New Characters/Costumes

Discussion about Legend of Krystal. For now this also includes any feature-requests or other ideas.

Re: New Characters/Costumes

Postby Atemisc » Sun Feb 07, 2010 3:17 am

It could be possible, but I'll just have to get back to fixing it up again, but no biggy. I can keep making changes as needed.
I already edited the image since Trunks made some suggestions. I changed the skirt to skin tight shorts instead. I'm not too great with skirts. lol
I also added some more rips to the outfit and some damage to the scales, along with cut marks on her body. I even added a little jewel on her rope head dress... thing. lol
Tell me what ya' think and what changes ya'' want and I'll see what I can do.

The original idea was to make the actual game's story a little darker. The Dinosaur Planet game on the Gamcube, that is. Not this one. She had killed enough of the Sharpclaws to make armour out of their scaley bodies and went on from there to become a warrior who fought the Sharpclaws and whoever else she had to in order to save her land. Old design I made about a month after the game first came out. Just been reworking it since then is all. lol
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Re: New Characters/Costumes

Postby trunks2585 » Sun Feb 07, 2010 4:00 am

a much better version for sure, i wasn't sure how i'd like the shorts when you said the original was ment to be a skirt, but the shorts are more practical, i love the tattered/torn look, keeping the jewel on her head is a good idea as she's always had something like that in her outfits, it's sort of like a trademark of her design, like her white tatoo like marks.

I'm not sure about adding the cuts to her body, it's nice in it's own concept but i'm not sure if we'd add that kind of battle warn look to krystal in the game, although it might be a nice touch, with someone that got more rough with her.

I really doubt the sword is gonna make it in, but hey it's not like you made this outfit just for the game, you had your own ideas when you made the outfit, it's just now you've also found a place that might like to use this look somewhere, and I for one would love to see this used as an alternate outfit.
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Re: New Characters/Costumes

Postby -QQ- » Sun Feb 07, 2010 4:14 am

this looks good i think that the sword wont make it though because we cant have krystal getting some means of resistance that's a no no. =D

also I do like the tight shorts idea and about the battle look it can be done but again we will need all of the lok teams opinion on it.
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Re: New Characters/Costumes

Postby Atemisc » Sun Feb 07, 2010 4:16 am

Alrighty. I'm also trying to modify the shin gaurds to be more like Roman Sandals like Ebonizza stated. But I'm thinking of making them the usual strap-like deal, but still having the scales included and having a spike on each one. We'll see how that turns out. I'll also leave out the scars in my final sketch. And I added a second jewel under the choker. Figured that might look nice. Resketching it now. I'll upload when I'm done with it.

As for the sword, that's just kinda' there to go with the image. I don't expect it to go in the actual in-game look. So yeah. Kinda' look at the sword just for the image in general. I have no intentions of playing her with a sword in the flash. lol
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Re: New Characters/Costumes

Postby Atemisc » Sun Feb 07, 2010 5:07 am

Decided to take your advice on the multiple spikes and whatnot. I like the way that came on.

So here's the newer sketch. That look good? If there's nothing else to change or add, I'll reline and colour it in photoshop. If not, I can still make changes.
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Re: New Characters/Costumes

Postby Atemisc » Sun Feb 07, 2010 5:15 am

If there's nothing else, I can get to cleaning up the lines and colouring it anytime. I like this design. I also have several more, but I'll get to those when this one is finished completely.
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Re: New Characters/Costumes

Postby trunks2585 » Sun Feb 07, 2010 5:16 am

i'm not caring for the spike belt/shin guards on her lower legs. especially the ones that come down at a diagonal, they really shouldn't be able to stay up like that. btw this is coming form a guy who has cosplayed squall lionheart and had to fight with keeping three belts strapped to his thigh (yeah i'm a major anime nerd like that). Also the spikes in general i'm not sure if they would be a good idea. I'm thinking in terms of storyline now.

the sharpclaws obvously wouldn't give krystal something like this, maybe a spikeless version to wear but not as we currently see. If krystal finds the outfit that would be different, but again if i was banging her, i'd be leery of the spikes stabbing me at some point ya know?

Edit: maybe like a viking style of sandal you know where they had the leathers straps they wrapped up there legs to mid lower leg and tied off?
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Re: New Characters/Costumes

Postby Atemisc » Sun Feb 07, 2010 5:19 am

I can leave the spikes out. No biggy. Though I'm not sure what to do about the sandals. Some want the sandals, some would rather have the shin gaurds. Not sure which I should go with. Decide on which you'd rather have and I can go with it. I can't do any better on the sandal design, though. No experience with it. Other than that, I'm ready to finish it up whenever.
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Re: New Characters/Costumes

Postby trunks2585 » Sun Feb 07, 2010 5:24 am

number one rule for artists, references are your friend that's what i meant about the wrap.

If people can't choose you could always just submit two versions. Hell isn't not like this is the only outfit you got planned right?
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Re: New Characters/Costumes

Postby Atemisc » Sun Feb 07, 2010 5:26 am

Eh, I suppose that'll work. Nothing I can do to improve the sandals though simply because I used references when doing it and still came up with that. lol
But alright. I'll leave all the spikes off and make two versions for each. One with the sandals and another with the shin gaurds.
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Re: New Characters/Costumes

Postby trunks2585 » Sun Feb 07, 2010 5:45 am

ryoga hibiki from ranma 1/2 a pretty old anime, i've cosplayed him too, lol. those straps can also be a pain in the ass to hold up.
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Re: New Characters/Costumes

Postby Atemisc » Sun Feb 07, 2010 6:00 am

""Atemisc, if you like both desgins, and you have more you plan to unveil than why not just off each of them?""

That part kinda' confused me. Do ya' mean that I should go ahead and show the other designs or that I should just show both versions of this particular design?
As far as posting the other images go, I just like to work on one project at a time, so I don't get myself confused with working on all of them at the same time. If you mean posting both versions of the current design, I'm thinking of making one image that shows an alternate leg design next to the legs on the full image.
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Re: New Characters/Costumes

Postby trunks2585 » Sun Feb 07, 2010 6:07 am

that sounds good atemisc. don't worry about showing off any of your other designs till you're done working on this one, i don't want ya feeling overwhelmed by showing a bunch of good ideas and then having to finish them all up in photoshop at once. and yeah just go ahead and post the alternate leg design like you mentioned.
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Re: New Characters/Costumes

Postby Atemisc » Sun Feb 07, 2010 6:11 am

Then that's what I'll do. I've begun working on it, but it's gonna' be a good while, since I do all of the lineart with the lining tool at a high zoom in level. It wouldn't take me so long if I had a tablet, but I don't, so meh. But I'll get it done eventually. So whatever.
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Re: New Characters/Costumes

Postby trunks2585 » Sun Feb 07, 2010 6:34 am

ouch, damn doing work without a tablet, you got guts that's for sure.
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Re: New Characters/Costumes

Postby Atemisc » Sun Feb 07, 2010 6:42 am

I always do that. Every image I've drawn that's on my deiantArt page (On the webpage portion of my profile) was done that way. Takes a while, but it gives me somethin' to do, so meh. No biggy. lol
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Re: New Characters/Costumes

Postby dandan » Sun Feb 07, 2010 8:05 am

I know the shorts are pretty much part of the final design, but when I first read about having the outfit more beaten, I thought the skirt would look more like a sarong, but much smaller.
Though when I started to think about, it'd be tied back at the tail, instead of the usual side tie that shows pretty much the entire leg.
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Re: New Characters/Costumes

Postby Atemisc » Mon Feb 08, 2010 1:42 am

Finished the full image. Felt I didn't really need to add much lighting and shading on Krystal herself. We already know what she looks like. But I triedto do a nice job on the outfit. I figure the armour is a mix of scales and maybe wood or sturdy rope. And maybe she could get it in the game after pleasuring General Scales. He gives her the stone and the armour maybe. I dunno'. Just an idea. lol
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Re: New Characters/Costumes

Postby trunks2585 » Mon Feb 08, 2010 3:32 am

not bad at all, always nice to see the outfit in full color. I'd make the gem on her head more like the one on her chest, maybe an emerald color as well for some variety but that's my take ok it. I'd tweak the shape to be more of that diamond cut rather than the sphere. the shirt and pants look pretty nice and simple and like they tear easy, just as they should, lol.

Edit: forgot to mention, if we do these outfits, the way it'll likely work is someone on the team (dunno who) is gonna redraw the outfits, following your setup, and then color and shade them to match up to the design of krystal. So it'll still be this outfit (armor with torn pants and top) just in a different style.
Last edited by trunks2585 on Mon Feb 08, 2010 3:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New Characters/Costumes

Postby Atemisc » Mon Feb 08, 2010 3:35 am

Not really lookin' to do more work on it since I finished it and no longer have the PSD file to make easy changes. But if it gets added to the game, it can be modified for the in-game look, I suppose.

Actually looking for one of the next designs now. I'll find it eventually. Then I'll post it. It's basically the outfit that the main charater in my story wears. I tried seeing how she looked in it. lol
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