Coldcry (IC)

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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby thealchemist » Tue Aug 28, 2012 10:31 pm

Ak'Vit charged at the unexpecting dogs. Hoping to kill them before they join the fray.
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby Sortaix » Wed Aug 29, 2012 2:17 am

Steve was able to blast one zombies skull open with his pistol. Alis lucked out, and her question was answered when the zombie she aimed at showered his friend with pieces of skull and brain. Dahlia was able to successfully hit one dog with her table, causing a sickening crack as the bones in his lower half shattered. Her television, that she threw was also successful at making six zombies hit the ground. One more was shot in the head by Steves lazer pistol, Alis was not able to successfully hit any more, due to Dahlias attack, making her miss her targets. The attacks by the taser however, had no discernible affect on the undead minions, it just hit them and nothing happened. She will most likely have to use the knife. Ak'Vit's attack on the dogs was partially successful, She was able to stab at the immobile dog, slicing it's heart up, making it die on her blade. The other dog, however was able to dodge her attacks at it, and instead, took a bite out of her robe, exposing her ass and tail.(if she has one, I'm assuming a lizard anthro does.)

Ending resut: Seven zombies left, one dog left.

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Last edited by Sortaix on Wed Aug 29, 2012 2:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby thealchemist » Wed Aug 29, 2012 2:22 am

(She does) Ak'Vit stared at the dog, unmoving. Throwing ideas around her head she finally moved her yard long tail to the side. Twitching it occasionly to gather the dogs attention, when that happens Ak'Vit will suddenly lunge and plunge her blade straight into the dogs face.
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby Reaver » Wed Aug 29, 2012 3:37 am

Alis quickly fistpumps the air in happiness as the zombies head explodes. "Confetti" She shouts before she runs up to the other zombie and tries to hilt smash the it in the face while trying not to slip in the brain gibbletes. She also notices the flying furniture and can't help whislting at the power Dahlias holds. "If only I had that power, I could fuck people up" Alis thinks as she presses the bottom of her gun into the face of the zombie.
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby daxtinator396 » Wed Aug 29, 2012 3:47 am

Jessi peeks through the door tentatively at the shouts of battle happy to see no one was hurt yet,"Good. Everyone is safe so far." She said before ducking her head back into the room and moves back over to Lilia who was still prepping her med supplies,"Miss Lilia? Can you teach me?" She asks sitting next to her.
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby MiscChaos » Wed Aug 29, 2012 4:12 am

Lilia gives a small smile before finding a nearby chair or, failing that, the floor to sit on. "Sure. Only, there's so much to learn, so you'll have to be more specific about what you want to know before the others get done."
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby daxtinator396 » Wed Aug 29, 2012 4:21 am

"I was here to become a nurse. I don`t know much but I want to be useful. Could you teach me some basic field medicine? They only tought us basic nurse stuff while I was here before well all of this happened..." She said with a weak smile. She sits down beside her shyly.
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby MiscChaos » Wed Aug 29, 2012 4:32 am

"In this situation, there's no much different than usual." she starts. "I don't think they'll be getting shot, so we don't have to worry about removing bullets. If the wound is bleeding profusely, apply a tourniquet to stop blood from escaping and to keep poison from spreading if it's there. Then apply hydrogen peroxide and/or alcohol to the wound to disinfect and clean it. Once the wound's clean, clean it again, just to be sure. If you suspect there to be poison, well, we don't have any antidotes here at the moment, so you'll have to do the old fashioned way of sucking it out then cleaning the wound again. I can't stress enough how important it is for the wound to be clean. Once that's done, dress the wound and make them take it easy for a bit to keep from reopening it. That's the most basic duty of a field medic." She finally concludes around a smile. She really wishes she had some antidotes now that she thinks on it...
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby daxtinator396 » Wed Aug 29, 2012 4:40 am

"Those zombies looked really dirty. I think we`ll have to be very careful about any cuts and scrapes they might get from them. Right? And thank you. I`m glad there are two of us to take care of everyone. I couldn`t do it myself..." She says with a slight worrisome frown that quickly moved back to a brighter smile,"Can I be your apprentice? I think I could learn alot from you." She asks happily.
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby MiscChaos » Wed Aug 29, 2012 4:44 am

"That's right. That's why we clean to almost obsessive levels." she says in response to the zombies being dirty. "No need for someone to catch a disease after all. I'm sure you'd do just fine with a little experience under your belt." When the question of apprenticeship is asked, Lilia contemplates it for a bit. "I'm not sure how much you will learn while under fire like this, but two medics are always better than one, so I have no problem teaching you what I know."
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby daxtinator396 » Wed Aug 29, 2012 4:54 am

"Thanks! Um c-can I show you something? I think it might be important if we are going to work togtehr..." She says holding onto her hat nervously preparing to show her ears.
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby MiscChaos » Wed Aug 29, 2012 4:57 am

Lilia raises an eyebrow at Jessi's sudden nervousness, but it doesn't take a genius to figure out that there's something below that hat that she doesn't want people to see. Maybe a strange growth? Or maybe a grafted on part? Lilia's curiosity starts to peak. "If you feel you need to." is all she says though.
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby daxtinator396 » Wed Aug 29, 2012 5:06 am

She shyly removes her hat revealing her long rabbit ears as they flop down into her face and her blush matches the color of her ears,"Th-there`s a tail too. That`s why the dogs made me so nervous. I didn`t want to go out there. I`m not sure if I should tell the others yet. I`m not always treated with... the most respect when people find out." she said replacing her hat and tucking her ears back inside her hat leaving the barest tips hidden in her hair so she coulld hear better. than without them.
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby MiscChaos » Wed Aug 29, 2012 5:13 am

Lilia fights hard to keep her eyes from widening in surprise. Not the type of surprise she was expecting, but not something that needs to be freaked out over. "So... are they natural? Like naturally born? Or are you tube born too?"
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby daxtinator396 » Wed Aug 29, 2012 5:18 am

"Natural. And guys tend to give me abit more attention when they find out. That`s why I`m telling you. They seem to think I have a libido to match..." She says with an embarassed groan of annoyance and remebrance,"Which is why I wear the hat. Thank you for not laughing Miss Lilia or freaking out too much." She said smiling.
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby MiscChaos » Wed Aug 29, 2012 5:25 am

Lilia sits back, glad she canned her inner display. "I can see why that would be... unpleasant." She says, thinking back to her own experiences with men. "Your secret is safe with me. After all, this is not something to laugh about, now is it?"
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby napsii » Wed Aug 29, 2012 6:36 pm

Dahlia grinned as object after object whammed themselves into the enemies before her. There was a distinct satisfaction -- a morbid one -- that came from seeing a heavy object impale itself in the silhouette of the undead. Their twisted and bloodied faces would have given her pause; it should have, really, given that these were human beings not moments ago, but maybe it was their deathly groans and the shamble of their broken figures that made it easier to gaze upon them...and then chuck some stuff.

With one table leg remaining and the last dog seeming to have been taken care of, she set her sights on clearing the rest of the zeds. The last projectile rocketed forward, whistling through the air and aiming for the heads of the nearest zed. But, given the weakness of its skull, it seemed likely that the metal arrow would pass through, just as Dahlia would intend, and continue to rocket through the bodies of the remaining zeds like a skewer...repeatedly.

She noted Alis' comment.

"Well, it has its uses." she remarked lightly, kicking down her skateboard, on which she rolled forward rather slowly.

Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby Icaelus » Wed Aug 29, 2012 7:12 pm

Deni groaned in disappointment as her Taser charges did as much damage to the zombies as a feather trying to tickle them. Heck, tickling them would've been an improvement over that useless charge of electricity.
"Ugh. Great. Guess I have to use this..?"
Deni sighed, replacing the Taser into the holster on her belt. It could still make for a makeshift club, probably..? She looked down at the kukri knife in her hand and raised it to eye level, examining it. It certainly looked sharp. Guess any zombies getting close enough would be finding out just how sharp. Not having the combat capabilities of Alis and Dahlia, Deni hung back a little, though she did advance up a little to cover Alis' back as the mercenary stepped up to smash a zombie in the face with the butt of her rifle.
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby Sortaix » Wed Aug 29, 2012 7:31 pm

Officer Silents' weapon fire did the trick, the laser frying the skulls and brains of two more zombies, while Alis was able to smash a zombies face with her rifle, causing its teeth to shoot down its throat and knock it onto the ground, but not killing it. Dahlia was able to decapitate one zombie with her flying table leg, but unfortunately she did not pay complete attention and got it stuck in the wall. A zombie was able to creep up behind Alis, she is unaware of it, but the zombie is close enough Denni might be able to attack it before it gets Alis. Ak'vits trick worked to a degree, The dog did lunge at her tail and she was able to stab it, killing it, but she did not pay attention to her surroundings and a Zombie has grabbed her from behind, pulling her down onto her back, as it emits a sickening hiss.

Ending result, four zombies left, all those cute little doggies are all gone. :cry:
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby thealchemist » Wed Aug 29, 2012 7:38 pm

(Im assuming the zombies standing at my head) Ak'Vit smiled as her blade pierced the dogs' skull. When the zombie pulled her down, Ak'Vit snarled at the zombie and stabbed it in its stomach. Flipping over, Ak'Vit jumped to her feet and kicked the zombies' to remove it from her blade. Stepping forward Ak'Vit cut the zombie from its left hip to its right shoulder.
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