by toddymon » Mon Nov 29, 2010 5:30 pm
yay! one of the four has been discovered!
an ancient ancestor of krystal. she was called black Anubis. ruler of all lands. in every respect she looks similar to krystal. however she is black and gold instead of white and blue. and her powers of magic insurpassable. she was solely done in by foxus. her lover whose skill with the blade was comparable to none and was only rivaled by vulpin. obsidian was exetremely ambitious and wished to rule all she could see. but her love for foxus was the sole reason she held her hand. foxus was a pure soul and would not have such evil as that, fearing his perspective of her she would often visit him in disguise. changing her colors to blue and white and appearing as a servant girl assigned to him. however her ambition grew over time. and even her love for foxus was a becoming a waning hindrance. foxus, asked by the central armies to aid in repelling her faced her himself. a great battle was waged but foxus along with falconans aid was victorious in the end. however foxus, unable to deal the final blow. sealed the queen away in a tomb with the aid of peppernan the great mage rabbit and slipputh the black smith. however little known to the world. during one of the queens secretive visits to her love in guise a child was conceived, inorder to hide the truth from the world she fled the kingdom momentarily under the guise of a magical exodus, she gave birth to quartz by herself. returning to the kingdom with her quest fulfilled she hid the child by having it raised by one of her most trusted right hand, Kat. the queen though ambitious was not a terrible ruler, she just overreached her power. thus when the identity of the child was discovered she was bestowed the royal name of krystal which has been passed down to the descendants of obsidian, becoming the royal family of krystal. however far in the future the queen has been revived and foxus' near exact replica is within her grasp what kind of story will unfold for our hero?