IC ~ Galaxy at War: The Zethian Invasion.

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Re: IC ~ Galaxy at War: The Zethian Invasion.

Postby Angel_Slayer_Alcatraz » Mon Jun 18, 2012 5:21 am

She pulls out a small terra cota pot and thows it to the floor, activating the smoke bomb, it filling the train with thick smoke as she uses an access hatch on the ceiling to get on the roof, when there she hops off the train and opens a large pyramid shaped parachute and tries to land in a alley
Sae the mindin´ in yer heid
Unrowes afore yer een
Frae hours o´ sweet yestreen
Aye the ember deid in monie a heid
Fare ye well I´m pertin away
I say farewell tae the warld
Mind me weel
I say farewell tae the warld

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Re: IC ~ Galaxy at War: The Zethian Invasion.

Postby That_One_Guy » Mon Jun 18, 2012 5:30 am

Garian jumped off as well, making sure to roll when he hit the ground, he then stood up, gun in hand, and fired at the nearest hostiles before he began to make his way to the Tower with the Turret on it, "Squad, up on me, V-formation, shoot to kill, wall of fire on front and sides." He commanded to his squad.
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Re: IC ~ Galaxy at War: The Zethian Invasion.

Postby thealchemist » Mon Jun 18, 2012 5:44 am

Tu'vak growled as his fellow diplomants scattered in terror. Idiots! They run as if their next. What kind of assasin would stick around after that.
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Re: IC ~ Galaxy at War: The Zethian Invasion.

Postby Gorbaz » Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:08 am

"Right." Julius replied as he gunned his starship's engines. The old engines rattled slightly in their housings as another suggestion of the ship's age, and the Apis started to surge forward. The nebula wasn't far from their currenct location, and the journey there would not be long. However the nebula itsself would mean that they would have to travel slowly, and sensors would be near-useless. Silently, he set course, trusting in his companion to do the same
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Re: IC ~ Galaxy at War: The Zethian Invasion.

Postby kaibunny94 » Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:03 am

Emily swung round the corner after him. padding quickly. her head twitched as she began to speed up her hydraulics speeding up as she began to chase down where she thought the man was. she wasnt sure why she was doing this but she had to talk to someone.
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Re: IC ~ Galaxy at War: The Zethian Invasion.

Postby Reaver » Mon Jun 18, 2012 12:25 pm

Emile walks out of his chair doing a couple of arm streches for no reason while still grinning at Susan. "What Soulas Das-Nobu? It's the capital of the Cross-Federation, and it's where you can get the best quality clothes and fabric because I only get the best for my partner. Also I need to pick up some weapons from the black market. And I'm grinning because you look so cute when you worry and I love Soulas Das-Nobu, they have the best gambling pits in the galaxy. So cheer up I'm not ever going to go back on the deal unless you stab me in the back literaly. I'm a man of my word, Honor among thieves and all that. Now unless you got something else you want to do I want you to follow me to the firing range on my ship to see how well you can handle a gun." He continues to grin while pointing to a door on his left.
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Re: IC ~ Galaxy at War: The Zethian Invasion.

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:00 pm

As Jon finishes regaining his senses, he listens in on a few key points. The man's name is "Dan," and his casual demeanor suggests that he's used to these scenarios...which is probably both a good and bad sign all at once. The comment about rebels was made mostly from some lingering delirium, but knowing there are none here, that's good. Those "Olive Moons," however, sound like pretty bad news...and yeah, "criminal" is an understatement, given who they were shooting at.

To start his responses, Jon first answers his question regarding Sally: "Sally is a...friend of mine. She was on this thing when it went down, but now that I remember, someone carted her off before I blacked out. Probably those 'Olive Moon' assholes you mentioned, but they're more than just criminals now. After shooting down a military air vehicle, with a full-fledged Admiral inside it, and taking a Lieutenant captive, they just got potential for 'terrorist' status." Jon grimaces at the memory of the recent attack, wanting to find these "Olive Moon" chumps, and pump a few shells into their smug faces with his own finger on the trigger.

First thing's first, though: getting on the horn with HQ about the recent attacks. "Truth be told, Dan, we didn't come here to pick fights, but to contact our HQ about a recent incident. I'm afraid I can't tell you what incident, however, for public security reasons...nothing personal. My pilot said you had some tech we could use for that, and I think getting that done first would be a good start. We can discuss the local scum-bags after that." Fair enough, by Jon's reasoning; he has no intention of just leaving those bastards alone, and they'd probably make leaving a hard task even if he did.
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Re: IC ~ Galaxy at War: The Zethian Invasion.

Postby TheDaughterOfHades14 » Mon Jun 18, 2012 11:00 pm

Claire starts to chase Haze until the smoke bomb goes off. She coughs and blows the smoke away from her face and looks for Haze. She sees the ceiling hatch open and climbs up it. She looks around for Haze and sees her. Claire sighs. She watches Haze jump off the train. "I'm not taking my chances. Don't want to die." she says to her self before climbing back into the train.
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Re: IC ~ Galaxy at War: The Zethian Invasion.

Postby Lady Foxy » Tue Jun 19, 2012 3:39 am

@Angel, Hades and Alchemist ~ On the planet Soulas Das-Nobu, aboard a train shuttle..
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Haze would land in a very narrow alley though, almost making it completely although she would have done a couple of rolls.. Landing on her back, but fine.. That was one nasty jump.. Nothing broke, everything seems fine except for a very SMALL pain on her butt.. Nothing an assassin can't handle, eh?..

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Claire, you are pulled down by the guards and moved aside as two climb up to check above.. Tu'Vak seems alone again..

@TOG, JayJay ~ ''It's on!'' Inside a Krogan fort in Tuchanka.
Music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DiZBffKZQ40&feature=related
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Bravo squad formed up on Garian in a V-Formation, shooting immediately upon the nearest Krogan available as themselves began to return fire.. Soon, incendiary grenades and shotgun bullets would be coming their way.. Forcing everyone to take cover behind any box or reliable cover that was available..

The Krogans were now getting ready to counter-attack.. Looking deadly and precise as some were charging towards them, roaring fiercely.. Looking to slaughter anyone in their way..

Alpha and Charlie squad were getting counter-attacked too, although Alpha squad was having a bit of a less stressful time though..

@Gorbaz, Somewhere in Space..
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As the Apis followed the Green Anchor, everything around them was as quiet as space can be.. Looking pretty calm for an escort mission so far.. Huh, it was just the beginning too!.. The Green Anchor seemed to be keeping a calm pace though, not hurrying things a lot..

@Kaibunny12, On the planet Fomulae; In a local hangar.
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The shadowy figure had disappeared into the very narrow hallway.. When Emily was almost half-way through across, something pulled her into one of the 'walls'?.. Everything was dark as a door slid closed.. A very dim light hanging above her.. An arm over her neck, another keeping her hand pinned against her crotch..

''Why are you following me? What's your purpose? Speak now, I have the authority to begin a forceful interrogation.'' The voice said, obviously human although a bit deep and 'mysterious'.

@Zender, On the planet Verol; In a crashed Military Copter.
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Dan heard him, but his eyes and mind was placed on the weapons.. Checking and arming them before laying them down onto the slightly wrecked seats near Jon..

''Well 'buddy, I see how it is.. I've already made a plan after all! Look, first we head back to my place and contact that HQ 'stuff you mentioned and your incident, don't really want to know. Military stuff is frightening sometimes. Second, we go and rescue your princess or 'girlfriend, whatever she is. Third, we uh.. We escape from the vicious place we rescue her from and fly far-far away.. So, how does it sound there, Admir'ell?'' Dan said the last part real classy, chuckling as he held one of the military-assault rifles from the seats, loading it without any real error..

''So, I'll put these in my backpack and we'll head back to my place.. Do you want to have the gun or should I do it all me' self? Not a real problem, I can handle 'em.''

@Ikechi, Aboard his own Ship; In the bridge.
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Susan kept her arms crossed, hearing him talk about how Soulas Das-Nobu was the place where you can get the best quality clothes and fabric.. 'Because he only gets the best for his partner'.. Huh, sure.. He mentioned some weapons, and.. He's grinning.. Because she looks 'so cute' when she worries?.. How so?.. Grr, she made her feel angry.. But a bit embarrassed at the same time! Then he mentioned the deal.. And then he said that about the firing range..

''J-Just stop grinning, can you?.. Makes me feel like you're hiding something, Emile.'' Susan said calmly, uncrossing her arms and walking past him, her poor but tight shirt stretched painfully as she walked into the door on his left, not expecting anything really.

Although the side of her gorgeous-looking ass almost rubbed against his crotch..! Intentional tease, or unintentional?..

@Reaper, In his own Ship; Somewhere between the vast reaches of Space..
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Some light footsteps were being heard on one of the halls, a lonely young woman walking towards what seemed the 'kitchen' within the ship..

@Rooie and Napsii, In the planet Azuli Terra; Inside a Luxurious Hotel.
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Josephine had been brought to the luxurious hotel known as 'Fantasy Star' by a young woman that had become her 'loyal helper', seeming more like some kind of maid though!.. She locked the hover-car and walked over to Josephine with a joyful grin, giving her right shoulder a kiss as sign of worship..


''We have reached the hotel I had mentioned before, Miss Josephine. Please, if you'd give me the great honor to walk with me up to the front gates..'' Jessie said with a nervous smile, holding her hands together in anticipation -- hoping that Josephine would accept her suggestion.

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Yuuko would feel the slight feel of a familiar breath on her back, a shy timid boy around the age of 19 walking behind her.. But not with any creepy intentions whatsoever..

''M-Ms. Yuuko, um.. Y-You're sure that.. Our target will be at the party tonight in this hotel?'' Anthony asked in a whisper, his eyes having trouble staying too focused on one thing as always -- getting distracted with a couple of things as they went up the elevator.
Atton Rand: "Feels like my last time on Telos."
Bao-Dur: "Crashed a shuttle that time, too?"
Atton Rand: "No, pazaak.''
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Re: IC ~ Galaxy at War: The Zethian Invasion.

Postby Angel_Slayer_Alcatraz » Tue Jun 19, 2012 3:43 am

"That was exhilarating...!" She said as she stood up and went to find a shuttle off planet , maybe to Azuli Terra! She always heard how great that place was, she had quite alot of credits so she could make the trip

She made a quick stop to her small hotel room to check out and grab her very few things, the only important one was her sword, a sword that she found in an 17th century prison and have used to slay many a templar

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Vlad Tepe's Sword.png
Vlad Tepe's Sword.png (87.68 KiB) Viewed 2424 times
Last edited by Angel_Slayer_Alcatraz on Tue Jun 19, 2012 3:50 am, edited 2 times in total.
Sae the mindin´ in yer heid
Unrowes afore yer een
Frae hours o´ sweet yestreen
Aye the ember deid in monie a heid
Fare ye well I´m pertin away
I say farewell tae the warld
Mind me weel
I say farewell tae the warld

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Re: IC ~ Galaxy at War: The Zethian Invasion.

Postby That_One_Guy » Tue Jun 19, 2012 3:46 am

Garian growled, "Grenade and clear." He called, throwing a frag over his cover area in hopes of killing some or even puttign them in cover. As soon as the grenade was out, then he stood up and started to fire his weapon.
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Re: IC ~ Galaxy at War: The Zethian Invasion.

Postby Reapergod36 » Tue Jun 19, 2012 4:12 am

Ravier looked back to the sudden sound of movement. Even if he had been with Saeko for some time. The Eldar Solitaire still was eerie to him. "Saeko, is that you?" He got up from his seat as the ship was set on auto-pilot. He traveled through the ship to where the noise had come from.
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Re: IC ~ Galaxy at War: The Zethian Invasion.

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Tue Jun 19, 2012 4:15 am

Dan's plan of action sounds pretty simple for now, but they can work out the details later. Jon does take note of his question on gun-handling, and decides to show Dan just what kind of Admiral he is.

"Tch...you must have me confused for ye olde 'cowers in a bunker' Admirals."Taking an assault rifle of his own from the seat-side racks, Jon swiftly and accurately demonstrates his ability to wield it, both at the hip and while using the sights. He makes sure not to discharge it, however, or point it at anyone's faces. He then grabs a side-arm, puts it in his pistol holster after a quick twirl, doing the same with a combat knife before attaching it to his utility belt. "Believe me, I've always felt better on the field." He speaks the truth there; Mr. Edge didn't achieve his rank by simply telling people what to do.
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Re: IC ~ Galaxy at War: The Zethian Invasion.

Postby TheDaughterOfHades14 » Tue Jun 19, 2012 4:24 am

Clairre sighs. She walks over to Tu'Vak. "You okay?" she asks before taking a seat.
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Re: IC ~ Galaxy at War: The Zethian Invasion.

Postby thealchemist » Tue Jun 19, 2012 4:31 am

Tu'Vak seemed to grin. "A bit embarresed by my fellow diplomants, but other than that I'm fine."
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Re: IC ~ Galaxy at War: The Zethian Invasion.

Postby napsii » Tue Jun 19, 2012 4:34 am

Josephine, though unable to see as well as others, got an excellent feel for her surroundings as she stepped out of the modest hovercar. The birds sung, and the wind rustled at her white hair. The sun was warm even through her clothes...this planet, Azuli Terra, reminded her fondly of her native Autum. Rather than provoke melancholy, though, it lit her face up with an amiable smile. Bathing in such pleasant thoughts, she felt, was healthy so long as she didn't delude her thinking with too much wishfulness.

Autum, as it seemed, was beyond her grasp for now.

She sensed the young woman who had stuck with her for a while approaching. The kiss on the shoulder was unexpected and Josephine would have spoken out to object, but she guessed it would have shattered the woman's feelings and thus instead replied:

"Of course. I'm always glad to have company."

Her words were polite and she kept herself composed. Not with ballroom eloquence, but just a general courtesy developed through years of having to answer to so many people. Her mother had always urged her to forge a positive public image once she had been anointed the tribe's High Priestess.

Josephine began walking casually towards the steps, her arms at her sides. Her white robe fluttered a bit in the wind.

Re: IC ~ Galaxy at War: The Zethian Invasion.

Postby Reaver » Tue Jun 19, 2012 5:05 am

Emile chuckles while grinning. "But I love grinning Mrs. Stanford it is what makes everything more fun." He leads Susan through a couple of hallways and stairs before getting to an all white room with a couple targets down at the end of the hall. He turns to her with a slight smile on his face to replace his usual grin. "Susan this is my firing range with all the lastest weapons." He presses in a square on one of the walls and the whole wall flips over showing a complete array of weapons. He runs his fingers over them his face full of pride and happiness at the collection. "Ahh these are the finest weapons collected from my black op missions. This one... Arch-lightening charger shoots pure lightening and can fry and person in one shot, and this one, can shoot 5 people in a row with one bullet." He smiles widely before handing Susan a regular pistol. "First I need to see your form before we do anything else. Shoot a few rounds in the dummy for me." He stands to the side with his arms crossed eager to see her shoot. He also takes a moment to give a command to the AI. "Cortana when we approach the planet, scan all outgoing ships I want to know whos leaving the system because i got a feeling that something is going to go down with all the diplomats around." He turns back to Susan slightly frowning. "Someone is bound to want to kill one diplomat. Someone always does I never know why. But hey hurry up and shoot a few rounds already."
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Re: IC ~ Galaxy at War: The Zethian Invasion.

Postby Rooiehaan #2 » Tue Jun 19, 2012 8:28 am

Yuuko felt Anthony standing behind her while they were standing in the elevator going up. It seemed they had been given the task of eliminating a target, and the decadent fat-cat was about to be killed at a party. a party where her client would be as well, to take in the fireworks. She nodded slightly, knowing that he'd notice the body movement. She was uneasy about the party. Too many people. Too loud. The drinking, the drunk people, the... harassing and groping. Every time, it was always the same.
She looked back over her shoulder as they passed the seventh floor and counting. She looked at Anthony and gave him a small grin. He was pretty similar to her. unsociable. afraid of the crowds because he was different. But she liked him. Especially his bravery. For he was about to do something she would never be able to. Hé was going to the party, dressed up and with an invitation and everything. Hé would lead the target to the balcony, under the ruse of some cash he found there; no matter how fat they were, greeds always love cash.
And it would be there that she would be aiming, all the way from an adjacent roof. All Anthony had to do is duck and put his hands over his ears.
But for now, back to reconnaissance. The party was about to start, but she knew that it wouldn't be in a few hours that it would get really crowded, and really lively. She looked to the front again, and noticed the elevator hitting the thirteenth floor. Slowly, it buzzed to a halt.
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Re: IC ~ Galaxy at War: The Zethian Invasion.

Postby Gorbaz » Tue Jun 19, 2012 7:02 pm

Julius kept the Apis's engines rumbling, and the ship moving forward just a little behind this escort. He much preferred missions to be done quietly, as he wasn't one for small talk. Sure, he had to have a good 'bedside mannar', but outside of the warzone or medical bay, he was usually very quiet. Plus, it gave him time to glance over his ship#s systems and make sure that they were in working order. He seriously needed to get an overhaul for his ship at the next starport - he was a doctor, not an engineer
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Re: IC ~ Galaxy at War: The Zethian Invasion.

Postby Lady Foxy » Wed Jun 20, 2012 7:04 am

@Gorbaz, Somewhere in Space..
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Everything was going pretty smoothly, just as things should always be, right?.. Nonetheless, the 'Green Anchor' seemed to be headed towards a nearby planet..

@Rooie & Napsii, In the planet Azuli Terra; Inside a Luxurious Hotel.
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Anthony watched the door open up, walking past Yuuko only to motion for her to step out first.. Blushing a bit and smiling.. Eh, but something told him that he would be doing a lot of things pretty, pretty soon.. Oh God, how he feared Yuuko's glances sometimes! They always meant one or two things.. And one of them was him doing something related to her job. Well, their job.. He was the 'assistant' in a kind of sense..

''U-Um, l-ladies first..'' Anthony said quietly, glancing towards Yuuko.

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Jessie walked alongside Josephine, smiling gladly as she had accepted to walk with her!.. Her spirits were a bit lifted, feeling in a great mood before they reached the front of the hotel..

''I will head inside to make sure we're checked in, afterwards we'll head over to that massive Cathedral I talked you about!'' She said before clapping her hands together in delight.

@Ikechi, In his own Ship; Firing Range.
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Susan slightly shook her head and rolled her eyes when Emile mentioned how he loved to grin.. Sure, it did everything more fun for him, though.. Not her.. Then he turned with a smile, at least he didn't.. Oh, now he grinned..

Then he pressed something she wasn't focused on enough to see, noticing how an impressive.. But -fearful- array of weapons was arranged.. 'Latest' weapons.. She'd call them murder tools, but you just had to defend yourself these days.. People just never learned.. He mentioned how one of them was an arch-lighting charger, making her frown at the sight of it before he smiled once more and handed her.. A regular pistol.. Oh, all right.. It's all simple, right?..

''I'm supposed to aim or.. Handle it like this..'' Susan thought to herself while Emile was giving commands to the ship's AI. Then she remembered how he said 'First I need to see your form-' well, he better focus on how she shoots, not her body.. Or else she'll frighten him by waving the pistol around a bit, maybe get a few scared frowns from him!

''Don't hurry me up, It takes time to concentrate!'' She said with a frown, sighing before standing still and trying to aim a bit 'right' towards the dummy..

''Affirmative on that. Ready to scan all outgoing ships when reaching Soulas Das-Nobu.'' The AI said.

One pull of the trigger, bullet hits the chest of the dummy.. She would have hit the target's right lung.. Another pull of the trigger and she closed her eyes.. Blindly hitting the ear of the dummy thanks to her closing her eyes.. Yet another pull of the trigger and this it it hits the dummy's face.. She looked at Emile, breathing deeply before holding the pistol with one hand and aiming it at him -- pointing at him, not aiming.. Hopefully, Emile had concentrated on her shooting form and not how her breasts were so lovingly jiggling tightly against her shirt after each shot..

''So.. I guess that's all?'' Susan said while leaning on one leg, smiling a bit herself.

@Reaps, In his own ship; Somewhere in the reaches of Space.
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Saeko had been leaning down while searching around the contents of the fridge, hearing a voice somewhere from outside the kitchen.. Probably Ravier.. She didn't mind him though as she kept looking around, finding one or two things she will definitely use to cook herself a nice meal.. Feeling a sudden breeze of air pass by her almost naked behind..

@Zender, In the planet Verol; In a crashed Military Copter.
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Dan chuckled but whistled lowly when Jon did his little show with the weapons and whatnot.. Heh, he better be good on the trigger if they're attacked or else.. After all, Dan's expectations were always high of people, just sometimes..

''All right then yo' Military 'Admiral, better get ready to run over some buildings and such too.. Not exaggerated jumps, simple leaps.. Don't want the 'old man to get tired huh?'' He said mockingly, although Jon wasn't even that old.. What was he, 25?

By the time Jon could bring up any answer, Dan was already outside leaping over another rooftop.. There were clothes or whatnot hanging around, hiding their progress..

@TOG, JayJay ~ In Tuchanka; Within a Krogan Fort.
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The grenade flew a good distance, landing besides two ducking Krogans before they noticed the grenade.. One of them ran towards it and slammed it away like a hockey ball with his shotgun, making it fly up in the air and explode.. The shrapnel beginning to rain down on un-claimed land.. However, Garian had a short time-window for shooting..

And somebody had gotten one of those tough guys badly wounded, all right!..

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Garian - At 100%, Getting his 'A' game out.
Bravo Squad 7x - At 99%, Somebody got a scorch mark on his right shoulder.

Krogan Mercs ?x - Unable to gather enough data..

@Claire and Alchemist, On board a Train shuttle in Soulas Das-Nobu.
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There's nothing really for me to post here..

Guards were passing by, scared diplomats moving away from the area.. They were close to their destination though..

@Angel, In the planet Soulas Das-Nobu; Hotel Room.
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Azuli Terra.. Sounds good!
Atton Rand: "Feels like my last time on Telos."
Bao-Dur: "Crashed a shuttle that time, too?"
Atton Rand: "No, pazaak.''
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