Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby napsii » Tue Jul 24, 2012 10:52 pm

"D'awwwwwwwwww!" Kaz clasped her hands together, admiring the sheer levels of Sort and Mex's cuteness. It culminated when, suddenly, Sort tackled Mex into a bush and from there all the girl could hear was a bunch of weird squeaks and moans.

Her cheeks reddened a bit and she took a wise step back.

"Heh... heh..." she chuckled, suddenly somewhat nervous. Wooooow, well, that was awkward!

She bit her cheek thoughtfully. Well, as thoughtful as it got for Kaz.

I wonder what it's like to have what they have... like, y'know, romance? And stuff. thought the young water mage, who in all honesty had never really been at all interested in guys. Strange! Strange indeed that now that she thought about it, her life had been so fast paced she'd never come into contact with literally any guy...

Well, whatever. Guys were mostly gross jackasses, anyway.

She twisted about on a heel and looked back toward the temple, really not sure what to do.

Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby Sortaix » Wed Jul 25, 2012 1:18 pm

Sort, Icaelus, Napsii:
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Sort kisses Mex once on the forehead and tells her.
"I'll make it up to you once this goblin thing is dealt with."
He then gets up off of her and starts trekking toward the entrance to the temple, his bow ready. Upon not seeing any goblins he then gets the coprses of his slain enemies and hides them around a corner outside the temple, before he peaks inside the temple, not seeing see anything, for a few minutes. As the others catch up with him, one unlucky goblin turns the corner down a hallway and looks Sort dead in the eyes. It is too shocked at someone being in the temple to move or shout and gets an arrow in the throat before it can decide what to do. Sort then rushes over picks up the body, tossing it outside the temple, with the other corpses.

Zender, Dax, Alcatraz:
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As Dax treks down the hall the group is fortunate that they do not encounter anyone. The temple seems almost deserted. The goblins behind them, evidently don't find the body's of their friends and do not even notice their absence. Once the group reaches the end of the hallway, they come to two large double doors. They can hear loud shouting behind the doors and what sounds like a crowd of goblins and monsters behind it.
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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby daxtinator396 » Wed Jul 25, 2012 1:51 pm

"That explains why its so empty..." Dax says as they reach the door and loud shouting and such is heard from behind it,"Alright guys whats the plan? It looks like we have to go through here but I think if we open that door we're going to have our hands full. So any suggestions?" He asks feeling at a loss for a good plan.
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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby Icaelus » Wed Jul 25, 2012 4:07 pm

Mex blinked as Sort planted a kiss on her forehead, her hand trailing up dreamily to gingerly rub the spot he kissed.
"Um. Yeah..let's just get this thing over with."
She sat up in the bush, wincing as it's brambles caught in her hair. Ow. She tugged her hair free and got to her feet, trailing after Sort. She shifted directly beside him, watching curiously as he disposed of the goblin bodies at at corner just outside the temple. They slowly entered the temple and then a goblin with the luck of a rabbit that had lost four paws turned a corner, coming face to face with them. He took an arrow to the face(knee), ending his adventuring days for presumably an afterlife of being a guard.
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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby Sortaix » Sun Jul 29, 2012 1:18 pm

Sort, Napsii, Icaelus
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After Sort kills the unlucky goblin and hides the corpse, he then trudges down the hallway the goblin came from, as stealthily as he can. He is careful not to make any noises as he observes his surroundings. He notes to the others in his group.
"Well, this place is obviously some kind of temple, you can tell by the way it is the only clean goblin structure to ever exist. The decorations also indicate the buildings importance, but a temple to what?"
As the group proceeds down the hallways they pass two, huge doors from which various growls and snarls as well as goblin voices can be heard from. One goblin voice in particular is heard over all, but not well enough to hear what he is saying.

Daxtinator, Zender, Alcatraz:
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As Dax stands at the door one goblin voice can be heard booming over all the others, if the group listens they can hear him shout various religious things about the power they serve and their ultimate reward of eternal life...etc. (insert megalomaniacal brainwashing slogan here) After which they can hear the voice shout out to what they guess is an assembled crowd.
"That is why we must find them, our scouts counted three woman, we must have them to breed for our god! Go now, search the forest every tree, every shrub , every pile of dirt. Whoever brings me those women, gets to pick one to have for himself before our god takes them. Now, GO!"
With that, there are various sheers and raors as well as the sound of the monsters leaving through an entrance to the left of where their group is hiding.
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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby daxtinator396 » Sun Jul 29, 2012 2:38 pm

Dax listens to what he assumes is the Goblin preist spouting his rhetoric through the doors and he listens somewhat boredly until he hears mention of the 3 women. Their women. "Not on my watch you ugly gob." He growls to himself and the gestures to the others,"Hey guys I think they just left but our Priest may still be in there lets go in nice and quiet like." He says peeking though one of the giant dooors silently.
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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby Angel_Slayer_Alcatraz » Mon Jul 30, 2012 1:05 am

Nods quietly....Yukari takes the Katana about one and a half inches out of the sheath
She seems to chuckle
"On your go Taisho..."
She whispers
Sae the mindin´ in yer heid
Unrowes afore yer een
Frae hours o´ sweet yestreen
Aye the ember deid in monie a heid
Fare ye well I´m pertin away
I say farewell tae the warld
Mind me weel
I say farewell tae the warld

(Old Irish folk Song)
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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Mon Jul 30, 2012 4:13 am

Victor also takes a ready stance near the door, but one that will let him creep up on the enemy quietly. Whatever "priest" these putrid goblins have won't stop him from cleaving the lot of them in two, and shedding the blood of their so-called "god" with Mjolnir's blade. "There'll be plenty for the three of us. Rend at will." he whispers with confidence, ready to tear the enemy a superfluous new rectum, though not quite as eager as Yukari likely is...
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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby Icaelus » Mon Jul 30, 2012 1:34 pm

Mex stepped silently after Sort, her feet making no noise on the stone floor of the hallway. Sort spoke up, noting the unusual cleanliness of a goblin hideout..and he was right. The temple was amazingly clean..she took a short breath and gagged, clamping a hand over her mouth to muffle the noise.
"Ugh. Clean, yes. Stinking to hell, absolutely."
Mex muttered, her voice muffled by her hand. They soon came across two massive wooden doors as they ghosted through the hallways. Growls, snarls, burps, screams and whatever noises goblins could make could all be heard from behind those two doors. Interesting.
Mex completely forgot about the noise for a second, creeping up to lean against one of the doors, placing the side of her head to the wood to listen into the conversation..
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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby Sortaix » Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:38 pm

Sortaix, Icaelus, Napsea:
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As Sort and Mex listen to the noises, they begin to notice the noises getting louder, and louder, as if they were coming toward the door. The they realize, they are coming toward the door. Sort snags Mex and Kaz just in time to drag them behind one door as it flies open. He catches the door with his boot as the goblins and plant monsters rush out to go searching throughout the forest. Sort then waits a few minutes, still holding Mex by the nape of her collar,and Kaz by the back of her neck, before quietly speaking to them
"Well now, if we are lucky that may have just been all of them, or at least most of them. Lets check out what was inside the room."

Daxtinator, Zender, Alcatraz:
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Dax can see through the door that the room is almost empty. There is one old looking goblin with a staff in his hands walking along a platform. He walks as if he has back problems, as he has a slow pace. There appears to be no one and nothing else in the room, but Dax's vision is farely limited by the crack in the door he is peeking through.
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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby napsii » Tue Jul 31, 2012 5:51 pm

Kaz was spinning on a heel as she followed after Sort and Mex, a little perturbed the stench of this crappy, dumb place but able to keep going if she knew there might be cool stuff at the end! Like uhh... treasure. Or maidens!

Wait, n-

"Durf!" she squeaked, flying straight backward into Sort's grasp. At that instant, a mass of plant monsters and gobs rushed out and the girl registered why he had done that. So she forgave him!

"Wuhhhhhh, tanks a lot." blinked the girl, stepping away and drawing Tide back out from its spot on her back. The water staff pulsed with what seemed to be curiosity. Even it wanted to see what was behind the door. She hummed.

"So, hmmm... how many gobs does it take to screw in a lightbulb?" out of nowhere, she decided to enlighten everyone with her sense of humor.

She stalled and scratched her temple dumbfoundedly.

"Wait, uh... hmm, what's a lightbulb? I heard some scholar guy talk about it before! Or it might have been tight balls? Ohh... hmm..." you could practically see her go cross-eyed as she was distracted by this sudden conundrum.

Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby daxtinator396 » Tue Jul 31, 2012 6:02 pm

Dax spies the lone gob pacing awkwardly with his staff and assumed it to be the preist,"Alright guys I see the preist but no one else but I might not be able to see them. Be ready for a fight. Proirty is the gob`s staff knock it out of his hands and it`s useless to him! Alright lets go!" He shouts chraging into the room shield raised heading straight for the goblin preist.
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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Tue Jul 31, 2012 11:01 pm

"Cleaving time." Victor mutters as Dax charges through the door, quickly following up behind him. However, Victor himself isn't on quite as straight of a path. Instead, he curve-balls up along Dax's left flank, ready to engage any enemies on that flank with great vigor. Should any other guards be present in his path, they will know the full might of Mjolnir as its blade swiftly carves through the air, seeking to rend the flesh from their bodies, prioritizing gaps in whatever armor they may be wearing. Unfortunately, these are Mud Goblins they're dealing with, so any lightning magic he uses is likely going to be resisted to some degree; however, any archers he's too far away from to cut down, are still met with a fierce blast or two from afar.

Despite how he's expecting some hidden guards, though, Victor understands that it may just be a straight-ahead blitz on the Priest. If that is the case, then he forgoes any magic, and focuses on disarming that priest of his staff. Chances are that even a priest of goblins would be resistant to magical attacks, so they're better off tackling that one with brute force.
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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby Icaelus » Wed Aug 01, 2012 3:32 pm

"The noises..seem to be getting lou-whoa!"
Mex was abruptly pulled back by her dress's collar and dragged behind the door, just as it burst open to allow a steady stream of plant monsters and goblins. Her breath caught in her throat and she held it there, not daring to make a single sound. Even she wasn't sure she could take that many on..and that was saying something. This silence continued on for a few more minutes..and finally the last goblin ended the stream of monsters surging out of the temple entrances. Mex drew a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves.
"Moving on. Let's go..and what's a light bulb?"
Mex twirled Ravenous with a rather quizzical air, glancing at Kaz with an inquiring look. Wait, this was the dolphin thinking...which obviously wasn't worth her time to ponder over.
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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby Angel_Slayer_Alcatraz » Wed Aug 01, 2012 4:25 pm

Yukari charges as well but goes around the right side
Sae the mindin´ in yer heid
Unrowes afore yer een
Frae hours o´ sweet yestreen
Aye the ember deid in monie a heid
Fare ye well I´m pertin away
I say farewell tae the warld
Mind me weel
I say farewell tae the warld

(Old Irish folk Song)
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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby Sortaix » Wed Aug 01, 2012 8:34 pm

Sort, Icaelus, and Napsii:
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Sort looked back at Kaz and said.
"Now is not the time for thinking, Kaz. You might hurt yourself, and we need you at full strength."
Sort then twirled around the door as he drew his bow and readied an arrow. As he turned the corner he caught the sight of the other group just in time to see Dax as he attacked and old looking goblin.

Daxtinator, Zender, Alcatraz:
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Dax is able to make it to the goblin priest just before he gets his staff ready, causing a blast of ice to shoot up and hit the ceiling. Victor gets tackled at the last moment by an armored goblin, who has him around the waist, but has not been able to draw his blade, yet. Yukari can see two unarmored goblins draw their knives and heading for her, she can either try to dodge them to get to the priest or stop to take them out.
By the time you realize this doesn't say anything. It's too late to stop reading.
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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby daxtinator396 » Wed Aug 01, 2012 9:01 pm

Dax begins trying to wrestle the staff out of the grip of the Priest with his blade at his throat. He was set on his goal and wasn`t aware of much else going on around him. He just knew he needed him alive for info but this old gob didn`t know that,"Drop it or I`ll kill you. Somehow I don`t think you want that do you?"
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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Wed Aug 01, 2012 11:01 pm

Victor suspected a trap, but this goblin isn't that bright if it went for a close-range tackle. It also didn't have its weapon drawn right away, so there's another few points off its IQ. Time for the little bugger to know just how bad he goofed...


Without hesitation, Victor points Mjolnir against the goblin's chin, and releases the combined blast of electricity and wind friction (to generate the electricity) point-blank, easily strong enough to take its head clean off. Once that's dealt with, he kicks the gob's body off of him, and moves back in to support Dax against the priest.
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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby Icaelus » Thu Aug 02, 2012 5:47 pm

Mex said reproachfully at Sort's implied insult, then started to think. Of course, she wasn't Kaz so thinking was actually an viable option for her. And she had just insulted Kaz in her thoughts. Right. And was she even doing anything about Sort's comment besides laughing? Ugh, she was getting soft. She moved after Sort as he spun around the door, his bow drawn with arrow ready. She caught sight of Dax charging at an old goblin with a staff, knocking his staff up so that the blast of ice magic missed him and instead decorated the ceiling with icy stalagmites. Time for some fun!
Mex's grin faded into flames along with the rest of her as she shifted away, appearing behind the old goblin priest, Ravenous twirling high overhead. She sliced a wide sideways arc at the goblin, aiming for her favourite kill: Decapitation.
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Re: Unguarded Guardians (IC) Part 2

Postby daxtinator396 » Thu Aug 02, 2012 7:11 pm

Dax saw Mex shift her behind the old gob and tried his best to move out of the way. Tackling the gob to the ground so that Dax lay atop him pinning his staff between them,"Even think about using it and I`ll slit your throat got it?" He was mildly annoyed at Mex for not realizing his value and possible information he could provide. He decided in his head that he would give the gob to her when he was done.
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