From the mists of the thin air, a loud voice penetrated through all the nooblet chaos. It was a male, cheerful and somewhat charismatic voice. He had to be charismatic, otherwise he couldn't be... The announcer!
“Hello dear people of the Shapeshifters' community! I'm here to remind you of the tournaments that are upcoming in the next week.
Tomorrow, two grand tournaments will begin. They are for people without a PvP title only, also called 'notitle'. The top 10 in the one versus one tournament and the top 5 in the two versus two tournament are going to be given the title 'rookie', along with an evolutionary upgrade to their special shape! Unlike most levelup upgrades, evolutionary upgrades are likely to change your shape dramatically!
In three days, a grand one versus one blood tournament will begin, where pain will be simulated regardless of settings and heads will roll! In this tournament, the lust factor will be completely ignored, and not only will pain be simulated, but so will death! You don't actually die though, so don't worry. Health warning: Anyone with a bad health, like a bad heart, may get damaged by the stress the pain can cause. Do NOT enter this tournament if you think you're at risk.
The top 4 of this tournament will also gain the title of 'rookie' along with the evolutionary upgrade that title gives you! This is, in other words, another 'notitle' tournament.
By the end of the week, a rookie tournament will commence. As it is so impossible to attain the rookie title or any other PvP title for that matter, only those who have stood untop the poodles of newbies can enter said tournament! Therefor, I assume it will be interesting to watch all the way through...
For any questions, open your chats and enter the 'help' channel. Also, be sure to check out the mini-tournaments that haven't been announced and the daily freebie tournaments that won't grant titles but are open for all and will grant experience. Good day to you all!”
With that being said, the announcement ended.
Claire's PoV:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
OOC: It's a military building, not a shop

“Oh, we have plenty of minor jobs for newcomers! By the way, I'm an AI and not a player, so do not mistake me for having conscious thought. I've been programmed to say this because many mistakes me for a player.”
With a smile on her face, she puts her right hand on a small notepad that's lying on her table. “Right now, we're sending out masses of people to get the item: Neko's scent. To obtain said item, you must: Fight a Neko and win by domination. After winning, pick up the quest loot.
The reward will be: 2 coins and +1% towards the next PvE title for notitlers.
Do you accept this quest?
Ilia's PoV:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
OOC: Btw, your character also heard the announcement;
“So you wish to go to the city? Safe travels!
You can find free clothes by just about any clothes store or NPC.”
Slowly, a darkness enveloped your vision. Then, a classical loading screen was all you could see with concept art of the main city. On the loading screen was a tooltip!
'Did you know: That there exist special PvE and PvP titles that will give you great advantages?'
After a short while, the screen disappears and instead appears a city filled with people. You were standing in the midst of at least a thousand other naked people – presumably all newbies. You yourself didn't have a lot of clothing either... In fact, you weren't wearing any.
Around you, the crowds of confused newbies can be seen spanning for more than your eyes can see. It seemed like this server had gotten a lot of new players...
Jessica's PoV:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Over the counter were a female gray shirt and a male gray shirt, along with gray underwear for both genders. Colorless and utterly boring clothes. “Here you go!”; The woman said with a friendly smile on her face.
As you receive the clothes, a text appears in front of you: 'Inventory update.' and 'Tooltip update'.
After about 3 seconds, a tooltip appears: “Durability of clothes indicate how long they can last in a fight. While items that offer durability doesn't reduce damage at all, they may have special bonuses that goes to a waste once durability have dropped to zero. However, do not worry, after combat the items will recover in full!”
Yukari's PoV:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
As you receive the clothes, a text appears in front of you: 'Inventory update.' and 'Tooltip update'.
After about 3 seconds, a tooltip appears: “Durability of clothes indicate how long they can last in a fight. While items that offer durability doesn't reduce damage at all, they may have special bonuses that goes to a waste once durability have dropped to zero. However, do not worry, after combat the items will recover in full!”
Maria's PoV:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
You stumble upon the barracks!
You see a red elegant building that almost seems like a barrack. It has swords and symbols hanging along the exterior. The windows aren't too elegant, and behind them are steel blockades that can be pulled on or off at any time to block the windows from enemy attackers. On the top, it has a anti-air turret for some reason. What would possibly invade from the air? On a poster outside the barrack, you find something of interest. “Hiring rookies to do simple jobs – will pay.”.
Inside were two people. One of them were a girl by the name Claire, though this you do not know yet.