Vectors Request

A place for tutorials on how to get the most out of Flash

Re: Vectors Request

Postby Mr D » Mon Aug 22, 2011 8:21 pm

Surskit Wrote:I think maybe I'm confusing what a line and fill is now then. I've noticed that there's an option to convert lines into fills.

But I think I understand how you got the varying thickness of the lines. It's the product of the 2 lines (Even though those lines are probably made of like... 20 segments). So once I've got that eye outline, I fill it and then turn it into a symbol of it's own so it's treated like 1 object. The actual iris and retina of the eye are completely different objects I imagine and then when the lids close over it, it masks it so all you see is beige face?

Even though I'm rationalizing it I'm still dreading the attempt at it later. I guess I've gotta start this eye over from scratch then huh? (Not gonna do the hair again, lol, maybe in the future I'll revisit misty.) Also school just started and I'm bracing myself for the workload of one class, hoping the rest aren't as intense.

One question does come up though, did you draw out each frame of the eye closing or is just you transforming/distorting it at each frame?

An answer to your question lies in the green part of the screen. There you can see 4 forms of the eye. If you look at them than each is more pushed together than the last one. I will show you how its done in the flash below. Just Imagine that each picture is 1 frame.
Note: the green outline you see below is the bask (in the animation its over the image so that the iris will be seen only inside of the eye)
Click to Play
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Eye5.swf [ 2.4 KiB | Viewed 2038 times ]

1 game (oh I mean story slideshow -_-) and 5 flash loop FINISHED...fuck yea
My mini flashes link : ... f=7&t=1972
Also I am working on a project right now.But remember, it's a secret to everybody >:D
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Mr D
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Re: Vectors Request

Postby Mr D » Mon Aug 22, 2011 8:25 pm

Surskit Wrote:I think maybe I'm confusing what a line and fill is now then. I've noticed that there's an option to convert lines into fills.

But I think I understand how you got the varying thickness of the lines. It's the product of the 2 lines (Even though those lines are probably made of like... 20 segments). So once I've got that eye outline, I fill it and then turn it into a symbol of it's own so it's treated like 1 object. The actual iris and retina of the eye are completely different objects I imagine and then when the lids close over it, it masks it so all you see is beige face?

Even though I'm rationalizing it I'm still dreading the attempt at it later. I guess I've gotta start this eye over from scratch then huh? (Not gonna do the hair again, lol, maybe in the future I'll revisit misty.) Also school just started and I'm bracing myself for the workload of one class, hoping the rest aren't as intense.

One question does come up though, did you draw out each frame of the eye closing or is just you transforming/distorting it at each frame?

I just pushed it more together with free transforming. Here it is (1 eye image is 1 frame). And than the mask (green eye outline) witch I use so that the Iris wont be seen over the eye (the mask is placed directaly over the eye).

And btw Fill-is what you get from brush and fill option. And line is what you get from pencile and line tools. The flash treats them diferently
Click to Play
(Javascript Required)

Eye5.swf [ 2.4 KiB | Viewed 2151 times ]

1 game (oh I mean story slideshow -_-) and 5 flash loop FINISHED...fuck yea
My mini flashes link : ... f=7&t=1972
Also I am working on a project right now.But remember, it's a secret to everybody >:D
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Mr D
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Re: Vectors Request

Postby Surskit » Mon Aug 22, 2011 11:57 pm

Alright so I made a slapdashed eye (I'm upset with the way it came out but I guess playing with the line tool is going to take some practice.) The retina, however, I didn't fill. I noticed you did it with just a rectangle of white and masked out what was unnecessary. I'm still having some trouble with masks. I'll figure it out later though, out of time at the moment.

So once I figure out the masking, next hurdle would be:

Organization: I know the masking issue stems in part from the stack in which I've placed my layers. But while trying to sort it out, I saw folders being an option. I'm not entirely sure if it's necessary or appreciated, but I know people in it for the long-haul generally keep things organized and I may as well start off on the right foot there. Anything specific I should keep in mind there?
Disclaimer: Should I ever choose to give criticism on anything, give it an hour- I will undoubtedly change the message several times before then.
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Re: Vectors Request

Postby Surskit » Fri Sep 02, 2011 6:58 pm

Alright, I haven't had much of a chance to practice/continue, but during my downtime at work I started thinking of how I can apply it as sort of a test and something that would help people.

I can make a tutorial on tracing.

Of course doing that would require I learn more about flash so I'll be jumping in here more often looking for advice and such. Also I shudder to think how arduous a task replicating the line tool is going to be. It'll be a good learning experience though. Anyway, there's things I have to do before I get to that anyway:

      Pokemon encounter:
        Misty encounters a Surskit and is immediately struck with her love for pokemon. She then notices it's a bug type (I guess zoom/pan in on legs). She immediately tries to run because of her fear and trips/knocks herself out. Surskit gains experience points from the "Battle" and levels up. Surskit has learned Flash. And from there, he'll use flash and what he's trying to make can be a sillohuete/dotted line of a penis, which the player will have to trace. I'll leave the end of the tutorial unsaid for now.

    Components expected:
        Opening scene
        Generic pokemon background
        Screencap of the project minus the characters (I think it'd be better to add them as symbols, yes?)
        Ending scenes

        I don't want to have to think about this until I've gotten the art compiled, but for the sake of planning, the codes for making an interact-able line sound very math intensive. This part sounds like it's going to be the hardest for me, but also the fastest once I learn what I'm doing.
        I'll also have to code for shifting the end points and I think I'll just have the objects snap to each other (Unless you guys persuade me otherwise).
        I need to make it so the "Drawing" area can't deviate too much from the normal dimensions of a penis (Hate to see Misty raped by a boomerang)

        Just occurred to me this will be an issue. I want to use a lot of classic pokemon sounds and music but those things are what normally take people's flashes from 1mb to 15mb. This will be the very last thing I work on for sure.
So if you guys see any holes I've left, please tell me so I can plan for them. I've got an extremely full plate this semester, but lately I've just wanted to learn new skills instead of a career path =/
Disclaimer: Should I ever choose to give criticism on anything, give it an hour- I will undoubtedly change the message several times before then.
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Re: Vectors Request

Postby IronEagle » Sun Sep 04, 2011 10:57 pm

Surskit Wrote:So I know I've seen people comment on impressive vector jobs and it seems like a part of the animation process that really determines it's quality. I still have no idea what the process of vectorization is.

What I can tell from what's labeled well-vectored work, is that it's got a lot of independent variables moving. I'd like to learn what/how to vector things so I can maybe vector up some images for you guys making Flashes. I imagine for vector work all I really need is any version of photoshop (I've got CS3), and a lot of free time. I've got both. If all I can get is a point in the right direction I've got no problem playing with it until I've got something to show for myself.

Other Adobe things I'm confident don't matter but I have:
Bridge CS3
Extendscript Toolkit 2
Device Central CS3

If I do need another program just let me know what it is and I'll see what I can do about acquiring it.

I would like to clarify. A 'Vector' image is math used to represent shapes. the advantages of an image being vectorized is that you can resize it, change it's shape, and to control quality with ease and without loosing any of the original quality no matter how you change it. The other format would be what is called a 'Raster' image, which is a static image that has pixels set at a constant place.
I don't know if that makes perfect sense, but you can find out more at

in short, there is no such thing as 'well vectorized' or 'moving parts' in a vector, and you most certainly can not 'trace' an it. A vector graphic is just math.

and fyi, you don't need Adobe {anything} to make vector graphics. there are other free options like Inkscape (google it if you want to know about it).
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Re: Vectors Request

Postby hat973 » Fri Jun 08, 2012 5:02 am

Mr D Wrote:
Surskit Wrote:I think maybe I'm confusing what a line and fill is now then. I've noticed that there's an option to convert lines into fills.

But I think I understand how you got the varying thickness of the lines. It's the product of the 2 lines (Even though those lines are probably made of like... 20 segments). So once I've got that eye outline, I fill it and then turn it into a symbol of it's own so it's treated like 1 object. The actual iris and retina of the eye are completely different objects I imagine and then when the lids close over it, it masks it so all you see is beige face?

Even though I'm rationalizing it I'm still dreading the attempt at it later. I guess I've gotta start this eye over from scratch then huh? (Not gonna do the hair again, lol, maybe in the future I'll revisit misty.) Also school just started and I'm bracing myself for the workload of one class, hoping the rest aren't as intense.

One question does come up though, did you draw out each frame of the eye closing or is just you transforming/distorting it at each frame?

An answer to your question lies in the green part of the screen. There you can see 4 forms of the eye. If you look at them than each is more pushed together than the last one. I will show you how its done in the flash below. Just Imagine that each picture is 1 frame.
Note: the green outline you see below is the bask (in the animation its over the image so that the iris will be seen only inside of the eye)

but how whould u do this if u are using peaces from Photoshop
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Re: Vectors Request

Postby kerwin » Sat Jun 09, 2012 11:44 am

correctly! get sth. from U! THX!
oakley sunglasses
Cuz I love it!
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Re: Vectors Request

Postby IrrelevantComment » Fri Jun 22, 2012 10:12 pm

Saw the title and thought "5i + 10j + 3k"

... okay I will go be useless elsewhere...
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