Sakyubasu no Tatakai I (Finished)

Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai (Finished)

Postby GoRepeat » Thu Jul 26, 2012 11:38 am

sniff3005 Wrote:there is actually one more sword:

Heirloom Blade. supposedly gives +95 to all stats. i cant seem to be able to use it without my game going to the save error screen and if anyone knows how to legitimately get these weapons (ol' reliable too) i would love to know via PM.

Indeed! But I didn't put the heirloom sword in the game.... you can get it by cheating, but the stat increases will bust up your game file unless you are in dev cheater mode.

Here is a hint for 'Ol Reliable: It is somewhere in the game!
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai (Finished)

Postby Hentaicrazed » Thu Jul 26, 2012 9:25 pm

To everyone asking for hints, this should be more than enough of one:
Old Reliable 2.png
Old Reliable 2.png (31.05 KiB) Viewed 6172 times
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai (Finished)

Postby Hermansen » Thu Jul 26, 2012 11:00 pm

HellsFait Wrote:I tried out your guess Mechadino, and didn't get it >.> If it is there, then I must have messed it up. But I tried clicking it in both the outside, and internal shots, at every step of the scene.
Could it be clicking Tiki a certain number of times at the start menu? I tried that to, but maybe it wasn't enough...either way, all we've been given to work with so far is that it looks like Tiki's penis transformation...that's supposed to make it "incredibly obvious"...I don't see it...

Long time lurker, but this Ol' reliable thing made me finally give in and register...

From what I remember when the game was in an earlier phase, and from the name Ol' reliable it refers to a sword in the shape of a giant pink dildo.
I've known that all along, but still haven't got a clue how to get it.
Just started my 3rd play through now, just for the sake of it beat the arena boss before bridgette this time, but that obviously did nothing.

Now, there was also some mention of a "secret" dialogue?
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai (Finished)

Postby Lotoran » Fri Jul 27, 2012 4:21 am

If you guys want what I think is the easter egg (or just something GP forgot to take out), look on Page 158.
It didn't show up at first because I'm new and required approval.
Otherwise I still haven't found the sword.

Btw GP, great game! :mrgreen:
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai (Finished)

Postby zeldafreak1 » Fri Jul 27, 2012 5:40 am

Gorepete Wrote:
sniff3005 Wrote:there is actually one more sword:

Heirloom Blade. supposedly gives +95 to all stats. i cant seem to be able to use it without my game going to the save error screen and if anyone knows how to legitimately get these weapons (ol' reliable too) i would love to know via PM.

Indeed! But I didn't put the heirloom sword in the game.... you can get it by cheating, but the stat increases will bust up your game file unless you are in dev cheater mode.

Here is a hint for 'Ol Reliable: It is somewhere in the game!


Sorry Gore, but you set me up for that one.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai (Finished)

Postby zeldafreak1 » Fri Jul 27, 2012 6:26 am

danishangel Wrote:
zeldafreak1 Wrote:Just curious, has anyone found the 3rd and final sword? Gore DID say he put it in. I'm not having any luck thus far but I intend to find it.

Yah, Hentaicrazed posted a picture of it in the inventory on page 163. I'm still going crazy trying to find it. I did find out by going around as Bridgette and talking to people that Eva has 6 sisters though!

Don't forget that in that same dialouge it referenses Dusty's Castle. XD nice job Gore on that one.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai (Finished)

Postby sniff3005 » Fri Jul 27, 2012 5:49 pm

Hentaicrazed Wrote:To everyone asking for hints, this should be more than enough of one:

how is this a hint? we know what it looks like, and where it comes from (most likely). The problem is the method on how to obtain it. I do know that tiki will transform into a dildo temporarily when you talk to her as eva when you are back at your home and Bridgette will talk to tiki about evas background but I've tried clicking and tabbing here as well and again...nothing. I've tried clicking madly and tabbing throughout this point and got nothing. The pic shows you standing in front of the statue of eva. (i can tell by the rock formation of the pic) I have tried clicking madly and tabbing and using Bridgette and her abilities there as well and again...nothing.

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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai (Finished)

Postby kingofbrocoli » Fri Jul 27, 2012 9:19 pm

Hey guys listen, guys listen to me.....

Guys? listen when the fairy thing transforms into a dildo what if

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

you hit the seduce button
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai (Finished)

Postby danishangel » Fri Jul 27, 2012 9:33 pm

kingofbrocoli Wrote:Hey guys listen, guys listen to me.....

Guys? listen when the fairy thing transforms into a dildo what if

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

you hit the seduce button

Nope. Unless I somehow did it wrong, because I tried it with both Eva and Bridgette.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai (Finished)

Postby GrimReaperrz » Fri Jul 27, 2012 10:08 pm

kingofbrocoli Wrote:Hey guys listen, guys listen to me.....

Guys? listen when the fairy thing transforms into a dildo what if

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

you hit the seduce button

tried it didnt work :\
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai (Finished)

Postby ima » Fri Jul 27, 2012 10:43 pm

Image There's some gift from me.
Beezy is the best. I guess she isn't that bitchie when Eva is not close. I hope you will be gentle with her.

For me Sakyubasu is on one line with "Brave soul" and even "Demonophobia".

Looking forward ch - 2.
You're the best!

Is everything okay with my picture? I'm afraid there's something wrong with her breast. But what?
And yes. I know about her face. Too thin! I'm working on it!
Last edited by ima on Sat Jul 28, 2012 3:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai (Finished)

Postby Lex_Liven » Sat Jul 28, 2012 5:18 am

kingofbrocoli Wrote:Hey guys listen, guys listen to me.....

Guys? listen when the fairy thing transforms into a dildo what if

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

you hit the seduce button

I've tried. Nothing happens.
I'm not sure my english is good, I'm russian. So I'll be please if you will correct me ;) Thank you for understanding.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai (Finished)

Postby sniff3005 » Sat Jul 28, 2012 6:07 am

i've also tried it as bridgette and i also got nothing.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai (Finished)

Postby GrimReaperrz » Sat Jul 28, 2012 8:31 pm

im willing to bet that the people who got that third sword used cheats to get it and thats the reason why they cant say how they got it :\
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai (Finished)

Postby Chessax » Sat Jul 28, 2012 10:51 pm

Sorry if this has been answered, have searched somewhat but not found a clue.

Was wondering if there's any chance of getting the honey pot later in the game, I'm at chapter 2, after talking to Bridgette? (the angel) bringing in the little cutscene with the other sister and am at the moment not interested in starting over, so what do you say? :)

I'm gonna go ahead and whine a little about the difficulty which I know you guys love ;P. Different difficulty settings are always nice, then everyone can play what they like, but that's just me... Otherwise a great game, love it :D.

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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai (Finished)

Postby WhiteWolf » Sun Jul 29, 2012 12:48 am

Can someone tell me where the save game file is? I want to make a backup of it near the beginning of the game
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai (Finished)

Postby WhiteWolf » Sun Jul 29, 2012 1:59 am

Okay, this sword thing is REALLY starting to piss me off. I have looked everywhere I can think of. I have tried talking to everyone with different armor on, pressing the seduce button on every screen, casting random spells, and searching through the menus (found that green girl in the custom tab) but nothing really turned up. I killed both the mask and broodmother, searched again, and still haven't found anything.

Is this item missable before you beat beezy (which everything is then missable) ???

I have gone through this game twice today. I am running out of ideas of where to search. I even tried seducing all the new enemies as Brig since I didn't do that last time. I have no clue. It is driving me nuts.
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai (Finished)

Postby omgyourmom » Sun Jul 29, 2012 4:54 am

WhiteWolf Wrote:Can someone tell me where the save game file is? I want to make a backup of it near the beginning of the game

C;/User/AppData/Macromedia/Flash Player/#SharedObjects/Random Letters+Numbers/"savefile named sakyusave.sol"
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai (Finished)

Postby Lotoran » Sun Jul 29, 2012 5:41 am

WhiteWolf Wrote:Okay, this sword thing is REALLY starting to piss me off. I have looked everywhere I can think of. I have tried talking to everyone with different armor on, pressing the seduce button on every screen, casting random spells, and searching through the menus (found that green girl in the custom tab) but nothing really turned up. I killed both the mask and broodmother, searched again, and still haven't found anything.

Is this item missable before you beat beezy (which everything is then missable) ???

I have gone through this game twice today. I am running out of ideas of where to search. I even tried seducing all the new enemies as Brig since I didn't do that last time. I have no clue. It is driving me nuts.

Heyheyhey! Someone else found the green girl! :mrgreen:
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Re: Sakyubasu no Tatakai (Finished)

Postby Darthan » Sun Jul 29, 2012 6:21 am

Chessax Wrote:Sorry if this has been answered, have searched somewhat but not found a clue.

Was wondering if there's any chance of getting the honey pot later in the game, I'm at chapter 2, after talking to Bridgette? (the angel) bringing in the little cutscene with the other sister and am at the moment not interested in starting over, so what do you say? :)

In the arena.

Chessax Wrote:I'm gonna go ahead and whine a little about the difficulty which I know you guys love ;P. Different difficulty settings are always nice, then everyone can play what they like, but that's just me... Otherwise a great game, love it :D.


I am pretty sure Gore already said something about having to basically recode the game for each difficulty level and that it was something he did not want to do.
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