Crossbow1701 Wrote:haloman Wrote:Blargh Wrote:New version is up, and the newest FLA is also attached to the original post.
Link pleese? thanksXD
yes link would be great.
I dont realy understand what you want a link for, download the zip file.
Crossbow1701 Wrote:haloman Wrote:Blargh Wrote:New version is up, and the newest FLA is also attached to the original post.
Link pleese? thanksXD
yes link would be great.
Crossbow1701 Wrote:haloman Wrote:Blargh Wrote:New version is up, and the newest FLA is also attached to the original post.
Link pleese? thanksXD
yes link would be great.
darkgear Wrote:Hey have u even done a hack to include blaziken as a skin?
4chanz Wrote:can you include a bonus jump to sex scenes for those of us who arent good enough to get the bonus scenes. i want to see what the bonus scene is for the 10 goombas killed or 10 goombas avoided or the 100 coins gathered. would trying a flash decompiler do the trick?
Digfree Wrote:Blargh, i would love to give you my peach zero suit outfit, it is allready coded for MiM. You can see it in my version of the game at viewtopic.php?f=7&t=561#p11944
yeah I am Snipper64, just am digfree from now on. Let me know
P.S. when you play it, get past toadworth to get zero suit peach
Hattorihanzo Wrote:The ability to change positions would be really nice![]()
Allsop2604 Wrote:Small suggestion if it hasn't already been made. Instead of having the costumes not disappear after you run over them, why not have it so you can cycle through ones that you've already collected? (Possibly via number 1,2,3 & 4 keys) Sort of like an inventory system without actually having to add one.
I love what you've done with it so far, please keep up the good work!
ShadeFire Wrote:I don't know if it is just my flash, but all of the samus costume's heads are ahead by about one neck when she walks. Still, I like the character select option, It gives a significantly different feel from the good old everything at once, a nice change for me.
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