MiM (hacked) - On Hiatus since Feb 17, 2013

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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated July 27, 2012

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Fri Jul 27, 2012 8:32 pm

Blargh Wrote:Changed the text for the Toad by the second flag in Mushroom Kingdom so he'll give a clue on where to explore next.

Excellent, Blargh! ;)

Blargh Wrote:New Star power animation (Super Saiyan style!) XD

O.o I have to see this!!!

Blargh Wrote:Okay. Sounds great! ^_^ Oh, the problems I had with the Bloopers, but you're obviously doing better than I did. :D Boo code should come naturally from the Blooper code if it works out, and when Peach faces them I think I'll have them hide their dicks instead of their faces. ^_^

Nice idea! These are sure letting me more and more dedicated on this project ;)

Blargh Wrote:Oh, yeah. The first new Koopa Troopa scene is done (there may be some differences between the AE version and the RE version). When you copy it over you shouldn't need to overwrite anything, and you shouldn't anyway since I used the 1.21 version for the parts. I'll be re-using this FLA for the other scenes too.

Oh, man, thank you!!! It was much more easier for me! Erh, only some problems when importing (I have to move some library Dirs manually) because Flash sometimes create a copy and 'a copy of the copy' :evil: But, as we already know, just overwriting the most updated version on top of older version (even going to a different dir, like 'Graphics Copy') ça suffit (is enough). Flash then update their links, so in the end I rename back to 'Graphics'!

I loved the scene!! I'll search for the licking sound!

Blargh Wrote:When I think that it's gotten around enough, I'll rename it to Mario is Missing (Remade), MiM RE for short. Hm, or maybe Mario is Missing Do-Over (MiM DO) would be better? >_>

MIM DO is nice! Approved!
I've right now doing a new toad animation (walking) and I will make him alive too! The last FLA with living goombas and troopas are here http://rapidshare.com/files/3634279210/ ... %20FLA.rar

I'll do what you did for me: I'll also ship the two new goomba scenes for you to use easily ;)
EDIT: Here! (just overwrite some frames to your default ones, and if you need the invisible square with advance=true, just copy paste from yours). I haven't done that because I have fear of mangling something).
goomba - MIM AE - two new scenes.fla
(2.45 MiB) Downloaded 230 times

(Please forgive me about a small glitch in the first scene - goomba dick appears to be teasing instead of actually fucking her. But its a very quick fix).
Thank you, Blargh!
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Fri Jul 27, 2012 11:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated July 27, 2012

Postby sorajed » Fri Jul 27, 2012 8:47 pm

Nice blargh good work :D
Why the rosa dress haven't a blue shoes ?
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated July 27, 2012

Postby Lucky777 » Fri Jul 27, 2012 11:14 pm

I played it just for the super saiyan star power graphic.


Though, sadly, it doesn't seem to have a golden tint.
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated July 27, 2012

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sat Jul 28, 2012 1:26 am

I would love to finally have the Birdo inside our MIM games.
I'm near to complete a new koopa scene (as I promised to Blargh) and the first shyguy scene!

I've found a really nice reference of the Birdo (in profile view). I think its not difficult to create it.
Four colors are needed: black, light pink, dark pink and red.
For about the parts, the sucker should be a new part, but cutted in more than half, say, 75%. So we can animate it as well, opening and closing the sucker using two symmetrical parts ;)
Birdo parts.jpg
Birdo parts.jpg (17.42 KiB) Viewed 3030 times
birdo sucker.jpg
birdo sucker.jpg (9.58 KiB) Viewed 3025 times
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated July 27, 2012

Postby Hattorihanzo » Sat Jul 28, 2012 3:13 am

Nice Update, Blargh. You added some cool stuff. The "Sayan Mode" is cool :D .

ivanaedler Wrote:I would love to finally have the Birdo inside our MIM games.
I'm near to complete a new koopa scene (as I promised to Blargh) and the first shyguy scene!

Shyguy ? Fuck Yeah ! :D
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated July 27, 2012

Postby Biles » Sat Jul 28, 2012 3:23 am

Will Birdo play a level boss then?
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated July 27, 2012

Postby superstuff » Sat Jul 28, 2012 4:02 am

I seem to be suffering a few glitches:
1 on the overworld, when I get 10 enemies, all my counters reset to 0 (this is just a graphics bug I think, cause it doesnt affect when I go in the castle)
2 I cant view the koopa troopa ones even after finding all 4 in the castle
3 when I fell into the water with the bloopers I couldnt move, peach kept swimming up the way, and then when she got to the top my browser froze
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated July 27, 2012

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sat Jul 28, 2012 7:07 am

Blargh! Remember those problems with Peach color getting randomly % transparent when pulsating (alpha?) A good example is when she is invencible (after being hit).
This effect of different alphas being shown can be solved!! Just look at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6863 ... movieclips

"If you want to avoid this, try setting the Blend Mode of the parent MovieClip (in this case, CHAR) to "Layer" under the Properties tab. This causes the Flash Player to first render the clip as a whole to an intermediate buffer, and only then will it apply the alpha."
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Sat Jul 28, 2012 7:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated July 27, 2012

Postby Darthan » Sat Jul 28, 2012 7:45 am

superstuff Wrote:I seem to be suffering a few glitches:
1 on the overworld, when I get 10 enemies, all my counters reset to 0 (this is just a graphics bug I think, cause it doesnt affect when I go in the castle)
2 I cant view the koopa troopa ones even after finding all 4 in the castle
3 when I fell into the water with the bloopers I couldnt move, peach kept swimming up the way, and then when she got to the top my browser froze

1 This is not a bug, it is how Blargh's version works.
2 This is probably due to the fact that there are 5 koopa scenes now. You will have to go to the ghost house to see them all.
3 Never had this one happen, Blargh will have to look into that.
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated July 27, 2012

Postby Mechanios » Sat Jul 28, 2012 4:58 pm

superstuff Wrote:I seem to be suffering a few glitches:

3 when I fell into the water with the bloopers I couldnt move, peach kept swimming up the way, and then when she got to the top my browser froze

I had this happen to. I hit the checkpoint just before the water and then hopped right in. I couldn't move or open the menu either.
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated July 27, 2012

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sat Jul 28, 2012 5:26 pm

Blargh!! Take it! FLA file of LIVING shyguys! Its complete and more, three colors possible! Please enjoy it! ;)
To change colors and type (good or bad shyguy), just edit the main on object of the shyguy and put this:
Code: Select All Code
_color="blue"; //you can also use "green". If you let it blank, default will be red.
_type="bad"; //default is no type (good shyguy). If you put this line, it will activate the black plate one!

FLA is here!
shyguy - living creature.fla
(94.6 KiB) Downloaded 30 times

Mechanios Wrote:I had this happen to. I hit the checkpoint just before the water and then hopped right in. I couldn't move or open the menu either.

I may suggest Blargh to put this code below in a given place of Peach on-object (outside "if (movement)" code!):
So the player can still keep playing if a bug appears in (the code below could be regarded as an anti-bug attacker!)
He just needs to press DEL key if stuck.

FRAME 1 (Scene1):
Code: Select All Code

Code: Select All Code
if (Key.isDown(_root.keyDELETE) and !DELPressed)
 //Programmer notes: it unlocks Peach in some buggy situations.
 _root.char.movement=true; // Attention! Check where 'movement' variable is.
 _root.char._alpha=0; //it's supposed to SHOW her
 _root.char.character._alpha=0; //it's supposed to SHOW her
 //IF necessary (like inside sex scenes)  - reset Peach animation mechanism

if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyDELETE))
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Sun Jul 29, 2012 4:29 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated July 27, 2012

Postby The Limit » Sun Jul 29, 2012 12:48 am

How do you guys play those .fla files? What program do you use?
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated July 27, 2012

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sun Jul 29, 2012 3:38 am

The Limit Wrote:How do you guys play those .fla files? What program do you use?

Adobe Flash (Flex, Director, or other IDE) opens it for editing. Its the source code. The actual Adobe Flash version is CS6.
Adobe Flash Player standalone (or any browser) plays SWF (executable games).
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Sun Jul 29, 2012 3:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated July 27, 2012

Postby Zeus Kabob » Sun Jul 29, 2012 3:39 am

The Limit Wrote:How do you guys play those .fla files? What program do you use?

I'm no Flash genie, but I think .fla files are used as creation/object storage files, whereas .swf are the playable versions.
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated July 27, 2012

Postby The Limit » Sun Jul 29, 2012 6:22 am

Oh ok, I was wondering why the RAR downloads come with both an swf and fla. Thanks.
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated July 27, 2012

Postby Blargh » Sun Jul 29, 2012 5:25 pm

I actually remembered to make a CS4 version this time, found here: http://www.mediafire.com/?75n990u8strqjs9.

ivanaedler Wrote:I'll do what you did for me: I'll also ship the two new goomba scenes for you to use easily ;)
EDIT: Here! (just overwrite some frames to your default ones, and if you need the invisible square with advance=true, just copy paste from yours). I haven't done that because I have fear of mangling something).
(Please forgive me about a small glitch in the first scene - goomba dick appears to be teasing instead of actually fucking her. But its a very quick fix).
Thank you, Blargh!

Cool. Thanks! ^_^

sorajed Wrote:Nice blargh good work :D
Why the rosa dress haven't a blue shoes ?

Um, because they're supposed to be silver? But really, LuftMallow's design had her with no shoes. That's all.

Lucky777 Wrote:I played it just for the super saiyan star power graphic.


Though, sadly, it doesn't seem to have a golden tint.

It's probably due to the alpha transparency. I'll try to make it come through better.

ivanaedler Wrote:I would love to finally have the Birdo inside our MIM games.
I'm near to complete a new koopa scene (as I promised to Blargh) and the first shyguy scene!

I've found a really nice reference of the Birdo (in profile view). I think its not difficult to create it.
Four colors are needed: black, light pink, dark pink and red.
For about the parts, the sucker should be a new part, but cutted in more than half, say, 75%. So we can animate it as well, opening and closing the sucker using two symmetrical parts ;)

Isn't that a back view, not profile? Although finding a sexy forward profile may be the problem there. Anyway, that sounds about right. The O mouth should shrink to fit along with a wide line --- mouth.

Hattorihanzo Wrote:Nice Update, Blargh. You added some cool stuff. The "Sayan Mode" is cool :D .

ivanaedler Wrote:I would love to finally have the Birdo inside our MIM games.
I'm near to complete a new koopa scene (as I promised to Blargh) and the first shyguy scene!

Shyguy ? Fuck Yeah ! :D

Thanks. ^_^

Biles Wrote:Will Birdo play a level boss then?

More like a mid-boss. The current idea is that Birdo is the guard for one of the fortresses.

superstuff Wrote:I seem to be suffering a few glitches:
1 on the overworld, when I get 10 enemies, all my counters reset to 0 (this is just a graphics bug I think, cause it doesnt affect when I go in the castle)
2 I cant view the koopa troopa ones even after finding all 4 in the castle
3 when I fell into the water with the bloopers I couldnt move, peach kept swimming up the way, and then when she got to the top my browser froze

Mechanios Wrote:I had this happen to. I hit the checkpoint just before the water and then hopped right in. I couldn't move or open the menu either.

1 - All counters or just enemy counter? Only the enemy counter should reset to 0 after hitting 10. Coins and 1-ups shouldn't be affected.
2 - You have to find the ghost house to get all 5. I haven't really separated the groups, so the extra still counts as part of the originals.
3 - Are you able to do it again? I'll need to know the position you landed at and what power you had at the time. I'm not able to do it in my game.
If you get stuck but it hasn't frozen, try right-clicking and select forward, and do it again to get to the next area. It should reset you to a position you can move around again. If you saved just before and can get the menu open again, you should be able to load the game and end of right back at the flag.

ivanaedler Wrote:Blargh! Remember those problems with Peach color getting randomly % transparent when pulsating (alpha?) A good example is when she is invencible (after being hit).
This effect of different alphas being shown can be solved!! Just look at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6863 ... movieclips

"If you want to avoid this, try setting the Blend Mode of the parent MovieClip (in this case, CHAR) to "Layer" under the Properties tab. This causes the Flash Player to first render the clip as a whole to an intermediate buffer, and only then will it apply the alpha."

That could help with the Star power animation. >_>

ivanaedler Wrote:Blargh!! Take it! FLA file of LIVING shyguys! Its complete and more, three colors possible! Please enjoy it! ;)
To change colors and type (good or bad shyguy), just edit the main on object of the shyguy and put this:
Code: Select All Code
_color="blue"; //you can also use "green". If you let it blank, default will be red.
_type="bad"; //default is no type (good shyguy). If you put this line, it will activate the black plate one!

There's good shyguys? But thanks! ^_^ I'll check it out when I get a chance.

Your code comments say _alpha = 0 is supposed to SHOW Peach, but that is what hides her (the comment should be on _visible if you have it in your own code), so when _alpha = 0 is the last visibility changing line she's going to end up invisible (so it should be _alpha = 100, which is the same as _visible = true). I also prefer to tell people to use 'right-click Forward' so that new glitches won't appear for someone in a scene that hits the button to start running around again. And then I can find out if checkpoints are properly set in the next area. <_<

The Limit Wrote:How do you guys play those .fla files? What program do you use?

The Limit Wrote:Oh ok, I was wondering why the RAR downloads come with both an swf and fla. Thanks.

I use Adobe Flash Creative Suite 5 (CS5), and the FLA is the source file for the game. The SWF is the game itself. I include the SWF in the file for people that have trouble downloading the game from this website.
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated July 27, 2012

Postby neo_child » Sun Jul 29, 2012 6:05 pm

Where is the Ghost House??
I know Underwater and the new Map thing shows a lot of potential, future updates maybe??
Keep up the good work too!!
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated July 27, 2012

Postby LuftMallow » Sun Jul 29, 2012 6:18 pm

sorajed Wrote:Nice blargh good work :D Why the rosa dress haven't a blue shoes ?

Um, because they're supposed to be silver? But really, LuftMallow's design had her with no shoes. That's all.

I couldn't find any good references of official art that had her feet shown, so I had used the sandals in black just to have something, At least, I thought I included it. It must have gotten lost somewhere. Also, "good references" to me is the first couple images in a Google search that isn't a thumbnail.
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated July 27, 2012

Postby Campo92 » Sun Jul 29, 2012 11:22 pm

man, this game in becoming interesting!
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated July 27, 2012

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sun Jul 29, 2012 11:32 pm

Blargh Wrote:Your code comments say _alpha = 0 is supposed to SHOW Peach, but that is what hides her (the comment should be on _visible if you have it in your own code), so when _alpha = 0 is the last visibility changing line she's going to end up invisible (so it should be _alpha = 100, which is the same as _visible = true.

Ops sorry, Blargh! I confused the numbers! Just replace _alpha = 0 to _alpha = 100 and the opposite for the other. I use this 'hack' to have a way for the player to still play the game, while I get a fix ;)
For about good or bad shyguys , it was just a way to differentiate white plates from those black plates which spit balls :o Nice nostalgia. I used to keep dying with tons of game over because of them :mrgreen: They're 'cute' in a way they're made: they move their legs while jumping and then...SPIT!

As the Birdo, yes, its a bit backside, but it is only a reference after all ;). I'll be doing it (I hope Luftmallow will like it). I'm trying to be better making those design, simply because I fear of losing ideas and inspiration :/ Its like a brainstorm, an eureka.

For about converting your goombas and koopas, all of them I use here uses REALLY the same code as the shyguys! ;) You can see it closely when you have more free time, so you can have a full living goomba/koopa ones! Its just copy/paste, with some code tweaking and adaptation. The first object (e.g. goomba), for example, doesnt have those walk frames anymore. Just one frame. And the gomba on-object has new code (yes! Those OnClipEvent(load), as well as those only frame (yes, the onClipEvent = function ()..

neo_child Wrote:Where is the Ghost House??!

It's in the underwater area. I think its in the right. Just search for it and you will see the level ;)
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