MiM (hacked) - On Hiatus since Feb 17, 2013

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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated June 29, 2012

Postby Blargh » Sat Jun 30, 2012 3:34 pm

CS4 version of this update is here: http://www.mediafire.com/?09juivpr9y99p0w.

shadowchaos5150 Wrote:In the underground area, when you get fucked by the bob-omb you get stuck in an infinite loop

Well, the fix is in now. There's still an issue related to the wall (not actually caused by the bomb), but I put in some checkpoint barriers so it's not game-breaking anymore. The good part is that these bombs should count toward the gallery unlock as well (I need more time to re-work the gallery to get the Bloopers in there).
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated June 29, 2012

Postby LuftMallow » Sun Jul 01, 2012 5:59 am

I've noticed Blaziken is missing her face except her eyes. I'm trying think of anything to add to the Yoshi and Spacer outfits. The Yoshi one had a head piece at one point but I didn't like the way it turned out.
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated June 29, 2012

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Mon Jul 02, 2012 2:12 pm

Blargh Wrote:Cool! I'm starting to get my head back in the game, but I'm not all there yet. >_>

Its done! ;)
(topic with SWF for you to see) viewtopic.php?f=7&t=2265
(the FLA - updated 1.13b) https://rapidshare.com/files/1279289310 ... _1.13b.rar

Go to level 2, then take the frog suit and descend to the ground (or go outside of the water).
I'll be showing the code below (the right areas to change).

I can also apply the code directly into your code (but I think you should do that without too much hassle. 1- take my FLA - 2-copy/pasta the four peach states in char.character (standfrogleft, standfrogright, walkfrogleft, walkfrogright) - standfrog has only 1 animation (steady state) and walkfrog, 16 animation frames. The others are mirrors. 3- dont overwrite anything, just paste - 4- fix something , 5- include code to peach on object in all levels (you know, have to replicate to all peaches).

The code to be added to Peach on object (when pressing RIGHT) :
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Below, (!_root.frog_movement) in the first else is the normal peach walking speed. I preferred to use this logic.
Also, you can disable ' _root.underwater ' and any IF logic with it, in case you dont want to let her walk slower if shes touching ground in the water.

Code: Select All Code
        if (Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD))
          if (!_root.frog_movement and _root.underwater and _root.touchingGround)
             setProperty("", _x, _x + 3); //walk slow underwater
                else if (_root.frog_walking and _root.touchingGround)
                setProperty("", _x, _x + 10);
               setProperty("", _x, _x + _root.char.charspeed);
            peach_right = true;
             if (_root.underwater and !_root.touchingGround)
             else if (_root.frog_movement and _root.touchingGround)
             _root.char.grav = -10;
            else if (!_root.frog_movement)

        else if (peach_right)
           if (!_root.frog_movement and _root.underwater and !_root.touchingGround)
               else if (_root.frog_movement && _root.touchingGround)
          else if (_root.frog_movement)
        } // end else if

Now, code while pressing LEFT:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Code: Select All Code
 if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA))
         if (!_root.frog_movement and _root.underwater and _root.touchingGround)
             setProperty("", _x, _x - 3); //walk slow underwater
         else if (_root.frog_walking and _root.touchingGround)
             setProperty("", _x, _x - 10);
             setProperty("", _x, _x - _root.char.charspeed);
         peach_right = false;

                if (_root.underwater and !_root.touchingGround)
      else if (_root.frog_movement and _root.touchingGround)
               _root.char.grav = -10;
          else if (!_root.frog_movement)

        else if (!peach_right)
          if (!_root.frog_movement and _root.underwater and !_root.touchingGround)
          else if (_root.frog_movement and _root.touchingGround)
          else if (_root.frog_movement)
        } // end else if

I hope no '{' or '}' was missed out. The logics are simple, and I tried to organize it while in this message.
If you see with attention above, added code are almost all those with (_root.frog_movement) and (_root.frog_walking) in the IFs.
Frog_movement activates the new animations.
Frog_walking is a flag INSIDE char.character.walkfrogright (and left, as it copies what you change in walkfrogright, and vice versa).
Frog_walking gets TRUE between frame 5 to 13.
You ask, why? Well, thats because a frog walk moves only if she's make those little jumps. So she moves to right/left only in those 5-13 frames.

Now, change the powerups to activate _root.frog_movement just in the frog power, and disable it in other powerups:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

E.g: enabling in Frog (label 'grab')
Code: Select All Code
if (_root.LockCostume == false)
  _root.DressNum = _root.Dress[5];
  _root.CharNum = _root.DressChar[5];
  _root.NoBoob = false;

Finally, you have to disable it if Peach are hit and costumes are changed.
(You may have a better idea where to place _root.frog_movement.

If some errors appears (like frog sound keep playing while in goomba scenes), thats because it should be stopped when Peach hits the goomba
(in goomba on-object, those areas with 'squish' for example, go into squish code and put where goomba notices:
Notice that I'm using gotoAndStop in the peach animation instance inside each walkfrog frame, that is, you have to instance them, clicking on them.

I created a special function to deal with that. Peach backside was also having problems like that (when Peach is in backside mode and goomba gets her, backside finishes (end frame) and, magically, the _root movement becames true, so you imagine the mess! :mrgreen:

So I've put _root.char.character.backside.gotoAndStop(1) too. All nice and clean! So, if Peach goes backside or frog left/right after sex scenes, for example, these animations will start playing normally even if peach on-object keeps using _root.char.character.gotoAndStop("walkfrogleft"), for example, because this 'gotoAndStop' WILL replay that stopped inside movie from the start.

You can also let her animation better in your version if you wish. You surely are better in this area : )
Dont forget, the frog sound is into my FLA (its being used inside the char.character.walkfrogright. You know, walkfrogleft are just a mirror of it). If you copy/pasta it, and sound doesnt go with (because of course you will not replace peach in order not to lose your costumes), just search for it in my library and paste to your FLA (the name is 'frog', a wav file). And include it inside char.character.walkfrogright (or left), like in FRAME 2.

Done ;)
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Mon Jul 02, 2012 10:14 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated June 29, 2012

Postby Blargh » Mon Jul 02, 2012 5:41 pm

Uploaded a new version with some fixes:
- Blaziken's face is back
- Sound doesn't cut out by the bath after activating the bombs
- Re-drew the Princess bra and re-layered the vests to work with every vest instead of just the Princess vest

LuftMallow Wrote:I've noticed Blaziken is missing her face except her eyes. I'm trying think of anything to add to the Yoshi and Spacer outfits. The Yoshi one had a head piece at one point but I didn't like the way it turned out.

It looks like I overwrote Blaziken's face with some empty parts, but just about everything is back now (at least everything that matters). I also re-layered the vests and re-worked Peach's bra because I noticed that every other vest is built to be layered under the breasts, and Peach's vest was only meant to hide the top of her breasts under the bra.

ivanaedler Wrote:Its done! ;)
(topic with SWF for you to see) viewtopic.php?f=7&t=2265
(the FLA) http://rapidshare.com/files/1283068676/ ... _1.13a.rar

Go to level 2, then take the frog suit and descend to the ground (or go outside of the water).
I'll be showing the code below (the right areas to change).

I can also apply the code directly into your code (but I think you should do that without too much hassle. 1- take my FLA - 2-copy/pasta the four peach states in char.character (standfrogleft, standfrogright, walkfrogleft, walkfrogright) - standfrog has only 1 animation (steady state) and walkfrog, 16 animation frames. The others are mirrors. 3- dont overwrite anything, just paste - 4- fix something , 5- include code to peach on object in all levels (you know, have to replicate to all peaches).
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

The code to be added to Peach on object (when pressing RIGHT) :
Below, (!_root.frog_movement) in the first else is the normal peach walking speed. I preferred to use this logic.
Also, you can disable ' _root.underwater ' and any IF logic with it, in case you dont want to let her walk slower if shes touching ground in the water.

Code: Select All Code
   if (Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD))
  if (!_root.frog_movement and _root.underwater and _root.touchingGround)
    setProperty("", _x, _x + 3); //walk slow underwater  //you can ignore this, as you dont use _root.underwater yet.
  else if (!_root.frog_movement)
    setProperty("", _x, _x + _root.char.charspeed);
  else if (_root.frog_walking)
    setProperty("", _x, _x + 10);

    peach_right = true;
     if (!_root.frog_movement and _root.underwater and !_root.touchingGround)
     else if (_root.frog_movement and _root.touchingGround)
        _root.char.grav = -10;
     else if (!_root.frog_movement)

else if (peach_right)
     if (!_root.frog_movement and _root.underwater and !_root.touchingGround)
      else if (_root.frog_movement)
   }  // end else if

Now, code while pressing LEFT:
Code: Select All Code
if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA))
      if (!_root.frog_movement and _root.underwater and _root.touchingGround)
      setProperty("", _x, _x - 3); //walk slow underwater   //you can ignore this, as you dont use _root.underwater yet.
      else if (!_root.frog_movement)
       setProperty("", _x, _x - _root.char.charspeed);
       else if (_root.frog_walking)
      setProperty("", _x, _x - 8);
   peach_right = false;
   if (_root.underwater and !_root.touchingGround)
   else if (_root.frog_movement and _root.touchingGround)
      _root.char.grav = -10;
     else if (!_root.frog_movement)

 else if (!peach_right)
     if (_root.underwater and !_root.touchingGround)
     else if (_root.frog_movement)
    } // end else if

I hope no '{' or '}' was missed out. The logics are simple, and I tried to organize it while in this message.
If you see with attention above, added code are almost all those with (_root.frog_movement) and (_root.frog_walking) in the IFs.
Frog_movement activates the new animations.
Frog_walking is a flag INSIDE char.character.walkfrogright (and left, as it copies what you change in walkfrogright, and vice versa).
Frog_walking gets TRUE between frame 5 to 13.
You ask, why? Well, thats because a frog walk moves only if she's make those little jumps. So she moves to right/left only in those 5-13 frames.

Now, change the powerups to activate _root.frog_movement just in the frog power, and disable it in other powerups:
E.g: enabling in Frog (label 'grab')
Code: Select All Code
if (_root.LockCostume == false)
  _root.DressNum = _root.Dress[5];
  _root.CharNum = _root.DressChar[5];
  _root.NoBoob = false;

Finally, you have to disable it if Peach are hit and costumes are changed.
(You may have a better idea where to place _root.frog_movement.

If some errors appears (like frog sound keep playing while in goomba scenes), thats because it should be stopped when Peach hits the goomba
(in goomba on-object, those areas with 'squish' for example, go into squish code and put where goomba notices:
Notice that I'm using gotoAndStop in the peach animation instance inside each walkfrog frame, that is, you have to instance them, clicking on them.

I created a special function to deal with that. Peach backside was also having problems like that (when Peach is in backside mode and goomba gets her, backside finishes (end frame) and, magically, the _root movement becames true, so you imagine the mess! :mrgreen:

So I've put _root.char.character.backside.gotoAndStop(1) too. All nice and clean! So, if Peach goes backside or frog left/right after sex scenes, for example, these animations will start playing normally even if peach on-object keeps using _root.char.character.gotoAndStop("walkfrogleft"), for example, because this 'gotoAndStop' WILL replay that stopped inside movie from the start.

You can also let her animation better in your version if you wish. You surely are better in this area : )

Dont forget, the frog sound is into my FLA (its being used inside the char.character.walkfrogright. You know, walkfrogleft are just a mirror of it). If you copy/pasta it, and sound doesnt go with (because of course you will not replace peach in order not to lose your costumes), just search for it in my library and paste to your FLA (the name is 'frog', a wav file). And include it inside char.character.walkfrogright (or left), like in FRAME 2.

Done ;)

That's a really good swimming animation! It should work really nicely to show the Frog suit's movement power differently. ^_^ I'll post some bugs I found over in your thread.
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated June 29, 2012

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Mon Jul 02, 2012 7:03 pm

Thank you, Blargh! I'll be giving out the updated FLA and updated instructions (better code for peach on-object)

EDIT: updated instructions in my last post, about what you have to change for frog animation (just some peach on-object fixes)
EDIT: updated SWF with fixed bugs (as far as I've tested) -
FLA: (1.13b) https://rapidshare.com/files/1279289310 ... _1.13b.rar
(I hope all is clean now) EDIT of EDIT: all works but Peach will be locked when entering the door. Fixed later, but the code you will use does not involve the doors.
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Thu Jul 05, 2012 2:25 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated May 19, 2012

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Tue Jul 03, 2012 1:00 am

LuftMallow Wrote:I also made two new enemies: Anuboo and a very rough Cheep-Cheep.

I can't find Cheep-Cheep in your last FLA :/ With a retractable dick, Cheep will be very nice for Peach to play ;) It should be nice to use Cheep-Cheep as a normal enemy until me or Blargh create some nice animations ;) Populating the underwater with cheep cheeps, that wander more than a goomba (as the water area has more length) with some variated colors and sizes using own flash color overlays, will give more variety, like a rich acquarium to discover ;)
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated June 29, 2012

Postby LuftMallow » Tue Jul 03, 2012 6:21 am

FLA with the two new enemies here:

I'm not sure they're completed to my taste, but if you need to change anything to them, you can. There's some issues with things not scaled properly due to me rushing to make this.
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated June 29, 2012

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Tue Jul 03, 2012 6:24 am

LuftMallow Wrote:I'm not sure they're completed to my taste, but if you need to change anything to them, you can. There's some issues with things not scaled properly due to me rushing to make this.

Thank you : ) I'll see what can be done. It's not hard to replace a given part if you do a better version. But I like this cheep. Didnt see any problems. ;)
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated June 29, 2012

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Wed Jul 04, 2012 1:56 pm

Blargh! A question. Remember Raccoon tail? Movie clip 'body coon tail'? Where does it attach to Peach body? Which MC frame does that? I don't find any instance of it in .char animations. Thank you ;) Thats because I'm working on it now (Peach will be able to fly if 'P power' goes 100%). But when she jumps, the tail becames a bit separated from the body.
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated June 29, 2012

Postby Blargh » Thu Jul 05, 2012 7:17 pm

ivanaedler Wrote:Blargh! A question. Remember Raccoon tail? Movie clip 'body coon tail'? Where does it attach to Peach body? Which MC frame does that? I don't find any instance of it in .char animations. Thank you ;) Thats because I'm working on it now (Peach will be able to fly if 'P power' goes 100%). But when she jumps, the tail becames a bit separated from the body.

It's in the Body Clothes with the raccoon outfit. It just sits behind the suit.
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated June 29, 2012

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Fri Jul 06, 2012 8:43 pm

Blargh Wrote:It's in the Body Clothes with the raccoon outfit. It just sits behind the suit.

Thanks! I'm thinking about modifying it in a way it became independent like a separate clothing item, so it could be animated in sex scenes, and also in animations like jumping and swimming : ) . And it can be used to the 'leaf' powerup like Mario 3 (only the tail and ears are set in Mario). Work will be needed to include it in every animation but it can , say, swing, or leave it between her legs or even stuck in some hole ;)
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated June 29, 2012

Postby Biles » Fri Jul 06, 2012 9:47 pm

You know that lock of hair of hers? Like the other body parts, can that lock of hair have the ability to change color and length based on the power up items Peach acquires?
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated June 29, 2012

Postby Blargh » Sat Jul 07, 2012 3:01 am

ivanaedler Wrote:
Blargh Wrote:It's in the Body Clothes with the raccoon outfit. It just sits behind the suit.

Thanks! I'm thinking about modifying it in a way it became independent like a separate clothing item, so it could be animated in sex scenes, and also in animations like jumping and swimming : ) . And it can be used to the 'leaf' powerup like Mario 3 (only the tail and ears are set in Mario). Work will be needed to include it in every animation but it can , say, swing, or leave it between her legs or even stuck in some hole ;)

If you put it into its own clothing piece like body clothes you can keep the tail's base animation as is, have it stop animating when _root.movement = false; and resume when it's true again. That way you'll have a static tail to move around during the scenes, and it won't show up when the costume isn't set to Raccoon or another tailed costume.

Biles Wrote:You know that lock of hair of hers? Like the other body parts, can that lock of hair have the ability to change color and length based on the power up items Peach acquires?

Probably yes, but since it'd be Peach specific I'm not going to do it, sorry. Super Saiyan Peach will have to wait for her own model. >_>
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated June 29, 2012

Postby roger911 » Sat Jul 07, 2012 4:11 am

Nice work, keep it up.
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated June 29, 2012

Postby Lucky777 » Sat Jul 07, 2012 1:55 pm

SECRET UNLOCKABLE: Can has super saiyan peach when the number of enemies laid in total is OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAAND
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated June 29, 2012

Postby Blargh » Mon Jul 09, 2012 3:52 pm

Lucky777 Wrote:SECRET UNLOCKABLE: Can has super saiyan peach when the number of enemies laid in total is OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAAND

At...1006, I think that might be doable. >_>
SSPeach.gif (119.63 KiB) Viewed 2646 times

It really seems like a good Star power. <_<
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated June 29, 2012

Postby balkj06 » Thu Jul 12, 2012 3:30 pm

That was really fun game,

however I got loss after you enter the castle you just keep going from castle to room and back, what am i meant to do?
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated June 29, 2012

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Fri Jul 13, 2012 2:39 am

Great Blargh? How're things going?
Man, I'm near to re-think about game code and transform all to AS3.
It can be 2x faster than AS2 in normal implementation and up to 700 times faster in code reuse (like objects!)
http://armorblog.com/2008/01/actionscri ... omparison/
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated June 29, 2012

Postby Blargh » Fri Jul 13, 2012 3:13 am

roger911 Wrote:Nice work, keep it up.

Thanks. I'm still going. ^_^

ivanaedler Wrote:Great Blargh? How're things going?
Man, I'm near to re-think about game code and transform all to AS3.
It can be 2x faster than AS2 in normal implementation and up to 700 times faster in code reuse (like objects!)
http://armorblog.com/2008/01/actionscri ... omparison/

Yeee-no. XD I don't like AS3. >_> I'm used to AS2. <_< That's all there is to it. :mrgreen:
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Re: MiM (hacked) - Updated June 29, 2012

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Fri Jul 13, 2012 3:28 am

Blargh Wrote:Yeee-no. XD I don't like AS3. >_> I'm used to AS2. <_< That's all there is to it. :mrgreen:

I should agree with you. AS2 is working well, and its fast to implement (without those eventHandlers things) :geek: Enough for small and even medium games. But...I dont know......maybe a next experience for me soon.
You know...This great game (for both os us) can turn complex someday.
Look! (scroll down if truncated). Actual peach animations. The purple empty layer was the Aura that I removed (because I am experimenting an alternative).

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

version 1.24 peach animations.jpg
version 1.24 peach animations.jpg (37.29 KiB) Viewed 6123 times

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

version 1.24 peach code getting complex.jpg
version 1.24 peach code getting complex.jpg (82.3 KiB) Viewed 6123 times

Both images are still incomplete in functions. It should have 'peach statue mode', 'peach crouching left and right', 'peach throwing axes left and right', 'peach grabbing an item left and right', and the 'ground pound', that Mario DS has. :roll:

Okay, it's possible to master that in AS2. We can use Nested IFs and cases when it becames a bit more complex. Still in AS2. But in AS3 it should be soooooooo easy to maintan complex code, and speed increase can be explosive.

Anyway, for MIM (both of our versions so far) I think its better to get focus on more enemies and scene animations (they dont increase complexity and can be used in AS2 with a breeze). In the case of enemies, new scenes requires almost no on-object code anyway. Just new frames with new scenes. I want to do two new animations for Koopa Scene. Biles is also helping me with so nice animations (have you seen the 4 peach animations he did?)

Are you planning to do new animations, like koopa scenes? I feel those will be really nice (like 10 goomba scenes). I'm in version 1.24, with 4 levels, going to the fifth (The Pond). I miss your efforts!
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Fri Jul 13, 2012 11:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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