Coldcry (IC)

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Coldcry (IC)

Postby Sortaix » Fri Aug 24, 2012 2:01 am

The judge sat behind his desk looking down his long nose at the man standing down before him. The man was a small man by human means, with auburn hair and a very expensive suit on. He sat at the witness stand doing his best to explain his part in the incident.
"Project Coldcry, that was the name of our little escapade. It was simple, we take the aliens and the rejects for our experiments and let them loose upon a population somewhere and see the results. While our regeneration experiments failed, we could at least test the subjects for possibilities as biological weapons. I didn't particularly like the idea, but we did choose a small space station to test everything on, and once my boss gave me a cute little cat girl, as my personal slave, I shut up rather quickly. Though some things didn't as planned, you see. There was a small contingent of survivors that managed to escape the initial chaos. They somehow managed to get enough systems back online to escape the station. You see your Honor, I was only following orders. My bosses wouldn't have hesitated a second to have me 'suicided' if I blew the whistle on what was happening. I at least, chose a small space station to unleash our experiments on, and we were doing it to see if we had good weapons for our military. No more than fifty-thousand people died.I don't deserve to go to prison, after all it was in the name of science. You see your honor, and honored jury members I only did what would help us in the long run. Imagine what would happen if the Kelenmabre space station incident happened to every nation that rose up against the Galactic Union? No one would dare stand against us, and we could have galactic peace."
The man was nervously fidgeting with his hands, obviously intimidated by being in a court room. He must not have liked the idea of what would happen to him in prison. But now it was the prosecutors turn. He simply walked up to the witness stand and asked the professor.
"Alright, if your organization was so patriotic then why do we have transmissions of your organization communicating with terror cells, giving them full details on the incident as well as how much they would have to pay for your...creatures. We have proof your organization was planning on selling those things to terror cells for money, then selling weapons to governments to fight those creature. You and your friends were going to start a terror war just to make money off of it."
The judge sat back in his chair, thinking on the events that have played out in this trial so far. He then looked to the jury and stated.
"I believe we have had enough testimonies for one day. Court is dismissed, till the jury has a full opportunity to watch the security footage recovered from the space station. They are the ones who will ultimately decide the fate of this case."
The jury quickly shuffles out of the courtroom and to a room where food is waiting for them,as well as a large screen. They then begin the long task of watching the security footage recovered from the station, depicting all the events that have happened, mostly concentrated on the group of survivors that made it off the station. This recording would quickly kill most of their appetites, and all but the strongest would be haunted by these images, forever. This is what they saw.

Everything was just a normal day cycle on the station, one more ship for Technician Donnels to wave in. He checked the paperwork, everything was good. All that was left before lunch time was to look in the cargo bay to ensure the cargo was legit. All the years of the same task over and over, had Donnels not even paying attention. Not when the scratching sound came from the bulkhead, not when he opened door, not until that creature ran it's claws through his stomach. Only in his last moments did Donnels finally pay attention to what was going on, and by then it was too late, as the jaws crushed his throat before ripping it out. The cargo bays were simultaneously swarmed, with the creatures the Organization unleashed. Their mercenaries securing just enough of the station for them to watch, record, and study. And study they did, as lives all over the station were extinguished, as screams, cry's, and pleads rang out through the metal halls. All they did was watch, observe and document, never caring for the lives they just destroyed.
No one really stood a chance as they flooded the habitation sections, the few security guards didn't get organized in time. The only real way to describe it was...slaughter. The civilians were just that, slaughtered, almost all of them. The dead ones were the lucky ones, well the ones that stayed dead. Many others were dragged off into dark corners or rooms, where their screams and pleads, would go unanswered. Till all were silenced. This did finally prove it though, for they were in space, and no one heard them scream.

The cameras quickly focused on a group of people running into a warehouse. Most of them made it inside, only a few fell to the creatures, as a lone cop used his pistol and his shield to keep the creatures bay till he and the group could get inside, at which point the door slammed down shut behind them. The survivors were then in a large storage room, about the size of a large apartment. There they had a few moments to gather their wits, but the creatures were outside and they knew where their prey was hiding.

Steve closed thew door behing them, the metal bulkhead slamming shut before the monsters could over power his shield. He took a few steps back before falling down. He didn't say anything as his mind was still trying to catch up with everything that had happened since he was called to the police station on the emergency frequency. He then jumped up and began running around the room looking for any other entrances the creatures could use to get inside. Upon finding nothing he finally sits down and his mind begins the task of finally processing what all we really going down.

(All the characters start out in the room with Officer Silent, go ahead and start posting)
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby MiscChaos » Fri Aug 24, 2012 2:31 am

Hands on her knees, Lilia tries to catch her breath. Everything happening, all the freakin' impossible things. She knows she's going to be psychologically scarred. She knows she has to alleviate it as best she can as bottling it may lead to a breakdown later. So she allows herself a few seconds of hyperventilation and one scream of "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!? THE FUCK IS GOING ON!!?" Before calming down and looking around. "Is anyone injured?" she asks, rummaging through her medical pack.
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby Reaver » Fri Aug 24, 2012 2:53 am

Alis checks her sonic rifle while trying to tune the very loud girl out. "I'm fine but yelling is only going to attract more of those creatures. What we need to do is make a base here then sneak out later and make a run for the transportation or something. But I think these creatures were probably put here by some sort of organization. Which means that they probably cut communitcations off planet and have handlers for these "things" She says the last part in disgust as she slides ammo into the rifle. She sits on a crate and sighs, trying to stay calm and figure out what to do next. "My name is Alis and just like you I don't know what the hell is going on either. What about you Mr. Police officer? DO you know whats going on?"
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby thealchemist » Fri Aug 24, 2012 3:04 am

Ak'Vit fell onto her knees and panted. Looking up at the girls offer for medical attention she shook her head. "My blood is too cold for this." Ak'Vit says before standing. "My name is Ak'Vit. I wish we could've met in a different situation."
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby napsii » Fri Aug 24, 2012 3:17 am

Unlike the others, Dahlia's retreat into the sealed room wasn't announced by sweat and cries of desperation, but rather a streak of blue as her telekinetic-guided skateboard glided across the floors and benches, making implausible twists and leaping to unnatural heights for little reason other than to grind the railings that could be found up high...or perhaps even evade a stray beast or two. Just as the doors came into view, her skateboard would slam down to the floor, perhaps even tripping the others up as she rolled in -- hunched over her board -- into the room, skidding to a stop some distance down with her board kicked coolly into an awaiting hand. Fear tinted her features only slightly. In fact, she seemed rather exhilarated -- not taking in the glum side of the situation, at least. Merely the adrenaline that came from it.

The door slammed shut, leaving the monsters outside scrabbling at the walls. She paused, looping a thumb around the strap of the plain little blue knapsack that'd been hanging over her shoulder the whole time. What an absolute riot!

With a foot, she guided her skateboard back down to the floor, rolling it back and forth beneath her cute little blue boot and looking around. She tilted her beret, which had thankfully kept on her head throughout the chase. Everyone had taken to panic and despair and glumness already. Well, it was natural. It was likely wise to just let some of it pass.

She fished into her back, unwrapping some bubblegum neatly and tossing it into her mouth. As she chewed, working her way up to blowing bubbles, she looked to the others. Nope, no injuries. That was a given.

"Dahlia. Pleased to meet you all." she tried to smile, then tilted her head in the cop's direction. Guy looked like a war machine right now. Not really what a cop should look like, in her opinion, but at least he had beat back a few of those things.

"Gum, anyone?" she queried as she held up an iridescent blue and pink package of gum. Everyone knew what was going on, so she figured she'd just try and avoid pointless debate until everyone had digested the reality of the situation. Dahl didn't seem awfully affected, but meh, this was some horror movie stuff. Classic. Nothing to panic about just immediately.

Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby MiscChaos » Fri Aug 24, 2012 3:32 am

"I realize that, Ms. Alis, but I felt I needed to indulge in the therapeutic benefits of screaming for a bit in order to reduce trauma later." Lilia says. With lashing out being a bad idea and spacing out being a worse one, she's reverted to a neutral medical standpoint personality to further reduce the trauma she'll experience once things are calm. "I am Lilia. I'd say pleased to meet you, but that's not exactly true given the circumstances."
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby thealchemist » Fri Aug 24, 2012 4:16 am

Ak'Vit tilted her head at Dahlia, "Gum? What is that?" She then turned to the doors watching it as the creatures pounded on it relentlessly. "I really don't like this."
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby Sortaix » Fri Aug 24, 2012 5:05 am

(Ikechi, a little too much awareness of the situation, this is supposed to be the "WTF IS GOING ON?!?!?!" moment)

Steve got up and took a few moments to pace around, mumbling a to himself, his hands moving as the gears upstairs are turning. He is pacing back and forth his mind racing with possibilities. He spends several minutes going over things in his head as his mind races to catch up to things.
"Okay okay, calm down. Entrances are secure, now way in..or out. No food or water, have to get out of here. Power still active, at least for now. First emergency calls came from docking bays. Chaos after that. They appear to be aliens, as well as mutated humans. Still kill-able. Civilians are present, secure for the moment. Okay, first calls came from docking bays. Accident? not all docking bays at the same time. Intentional, but why? Terror organization possible, alien invasion possible, but why Kelenmabre? Government experiment gone wrong, possible, but government is very absent this far out in space. Why here and why us?"
Steve then looks around a bit to examine everyone in the room. He takes note of his companions and resumes pacing. Just as he was going back to thinking his communicator buzzed. Sounds of roars and gunshots could be heard over the com, as well a a frantic voice.
"Help someone! For the love of God help me their getting in, Help!"
Sounds of crashing glass could be heard and the gunshots die out, all that was left were the sounds of growls and roars as Steve shut off his communicator. He then looked around the room as he looked to the group.
"Alright everyone. We are in a bad spot, in more ways than one. I know you probably don't like the idea of going back out there, but we don't have a choice. We need to take a few moments to collect ourselves, then we need to decide what we are going to do."
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby Icaelus » Fri Aug 24, 2012 9:56 am

This couldn't be happening. No. What the hell was even happening, she didn't know. All that she knew was that these..creatures had just suddenly swarmed the space station and people were dying. Many people were dying. And this trembling terror that shook through her body was real, very real..
Denieve hugged her knees, shivering in a corner of the room. Her quiet sobs were barely audible in the room full of people talking. She couldn't even convince herself that it was just a nightmare. It was all too real to be all just an illusion of the mind..and then again..

Mom was still waiting for her.

This wasn't any time for sobbing in a corner. Accepting reality was the first step. What actions you took after that would ultimately determine if you lived through that reality. Sobbing and shivering in a corner wasn't likely to get her through this. Deni ran the sleeve of her denim jacket over her teary eyes, wiping the tears away. A small boon was that she had dressed for the outdoors. A tough denim jacket that covered up her blue blouse beneath and jeans, along with a well-worn pair of boots. Vir was quite the rough-terrain planet..
Her voice was hoarse from all that crying. Deni gritted her teeth and forced a cough, clearing her throat.
"My name is Denieve.."
She pushed herself to her feet, trying hard to stomach the cold fear that ran through her. The policeman had just announced that they would be going out soon..out of the diminishing safety of this room. Back out into the grasp of those abominations. Deni had to force herself not to curl back into that trembling ball of cowardice that had been her just seconds ago. The sound of the monsters that were pounding on the doors incessantly weren't exactly helping as well.
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby MiscChaos » Fri Aug 24, 2012 11:24 am

Lilia's hit with another cold fist of fear at the prospect of heading back out there, but she also sees they don't have a choice. If the lack of water didn't kill them, the sharp decrease in sanity staying here would bring on would. She takes a deep breath then speaks up. "This is going to sound obvious since it's probably on everyone's minds already, but we have to get out of here. Escape pods, a ship, anything that can get us to safety. Um... How bad do you think communications are?"
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby Fuzzel » Fri Aug 24, 2012 1:21 pm

Kate is out of breath, not used to the kind of physical exertion that was required to flee from the waves of horror that have consumed the station. She sits on the ground, catching her breath and trying not to think about what's out there. She loads up a game called "Angry Birds" on her glasses, an antique game that was popular in the early twenty-first century, which she has modified to be compatible with eye-movement-input. She finds that playing old, mindless games like this one help her to calm down, whilst her mind is free to think about the issues on hand. She will appear unresponsive for a short time, but is taking in everything that's being said around her.
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby hailey<3 » Fri Aug 24, 2012 2:49 pm

Charlotte Knocks loudly on the door of the room the group are in. ''Help Please! I need help!!'' She bangs and kicks the door obviously very worried and nervous. She has pistol with no bullets and a flashlight that flickers on and off. She adjusts her glasses so she can see properly and bangs on the door again. ''Please!!''
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby napsii » Fri Aug 24, 2012 2:53 pm

Dahlia cocked an eyebrow at Ak'Vit, rather amused by her question. What was gum...? She mistook it for a quasi-philosophical question -- perhaps demanding the meaning of life -- for a moment, but then just grinned and pushed herself over on her skateboard.

She plucked a little wrapped square of gum from the shiny package, flicking it into Ak'Vit's hand.

"It's really good. You chew it and it tastes pretty good. You can even blow bubbles if you're good enough." she said, punctuating her point by skilfully inflating a soccer ball sized blue and red-pink balloon of gum out her mouth before it popped. On that note, she turned back to the more serious topic at hand, not wanting to seem too flippant in the face of what was certainly a disaster...the despair was a little concerning, but Dahlia only felt a shivering numbness deep in her chest at most.

She held a hand out flat in front of her. The quivering was almost imperceptible. Indeed, she was calm as was plausible at the moment. The cop's words merely stated the obvious and the probable, so she didn't pay them much heed. Her reckless side had no objections to going back out, even with the images of those freaky-deaky monsters fresh in her head.

"I'll go whenever." she said without hesitation to the cop. Having spotted some nice, throwable objects out there, she wasn't too scared of getting in a scuffle.

Rubbing her chin thoughtfully, Dahl then spotted a depressed looking girl wiping tears from her eyes and the first instinct was to skate over, pausing to a halt beside her.

She stretched out an arm, wrapping it around Denieve's shoulder comfortingly. The other offered another shiny piece of gum.

"Hi Deni. You can call me Dahl if you want. Gum?" she grinned brightly, rolling her skateboard back and forth under her foot.

Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby Sortaix » Fri Aug 24, 2012 3:00 pm

Steve quickly opened the door and yanked the talking person inside before yanking her inside and closing the door again.
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby hailey<3 » Fri Aug 24, 2012 3:02 pm

''Thank you.....'' Charlotte face is covered in tears. She goes and sits in the corner.
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby Reaver » Fri Aug 24, 2012 3:35 pm

Alis looks at the group and rests her chin on the butt of the gun. "Man this day went to hell so fast. Officer I thInk we need to make a run for it. We can't stay here because we'll eventually run out of supplies. As long as we stay together we should be safe and make it back." she almost laughs as she says the last part. Her real plan is to just look out for herself and sacrifice people if nessesary. However most of them seem nice and innocent.....
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby Icaelus » Fri Aug 24, 2012 5:10 pm

A arm wrapped around her shoulders. If it had been on the outside of this room, Deni would've freaked out, needless to say. But in the relative safety of this room, she felt somewhat calmer, of course..and the arm was warm. Comforting, even..
The girl had introduced herself as Dahlia was trying to comfort her, offering her a piece of gum.
Her voice still slightly unsteady, Deni gave Dahl a rather weak smile and accepted the piece of gum, promptly popping it into her mouth. The chewing would help to take her mind off the current crisis. As soon as the sweetness and flavor of the gum burst out onto her tastebuds, coupled along with Dahlia's infectious grin, even Deni herself broke out into a wide, silly grin.
The girl repeated, her voice clear and strong this time. Deni could feel her personality..almost re-igniting. She had been so scared that she had simply just been consumed by the fear just now. Still, even in all that confusion just now..Deni had spotted Dahlia doing some..unnatural twists and turns on that skateboard of hers. she could control the telekinesis. Oh, Denieve. What were you thinking? Don't be silly. Sure, you lived in an age of innovation, but there weren't any superpowers like that!
Still, her curiosity was sparked and Deni decided to ask Dahlia anyway..
"By the way..that was some pretty awesome skateboarding back there..I mean, I didn't know skateboarders could jump that high.."
Deni wondered, the silly seriousness of the question wiping that also silly grin off her face to make room for that airy thought.
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby hailey<3 » Fri Aug 24, 2012 5:13 pm

By Now Charlotte has calmed down slightly. She takes something out of her backpack and starts quietly eating it. She looks around still nervous and tense however she also eyes up the ammo on Alis. ''Do...You have any pistol ammo?'' Charlotte asks this politely however it is far from what her true nature is.
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby Reaver » Fri Aug 24, 2012 5:45 pm

Ali's looks up from thinking about survival. "Sorry I only have ammo for my sonic rifle and my name is Alis by the way. Just stick close to me and I'll try my best to protect you." She gives Charlotte a warm smile before going back to checking her gun.
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Re: Coldcry (IC)

Postby hailey<3 » Fri Aug 24, 2012 5:51 pm

Charlotte smiles back before glowering. ''Has anyone got any ammo for my pistol?'' She blushes thinking that it will get people on her side. ''I don't want to die out there....''
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