always took them with me so they can... Let off some steam" Her eyes were partially blank, but if viewed carefully, they would show that she was indeed very angry at the hasty actions the new people have taken "Get over here Dash, good boy..." She would hug the mutant dog and pet him "They weren't always like this, but at least they still knew they could trust me, of all people here... Even though I do have..." She started to blush while licking her lips "One just like them..." Her blush would soon disappear when she returned her attention to the women that walked in "Well, can someone tell me what's going on? And why the hell so many zombies are walking around like it's a free sale on the nearest living buffet?"
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby thealchemist » Thu Sep 06, 2012 10:06 pm

Turning around to face the woman, Ak'Vit stared at her in shock. "B-b-but they were RAPING you?!"
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby daxtinator396 » Thu Sep 06, 2012 11:06 pm

Jessi remains plastered to Lilia`s back scared to go anywhere near the dog,"I`m sorry... I`m terrefied of dogs..." She whimpers quietly into her back unable to look and too scared to move away for fear the dog will chase her,"C-can we t-treat your wounds?" She says moving her head to look past Lilia`s back and instantly shrinks back seeing the large wolf lady... who was hung? She decided that Lilia would get this one,"Teacher c-could you?" She says with a bit of shame making it`s way into her voice. She needs to get past it but she doesn`t think she can as she is using all her will power not to break and run.
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby napsii » Fri Sep 07, 2012 1:10 am

Dahlia clenched her lips as her skateboard rolled to a halt. Peering in to the armory, she knew she would have paid for mangled corpses, or blood painting the walls -- not what she bore witness to. Hissing some word of disgust under her breath, she turned her head down. The crude sight of a mounted woman and the mutated dogs that were her captors was a image that burned enough she didn't need to see it more than once in her lifetime. Biting back the awful smell, she readied the objects in her invisible grasp to beat away the dogs, who roared at them threateningly. The scene was gruesome enough that she almost wanted to fall comatose to take it in -- what in the world could have compelled any animal to do this?

A snippet of memories flooded back into the girl as she kicked her skateboard back into her hand, hanging it on a belt loosely on the small of her back. She wouldn't claim to know what was going on, but her experience -- her instinct -- knew that human interference was involved. It seemed a given, but there was...someone else at work here.

She was a little bewildered at how quickly the raped woman recovered, but tried to avoid broaching the subject. This was all just too suspicious.

Stepping over to Deni with her floating weapons circling around her and a close eye on those wretched dogs, she tilted her beret and stood next the journalist girl.

"Hey, Deni, you okay?" she questioned quietly, giving her a confident shake on the arm.

Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby shinox23 » Fri Sep 07, 2012 1:24 am

Hakkyou blinked for a moment "You don't know the difference between screams of joy and cries for help... Do you?" She looked over towards the dead dogs and a thought ran through her mind quickly "Scratch that, I think it'd be best if we kept their bodies away from the dead zombies, they may be dead, but their blood can still make you one of them" She stands up and stretches "How long have we been fucking?" She looked at her PDA and saw that 2 days flew by "DAMN!!" In the midst of seeing that she's been their fuck-hole for 2 days straight, her futa-cock gets erect as she blushes hard, her face turning a heavy red "Uuuhmm... Wow... I guess those weeks of practice DID pay off!" Her tail began to wag at the thought of what it would've been like if they WEREN'T interrupted
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby Sortaix » Fri Sep 07, 2012 2:10 am

Holding cells:
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Officer Silent was expecting the woman to attack him, out of fear or adrenaline, that's why he grabbed her arms. He was not expecting a tail to wrap around his throat. Her comment affirmed his belief that she thought he was hostile. He then let go of her arms as he spun her around to look at him.
"Hurt you? Lady do you realize what's going on? The entire space station is under attack. I just listened to an audio message from the evacuation shuttles, before whoever is attacking us, killed them all. I am not going to hurt you. Myself and a few other survivors are trying to figure a way off of this station, I was trying to help you. If I wanted to hurt you, I would have shot you through those steel bars.Now please, I don't intend to hurt you, but are you okay? We have two nurses in our group if you are wounded."
Officer Silent held up his hands in a defensive manner, his shield deactivated and his pistol aimed at the ceiling, hoping this woman would listen to him.
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby berserkerhorn » Fri Sep 07, 2012 2:47 am

"Sorry... holding my arm just brought back memories of when i was used as a biological experiment. I get defensive whenever i'm cornered or whenever someone holds a limb." Cassie says. The smell of smoke comes from her mouth and fills the cell. She stares at officer silent. "My name is Cassie. Sorry about the smoke smell...It happens when I get aggressive. Since you lowered your shield and your weapon I guess I could trust you for the time being." Cassie releases Officer Silent from her tail. "Other companions you say?" Cassie says tilting her head in curiosity
Last edited by berserkerhorn on Fri Sep 07, 2012 12:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby thealchemist » Fri Sep 07, 2012 2:57 am

As the womans cock begins to erect so does Ak'Vits. Creating a tent in her garments. Blushing hard Ak'Vit asked the woman in a slighty husky voice. "You actually want to be mounted by these dogs."
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby MiscChaos » Fri Sep 07, 2012 3:26 am

Lilia almost literally reels in shock when the girl reveals she was WILLINGLY being fucked by those dogs. Her shock quickly turns to disgust though, but she buries that under layers of professionalism. That's pretty much the only thing keeping her from cussing the woman out right now. "Jessi, the woman doesn't have wounds on her. She did this willingly, remember? Any marks she has on her is more like foreplay than a medical emergency." she says in a cool, neutral voice since she doesn't wanna give any emotion away. When Ak'Vit starts getting turned out as well, she literally facepalms, her self control breaking for an instant.

'Is it the cocks? Do the cocks make people this stupid horny? she asks herself.
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby shinox23 » Fri Sep 07, 2012 5:00 am

"Well, yea, I mean really, have you TRIED the knot?" she turns Dash to her view so she can see the mutant dog's dick "Trust me, it's worth a few scratches and nibbles" Hakkyou's eyes are then averted to the woman's 'Tent' and smiles just a little, but not big enough to be noticed "I go by Hakkyou, Security guard" She nods while slightly bowing "I see that things are alright outside, I guess now's a good time to uhm... Find some new clothes and such..." She scratched the back of her head before separating the dead dogs away from the zombies on the floor "I may not look it, But I assure you, when things get serious, I'll put my life on the line to do what's right, Aint that right Dashy?" She smiles at the mutant dog again, bending over in front of the woman with the tent, giving her a full view of her naughty bits, spreading her legs so she can see her well-endowed futa-cock in all its erect glory "Mind giving me a hand? These dogs are a lot heavier than they were before they were mutated..." She said in a semi-seductive voice, still keeping it serious, she wasn't lying, their bodies were heavy, even for her
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby daxtinator396 » Fri Sep 07, 2012 12:18 pm

"Oh... alright lets get some weapons then while we`re in here. Maybe we`ll even find some supplies we can use!" She says alittle less nervously trying to be more like Lilia but she gingerly skirted around the bodies as she turned towards the racks and shelves lining the walls and examined them for anything of use.
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby Sortaix » Fri Sep 07, 2012 2:22 pm

The Armory:
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In the armory, there were arms everywhere! Long arms, short arms, rotting arms, healthy arms, skinny arms, muscly arms, pretty arms, ugly arms, bloody arms, non-bloody arms, three arms, four arms, and...oh wait, wrong kind of arms, my bad. Jessi would find that the racks and shelves are empty, but there is a small room behind and armored door, that looks important. It has a key-card lock that requires a member of security, with a pass to open it. Hakkyou's I.D. was lost when she got jumped by her "friends". Other than that, the room is primarily empty, having been scavenged by former security personnel.

The Holding Cells:
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Officer Silent listens as Cassie introduces herself.
"It's alright, I am Steve Silent, one of the last, if not the last security officer on this station. Are you alright, Cassie?"
Steve asks, seeing as how the front of her garment is torn open, completely. He extends his hand to her in a greeting.
"I have a small group of survivors here with me in this station. We are here looking for supplies and weapons while we try to figure a way out of here. You are welcome to come along with us."
By the time you realize this doesn't say anything. It's too late to stop reading.
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby berserkerhorn » Fri Sep 07, 2012 3:14 pm

Cassie takes the hand and shakes it. "I'll come along... I'm tired of this place. Lead the way steev" she starts flapping her wings. Apparently she has an injury on her left foot. There is a large glass shard stuck inside it. "I couldn't remove this from my foot" she says pointing at the glass
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby hailey<3 » Fri Sep 07, 2012 3:23 pm

Charlotte sits quietly in the room sad that she can't help.
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