Flash noob, help!

Discussion about Legend of Krystal. For now this also includes any feature-requests or other ideas.

Flash noob, help!

Postby Finy » Mon Jan 03, 2011 9:47 pm

Hi, ive recently came across LoK and it interests me, so i decided to train my Adobe flash cs4 skills, ive tried looking for tutorials on LoK like modfying scenes, but no luck. ive found other tutorials for flash but not LoK based, and im having a major noob problem at the moment and hope you can help me, ill try to explain this as simple as possible

Image 1 is my background, and i want to put image 2 onto my background(image 1) but everytime i try to put image 2 onto my background, image 2 turns into the image 1? the image below might explain it better.

If you can help me many thanks!, also if anyone has seen LoK tutorials for noobies, let me know, thanks :D

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Re: Flash noob, help!

Postby KaTsuO_O » Tue Jan 04, 2011 1:31 am

So everything you lay on the frame goes under the movieclip witch is on the stage? If im guesing right you could solve that by add a new layer
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