Welcome to Rape Central. Rape central is a place where the inhabitants of Cheerful, Connecticut are up to something and it’s up to you, an inhabitant of the town to figure out what! But be mindful of possible predators as they have some dirty tricks up their sleeves!
Your character will be an 18-30 year old woman who can begin (live) in any of these six locations; The Hotel, Homeless, Apartment, Town house, Condo or Daddy’s Mansion. Only two people can have the same housing except for Homeless in which this option is unlimited.
This RP uses a few elements that include; Sanity, Stats, Searching, Sex & Combat.
Sanity begins at one hundred and depending on the events that unfold and you see you will either lose or gain sanity. For example being raped in public will make you suffer a loss of 10 sanity points but doing a good deed will gain you five points. If you lose all of your sanity you will become a citizen of Cheerful and will attempt to rape the rest of the players before they can find out the secret behind Cheerful.
Stats are invisible for the most part to the player but are affected by certain Traits. For example the four eyes Trait allows you to gain a bonus to searching that is twice the normal amount.
Searching & Sex – Two stats are Perception and Seduction. Too determine the outcome of a search you make or an attempt at seduction I shall calculate your seduction number into a percentage the maximum stat being 10 and you begin with 5. After that I will roll to see what the outcome of your action is, this also applies to combat and searching.
The CS is as follows
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Name: (duh.)
Age: (duh duh.)
Bio: (Tell us about yourself.)
History ( What was your life like?)
Appearance: (Describe yourself to us or show us a picture.)
Traits: (Choose two from below.)
Skills: (Choose two from below.)
The traits can be any two of the following.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Four Eyes – When searching for things while wearing glasses you will be twice as likely to find them, but without glasses you are almost blind.
Athlete – You have a lot of stamina and be able to run longer distances. However this also means you will be much more likely to stay conscious during rape and will lose much more sanity.
Swimmer – You have the ability to swim, without this trait you cannot swim.
Rockin’ Bod – With this trait you are more likely to succeed in a seduction attempt however you are also more likely to be raped in public.
Loose Cannon – You lose sanity twice as quickly but also have half the intelligence.
Furry – To be a furry you must select this trait.
Creature of the night – You will not lose sanity by only being raped by one person however your sanity will start half way deteriorated and cannot be raised about 75.
Pure – You gain twice the sanity for good deeds and lose double the sanity for rape.
Skills -
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
High Jump – You can jump high. That is all.
Fighter – Twice as likely to protect yourself from an assailant.
Slut – Lose half the sanity for being raped but cannot gain sanity through good deeds (there are other ways to gain it)
Crazy as hell – You can rape anyone at any time but the only way to recover sanity is raping someone. You will be raped more by citizens.
Mute – You do not speak, you cannot call out for help but will be half as likely to be raped.
IC here --->