by napsii » Tue Jul 17, 2012 11:25 pm
It didn't take Abigail -- well, Ilia -- more than completing the tutorial to decide there was something not quite right about this game. Her internet research agreed with everything she'd seen, except the parts about the Okay, so she couldn't kill people permanently? That was fine. They'd respawn, like in every other game.
So, prudently, she decided to chalk that weird ass part off as a glitch, hallucination or some other weird instance that wasn't really part of the game. Was it? Even a cursory look around showed this wasn't exactly in line with the game she'd ordered, but then again, her wallet was now empty and she had already set up her account for this game. Despite all this, she was actually way too enthralled by all of the cool stuff she was seeing to care much about the weirder parts. She could smell, breathe, feel, hear, see! It was like she was really in the game!
She was the game!
And then, of course, a gigantic black-and-blue warmecha showing up was the icing on the cake. She saw the cockpit instruments light up around her body, lending view to the world. Holy crap, she even got a mecha! Giddy, she moved to speak, but the machine itself interrupted her. There was even intelligent AI here?
She bit the inside of her cheek. This was all a very novel experience. It was so surreal, in fact she wondered if it was just some very lucid dream.
At last, she spoke:
"Aww, yeah!" she elated, looking around the mecha's cockpit. It wasn't too big, but obviously very agile and tough. She felt invincible already.
"Cool, you can talk. So what's your power?" she questioned, peering out the cockpit canopy to the gigantic blades adorning DI's arms.