Crystal Warriors CS

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Crystal Warriors CS

Postby Taria » Thu Jul 12, 2012 2:24 pm

This thread if for character sheets only.
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Re: Crystal Warriors CS

Postby jayjaycaps » Fri Jul 13, 2012 6:05 am

Character Sheet:
Title: Jason, The Titan of War
Faction: Dawnbright
Class: Melee

Stats: Distribute 25 points
Strength- 9
Intellect- 3
Dexterity- 3
Will- 9

Character Lore: A calculative, ruthless, callous soldier, Jason is most well known for his sadistic nature. Jason dominates other's minds, leaving them too scared to fight off his physical attacks.

Primary Skills:
- Blink: Allows Jason (and 1 other person he is in physical contact with) to teleport a short distance (Maximum of 30 feet away), if he can see where he is going to end up. Deals no damage, but demoralizes the enemy. (Maximum of 2 per turn)
- War Cry: Jason lets loose a demoralizing shout, bolstering his own and his allies will, while draining his enemies. Deals no damage, but buffs/drains will. (Maximum of 1 per turn)
- Sadistic Nature: Feeding off his weakened opponent's will to fight, Jason will bolster himself. Based on his opponent's will, Jason buffs his Strength, Intellect, Dexterity and Will. (Total Enemy Will - Remaining Will / 2 = Strength of Buff)

Ultimate Skills:
- Nightmare Realm: Jason turns the entire world around him into one of a nightmare. Each opponent sees the world around them differently, based on their deepest fears. The ensuing mass of nightmarish events will leave his enemies in shambles (minus a huge amount of will), and strengthen Jason (Buff EVERYTHING, based on amount of will drained). Jason and his allies will not see the world any differently. Deals no damage, but greatly reduces will/buffs Jason.
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Re: Crystal Warriors CS

Postby berserkerhorn » Fri Jul 13, 2012 4:13 pm

Character Sheet:
Title: Cassie, The Steel Dropper
Class: Ranged

Stats: Distribute 25 points
Stength- 5
Intellect- 5
Dexterity- 8
Will- 7

Character appearance:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

castanic_s05.jpg (49.34 KiB) Viewed 899 times

Character Lore: An old fighter in advanced times. She deals ranged area damage to help her comrades.

Primary Skills:
- Volley: shoots multiple arrows, can effect multiple targets within 40 feet. deals medium damage (crowd control). makes enemies move slower by 30% for a certain amount of time
- arrow launcher: shoots a giant fast flying arrow that hits enemies in a straight line (high damage)
- explosive arrow: shoots an arrow that explodes upon impact. high damage. causes stun to enemies within range of explosion (3 feet)

Ultimate Skills:
- Arrow storm: a storm of arrows (150 arrows) that rains down upon the enemy. (high damage). CC can either be fear (1/4), slow (2/5), or stun(3/6). roll 6 sided die for effect.
Last edited by berserkerhorn on Sat Jul 21, 2012 4:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Crystal Warriors CS

Postby That_One_Guy » Sat Jul 14, 2012 1:59 pm

Title: Garian, The Devil's Advocate
Faction: Helmgald
Class: Melee

Stats: Distribute 25 points
Stength- 10
Intellect- 5
Dexterity- 5

Character Appearance: Short black hair, sky-blue eyes, tanned skin, black leather armor, coat, boots, pants, and gloves, white undershirt.

Primary Skills:
-Caressing Wave(movement slowed by 5% per hit)
-Lustful Blast(regular attacks miss while active)
-Sexual Groping(unable to move or use abilities for a short duration)
(all of which increase lust in the enemy, if possible)
Ultimate Skills:
-Fire blade(a heavy attack with a sword, causes massive damage and deals damage over time, if enemy is female, then they do not suffer from the damage over time, but they will suffer sexual arousal over time)
Last edited by That_One_Guy on Sat Jul 14, 2012 5:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Crystal Warriors CS

Postby Taria » Sat Jul 14, 2012 5:10 pm

Title: Haley, The Widget Wonder
Faction: Degideck
Class: Mage

Stats: Distribute 25 points
Stength- 3
Intellect- 11
Dexterity- 4
Will- 7

Character Appearance: Haley is a diminuitive and somewhat clumsy-looking figure, wearing an oversized leather lab coat and a wacky pair of goggles on her head. For whatever reason she seems to be toting a large satchel of wrenches on her side. Her face and hands are sullied with grease. On her cheeks are some cute little whiskers that wiggle through the air whenever she wiggles her nose. Her dirty blonde hair is held up by her goggles in a neat ponytail.

Character Lore: Reknown for her genious level intellect ever since she was a little girl, Haley first began her life as a Crystal Warrior when a strange accident caused her to gain a connection to the links of energy that connect crystal worlds, mutating her physical form. Even though permanantly altered, her youthful enthusiasm remains strong as she prances about the fields of battle, somehow always finding scrap to build her deadly machines that do all the fighting for her.
"One man's trash... is my lazer!"

Primary Skills:
-Engineer, NUPE-TOOB: After a short period of channeling, Haley installs her patented self-automated NUPE-TOOB, a device that will target any enemy unit within a certain distance and periodically lob explosive aoe missiles in their direction until it is destroyed. (max: 2)
-Scatter pincer drones: Haley tosses a swarm of annoying pincer drones in a small area at a short range. Anyone caught in this effect is painfully pinched all over for minimal damage, slowing them by 30%. They automatically short out after some delay.
- Engineer, rata-tat-gat: After a short period of channeling, Haley installs a gattling turret that will target the first enemy unit to step into its range, peppering it with a deadly barrage of bullets until it is destroyed. (max: 1)

Ultimate Skills:
-Engineer, Ultimate Lazer: After a long period of channeling, Haley completes a GIANT ASS LAZER out of mere scrap. It fires a single beam of energy that reaches 50ft, dealing magic damage to any enemy champions caught in the blast. Enemies dealt damage by the lazer have reduced physical and magic resistances for 10 seconds.
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Re: Crystal Warriors CS

Postby MiscChaos » Tue Jul 17, 2012 11:24 am

Title: Leo, The Red Tooth
Faction: Seltercole
Class: Melee

Strength- 7
Intellect- 4
Dexterity- 8
Will- 6

Character Appearance: Leo, while not the largest champion around, his built with a kind of lean strength comparable to his animal companions, the tiger, complete with long, sharp, claw-like nails and a tiger pelt robe (think George of the Jungle cartoon). Middle of the back length hair and skin color both dark as so to blend with the darkness of the jungle better, the only thing his prey sees before death is a pair of yellow eyes and red teeth.

Character Lore: The western jungles of Seltercole are mostly avoided for one very good reason: they are Leo's territory. Completely at one with nature and his animal instinct after mostly growing up there, Leo has become the alpha predator of the area, it becoming hard to tell where the animal and human parts of him begin and end. If given enough prior warning, then Leo will get the other predators of the area to back off while a group traverses through the jungle. But traveler should still be wary of destroying a part of the forest or doing any untoward things while in it, or they'll find that Leo's leniency quickly dries up and they become just another one of his prey.
"I give you lead. Run fast, I want hunt be FUN!"

Primary Skills:

The Hunt Begins!- Leo focuses his senses to the cutting edge, allowing him to sniff out those who would otherwise elude his allies. It being his senses and all, the range is on the small side. If using Awakens! at the same time, the range of the skill is drastically increased and he lashes out when he finds someone, letting his fellow champions know the location of new prey and leaving a bleeding claw mark on the affected champions. This mark clears up quickly, but if attacked while the mark is active, the enemy becomes terrified of the attacker. (Once per turn)

Haunting Aura- Leo simply exudes feral amounts of killing intend, sending the champion it's focused on fleeing in terror. The effects of it are weaker everytime he uses it on an enemy champion, the enemy acclimating to the Aura. If using Awakens! at the same time, the enemy is terrified for a longer period of time and, if already terrified, reduces their resistance to physical attacks, the overwhelming fear causing them to drop their guards. (Once per turn)

Thrill of the Hunt!- Seeing his prey run from him triggers every instinct he has to go chase them down to deliver the killing blow. If a nearby enemy is in terror, Leo temporarily gains medium strength vs that champion. If using Awakens! at the same time, Leo becomes cloaked and dashes at a terrified enemy. Since they never knew their status as prey until it wass too late, they are stunned when he hits them. (Only usable on terrified enemies)

Ultimate Skill

The Ultimate Predator Awakens!- The prey refusing to go down easy excites Leo, causing him to haul himself into overdrive to meet the threat. Awakens! improves his previous skills for a good duration and increases his strength and dexterity by a little bit.
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Re: Crystal Warriors CS

Postby Taria » Fri Jul 20, 2012 3:55 am

Title: Serene, The Unstable Growth
Faction: Seltercole
Class: Melee

Stats: Distribute 25 points
Stength- 4
Intellect- 8
Dexterity- 3
Will- 10

Character Appearance: Serene's basic form is that of a Dryad's. Her skin is an exotic almond color and she is very curvacious. Her hair is a chocolate brown and her eyes a verdant green. However, as her powers develope and grow, many tree like aspects can be seen to develope. Her skin texture may become thick and grainy, like the bark of a tree. Branches and leaves may extend from her limbs, and she can even develope thick roots that extend into the ground.

Character Lore: Serene was but a simple tree fairy before the Crystal Wars, but those days are far behind her. The magical backlash from the emergence of the crystals brought about the end to her beloved tree, and now she rages untether, infused with detremental arcane powers and a thrist for vengence.
"HAve you ever considered settling down with someone? I could use a good fertilizer."

Primary Skills:
-Treant Form: Serene transforms into an armored tree, doubling her base strenght while this ability remains active.
-Floral Growth: Serene brings the earth to life in a straight line in front of her. All enemies caught in this skill take light magic damage and become snared.
-Mighty Crash: Serene's arms form mighty branches that she slams into an enemy champion within melee range, dealing heavy physical damage and stunning the target. After the initial impact, the branches shatter in a cone, damaging all other enemies to a lesser extent with painful splinters.

Ultimate Skills:
-Take Root: Serene buries her limbs into the ground and becomes one with the earth. After a short delay, all enemy champions within the area become snared and begin to get sapped of their will. The sapped will then blooms into succulent fruits that drop onto the ground. These fruits are delicious, but have no effect on combat.
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