Wondering about changes in art style

Discussion about Legend of Krystal. For now this also includes any feature-requests or other ideas.

Wondering about changes in art style

Postby Axel » Sun Jan 02, 2011 12:31 pm

Well, I'm not sure where the "noob" corner is, but I've been a watching fan for a good time, and I've been wondering about a artist that I've seen in the creative corner. I'm a bit sketchy when names are mentioned, so I'd like to identify a prominent key feature I observed in their work: Sharpclaws with barbed cocks. The artist is still yet extraordinarily, but otherwise it is the barbed penis that seems to have higher focus in the flashes I've seen. The particular likeness makes me envision a griffin rather than a lizard, however, and it perplexes me as well as interests me.
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Re: Wondering about changes in art style

Postby trunks2585 » Sun Jan 02, 2011 7:15 pm

you're talking about kal, and we arn't using those sprites anymore.
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Re: Wondering about changes in art style

Postby Axel » Mon Jan 03, 2011 6:02 pm

Thank you for telling me. I was becoming rather curious, though now I'm slightly more curious about the new artist.
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Re: Wondering about changes in art style

Postby Rinzler » Tue Jan 04, 2011 2:55 am

Is there any way, to have a kind of comparison table in which we can compare the images kal provided for the project and the ones ptoon-t is actually providing?
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Re: Wondering about changes in art style

Postby trunks2585 » Tue Jan 04, 2011 6:29 am

I'm trying to get onto ptoon's case about finishing up his krystal model so we can at least show you guys the headshot of it so we can get some public feedback. if you want to see some general artwork ptoon did here's an image of blazikin he did viewtopic.php?f=7&t=515&hilit=swimsuit&start=80#p10951
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