Lucky777 Wrote:TheOppositeOfAPCNerd Wrote:okay, i tried opening it with firefox, right click and all that stuff, it opens a blank window with firefox and then i get another thing that says you chose to open sakyu.swf well, i just select firefox again, it opens a new window, same thing... what am i doing wrong... God i feel so stupid
I'm not sure what the problem might be.
As long as you have Flash installed, right-clicking and selecting the browser to open the file should be all that is required, actually.
The "new window" that opens SHOULD contain the game.
If that new window is blank, I'd recommend one of two things.
FIRSTLY, (as a first resort) go ahead and make sure you've downloaded the latest version of Flash from their website.
PROBABLY just putting in "Flash" or "Adobe Flash" or "Flash player" or something in a search engine will lead you to that place easily enough.
SECONDLY, if even after doing that you can't get the game to play (A successful download of the .swf should result in the game opening on the "continue" button, basically) then you could search for a "Standalone flash player."
You could then try to open the game using that standalone player.
webought Wrote:lol use decompiler to decompile it then edit the decompiled file. then export to swf then cheat if you have to cheat.
MadPlayer Wrote:Don't delete this post. PLEASE.
FUCK YOU GOREPETE. Sorry about being so rude but your game is making me say only that to you. I was following this project since it was only a text, and I loved it, I wanted to see it finished and I was really hoping to see this game full. I was busy around so I haven't followed it a while. But what I got now? FUCKIN IMPOSSIBLE game where you could not even beat a bee's assasin without dying 2 or more times. There is only one word I have to, no, MUST say to you - FUCK YOU! You ruined the best rpg/flash/action game in ALL WEB.
I know that you are working hard and blah blah blah. But WHY THE FUCK make this game SO unbelievable hard. I know there are nerds that could beat this game. But I came here to see some good not much difficult game (yours IS on of the best, because it has action, story, rpg parts) and fap.
Just ONE thing I am begging of - make a cheat codes or trainer for losers like me. Or at least (because I know that if you will make codes/trainer it will ruin the story) make a gallery like Playshapes has or Corta. PLEASE!
LostScarletOne Wrote: And EVERY system supports it. Linux, Mac, Windows, and more.
LostScarletOne Wrote:Sorry if I offend you at all! I don't mean to, I'm just trying to help shape an amazing game to be perfect
MadPlayer Wrote:Lucky777 you are the best guy on this forum! Like your answers and posts!
LostScarletOne Wrote:1.) Flash Based game unreliable and extremely buggy.
As you said, you are trying your best to try and 'fix' up the bugs in this. But there is only so much you can do to fix Flash up. Flash wasn't designed to actually run games. But it was innovated into that, but it's still not strong enough to run powerful games. And Sakyubasu no Takai passes the limit for flash. Might I suggest moving over to Java? It's faster, more secure, more reliable. In all ways better than Flash. And you can support 3d Models in it too, if you would want to move into there. (I don't suggest it though, I don't think sakyubasu Sex Scenes would be good in 3d, but it's your choice.)
As everyone knows, Java has free utilities, you can learn it free online. And EVERY system supports it. Linux, Mac, Windows, and more. Were Flash isn't supported on Macs. A lot of very great games are built on Java. Like Minecraft (which runs some powerful scripts) and Runescape. I think it would take quite a bit of work, but it would definitely be better to improve and move to Java. You can run better GUI, and it's a lot more flexible. You don't have to work off of the traditional 'mario' scrolling screen. You can make it 3d for better graphics with a 2d preset camera.
All Around I think it would be better to move to Java, I can rant for hours on here about how much better it would be to be on Java
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