The galaxy is in turmoil after a galactic wide war between the Infamous Sith Empire, and the glorified Republic. The Sith struck a mighty blow at the Republic with the Treaty of Courcant, which handed star systems over to the Empire. A fragile peace is held while both sides recover from the conflict, gathering strength for another inevitable war. Heros emerge from both of the factions. Will they prove to be the saviors of their people, or will they pursue their own goals and leave the galaxy in darkness....
The Sith Empire
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Serena wakes to being dragged across a grimey floor, her hands shackled behind her back. Her vision is impaired as two large figures drag her through a poorly lit hallway. Yet again, she was taunted into another trap. Her mission was to observe Geruda the Hutts palace from the inside to see if the hutt was aiding the Republic by sending them supplys. She was chosen for the mission because she was both cunning and was a powerful enemy. She had posed as a famous mercenary so that the hutt would let her gain access to his palace. Unfortunetly, her cover was blown by an associate of the mercenary she was posing as and taunted her into a trap, placing her in her current predicament. The two figures dragged her through a doorway and dragged her to her feet in front of the vile gangster. "Why must you Imperials feel the urge to snoop around every corner of the galaxy, why have you infiltrated my castle Sith scum" the slimy Hutt said, licking his mouth with his large tounge.
Ike, Dnd, Alch
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Blaster bolts slammed into the metal barricades the three sith were hiding behind. Lucrezia, Jan, and Eona had yet again ran into another Tusken Raider ambush in the hot deserts of Tatooine. They had just finished up destroying a Republic settlement before they were ambushed by the natives. They had been friends since their training years and had never parted, facing the dangers of the galaxy together.
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The target Tel'lis was ordered to assassinate came into view. He emerged from a cantina, traveling with a group of bodyguards. He was the wealthy owner of a buisness that constructed battledroids for the Republic. The imperial that contacted her offered her a large sum of money and parts for her ship that had been damaged by a pirate vessal. The target entered a warehouse, leaving his guards to watch the entrance. Tel'lis was in the middle of a marketsquare, casually leaning against a food stand.
The Galactic Republic
Chibi, Zender
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The two Jedi had been sent to Hoth to help aid in the recovery of survivors of ships that had crashed into the planets surface during the last war. Many were taken hostage by the aggresive natives while other set up makeshift houses with the equipment they could salvage from their ship. The two jedi stood on the ledge of a canyon that dropped 100 meters. They were in enviromental suits to avoid freezing to death from the insanely cold temperatures of the harsh planet. The two jedi were Seta and Shelby, who were sent together to ensure their safety if caught in a predicament. Smoke rose from the canyon and small fires were visible from the ledge on which they were standing.