Scrapped flashes

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Re: Scrapped flashes

Postby Ranard Lightningfall » Thu Oct 07, 2010 6:10 am

Ebonizza Wrote:Lol Vyks, I wish I had the skill to do these. Nah, these animations were all done by 3-Y. I'm trying to get into animating 3d renders, which is quite tedious.

You have no idea. XD
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Re: Scrapped flashes

Postby Zaragoth » Tue Oct 12, 2010 3:02 am

Maybe it´s my idea but in the first animation where theirs only krystal I think her tail is upside down, I mean shouldnt the darker part of the tail be on top and the lighter part be under... hope you get my point also NEED MORE BOOTY :)
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Re: Scrapped flashes

Postby LouDiamonds » Wed Oct 13, 2010 12:20 am

I'm an ass man. Born, raised, and religiously practiced ass all my life. But i'm tellin ya, putting a phat booty on Krystal just doesn't fit her personality portrayed in this particular game. If you're a booty man like me you know that all ass tastes the same (the variable being hygiene) and that if a girl has a smaller ass it means more penetration! Krystal's cute little ass just begs for punishment and really adds to innocent vibe which balances the game out quite nicely. Although, putting an ass/bust option at game-start would be a fantastic solution.
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Re: Scrapped flashes

Postby Zaragoth » Wed Oct 13, 2010 3:12 am

I liked her body type in the v.2 it´s my favorite
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Re: Scrapped flashes

Postby Oakleaf » Wed Oct 13, 2010 11:45 pm

Man, these flashes were really nice. I never imagined you'd scrap flashes of such nice quality, but that just makes me more interested in the content worthy of still keeping a secret x)
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Re: Scrapped flashes

Postby Yawg » Mon Dec 06, 2010 6:07 am

I wholly support this form of celebration.

I was actually worried that Samus had taken everything over... hadn't heard a peep about the game in weeks...
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Re: Scrapped flashes

Postby Darek » Mon Dec 06, 2010 11:31 am

@Ebonizza - That is awesome. And it is a scrapped flash? ... :O
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Re: Scrapped flashes

Postby KaTsuO_O » Mon Dec 06, 2010 2:35 pm

I made a blink animations for people who wants it.
Click to Play
(Javascript Required)

Blink animation.swf [ 15.71 KiB | Viewed 36599 times ]

(I posted this on a other thread too to make sure that people see it)
Blink animation.fla
(303.5 KiB) Downloaded 135 times
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Re: Scrapped flashes

Postby MrBear » Mon Dec 06, 2010 3:54 pm

Very nice for a scrapped flash. I did notice however that he cheek is filled with cum, yet when she backs away, all of that sperm just seems to disappear.
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Re: Scrapped flashes

Postby Alkzar » Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:38 am

Seriously, am I the only one whoe doesn't like the new lizard?
I mean, it's awesome and all that, but his dick... it's just too weird :shock:
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Re: Scrapped flashes

Postby What? » Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:06 am

Alkzar Wrote:Seriously, am I the only one whoe doesn't like the new lizard?
I mean, it's awesome and all that, but his dick... it's just too weird :shock:

yes sir. reminds me more of something you would see in a old japanese horror movie, which isnt exactly appealing..just saying..

still awesome artwork though props for that
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Re: Scrapped flashes

Postby anonymous174 » Fri Dec 10, 2010 4:28 pm

Alkzar Wrote:Seriously, am I the only one whoe doesn't like the new lizard?
I mean, it's awesome and all that, but his dick... it's just too weird :shock:

You aren't alone, I prefered the previous cock at least. So maybe mesh the two?

Re: Scrapped flashes

Postby Kalypso » Fri Dec 10, 2010 4:52 pm

What? Wrote:
Alkzar Wrote:Seriously, am I the only one whoe doesn't like the new lizard?
I mean, it's awesome and all that, but his dick... it's just too weird :shock:

yes sir. reminds me more of something you would see in a old japanese horror movie, which isnt exactly appealing..just saying..

still awesome artwork though props for that

In general, I thank you, and I apologize. I made the spikes look a hell of a lot sharper then they did originally, don't know why--oh yeah! It was my first model, I was gonna go back and edit it but I left to find myself for to long. Went on a journey. Beat Troy. Picked on a Cyclops. Went to hell. Came back. Met some hot babe named Calypso, had some emotion problems, ended up sitting on the island oggling at her for the rough side of 6, maybe 7 years. Is that the right story?...
Don't worry, all the models are being redone by Ptoon, the models I made are being scrapped. I also apologize because I made an exceptionally high detail bar to follow, which makes finishing all the models after glossing, shading, redoing (and redoing and redoing...) so it makes everyone on the team happy take a hell of a long time, and they manage to do it pretty quick for all that work on a free project like this. Sure, that means the project is gonna take time, but hey! It'll be awesome.
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Re: Scrapped flashes

Postby Ekibit » Mon Dec 13, 2010 3:18 pm

Ebonizza Wrote:I like Krystal, and I dislike Samus. To celebrate this here's an awesome animation by 3-Y

agree it's time to focus on Krystal! no more Samus and no more disgusting gay herm shits!!!
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Re: Scrapped flashes

Postby Alkzar » Fri Dec 24, 2010 7:40 am

Kalypso Wrote:
What? Wrote:
Alkzar Wrote:Seriously, am I the only one whoe doesn't like the new lizard?
I mean, it's awesome and all that, but his dick... it's just too weird :shock:

yes sir. reminds me more of something you would see in a old japanese horror movie, which isnt exactly appealing..just saying..

still awesome artwork though props for that

In general, I thank you, and I apologize. I made the spikes look a hell of a lot sharper then they did originally, don't know why--oh yeah! It was my first model, I was gonna go back and edit it but I left to find myself for to long. Went on a journey. Beat Troy. Picked on a Cyclops. Went to hell. Came back. Met some hot babe named Calypso, had some emotion problems, ended up sitting on the island oggling at her for the rough side of 6, maybe 7 years. Is that the right story?...
Don't worry, all the models are being redone by Ptoon, the models I made are being scrapped. I also apologize because I made an exceptionally high detail bar to follow, which makes finishing all the models after glossing, shading, redoing (and redoing and redoing...) so it makes everyone on the team happy take a hell of a long time, and they manage to do it pretty quick for all that work on a free project like this. Sure, that means the project is gonna take time, but hey! It'll be awesome.

Wow, srry for complaining then, seems you guys are working really hard :lol:
Gonna look for some topic with flash basics, who knows, I might have a gift when it comes to making models!
Nah, just kidding, I'll problably suck, but I suppose I can try, anywayz, good luck to all ya guys ;)
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Re: Scrapped flashes

Postby ronpepper » Fri Jan 14, 2011 9:55 pm

I just want to lend my support to you guys for improving the artwork so vastly, great job. Are we all going to agree on every detail? No, but,I really hope you continue in this vein. This is my favorite. Great stuff!
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Re: Scrapped flashes

Postby Arson » Sat Jan 22, 2011 10:59 pm

Ebonizza Wrote:I like Krystal, and I dislike Samus. To celebrate this here's an awesome animation by 3-Y

I love this animation, where else could we see Krystals vagina? :D Seriously, v3 would need it alot
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Re: Scrapped flashes

Postby Vyksen » Fri Jan 28, 2011 2:59 pm

I personally like the new sharpclaw that Kalypso had made.
I was a bit iffy on it at first but after the animation I'm in love with it.
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Re: Scrapped flashes

Postby trunks2585 » Fri Jan 28, 2011 8:50 pm

ptoon-t took what kal did and remade teh sharpclaw, we all agree it looks pretty good (it's like Kal's but with smoother looking skin, less jaggy, and not a spiked cock)
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Re: Scrapped flashes

Postby KaTsuO_O » Fri Jan 28, 2011 8:59 pm

Sounds great! I have always loved that sharpclaw so this got to be better and it should take away that bad rumor about "Playshape" animations as well.
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