Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.09 (4/18/12)

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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.09 (4/18/1

Postby Lucky777 » Mon Aug 20, 2012 8:00 pm

Not just gone over but gone over and clearly rejected, thankfully.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.09 (4/18/1

Postby Darthan » Mon Aug 20, 2012 9:03 pm

Kuragari Wrote:I know this has been brought up before, the idea of a purity limit that results in game over. I was thinking about it again, and I came to the conclusion that if one should ever be added to the game, it would likely have to be a -100. At that point, the character would have to be just plain broken by that point. Just figured I'd throw that out there (besides, I like the thought of their being a consequence of aiming mostly for the sex in a playthrough: if your not careful, you lose.)

Lucky777 Wrote:Not just gone over but gone over and clearly rejected, thankfully.

I agree with lucky on this one. Making a sex game that punishes you for going after the sex seem counterproductive to me.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.09 (4/18/1

Postby Lucky777 » Mon Aug 20, 2012 9:11 pm

It's true that mindbreak is some peeps' fetish, but there are other ways to get it into the game, like the bad ends for losing to specific enemies with specific music.

So yeah.

Definitely glad THAT discussion ended the way it did way back when it ended.
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My God, this game.

Postby SrGoop » Tue Aug 21, 2012 12:20 am

It has been long since I've seen such a beautiful effort to make a great H-game. And then, the games were simple, or juvenile, like one scene of stripping a space warrior's armor off for lovins, or a few poorly presented, but at least creative scenes. This one just blows all of them out of the water. Kurovadis is the only game that I would put on the same level as this one.

I've been a lurker forever, and THIS was the game to make me register and post. It has a REAL combat system, it pleases many audiences (with a little stuff outside my preferences, and some a little uncomfortable, but the level of choice in what you see more than makes up for it), and it even LOOKS GREAT. The only gripe I have with it, visually, is the hardly discernible faces on the girls, and the indiscernible male models. Maybe make a few have wider shoulders and bigger muscles, or even make them solid figures with skin colors but not necessarily clothes, features or even hair. Like the Brawlers! Though such details would be very welcome in later updates. :P Oh, and ONE other gripe. The reactions and general attitude towards the stall encounters seem.. same-ey. Like I can't tell whether my Purity level is low or high, judging from some of them, like Lanie(my favorite!)'s reaction to the Old Man and the Horse, even the Lady-man.

All in all, this game is fucking BEAUTIFUL. And while I don't currently have a job, you can definitely count on me looking for a donate button when I do. Anyway, I've rambled on long enough. Keep up the good work, PLEASE! I would hate to see this beautiful project go to waste like so many before it. <3
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Re: My God, this game.

Postby Darthan » Tue Aug 21, 2012 3:30 am

SrGoop Wrote:The only gripe I have with it, visually, is the hardly discernible faces on the girls, and the indiscernible male models. Maybe make a few have wider shoulders and bigger muscles, or even make them solid figures with skin colors but not necessarily clothes, features or even hair. Like the Brawlers! Though such details would be very welcome in later updates.

This is really more of a limitation to the Custom 3D Girl system that is used to make the CGs. Kita can only make CGs based on the resources available to him, and 3D Custom Girl is very lacking in the male model department and the female model faces are all pretty much the same.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.09 (4/18/1

Postby Kuragari » Tue Aug 21, 2012 2:26 pm

Darthan Wrote:
Lucky777 Wrote:Not just gone over but gone over and clearly rejected, thankfully.

I agree with lucky on this one. Making a sex game that punishes you for going after the sex seem counterproductive to me.

I never said it was punishing you for going after sex, its more of a case of punishing you for reaching a point where your character would be mind-broken and unwilling to continue her mission. I'm sure once the game is finished that, at the moment anyrate, you could go througha playthrough of the game and beat it and yet have the purity level so damn low that even Lucifer himself will go "DAAAAMMMNN!!" If all your after in the game is sex, than you can just save the CG's and look at them whenever you please (which is actually why the Gallery was added in I believe) I've played this game both for just the sex part and for the game/storyline parts in different playthroughs, the former obviously being longer so I could look at all the scenes multiple times.

Besides, the only way you'd actually hit it is if your not careful. With places like the bath to raise your purity back up, so long as you were careful, you'd never have to even worry about it.

But whatever, I guess it doesn't matter. I don't even know if it'd be hard to implement. It doesn't seem like it would, as you could recycle the beginning's first game over chance CG and scene wise, and just make a variable that gives you game over if you reach -100 points or what not.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.09 (4/18/1

Postby Darthan » Tue Aug 21, 2012 5:48 pm

Kuragari Wrote:I never said it was punishing you for going after sex, its more of a case of punishing you for reaching a point where your character would be mind-broken and unwilling to continue her mission. I'm sure once the game is finished that, at the moment anyrate, you could go througha playthrough of the game and beat it and yet have the purity level so damn low that even Lucifer himself will go "DAAAAMMMNN!!" If all your after in the game is sex, than you can just save the CG's and look at them whenever you please (which is actually why the Gallery was added in I believe) I've played this game both for just the sex part and for the game/storyline parts in different playthroughs, the former obviously being longer so I could look at all the scenes multiple times.

Besides, the only way you'd actually hit it is if your not careful. With places like the bath to raise your purity back up, so long as you were careful, you'd never have to even worry about it.

But whatever, I guess it doesn't matter. I don't even know if it'd be hard to implement. It doesn't seem like it would, as you could recycle the beginning's first game over chance CG and scene wise, and just make a variable that gives you game over if you reach -100 points or what not.

Kita also said that her never intended to purity to drop below 0, but he has not yet figured out how to prevent that from happening.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.09 (4/18/1

Postby phoenyxz » Thu Aug 23, 2012 12:59 am

any1 has any idea of spoilers to give us who are on the verge on going crazy in anxiety pls, so many months and no arcane division T-T, but if i survive the w8 there is no way id be bored soon ^^.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.09 (4/18/1

Postby wanted » Thu Aug 23, 2012 3:16 pm

Darthan Wrote:
Kuragari Wrote:I know this has been brought up before, the idea of a purity limit that results in game over. I was thinking about it again, and I came to the conclusion that if one should ever be added to the game, it would likely have to be a -100. At that point, the character would have to be just plain broken by that point. Just figured I'd throw that out there (besides, I like the thought of their being a consequence of aiming mostly for the sex in a playthrough: if your not careful, you lose.)

Lucky777 Wrote:Not just gone over but gone over and clearly rejected, thankfully.

I agree with lucky on this one. Making a sex game that punishes you for going after the sex seem counterproductive to me.

..and definitely NOT fun. But I agree maybe there should be something to control better the level of purity (hence its consequences)
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Re: My God, this game.

Postby wanted » Thu Aug 23, 2012 3:19 pm

SrGoop Wrote:It has been long since I've seen such a beautiful effort to make a great H-game. And then, the games were simple, or juvenile, like one scene of stripping a space warrior's armor off for lovins, or a few poorly presented, but at least creative scenes. This one just blows all of them out of the water. Kurovadis is the only game that I would put on the same level as this one.

I've been a lurker forever, and THIS was the game to make me register and post. It has a REAL combat system, it pleases many audiences (with a little stuff outside my preferences, and some a little uncomfortable, but the level of choice in what you see more than makes up for it), and it even LOOKS GREAT. The only gripe I have with it, visually, is the hardly discernible faces on the girls, and the indiscernible male models. Maybe make a few have wider shoulders and bigger muscles, or even make them solid figures with skin colors but not necessarily clothes, features or even hair. Like the Brawlers! Though such details would be very welcome in later updates. :P Oh, and ONE other gripe. The reactions and general attitude towards the stall encounters seem.. same-ey. Like I can't tell whether my Purity level is low or high, judging from some of them, like Lanie(my favorite!)'s reaction to the Old Man and the Horse, even the Lady-man.

All in all, this game is fucking BEAUTIFUL. And while I don't currently have a job, you can definitely count on me looking for a donate button when I do. Anyway, I've rambled on long enough. Keep up the good work, PLEASE! I would hate to see this beautiful project go to waste like so many before it. <3

I totally agree (and Lanie is my favourite too :) )
The dialogues too: it couldn't seem so, but well written dialogues and choices&consequences make all the difference :)
If It could help speed the project a little bit, I'm willing to donate too ;)
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.09 (4/18/1

Postby KITAmaru » Fri Aug 24, 2012 5:53 am

For the (relatively) new arrivals to the thread, like SrGoop and wanted, thanks for your support, as well as the people who've stuck around for this long. Sooo, while I was on a bit of a break, I have been chipping away at it a little bit, but there is still a lot to do (such as personalization on the rest of the H-scenes). I'm just gonna have to put it out there like Toffi and say please do not ride on this every day, to avoid disappointment. I'll tell you what I do have finished though, which is the initial intro scene, abooout... 7 H-scenes done (only one personalized so far with CG's), and pretty much all of the maps. I have about 2 more scenes to do, enemy creation, and personalization for the rest, as well as CG's, and then I'll be done. I've gotten to the point where CG's really don't take long at all--it's actually more time-consuming to search for mods than pose. It's more or less getting in the mood to write and following through with the personalization, which can admittedly be tedious.

And yep, in terms of any limitations with the CG's, that's part of a 3DCG thing. I'm always looking for new male mods and such, so if anyone finds interesting ones, feel free to send them my way. As far as the 'same-ish' reactions... heh, well, when you have almost 400 scenes, some of which have multiple prompts, your brain runs kinda dry at some points, I'll admit. I did change around a few, however, as of late.
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Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Update: 0.09 (4/18/12):
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.09 (4/18/1

Postby Darthan » Fri Aug 24, 2012 6:19 am

Kita, I remember you saying something about wanting to limit how high and low purity can go. I think I may have figured out a way to do this but am not exactly sure how to do it in your game since I don't really know how you control purity. It will probably take quite a bit of work to add it to existing content, I would be willing to work on it if you want, but once you understand it adding it to new content should be pretty simple. I actually figured it because of some work I have been doing on an inform game. :D

Anyway, let me know what if you are still interested in that and I can see what I can do to to setup something to show you how I do it.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.09 (4/18/1

Postby Ryan Nocturne » Fri Aug 31, 2012 3:00 pm

Quick question, how did you get the 3d cg scenes? Also, I 'm considering getting a RPG maker, but I can't decide between VX and VX Ace. Already got XP, but didn't have what I needed.
Ryan Nocturne
Joined: Tue Aug 28, 2012 8:35 pm

Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.09 (4/18/1

Postby Kvothe » Sun Sep 02, 2012 8:30 pm

Looking good Kita, Can't wait for the next release, can already tell by the slime girl pics it's going to be a good one.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.09 (4/18/1

Postby Darthan » Mon Sep 03, 2012 8:10 am

Ryan Nocturne Wrote:Quick question, how did you get the 3d cg scenes? Also, I 'm considering getting a RPG maker, but I can't decide between VX and VX Ace. Already got XP, but didn't have what I needed.

He did not get them anywhere, he made them using 3D Custom Girl. As far as which RPG Maker to get, VX is what Kita used to make this game, Vx Ace is pretty much the same as VX but with some added features.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.09 (4/18/1

Postby Ryan Nocturne » Mon Sep 03, 2012 9:03 am

Darthan Wrote:
Ryan Nocturne Wrote:Quick question, how did you get the 3d cg scenes? Also, I 'm considering getting a RPG maker, but I can't decide between VX and VX Ace. Already got XP, but didn't have what I needed.

He did not get them anywhere, he made them using 3D Custom Girl. As far as which RPG Maker to get, VX is what Kita used to make this game, Vx Ace is pretty much the same as VX but with some added features.

Thanks for the reply! I already have VX and 3D Custom Girl, but the latter seems to be lacking a lot of stuff compared to Kita's version. Does anybody know where I can find the armor that Lumina has the weapons the main characters have in the title screen and their poses too? I found all kinds of stuff EXCEPT what I'm looking for.
Ryan Nocturne
Joined: Tue Aug 28, 2012 8:35 pm

Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.09 (4/18/1

Postby wanted » Mon Sep 03, 2012 2:17 pm

Kvothe Wrote:Looking good Kita, Can't wait for the next release, can already tell by the slime girl pics it's going to be a good one.

Ehm...what pictures? Image
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.09 (4/18/1

Postby Ryan Nocturne » Wed Sep 05, 2012 10:59 am

So, Kita. How's the progress of your game? Do you think you'll be posting an update in near future, or is there no ETA yet?
Ryan Nocturne
Joined: Tue Aug 28, 2012 8:35 pm

Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.09 (4/18/1

Postby phoenyxz » Wed Sep 05, 2012 4:29 pm

look in the page 97 and youll see the slime girls, any news of new spoilers by the way the w8ing is killing me(well my pervert side is dying and for thas not a good thing for me)
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG) Latest Release: Ver.0.09 (4/18/1

Postby lhklan » Wed Sep 05, 2012 6:44 pm

Hello there. I've greatly enjoyed your works. I've been replaying it for a while, and it never fails to be interesting. if it's not too much trouble, could you answers a few questions of mine?
1. The Corrupt Captain. I'm surprised that almost every other boss have an H-scene, yet losing to him resulting in being sent to the Chambers. Are there future plans for him?
2. Would Sairin and Rhianne try and get revenge on their humiliators?
3. The wooden horse. Do you have plans for it? Whenever interacting with it, a textbox appeared.
4.The Chambers. It's that's all, or are there more?
Thank you for listening.
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