Shapeshifters - Genetics IC. (Now open!)

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Shapeshifters - Genetics IC. (Now open!)

Postby laa » Tue Jul 17, 2012 3:58 pm

Quick note:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Names does NOT flow above unknown players head. Damage and lust are the only things that are publicly visual to strangers. Team-mates, friends and guild-mates have their name flowing above their heads.

Mood-setter (optional) :
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Welcome to Shapeshifters – Genetics!

Again, the world returns to darkness like it was before your senses had been connected to the Visualizer 2X. However, this time, a shimmer of light can be seen from beneath your feet. When looking at it, you realize that you're about a mile up into the air caught in a free fall without the ability to move!

Vertically below you, you see the display you had just pressed, the yellow text still displaying.

Welcome to Shapeshifters – Genetics!

As you touch the TV-display, the fall slows. Slowly, your virtual body falls through the display, soft naked and female skin coming out on the other side. Ten seconds later, your whole body had fallen through the TV-display.

As if waking up, you open your eyes inside the game-world.

Mood-setter (tutorial) :
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

The first to meet your eyes is the blue skies. Lifting your torso from the ground, the oval shape of a roman arena meets your eyes.


A voice sounds from behind you. When you check out the sound, you see a small helicopter-robot with two small arms.

“I'm the tutorial-bot! Ask me any questions you'd like along the course of the training course, and I'll answer them to the best of my ability.
Session 1: Movement – started.”; The robot flies in front of you, while you stand up in the game-world for the first time.

“As you may have noticed, movement in this game functions very much like movement in reality. At the command of your virtual arm, your virtual arm will move. At the command of your virtual leg, your virtual leg will move. WARNING: In rare cases, your real body may also start moving. If that happens, Visualizer 2X is designed to instantaneously log-out. If you have an older version of the Visualizer, please have someone nearby your physical body while playing.

In case you need to find someone to keep an eye on your physical body, logging out does not end the tutorial session, so do not fret!

Even though unrelated to movement, learning to log-out is too vital to be left for a later session. In the game, there are special voice-commands that will enable you to do things even when your hands are tied up. One of these commands is 'log-out'. Saying nothing else but 'log-out' for a second, begins the log-out sequence that takes about 30 seconds and can be canceled at any time by the press of the button 'cancel' that will appear on the holographic display below the timer.”

While the heli-bot had been talking about log-out commands, you had started to flex your body, stretching all the muscles that most likely didn't need stretching. The body felt strange though. It felt so light...

“Back to movement! As you may have noticed, your body feels rather light. This is because your virtual body in this game-world is stronger than it looks, making gravity feel less restrictive. This will make you able to jump about three times as high into the sky in this world, in comparison to the real world. And that's a rookie's jumping abilities.
Also, you can also run much faster than in reality, once you master the new strength given to you. Try it! Try to run around.”

Without complaining, you set into a sprint from the one end of the arena to the other. It was amazing! The wind felt like were you biking down-hill, the surroundings almost bending around the grandiose speed.

“Now try to jump to the platform I've summoned.”

Out of the blue, a heli-platform slowly descended out from the blue sky. In about the height of a 1-storage building, jumping up to it seemed impossible. Making a grandiose leap, it seemed like a 1-storage high platform was a piece of cake for you! Landing on the metallic platform, you see that the arena had changed. Instead of dust and roman architecture, the arena were suddenly filled up with flowers, the surrounding frame of the arena made of glass reminiscent of that of a botanical house made of glass.

“Session 1 complete.
Session 2: Combat – started.”

When you hear the second session is about combat, your senses tingles. You quickly look around to see if there is any enemy nearby, but you see none.

“In this game world, you take on the role of a mighty shape-shifter. In order to win the fights you're going to face, you're going to want to change up your shape from time to time. Doing so requires you to stand absolutely still in most cases.
In order to start shape-shifting, you have to say “Shapeshift”. Doing so will open a list of all of your shapes. Then, you can pick one from said list by the use of the holographic display. If you've memorized the name of a shape, you can simply say “Shapeshift” and then the name of the shape. Try this now. You have a male shape from the beginning – To change into it, say “Shapeshift – Male”.

Without further ado, you open your mouth for the first time to say “Shapeshift – Male!”.
At first, nothing happened. You were wondering if something had gone wrong. Then about ten seconds later, a strange ticklish sensation burst from within. Male skin were crawling on your own female skin, slowly changing you. After 20 more seconds, the transformation was done.

“Bravo, player. Your male shape is stronger and faster than the female shape and is the best non-special rookie shape. Now, it's time to test out that strength. On the fields of flowers is a minor demon. Find it and kill it.”

Finding it wasn't too difficult. It was placed right beneath the platform you were standing on. You decide to jump down onto the flowers. After landing in the flowers, you turn around to face the demon. It was a strange black shade...
Having no idea how to kill it, you smash it with all you've got. The shade is smashed into goo.

“Brilliant! Now, while monsters are more likely to die in this manner, players cannot die in a PvP match. To win against other players, you have to increase their lust and then rape them with a finishing move.”

A small TV-display pops up from the ground, a video of two females battling it out in an arena.

“This movie will show you the process of a player versus player fight.”

Both of them shout 'inventory', and not long after, giant swords of doom pops into their hands from nothing but thin air. Not long after, they are slicing each-other up. Though it seemed incredibly painful, they didn't seem like they were in pain.

“The first stage of a fight, is the physical damage stage. In order to bring the enemy to their knees, you will fatigue their body.”

At some point of the fight, the one of the females are sitting on the floor, almost immovable.

“At any point where you suffer from high damage, there is a chance that you will fall down on your knees in fatigue. While this would cause a loss in PvE, in PvP it initiates stage 2.”

The winning female slowly walked over to the enemy female, the sword still in her hand. She rushed behind her and started fondling her breasts and fingering her vagina.

“When lust have been increased to a certain level, you may make your finishing move.”

Suddenly, the one of the female started to involuntarily moan loudly. When this happened, a smile appeared on the winning female's face. She took her big-ass sword and started to shove the shaft of it into her enemies vagina after saying “Finishing move!”.

“While a Finishing move is in progress, both the victim and the rapist becomes immune. The finishing move lasts for up to 30 seconds. At the end, the victim will cum, signaling the end of the Finishing move.”

The victim on the screen screamed in orgasm as a liquid stained the shaft of the sword.

“Session 2: Complete.
Session 3: Menu – started.”

The TV-display disappears and so does the flowers. Suddenly, you're back in the roman arena again.

“To open the game-menu, all you have to do is to say 'menu' or if you say the name of any of the sub-menu's. In the menu, there are 10 sub-menus. The whole menu is in a holographic display platform for ease of use.

The first sub-menu is Logout. Pressing it will log you out like I told you earlier.

The second sub-menu is Options. Here, you will be able to change the quality-settings of the game, enable or disable pain and the like. Note, disabling pain will not disable pain from special moves designed to be painful.

The third sub-menu is Character management. Here, you can see the stats of your shapes and the stats of yourself. You can also use free genetic points in this sub-menu, which are gained from killing PvE enemies.

The fourth sub-menu is Teleportation. Here, you can teleport to your friends, arena-games, the city, or a random adventure.

The fifth sub-menu is Friend-list. Here, you can see the stats of your friends and you can contact them through PM's or voice-calls. Voice-calls are reserved to team-mates, guild-mates, GM's, special events or friends! Note: To send a friend-request, you have to say 'friend' and then the name of the player you want to friend.

The sixth sub-menu is Ignore-list. Here, you can un-ignore people you've ignored in the past or simply look at the list of people you've ignored. Note: To ignore people, you have to say 'ignore' and then the name of the player you want to ignore. Then they will simply disappear. Note, if you face people you've ignored in tournaments or random match-up's, they will appear again momentarily.

The seventh sub-menu is Chat. Here, you can access public chats or see a list of friends you can start a chat with or initiate a voice-call with your friends. At all times, you speak to anyone physically close to you without initiating a voice-call.

The eight sub-menu is Team. Here, you can write in the names of those you want to invite to a team. To get a players name, you have to ask said player to give you her name.

The ninth and final sub-menu is Guild management. Here you can create or join a guild and see the status of said guild. Until you have a guild, this sub-menu will mostly be useless.”

Just sitting and listening, you're just about to loose your patience. Luckily, it seemed like the bot had finally stopped talking about menu's.

“Session 3: Complete.
Session 4: Special shapes – Started.”
Last edited by laa on Tue Jul 17, 2012 9:00 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Joined: Sun Jan 08, 2012 7:46 pm

Re: Shapeshifters - Genetics IC. (Under construction)

Postby laa » Tue Jul 17, 2012 8:57 pm

Character levels skills and shapes:
Icaelus' character: Lyl Finnix.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Level: 0. XP: 0%
Lust level: 0. XP: 0%

Female shape: Takes 0 turns. Your female shape is your original self. It's the shape you want to avoid in combat, or you will most likely get raped!
Female shape stats:
Offensive: 2
Defensive: 1
Special: Original shape; If you get immobilized or hurt to too great an extent, you return to this shape automatically.

Experience: 0%

Male shape: Takes 1 turn. The male shape is a basic fighter, often used by rookie shapeshifters to train up their skills.
Male shape stats:
Offensive: 3
Defensive: 3
Special: None.

Experience: 0%

Last stand: Being naive and hungering for an adrenaline rush, Lyl's subconscious designed the special shape 'Last stand'. It would server both purposes, dragging out the tension and giving her a chance to redeem a bad decision, though only in combat.
This shape can not be actively used.
Last stand looks just like her female shape, except she's got armor that only partially covers her head, covers the lower part of her legs and the lower part of her arms as well. If hit in these areas, in exchange of the armor breaking, the armor deflects 1 damage.
Cannot wear equipment on arms or legs, except from weapons.
Armor: 4/4. (One for each of the arms and one for each of the legs)
Offensive: 3
Defensive: 1
Special: The shape is instantaneously used once lust goes up to max, lowering lust by 1 and creating an energy explosion to get the enemy away from her. Can't be deactivated before the end of the combat.

Experience: 0%

That_One_Guy's character: Maria Jorell.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Level: 0. XP: 5%
Lust level: 0. XP: 5%

Female shape: Takes 0 turns. Your female shape is your original self. It's the shape you want to avoid in combat, or you will most likely get raped!
Female shape stats:
Offensive: 2
Defensive: 1
Special: Original shape; If you get immobilized or hurt to too great an extent, you return to this shape automatically.

Experience: 5%

Male shape: Takes 1 turn. The male shape is a basic fighter, often used by rookie shapeshifters to train up their skills.
Male shape stats:
Offensive: 3
Defensive: 3
Special: None.

Experience: 5%

Red tail berserker: Takes 3 turns to transform into this shape.
The best offense is a great defense! Your great violence have shone through into your subconscious depths, the will to be able to dominate and out-do your enemy is by far the most important factor for your subconscious. Not that having a tail - that can cum - is that bad either. Seems your perverted side also had something to say!
This shape cannot be used before you or one of your friends have lost health.
The red tail berserker shape have mid-length spiky blood-red hair, white skin that has a constant tint of red because of the blood-stream within you and a half-meter smooth red tail with an oval tip. The red tail berserker looks human, except from the tail.
Offensive: 5
Defensive: 0
Special: For every 5th damage you're sustaining, your offensive stat rises by 1.
Your tail is able to produce genuine cum like a male's penis. Makes it easier to hold a grapple while continuing to increase enemy lust.

Experience: 0%

Daxtinator396's character, Jessi Eyre.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Level: 0. XP: 5%
Lust level: 0. XP: 5%

Female shape: Takes 0 turns. Your female shape is your original self. It's the shape you want to avoid in combat, or you will most likely get raped!
Female shape stats:
Offensive: 2
Defensive: 1
Special: Original shape; If you get immobilized or hurt to too great an extent, you return to this shape automatically.

Experience: 5%

Male shape: Takes 1 turn. The male shape is a basic fighter, often used by rookie shapeshifters to train up their skills.
Male shape stats:
Offensive: 3
Defensive: 3
Special: None.

Experience: 5%

Light bone: Takes 1 turn to change into this shape.
The innate desire to have people rely on you, along with the innate desire to experience adventure was combined in your special shape - Light bone. With a speed unlike most others and healing capabilities, the horizon will be yours to conquer.
This shape can be used at any time, even out of combat.
This shape is unable to equip items.
This shape is sexually immune. The shape must be canceled before the shapeshifter can be raped.
Light bone consists of two things: Light and bone. However, the bone-structure is unlike that of a humans, as it does not have ribs, fingers, toes or any skull at all. The flesh of your body consists of half look-through 'floating' and dimmed light. The light isn't strong enough to shine at all during day-time, however, during night-time, you light up about 1 meter with a faint light.
Healing power: 3
Offensive power: N/A. Can't attack at all. All melee attacks will quite literally heal the enemy.
Defensive power: 0
Special: You can move three times as fast as any normal player, making you very hard to hit. Instead of having any offensive capabilities at all, you have the ability to restore health from other players through melee attacks.

Special starter ability:
Streaming light: While in your Light bone shape, you can channel your light to heal players at a range. The greater the distance, the weaker the heal.

Experience: 0%

TheDaughterOfHades14's character, Claire Jones.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Level: 0. XP: 25%
Lust level: 0. XP: 10%

Female shape: Takes 0 turns. Your female shape is your original self. It's the shape you want to avoid in combat, or you will most likely get raped!
Female shape stats:
Offensive: 2
Defensive: 1
Special: Original shape; If you get immobilized or hurt to too great an extent, you return to this shape automatically.

Experience: 10%

Male shape: Takes 1 turn. The male shape is a basic fighter, often used by rookie shapeshifters to train up their skills.
Male shape stats:
Offensive: 3
Defensive: 3
Special: None.

Experience: 10%

Root feet: Takes 3 turns to transform into this shape.
Your kindness has taken roots, in order to be able to help your friends more efficiently. In exchange for having next to no defense and no movement at all, you can heal a lot from a distance.
This shape can only be activated while in combat.
This shape cannot equip leg-gear or weapons.
This shape is permanently immobile. Any enemy may at any time start lust-raising attacks.
While in this shape, you cannot move.
The shape looks like your female shape, except her lower legs have been transformed into roots which are dug into the ground, her hands made of a leaf-esque material. Also, her skin turns slighty green.
Healing power: 4
Offensive power: 0
Defensive: 1
Special: When the sun is strong, you gain 1 healing power. When the sun is weak, you loose 1 healing power.

Special ability:
Sun ray: Heals a far away ally through the light gathered in by your skin.

Experience: 0%

Napsii's character, Abigail Lowell.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Level: 0. XP: 0%
Lust level: 0. XP: 0%

Female shape: Takes 0 turns. Your female shape is your original self. It's the shape you want to avoid in combat, or you will most likely get raped!
Female shape stats:
Offensive: 2
Defensive: 1
Special: Original shape; If you get immobilized or hurt to too great an extent, you return to this shape automatically.

Experience: 0%

Male shape: Takes 1 turn. The male shape is a basic fighter, often used by rookie shapeshifters to train up their skills.
Male shape stats:
Offensive: 3
Defensive: 3
Special: None.

Experience: 0%

Dark Ilia: Will automatically activate when a strong enemy appears - takes 5 turns to transform into, but doesn't interfere with any actions made by the player at all. (You can't shape-shift though)
The concept of Ilia have submerged into the depth of your subconscious. As a way of bringing this concept to life, your subconscious designed a mecha for the concept to come to life - Dark Ilia. Ilia is a light mecha with two great swords for arms. Unlike normal shapes, Ilia has a health of her own and can advise you during the course of the battle. Be wary though - she's the product of all the violent games you've played.
Cannot be manually activated.
Cannot equip items.
Dark Ilia is a black mecha with a strange aura surrounding it - People who see it for the first time will be frightened to say the least. The mecha isn't clean or pretty, instead, it's almost looks like the mecha have been infested with demonic energy, even though it haven't. There are random spikes, random tatters of blood, and the name of the mecha embedded on the side in strong orange colors - 'Dark ilia'.
Armor: 5/5
Offensive: 3
Defensive: 1
Special: Dark Ilia can automatically scan the area for hard-to-see enemies and fast projectiles.
Sometimes, Dark Ilia may temporarily take control to block said hard-to-see enemies or fast projectiles.
Dark Ilia can also talk through speakers and have a, although weak, consciousness of her own while in the game.
Dark Ilia have two swords as arms - swords are better at breaking through defenses than bare-hands are.

Experience: 0%

PenName15's character, Julius Nates.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Level: 0. XP: 0%
Lust level: 0. XP: 0%

Female shape: Takes 0 turns. Your female shape is your original self. It's the shape you want to avoid in combat, or you will most likely get raped!
Female shape stats:
Offensive: 2
Defensive: 1
Special: Original shape; If you get immobilized or hurt to too great an extent, you return to this shape automatically.

Experience: 0%

Male shape: Takes 1 turn. The male shape is a basic fighter, often used by rookie shapeshifters to train up their skills.
Male shape stats:
Offensive: 3
Defensive: 3
Special: None.

Experience: 0%

Shielding menace: Takes 3 turns to transform into shielding menace.
The desire to protect yourself and others cannot be hidden, and it bursts forth in your special shape. Consisting of a shield and just about no other visual changes from the female shape, Shielding menace makes it almost impossible to break through your defenses. And your defenses, is your allies defenses.
Shape can be used at any time.
If the shield break, you return to your normal female shape.
Armor: 4/4.
Offensive: 1
Defensive: 4
Special: No passive specialties.

Special starter ability:
The mark: Once you shift into this form, you get a simply choice. You may mark the person you want to automatically protect throughout the game. This mark cannot be changed without shift in and out of this shape. At any time the mark is under attack, you will instantaneously teleport in front of the mark with your shield first, making the shield take the damage instead of the mark.

Experience: 0%

Angel_Slayer_Alcatraz's character, Yukari Shinjiro.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Level: 0. XP: 10%
Lust level: 0. XP: 25%

Female shape: Takes 0 turns. Your female shape is your original self. It's the shape you want to avoid in combat, or you will most likely get raped!
Female shape stats:
Offensive: 2
Defensive: 1
Special: Original shape; If you get immobilized or hurt to too great an extent, you return to this shape automatically.

Experience: 10%

Male shape: Takes 1 turn. The male shape is a basic fighter, often used by rookie shapeshifters to train up their skills.
Male shape stats:
Offensive: 3
Defensive: 3
Special: None.

Experience: 10%

Yellow flamer: Takes 3 turns to transform into this shape.
Your emotions burn strong like a flame and change with the blow of the wind – so it seemed obvious that your special shape was designed like a flame. The powerful yellow glow can burn enemies, but also hurt yourself in the progress. Speed is also one of the benefits of this shape, along with ranged magic.
This shape can be used at any time.
This shape cannot equip armor.
This shape is sexually immune. The shape must be canceled before the shapeshifter can be raped.
The Yellow flame has a humanoid shape, but consists entirely of flames and charcoal. As the name suggests, the color of the flames surrounding this shape's charcoal body, is yellow, the eyes red.
Magic: 3
Offensive: 1
Defensive: 0
Special: You take 1 damage every turn while in this shape.
You're 1.5 times as fast as a normal shape.

Special starter abilities:
Yellow flame: Shoots out a yellow and magical flame that is likely to burn your enemy.
Red flame: Shoots out a red magical orb engulfed in flames that is likely to blow your enemy away.

Experience: 0%

BlueLight's character, Lina.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Level: 0. XP: 0%
Lust level: 0. XP: 0%

Male shape: Takes 1 turn. The male shape is a basic fighter, often used by rookie shapeshifters to train up their skills.
Male shape stats:
Offensive: 3
Defensive: 3
Special: None.

Experience: 0%

Vagabond trickster: You can at all times turn into this shape without the cost of any time at all.
At the very heart of Lina's subconsciousness, provoking people to see new and entertaining reactions is her most heartfelt desire.
With a mix of an incredibly agility, annoying moves and strong counters, the Vagabond trickster is a true nuisance. One womans nerves is another womans laughter!
However, with a very thin body-structure, the Vagabond trickster is more susceptible to damage.
This shape replaces the standard female shape. Can be used at any time.
The shape looks exactly like your female shape would have.
Offensive: 2
Defensive: 2
Special: Original shape; If you get immobilized or hurt to a too great an extent, you return to this shape automatically. This shape replaces your female shape completely.
This shape is thrice as agile as a normal shape. This doesn't make it able to sprint or jump better, but allows it to dodge and do crazy stunts with great mobility.

Special starter skills:
Counter: PASSIVE. Whenever an enemy attacks, you have a very small chance to counter said attack.
Dodgy: When you use dodge, you gain a small chance to dodge attacks for the next 3 turns.
Turning the tables: Whenever you break free of a sexual grapple, you can choose to try and turn the tables and raise the enemies lust by 1 before breaking free. This is a very risky ability, as failure will mean you get caught in a grapple again.
Counter-lust: PASSIVE. Whenever someone raises your lust, there is a small chance your hands, teasing moans and moves increases the lust of the aggressor.

Experience: 0%

Berserkerhorn's character, Cassie.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Level: 0. XP: 0%
Lust level: 0. XP: 0%

Female shape: Takes 0 turns. Your female shape is your original self. It's the shape you want to avoid in combat, or you will most likely get raped!
Female shape stats:
Offensive: 2
Defensive: 1
Special: Original shape; If you get immobilized or hurt to too great an extent, you return to this shape automatically.

Experience: 0%

Male shape: Takes 1 turn. The male shape is a basic fighter, often used by rookie shapeshifters to train up their skills.
Male shape stats:
Offensive: 3
Defensive: 3
Special: None.

Experience: 0%

Identifying mirror: Takes 1 turn to transform into this shape.
With the lack of social contact, it has been hard to identify yourself throughout the ages. A desire to see yourself from the eyes of others have lead your subconscious to design an incredibly odd special shape, undefined to begin with, slowly taking form as you start to identify yourself. The shape will use the version of yourself that another person have in order to create a temporary shape.
Can only be used if there is an enemy nearby.
Before the special ability has been used, you look like a glass-human, undefined and unknown.
Offensive: 0+?
Defensive: 0+?
Special: By using the first impression of an enemy of your choice, you gain special temporary abilities and powers. When leveled, the shape will change name and gain a permanent shape.

Experience: 0%

Smithy level 0. You're able to smith copper bars and thats about it.
Last edited by laa on Tue Jul 24, 2012 9:09 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Joined: Sun Jan 08, 2012 7:46 pm

Re: Shapeshifters - Genetics IC. (Under construction)

Postby laa » Tue Jul 17, 2012 8:58 pm

Yukari's inventory, rankings and coin status:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Coin: 1.
PvE: Notitle. Progression: 1%.
PvP: Notitle.

1 patch of cat fur.

Boring gray male costume. Durability: 1/1.
Boring gray female costume. Durability: 1/1.

Jessica's inventory, rankings and gold stats:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Coin: 0.
PvE: Notitle. Progression: 0.5%.
PvP: Notitle.

Boring gray male costume. Durability: 1/1.
Boring gray female costume. Durability: 1/1.

Maria's inventory, rankings and gold stats:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

[spoiler]Coin: 0.
PvE: Notitle. Progression: 0.5%.
PvP: Notitle.

Catnip. Lures neko's if used before entering the wild.

Claire's inventory, rankings and gold stats:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

[spoiler]Coin: 3.
PvE: Notitle. Progression: 2%.
PvP: Notitle.

Catnip. Lures neko's if used before entering the wild.
1 Patch of fur. Can be used to craft tiny pieces of leather.

Boring gray male costume. Durability: 1/1.
Boring gray female costume. Durability: 1/1.

Ilia's inventory, rankings and gold stats:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Coin: 0.
PvE: Notitle.
PvP: Notitle.

Boring gray male costume. Durability: 1/1.
Boring gray female costume. Durability: 1/1.

Julianne's inventory, rankings and coin status:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Coin: 0.
PvE: Notitle.
PvP: Notitle.

Boring gray male costume. Durability: 1/1.
Boring gray female costume. Durability: 1/1.

Lyl's inventory, rankings and coin status:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Coin: 0.
PvE: Notitle.
PvP: Notitle.

Catnip. Lures nekos if used before entering the wild.

Boring gray male costume. Durability: 1/1.
Boring gray female costume. Durability: 1/1.

Cassie's inventory, rankings and gold stats:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Coin: 0.
PvE: Notitle.
PvP: Notitle.

Refilled water bottle. Negates 1 exhaustion.

Copper short sword. Increases effect of offensive stats by a little and increases pain dealt by a little.

Boring gray male costume. Durability: 1/1.
Boring gray female costume. Durability: 1/1.
Last edited by laa on Wed Jul 25, 2012 9:02 pm, edited 20 times in total.
Joined: Sun Jan 08, 2012 7:46 pm

Re: Shapeshifters - Genetics IC. (Under construction)

Postby laa » Tue Jul 17, 2012 8:58 pm

Reserved for special event information, such as tournaments.
Joined: Sun Jan 08, 2012 7:46 pm

Re: Shapeshifters - Genetics IC. (Under construction)

Postby laa » Tue Jul 17, 2012 8:59 pm

Reserved for a map, if I'm ever going to make one.
Joined: Sun Jan 08, 2012 7:46 pm

Re: Shapeshifters - Genetics IC. (Under construction)

Postby laa » Tue Jul 17, 2012 8:59 pm

Known common shapes (AKA, not special shapes or starter shapes) :

Collected gene points:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Neko: 6 points.

Neko: 2 points.

Neko shape.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Neko level 0; Requires 5 neko gene points.
Takes 1 turn to transform into.
In the beginning, the neko shape doesn't add a lot to the original shape. Except from a slight increase in agility, this shape is still very premature.
This shape can be used at any time.
This shape looks the same as the female shape in every way.
Offensive: 2
Defensive: 1
Special: You're 1.2 times as agile as a normal shape, making you able to do more acrobatic stunts.
Owned by: Yukari.
Last edited by laa on Tue Jul 24, 2012 9:11 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Joined: Sun Jan 08, 2012 7:46 pm

Re: Shapeshifters - Genetics IC. (Under construction)

Postby laa » Tue Jul 17, 2012 9:00 pm

Reserved; Just in case.
Joined: Sun Jan 08, 2012 7:46 pm

Re: Shapeshifters - Genetics IC. (Now open!)

Postby laa » Tue Jul 17, 2012 9:01 pm

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

I will mainly do two kinds of storytelling.
The one includes an actual storyteller. Whenever the story-teller speaks, the text is likely to be relevant to a larger group of people or it may have importance for the progression of the roleplay, so everyone have to read it. The storyteller is often dramatic and sometimes may refer to itself. Why? I'll keep you guessing.
The second is a point-of-view storyteller; IE, your character's point of view. PoV's are written in 2nd person and will often refer to how your character proceeds and that which is perceived on an individual level.

A combat overview combines the two above. A combat overview will tell you how well your character executed a move and how enemy moves affected the character.

If you have any questions, go ahead and ask me in the OOC.
Have fun! :)

Lyl's PoV:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Special shapes? What was the robot talking about? Also, wasn't this supposed to be a shooter game? Questions bugged your mind up, only to be abruptly disturbed by the robot.

“I will now connect your subconscious to the game in order to design the perfect special shape for you.”

Woah. Your subconscious? Was that even possible?
Before thinking it all through, a range of visions filled with regretful moments throughout your life where you had done something naïve. Things where you had wanted a second chance. Then, as suddenly as the visions had filled your mind, they ended.

“Connection established.
Shape created.
Name: Last stand.
Special: Last stand is made to give you a second chance when you're down.
More info can be found under character management.”

Last stand? You couldn't help but wonder how this shape would look.

“I will now force shift you into your last-stand shape.”

All of a sudden, you're wearing metallic armor on your arms and legs, and an explosion bursts out of everything you can call skin.

“Your special shape can only be activated when your lust is fully activated. When it's activated, an explosion will occur and your lust will decrease by 1.

This is all the tutorial will offer! If you have no further questions, I will shift you back into your female form and send you on your way to the city.”

Maria's PoV:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Oooh! A special shape! Even though it's your subconscious that's designed your special shape, you're almost certain that your perversions stem from a deeper place within yourself. Worst case scenario would be to get some kind of nun character that was immune to sexual intercourse. Yuck.

“I will now connect your subconscious to the game in order to design the perfect special shape for you.”

Awaiting your fate, you stand still and close your eyes. Visions of all the times you've ranted, of all the anger not vented for one or the other reason, all the faces you want to punch in, and all the people you want to have sex with fly by your eyes. Then, suddenly, the visions ended.

“Connection established.
Shape created.
Name: Red tail berserker.
Special: Red tail berserker is designed to go all-out from the beginning and to dominate the enemy. It's tail has the special ability to cum, even though the Red tail berserker is female.
More info can be found under character management.”

Red tail berserker? Sounded like you could smash some heads into oblivion with that shape. Not bad.

“I will now force shift you into your Red tail berserker shape.”

Suddenly, you feel your heart smash through your chest, the blood pumping forth and back so fast, that the blood returning back to your heart still seems like its filled with oxygen. Your skin gains a shade of red, and bloody red hair falls down from your head. On your back, the tickling sensation of a tail can be felt, almost as if it was penetrating your skin from the inside. You're not quite sure if it's just your eyes that's fooling you, but your breasts seems kind of perky right now.

“Your special shape can only be activated when you or your allies have been damaged. For every 5th damage point received, the shape will grow in strength.

This is all the tutorial will offer! If you have no further questions, I will shift you back into your female form and send you on your way to the city.”

Jessi's PoV:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

It was finally about to happen. Your special shape, eh? It probably wasn't anything extreme... But... The idea of having a shape individual to you seemed kind of nice. A shape that only you had. A shape only you could show off.

“I will now connect your subconscious to the game in order to design the perfect special shape for you.”

You closed your eyes, awaiting the special shape with excitement.
Visions flew by you. However, most of the visions weren't actually visions, they were more like emotions. A desire to sprint through the unknown. A desire to do the impossible in a world unlike your own. To travel. To discover. A desire to show off. Then, visions of all those you've helped in the past and all those you wanted to help but couldn't, flashed before your eyes.
Suddenly, the visions and emotions ended.

“Connection established.
Shape created.
Name: Light bone.
Special: Light bone is an incredibly fast shape with an amazing healing capability, although completely devoid of offensive abilities. In fact, any attack will heal the enemy instead of hurting the enemy.
More info can be found under character management.”

Light bone? If your shape was as fast as you were told, then would that mean you would be able to sprint even faster than you could in your normal shape? Imagining it send chills down your spine.

“I will now force shift you into your Light bone shape.”

In what felt like a flash, you suddenly felt yourself dissolve into a strange light. You look down, an realize your shape have already changed into that of Light bone. What you see is a strange yellow-ish light that almost seem liquid, roaming inside the shape of a human being. Except from your head, hands and feet, there seems to be a thing bone-structure of a human, without the rib-cage. You had never imagined something so sparkly to become your special shape.

“Your special shape is able to move three times as fast and jump three times as high as other shapes. Also, you're able to shoot out streaming light to heal people at a distance.

This is all the tutorial will offer! If you have no further questions, I will shift you back into your female form and send you on your way to the city.”

Claire's PoV:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Special shapes. You wonder what kind of a shape you're going to get? If it's based off from the subconscious, then what will that mean for your shape? It's hard to predict, but you're guessing it won't be something with shiny guns sticking out of your sides.

“I will now connect your subconscious to the game in order to design the perfect special shape for you.”

You close your eyes, awaiting your special shape.
Visions of calm situations, relaxing situations and a general sense of balance calmly passes by your eyes. The visions all include casual situations without drama, and then the one ocassional scene of a bully or a discussion, but that was all.
Feeling almost sleepy when the vision ends, you snap your eyes open just before loosing your balance.

“Connection established.
Shape created.
Name: Root feet
Special: Unable to move, root feet is a strong healer that requires careful protection. At daytime, you can heal with far superior strength to most other healers, while at night-time, you're an average healer.
More info can be found under character management.”

Root feet? Unable to move? Isn't that a bad thing?
Being able to heal those you like and those you want to protect didn't sound like a bad thing. In fact, you can only be happy that you're able to support those you like.

“I will now force shift you into your Root feet shape.”

The strangest feeling emits from your feet. Suddenly, the lower part of your legs start becoming brown before splitting into many pieces of a strange wood-type. These were probably the roots. Slowly, they dug their way into the ground. As you had dug your way into the ground, a surge of energy spread from your roots over to your hands. When you looked at your hands, all you could see were green leaves shaping what used to be your hands. You tried feeling your own hand with your chin, and the feeling of soft and lush leaves was almost addicting. Then, you notice you skin have gained a strange green shade to it.

“Your special shape is able to heal others far far away from yourself with great accuracy and power by channeling the energy of the sun.

This is all the tutorial will offer! If you have no further questions, I will shift you back into your female form and send you on your way to the city.”

Abigail's PoV:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Yes! Your special shape! You already knew that it was this shape that you would be training the most. Reading up on the special shapes on the Internet, you know that even though some shapes start out weak, every special shape is generally stronger than the average shapes. With all your gaming experience, you were confident you'd get something cool!

“I will now connect your subconscious to the game in order to design the perfect special shape for you.”

You close your eyes. You've read that this makes the 'experience' or whatever more powerful. Not that it's the experience of talking to your inner self that you came for.
Visions blur fourth of moments of devastation in games. Structures falling. Enemies bleeding. Heads shot off. In the middle of the carnage of your visions, a voice reaches out for your ear. “... I live... I exist... I will destroy in your name, for you are my creator...” The voice disappears and your eyes snap open, the visions gone.

“Connection established.
Shape created.
Name: Dark Ilia.
Special: Dark Ilia is a rare talking shape. Ilia is a mountable mecha that has a weak consciousness of its own. Being made from the concept of violent gaming over several years, Dark Ilia only knows of such destruction, and of course, teamwork.
More info can be found under character management.”

A conscious special shape? You've read about this, and knew that it was quite rare for this to happen. The three main reasons for a conscious special shape was:
1: If a concept had grown in importance to you over several years.
2: If you've reached a high state of enlightenment.
3: If you've ignored a strong aspect of yourself over several years.
Number 1 was most definitely the case for you. Excitement tickled your very spine.

“I will now force shift you into your Dark Ilia shape.”

Expecting for it to be you that turned into Dark Ilia, you were in for a surprise. Instead of a tickle or a strange feeling of some kind, the earth began to rumble. You looked down to see a crack in the crust of the earth right where you stood. Suddenly, up from the ground came a dark robot with an incredibly strong aura. Blood. Spikes. Skulls. And then this darkness that surrounded it. Even you feared it for a moment.
When the robot had jumped out from the ground, you hadn't even partially lost your balance for some reason. The robot grabbed you, as the cockpit opened up like a cocoon. This is when you realize you're about 10 meters up in the air. Your eyes widen as you and the robot falls down with an ever-increasing speed. Just before you land, you're sucked into the cocoon-like cockpit before it closes up again. As you land, you can feel the robot shake like hell, but it doesn't seem to be even slightly bothered by it.
“I'm Dark Ilia. Together, our enemy players will see their demise by my sword! That, is a promise. However, I will not allow you to control when I'll appear. No. I will only appear if I sense a strong presence. If you dare to try and force me out, I will kick. Your. Ass. So hard, that you'll end up on the moon. Capiche?”

“Dark Ilia cannot be manually used. Only Dark Ilia herself will decide when and why she wants to arrive. Also, it is common from conscious shapes to be able to talk even though they aren't activated.

This is all the tutorial will offer! If you have no further questions, I will shift you back into your female form and send you on your way to the city.”

Julius' PoV:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Your special shape, eh? You weren't too comfortable about showing your world something like that. It would be like showing the depths of your mind to a complete stranger. And that's no good. It felt like you were playing poker and had the options to show your cards whenever you wanted to. Oh well. Probably isn't going to be too problematic.

“I will now connect your subconscious to the game in order to design the perfect special shape for you.”

Here goes nothing.
In an extremely abrupt manner, visions flash by your eyes. Visions of honor. Visions of defense. Visions of those you cared for, and the many times you've stood up for them to make sure they wouldn't fall in the struggle to get a good life.
As suddenly as the visions had appeared, they disappear again.

“Connection established.
Shape created.
Name: Shielding menace.
Special: Being of an extremely defensive nature, Shielding menace is able to keep your most valued ally safe and yourself at the same time. It will take a proper fist to even scratch your shield. Also, the shape takes form as a small but incredibly sturdy buckler.
More info can be found under character management.”

A shield? That must mean your shape was a defensive type of shape? That didn't sound too bad. However, knowing that this shape was directly linked to your subconscious self, you knew that there was a deeper meaning behind the origins of the shield. But what?

“I will now force shift you into your Shielding menace shape.”

You could see a strange liquid steel escape from the center of your palm, slowly putting together the sturdiest-looking buckler you had seen in a long while. With a blue visual and a plus symbol on the front, you felt safe already. But that wasn't all. It was as if your bones had become sturdier, for you felt like nothing could hurt you right now.

“Whenever you shift into Shielding menace, you will have to choose a target. Right now, that target is me, so if anything attacks me, you will instantaneously transport in front of me to take the blow, and then back again. You will barely notice you're gone. This mark can't be changed unless you shift out of the shape and into it again, even if the said mark losses. If there are no allies, you will simply have no mark to protect.

This is all the tutorial will offer! If you have no further questions, I will shift you back into your female form and send you on your way to the city.”

Yukari's PoV:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

A variety of moods fell upon you when you heard the robot mention 'special shapes'. This was one of the features the game was fabled for. The ability to create individual shapes based on the persons subconscious. Perhaps you'd even get a special shape from Persona?

“I will now connect your subconscious to the game in order to design the perfect special shape for you.”

You closed your eyes, awaiting nothing but exciting results.
Suddenly, you feel some strong emotions spur within you. The first to great you is a warm and caring emotion. The next is a cheerful and relaxing emotion. Then, a fire of rage spreads within you, before slowly fading away again. Your subconscious seems to consist of a wide variety of emotions, rather than experiences. However, for just half a second, visions of Persona scenes flash by your eyes just to disappear again.

“Connection established.
Shape created.
Name: Yellow flamer.
Special: Yellow flame is a magical shape with the ability to do very efficient ranged attacks at will. Not only that, but Yellow flame is also fast, which makes it able to partially outmaneuver other enemies who tries to get close.
More info can be found under character management.”

Yellow flame? So your energetic personality is what has embedded itself into the core of yourself? Interesting! You can't help but wonder what the shape looks like. Except it's most likely gonna be flamey.

“I will now force shift you into your Yellow flamer shape.”

A strange feeling spreads within. It starts within your heart, almost feeling like its on fire. Then slowly, it spreads. In a humongous burst of fire, you whole body slowly shrinks into that of charcoal, the fire replacing the loss in size. Although the process could seem painful, it actually felt nice. Like a huge burst of excitement and not pain. After just a couple of seconds, you realize you're feeling almost hysterical or, so to speak, extremely happy for no good reason. You're suspecting even your eyes are made of fire right now!

“Yellow flamer deals one damage to yourself every turn, so be careful. Your special shape moves 1.5 times faster than a normal shape. Also, you can choose to fire yellow flames or red flames out of your arms. This is your magic. Red flames is a simple one-time blast of fire, while the yellow flame sets the enemy on fire and damages them over time.

This is all the tutorial will offer! If you have no further questions, I will shift you back into your female form and send you on your way to the city.”

Lina's PoV:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Special shapes? What the hell is the strange voice-thingy talking about? Weird... Maybe it's broken?

“I will now connect your subconscious to the game in order to design the perfect special shape for you.”

“No way! That's my subconscious-thing!”; The bot didn't really react to your words though.
Before you realized what was going on, suddenly, visions blurred your sight. Visions of your greatest moments when the owner of a museum had been taped to a corner while you ran away with most of his artwork. Good times. Other similar events of success and perhaps even glory flashes in front of your eyes. Feats. Pranks. Hilarious.
As suddenly as the visions had started, they end.

“Connection established.
Shape created.
Name: Vagabond trickster.
Special: This is a special shape, as it replaces your original female shape and gets the same benefits that an original shape has. Besides that, the shape is designed to counter enemy attacks and to dodge. Being thrice as agile as other shapes, strange acrobatic movements shouldn't be too difficult.
More info can be found under character management.”

You stare into the sky in confusion. “Say what now?”; the concept of a special shape was a little difficult for you to grasp.

“I will now force shift you into your Vagabond trickster shape. This will permanently remove your female shape. I apologize for any inconvenience that may cause.”

You're still glaring into the air. A slight tickle was all that you could feel physically, but it was more mentally like something snapped. As if you were reunited with someone, unsure of what that something may be. That something were your instincts from reality, you just didn't know that yet.

“Vagabond trickster is designed to annoy your enemy, especially dim-witted enemies that are unable to think fast or intuitively. With special moves, you're able to turn on your enemy, even when it's them that's trying to turn you on.

This is all the tutorial will offer! If you have no further questions, I send you on your way to the city.”

Cassie's PoV:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

A special shape, huh? A weird feeling went through you, when you realized you had no idea how your special shape would look like. Maybe something mysterious? Like a little girl with psychic abilities? Hmm, that would be an option... But something told you that it wasn't going to be that your shape would consist of.

“I will now connect your subconscious to the game in order to design the perfect special shape for you.”

You close your eyes. You've read that doing this will give you a better experience, but after waiting a while, nothing really happens, except a strange tickly feeling.

“Connection established.
Shape created.
Name: Identifying mirror.
Special: Changes depending on one of your enemies first impression of you.
More info can be found under character management.”

Your eyes sprung open in disbelief. “W-What?” From what you've read, you're supposed to get visions and emotions running through ones body, but there was simply nothing. “Why?... Is it a good thing?”

“I will now force shift you into your Identifying mirror shape.”

A strange feeling overwhelmed you. Slowly from the inside-out, your body was transformed into mirrors. Then, it was transformed again into digits and numbers. Looking like a Matrix-gif with 0's and 1's, you stare up at the bot and what it had just mentioned. “This must be how the bot sees me then...”

“Currently, as I'm the only one around, it's my first impression of you that has taken hold of your shape. In combat, similar things will happen, and this will change your abilities and your strength. Your shape will at some point take a permanent shape, dependent on what you experience while in the game.

This is all the tutorial will offer! If you have no further questions, I will shift you back into your female form and send you on your way to the city.”

You may now post!
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Re: Shapeshifters - Genetics IC. (Now open!)

Postby Angel_Slayer_Alcatraz » Tue Jul 17, 2012 9:08 pm

She didn't know what to expect! She needed to figure out what she was wearing-----NOTHING?!?!
She flipped out.....she need a uniform....or at least high cut armor.....she shivered
she nodded
"Yeah lets go to the city BEFORE I GO CRAZY!"
Last edited by Angel_Slayer_Alcatraz on Tue Jul 17, 2012 9:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Sae the mindin´ in yer heid
Unrowes afore yer een
Frae hours o´ sweet yestreen
Aye the ember deid in monie a heid
Fare ye well I´m pertin away
I say farewell tae the warld
Mind me weel
I say farewell tae the warld

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Re: Shapeshifters - Genetics IC. (Now open!)

Postby daxtinator396 » Tue Jul 17, 2012 9:14 pm

Jessi holds up her hands snd admires this new shape she found herself in."Woah wicked cool!" She says as she runs and jumps around feeling for all the world like a super heroine. She finally stopped in front of the tutorial bot and answered,"Yes I am ready to continue now! Oh the people I can help in this new shape. The places I can go!" She gushes to herself thinking about all the things she could do with this new ability,"Whisk me away to the city!" She cried enthusiastically.
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Re: Shapeshifters - Genetics IC. (Now open!)

Postby laa » Tue Jul 17, 2012 9:55 pm

Yukari's PoV:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

“As you wish. Safe travels in the city!”

Slowly, a darkness enveloped your vision. Then, a classical loading screen was all you could see with concept art of the main city. On the loading screen was a tooltip!

'Did you know: You can find places that will give out cheap clothing for free to newbies?'

After a short while, the screen disappears and instead appears a city filled with people. You were standing in the midst of at least a thousand other naked people – presumably all newbies. You know the game was for adults, but wasn't this a little over the top?

Right next to you is another naked girl. She has B-cup breasts and long crimson hair that's tied up in a ponytail. Her eyes are Emerald green and sparkles with energy. You did not yet know who this could be, though it was no one else than Jessi Eyre.

Jessi's PoV:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

“As you wish. Safe travels in the city!”

Slowly, a darkness enveloped your vision. Then, a classical loading screen was all you could see with concept art of the main city. On the loading screen was a tooltip!

'Did you know: Some shapes can be activated while out of combat! Experiment to see which shapes it is that can and which shapes it is that can't!'

After a short while, the screen disappears and isntead appears a city filled with people. You were standing in the midst of at least a thousand other naked people – presumable all newbies. You're more troubled by the fact that it seems to be impossible to get out of the crowed, more than the fact that everyone is naked.

Right next to you is another naked girl. She has short brown hair and about the same size breasts as you do. She has ruby red eyes and clean white teeth. You did not yet know who this could be, though it was no one else than Yukari Shinjiro.
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Re: Shapeshifters - Genetics IC. (Now open!)

Postby BlueLight » Tue Jul 17, 2012 9:57 pm

Lina looks around, unsure of the place she's in.
She's finds this insanely detailed. She doesn't know what expect next.
She also take inventory of her... well inventory. (She checks out what she's wearing)
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Re: Shapeshifters - Genetics IC. (Now open!)

Postby Angel_Slayer_Alcatraz » Tue Jul 17, 2012 10:00 pm

She became confused
"Well then.....This is weird" looks at the girl next to her
"Hi! Im Yukari! Who are you?"
Sae the mindin´ in yer heid
Unrowes afore yer een
Frae hours o´ sweet yestreen
Aye the ember deid in monie a heid
Fare ye well I´m pertin away
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Re: Shapeshifters - Genetics IC. (Now open!)

Postby daxtinator396 » Tue Jul 17, 2012 10:04 pm

"Hell there! I'm Jessica but you can call me Jessi if you'd like." She say's cheerfully,"Maybe we should find some clothes though?" She asks noticing she too was naked. Crushed between everyone she decides that maybe now was a good timee to try her new shape and starts the process of shifting into Lightbone,"Uhh Shift Lightbone?" She trys unsure of how it would work.
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Re: Shapeshifters - Genetics IC. (Now open!)

Postby Angel_Slayer_Alcatraz » Tue Jul 17, 2012 10:10 pm

She looked around
"that robot thing said something about a free clothing store somewhere around here..."
her stomach rumbled
"I am also hungry....."
Sae the mindin´ in yer heid
Unrowes afore yer een
Frae hours o´ sweet yestreen
Aye the ember deid in monie a heid
Fare ye well I´m pertin away
I say farewell tae the warld
Mind me weel
I say farewell tae the warld

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Re: Shapeshifters - Genetics IC. (Now open!)

Postby daxtinator396 » Tue Jul 17, 2012 10:18 pm

"I don't know how to make you not feel hungry sorry! But I suspect we should save any starting mone we got for armor and then make some more for food in the wilderness!"
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Re: Shapeshifters - Genetics IC. (Now open!)

Postby Angel_Slayer_Alcatraz » Tue Jul 17, 2012 10:23 pm

She laughs and twirls around, "FOOOOOOOD!!!!!!!!! That would be great!"
She is quite bubbly eh? how will you deal her.....
Sae the mindin´ in yer heid
Unrowes afore yer een
Frae hours o´ sweet yestreen
Aye the ember deid in monie a heid
Fare ye well I´m pertin away
I say farewell tae the warld
Mind me weel
I say farewell tae the warld

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Re: Shapeshifters - Genetics IC. (Now open!)

Postby daxtinator396 » Tue Jul 17, 2012 10:29 pm

"My aren't you excited! But it looks like we haven't any money... I guess we should head off into the unknown to get us some!
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Re: Shapeshifters - Genetics IC. (Now open!)

Postby laa » Tue Jul 17, 2012 10:37 pm

Lina's PoV:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

What the- There isn't anything!
When looking down your own body, you realize you're just as stark naked, just like anyone around you. Now, how to get out of this place?

Jessica's PoV:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

A small holographic display pops up in front of you. “Did you mean to say: 'Shapeshift – Lightbone'?” Below it are two words. “Yes” and “No”.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

I will only be necessary at times where you consult the random, menu's, NPC's or the like. Otherwise, RP away!
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Re: Shapeshifters - Genetics IC. (Now open!)

Postby Angel_Slayer_Alcatraz » Tue Jul 17, 2012 10:40 pm

"Hrmm....." she put her hand on her chin in a thinking pose
"I need a Naginata..." She begins pacing randomly
Sae the mindin´ in yer heid
Unrowes afore yer een
Frae hours o´ sweet yestreen
Aye the ember deid in monie a heid
Fare ye well I´m pertin away
I say farewell tae the warld
Mind me weel
I say farewell tae the warld

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