more crap ideas

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more crap ideas

Postby Eggplants » Tue Nov 16, 2010 8:05 pm

not saying that your ides are crap though :P

anyway I got the idea while reading the "why get f***ed" thread because playing as a male or female both have their advantages so I just thought how about a game where you take control of a lusty Ditto? because this way the main character can be a male, female and anything in between! I have no idea what the general goal of the game would be but you can bet your ass that you'd achieve it by f***ing everyone :lol:
but the thing is every pokemon has it's own preferences before it lets you f*** them so being a Ditto you have to set out and find what you need to transform into to match the pokemons preferences, f*** said pokemon, recieve quest related item and so the story progresses. but because of how Dittos transformation works there's no transformation storage bank and that's what makes the puzzles more complex because you can't transform any time/where you want, though there'll probably be a cheat or secret to get one. and hey maybe we could even fit in some non-sex related puzzles in there too like flying or digging to certain areas to find new pokemon and such.

oh and just for the heck of it here's a quick drawing of my Ditto!
daycare ditto.png
heh heh get it?
daycare ditto.png (51.1 KiB) Viewed 2983 times
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Re: more crap ideas

Postby Thaedael » Tue Nov 16, 2010 8:56 pm

Pokemon: Breeder:
Your trainer has entrusted you to help breed different pokemon, and will reward you handsomely for each of the traits the offspring have. Get to egg making!

Re: more crap ideas

Postby Surskit » Wed Nov 17, 2010 1:32 am

Ditto ends up sneaking into homes and other areas and gets a glimpse at the poke-worlds private life. Ash's mom and Mr. Mime's secret WILL be exposed!
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Re: more crap ideas

Postby Renara » Wed Nov 17, 2010 2:14 pm

Heh, would be fun! Why the use of "f***", this board has no censor, you can say fuck all you like :D
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Re: more crap ideas

Postby KaTsuO_O » Wed Nov 17, 2010 5:45 pm

Awesome idea for a playable character! I realy want to see this done.
Don't create a porn game if you're only interested in porn.
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Re: more crap ideas

Postby bobsen » Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:00 pm

This idea rules.
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Re: more crap ideas

Postby bookreader231490 » Thu Nov 18, 2010 1:48 am

This is a great idea. That said, hasn't it been circulating for a while now? I know I saw a post about something like this a while ago taht I would have done myself, except I don't know any programming.
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Re: more crap ideas

Postby toddymon » Thu Nov 18, 2010 6:36 am

i think its one of those things that people like. but not enough or not the right people are interested enough in. i too like the idea. and i hope that it gets farther along then mine. but other than that i don't think i can do much of anything to help.
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Re: more crap ideas

Postby Eggplants » Thu Nov 18, 2010 12:52 pm

@Ren hey thanks but no thanks I'm just not too big on heavy swearing unless I'm really pissed off at something ;)

and yeah I'm not surprised at all to hear people have already thought of it but I'm still happy with how the game plays. and as for this project being made, I know almost jack all about action script so I'd definitely need help with that but as for the art side of it I think I'm pretty much fine. but I know we have allot of people with good ideas here and as for now this game doesn't have too much in the design department so if you have any ideas on tasks, stages, secrets etc then I'd love to here them. assuming this game gets anywhere that is.

oh and I probably should have mentioned this before the first two comments. I appreciate the input but because this was a world of pokemorphs I assumed that we would just rule humans out of it all together. I personally have a problem with pokemorphs and humans coexisting in the same world because I like to go by the law that if you change I vital part of how the word works then you have to apply it to everything, so in my mind it wasn't humans and pokemon, it was just pokemorphs.
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