Making a Character Designer?

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Making a Character Designer?

Postby Fenrakk101 » Fri Aug 10, 2012 3:09 am

I thought it would be so easy. I can make the art, I just wanted some way to organize it all into a game format. I was going for something along the lines of the character designer in Corta's Platformer or the like, but it's proving to be a monstrous task for whatever reason. I look for online tutorials and the like, and it all makes sense and all, but when I try to put two things together I just table flip. Nothing works with each other; it's just unlearnable to me. If there's a rank lower than newbie, I'm below even that.

I just want to know if someone can take on the impossible task of helping me to get this stuff to work. Tell me what Flash editor to use, help me code the thing... if I can get a screen with a single button I'll owe you my life. Like I said, the artwork/graphics aren't the problem, it's the code.

If you want to know everything I have planned for the game (using that term loosely) for whatever reason, I have it all here:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

-No animations
-No music
-One button to change between the body type (only two kinds)
-One button to change the penis
--A slider to make it larger/smaller (I'll live if this is beyond me)
-One button to change the balls
--Another slider (that I can also live without)
Last edited by Fenrakk101 on Fri Aug 10, 2012 5:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Avatar is a screenshot from Corta's Platformer.

If you know the series this is from or the artist for this pic, please tell me - I must know!
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Re: Making a Character Designer?

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Fri Aug 10, 2012 2:00 pm

I am a little programmer, so may be i can help a little. Sorry - my english is not good, so some times i do not understand what do you mean :lol: :mrgreen:

So can you say what do you want more detailed ? What AS version do you want to use in it (or does not metter) / what and where it have to work - only in game - like in Cortas Platformer or some where else ?

For some flash projects it is good if each part have it's own Flash name - if it doesnot it is impossible to work with it directly. So some things can be easily done for new characters but some times it is not easy to change it for old animations.

About editor - i know that a lot of good stuff was made in flash CS professional (1/2/3/4/5/5.5/6 versions) or macromedia flash, some flashers using PNG or other formats that can be done in photoshop or some where else (for animation without vectors) or any visual editors for movie - it all depends - what do you want to make with it and wich way.
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Re: Making a Character Designer?

Postby Fenrakk101 » Fri Aug 10, 2012 5:08 pm

OwnerOfSuccuby Wrote:So can you say what do you want more detailed? What AS version do you want to use in it (or does not metter) / what and where it have to work - only in game - like in Cortas Platformer or some where else ?

It doesn't matter to me, because I don't know anything about ActionScript to begin with. I just want it to be standalone; it's not part of a bigger project.

OwnerOfSuccuby Wrote:About editor - i know that a lot of good stuff was made in flash CS professional (1/2/3/4/5/5.5/6 versions) or macromedia flash, some flashers using PNG or other formats that can be done in photoshop or some where else (for animation without vectors) or any visual editors for movie - it all depends - what do you want to make with it and wich way.

I already make my images PNGs out of habit by now. I also don't plan on having any animations, so that shouldn't be a problem.

Avatar is a screenshot from Corta's Platformer.

If you know the series this is from or the artist for this pic, please tell me - I must know!
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Re: Making a Character Designer?

Postby Slayer_J » Fri Aug 10, 2012 6:09 pm

So what's the problem?

I'm also a noob in flash, but if I get what your saying, you want a button to change between only two characters you have?

Also, like Succuby said, you had to be more specific. Can't help with the code if you don't say if it's as2 or as3 (btw, I only know a bit of as2). Well, first I will consider you have at least flash professional CS4 or above.

What you want to do is put both of them in a movieclip and give them different instance names and tell the button to look for those instances. Heck, you can label the frame if you want so it can find it that way; whichever you think it's easier to look for.

Same goes for the penis size, dun know about a slider, but you can put a lot of different sizes in a single movieclip and tell the button to look for them.
Movieclips inside movieclips. If that wasn't the problem, well I'm not understanding your statement then. Hope I helped a bit.
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Re: Making a Character Designer?

Postby Fenrakk101 » Fri Aug 10, 2012 6:50 pm

Slayer_J Wrote:So what's the problem?

That I fail at easy things. I just have no idea where to start, with anything.

Slayer_J Wrote:I'm also a noob in flash, but if I get what your saying, you want a button to change between only two characters you have?

That, and everything else.

Slayer_J Wrote:Also, like Succuby said, you had to be more specific. Can't help with the code if you don't say if it's as2 or as3 (btw, I only know a bit of as2). Well, first I will consider you have at least flash professional CS4 or above.

Just tell me what I need to get; really, it's like trying to decide between C and C++ when you have no idea what either of them do.

Slayer_J Wrote:What you want to do is put both of them in a movieclip and give them different instance names and tell the button to look for those instances. Heck, you can label the frame if you want so it can find it that way; whichever you think it's easier to look for.

Same goes for the penis size, dun know about a slider, but you can put a lot of different sizes in a single movieclip and tell the button to look for them.
Movieclips inside movieclips.

I think we're skipping a few steps...

Slayer_J Wrote:If that wasn't the problem, well I'm not understanding your statement then. Hope I helped a bit.

Maybe when I actually get something to work with I can look back at this and draw some revelations, but right now I don't even know what program I should use to write flash code so yeah...

I know I'm bad at this, really I don't know why.
Avatar is a screenshot from Corta's Platformer.

If you know the series this is from or the artist for this pic, please tell me - I must know!
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Re: Making a Character Designer?

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Fri Aug 10, 2012 7:45 pm

If you do not know how to code some thing i can tell you a little.

Try to read this - if some questions ask.


Now a little about what you wright earlier. There are 2 version of Action Script: AS2 and AS3.

AS2 is old one - but the most part of good games and flash was made on it. It is very easy to learn and program. and it is very comfortable i think.
AS3 is new one - it apears after adobe buy flash from macromedia. AS3 is harder, but have some new abilities. But i do not thing that there are a lot of things that is impossible to do with AS2 which you can do on AS3 in simple game, but there are some restrictions. (For example some components do not work - you will need to make your own and some problems with changing frame rate with code - but is is not nesessary i think).

If you want to make components to change by buttons - it is 2 simple ways.

Select spme object (for example picture) in adobe flash CS. Then convert it to movie clip (i wright about it in that link before). Name it some how for example - myPart1. Open it and put this code there.

if (SomeWariable==1){stop();}
else if (SomeWariable==2){gotoAndStop(2);}

If you will need to go it go to another frame you can wright: myPart1.gotoAndStop(2); //for example
If it is not on main time line than root.(the way).myPart1.gotoAndStop(2);

The same you can change size of objects: myPart1.width=30; //for example
myPart1.height=30; //for example

Try to look my that linked topic - there are some examples may be they can help a little (the code is in *.fla and *.zip). If any questions then ask :mrgreen:
To open them you will need Adobe Flash CS5.5 or higer version of this program.
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Re: Making a Character Designer?

Postby Slayer_J » Fri Aug 10, 2012 8:16 pm

(Like Succuby) Read this:

Fenrakk101 Wrote:Just tell me what I need to get; really, it's like trying to decide between C and C++ when you have no idea what either of them do.

Can't really help you much man. What your trying to say is that you don't know about coding then?
The only help I can offer is this:


And I still don't know what you want.
Tell me, do you want something like this:

Click to Play
(Javascript Required)

example1.swf [ 2.12 KiB | Viewed 3441 times ]

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Re: Making a Character Designer?

Postby KaTsuO_O » Fri Aug 10, 2012 8:45 pm

What you need is either Adobe Flash or Macromedia Flash, but I would recommend that you get the latest version of Adobe Flash which is Cs6. That's the only program you need and even if you draw in Photoshop or another program you should start drawing everything in Flash. It is simply better to work with vector shapes in Flash (which is what you create) than bitmaps. The only exception is if you have really complex artwork that you can't recreate in Flash.

Once you have that, send me a message and I'll teach you what you need my way.
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