Thaedael's drawing board

This is the place to post your own creative works for other to play or give feedback on!
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This forum is for posting and collaborating upon third party work. Please do not post request-threads, and avoid posting artwork that is not your own unless it is being used as a reference.

Re: Thaedael's drawing board

Postby Thaedael » Sun Oct 31, 2010 11:25 am

Finally getting a laptop replacement within the week. Will start working on other ideas since the samus ball got rolling like I intended (yay). Next idea will probably be halo to see if we can get a ball rolling on that already have a good idea in my mind which im sure will be stolen by others but that is ok since I just want to promote creativity.

Happy Halloween:
For a contest that I entered lol

Re: Thaedael's drawing board

Postby SteelSaurus » Sun Oct 31, 2010 9:00 pm

Ah, I remember when I used to make these for friends... Nowhere near as good as yours. Are you using the Gen-IV sprites?

Also... could I put out a request for you? It's just for my personal archive and nothing more really (I'm writing my own little fan-fiction). But I've found that I'm incapable of making it myself (not so sharp at sprites). The request;

Ok, if you follow the games, you know how Rotom can 'posses' electrical equipment, and even more so those with a special (reverse) motor? I wanted to make a robotic humanoid body for it to posses based off of Pulseman (Rotom's inspiration). If your interested I can post up the PNG of Rotom and some Pulseman and the one I was working on.
I'll get right on it! Eventually...
Joined: Sun Jun 20, 2010 3:49 am

Re: Thaedael's drawing board

Postby Thaedael » Tue Nov 02, 2010 10:29 am

Ok not sure if I follow:
-Rotom is a pokemon (?)
-Make a robot trainer sprite for him to posses(?)
-Based of Pulsman(?) ... gimori.gif

If that is the case I can try though pulseman has a lot of detail on him so I will have to wait and see how it turns out.
-However answer the following, and maybe become my personal drawing slave in exchange I can do more sprite stuff :P

1: That being said now to talk about another random idea. Corta asked about making a game, a game based on Halo:

2: When asked what it would be about he said:
Terribly interested, just not talented. As I've said, I can't draw..
I've only just hit my month-aversary at this place so I hope you'll forgive me for not knowing exactly what you do.. but (based on a few of your posts from days past) I'm going to presume you're here to help with that

as a game I planned to have lil' cort floating around in a virtual environment in order to plant a virus (or some other plot device) .. while blowing (..heh..) her way through the security programs.
the idea is open enough to play out as an rpg(probably not), action(maybe) or a 'run or rape'(probably) game...

..if you're interested...

3: That being said I figure since I was talking a lot about samus, and then this whole samus infestation state appeared over the forums I could have a try at stimulating some halo stuff.
Halo: Going through that ring/////
Now let's have one big fun community discussion from everyone. If you were to play a Halo run and rape game would you play:
Option A: Male protagonist encountering female covenant/humans/etc.
Option B:Multiple Female Humans (female spartan, female odst, maybea random civilian you can customize, and a female odst) against male convenant.
If there were ever to be a game, would you prefer it in style:
Option A: Linear 2d, click on opponents to interact, IE: Legend of Krystal
Option B: Click on a map to interact, then linear 2d, then click on a character to interact, IE: Another Tail
Option C: Linear 2d, fight and have an interactive approach. IE: Gorepete's samus game.

If I could have a dream team, I would take option D: A little bit of everything. Have a world map, that branches into the different characters, (only 4 max or it gets too complicated), have a bit of linear 2d, and fighting 2d (breaking covenant armor of with plasma pistol anyone?"), drawn by steelsaurus, animated by corta, and coded by gorepete.
How important is mainting the integrety of the series to you: Edit: By integrety I mean of the established cannon/storyline
A: Very
B: Not very
C: If it is entertaining who cares?
Finally, I really like corta's idea of a virtual cortana. If you were to do a virtual world, would it be:
Option A: 2d linear like all the games up to now
Option B: Have a little grid that you have to "hack through" by making a path through it. Security programs being monsters that fight you.

That is all for now. I have an idea of what I would want the game to be and once I have time I will sit down and start brainstorming some little images to show you what I think a game like this would appear as. Let me know what you guys think.

Re: Thaedael's drawing board

Postby SteelSaurus » Tue Nov 02, 2010 6:52 pm

More like a already posessed sprite. I have a Pulseman sprite (and a couple other images), but it's not really in the Pokemon style (facing at the 8 oclock angle). I'm not sure how to explain it any more.

As for the Halo Project, I'm willing to come onboard, make a list of what you want fom me and get the stuff together as I'm primarily going after the Metroid Samus for this week and then taking a little break till after Thanksgiving.
Pulse Rotom.png
Pulse Rotom.png (104.69 KiB) Viewed 8432 times
I'll get right on it! Eventually...
Joined: Sun Jun 20, 2010 3:49 am

Re: Thaedael's drawing board

Postby Thaedael » Sat Nov 06, 2010 10:52 pm

It will probably get done after you leave for your hiatus, sorry to say. Take care of yourself though!

Re: Thaedael's drawing board

Postby SpectralTime » Sun Nov 07, 2010 2:04 am

If we're still throwing ideas around, I had one. How about we include Adam? Post-Fusion Adam, the intelligent computer with his personality. If Samus is captured, so is he. However, his mind has "escaped" the confines of its electronic prison, and he is trying to help Samus.

Because she has lost her powers, she needs to "directly interface" with him at set computer terminals to get some of her upgrades back, as he has them in his memory and can plant them into her regenerating power suit. It would let us include a few more gentle and consensual scenes alongside the more hardcore stuff for variety's sake, especially if someone feels like shipping the two for it. If not, we can include it alongside the Chozo statues, the way the Prime games had both Federation and Chozo upgrades to find.

After all, I find the idea of Samus's romantic interest trying to get around his lack of a penis by any means necessary hilarious.

If this doesn't fit, I'm really sorry. Just an idea.
Joined: Sun Nov 07, 2010 1:57 am

Re: Thaedael's drawing board

Postby Thaedael » Thu Nov 25, 2010 3:43 pm

It's a really good idea, but I am not making a samus game, my goal was to just get some ideas rolling and next thing you know gorepete comes and makes his own special game.

That being said I am going to start working on a new concept. Eventually I hope to get Steelsaurus doing the artwork, and maybe get gorepete to program it when he is done with his own game. However in the mean time I am going to get some storyboarding in and some other concept art done starting with this.



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