Name: Jonathan Edge. Prefers to be called "Jon" for short.
Age: 28.
Gender: Male.
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Jon is part of a scarcely-known mercenary group known as "Einherjar." Named after the dead warriors who are said to await Ragnarok at Valhalla, in Norse mythology, they aren't your typical "gun for the highest bidder" mercs. No, these guys actually have moral sense on them, which causes them to take only certain jobs from certain clients. Jon is actually one of their best troopers, being quite the skilled fighter at almost any range, in a vehicle or on foot.
Of course, it's not just the money that interests Mr. Edge with this proposition. Sure, it'll help him and his cohorts get some new equipment and such, but there are also moral implications here, as well. While reading the ad, he noted that this rich man apparently has a fetish for insanity, and wants to use other people to satisfy it. A man such as he is dangerous...who's to say he won't start seeking other means by which to enjoy the madness of others, perhaps on a much grander and more terrible scale? Well, not on Jon's ifs, ands, or buts on that...
Special Skills:
--Melee Combat Skill. Jon is well-renowned for his CQC skills in Einherjar's work, especially with bladed weapons. Put a knife or a bayonet in his hands, and he'll go to town like Link coming to save the princess Zelda.
--Ranged Combat Skill. The only skill that rivals Jon's melee proficiency is his skill with firearms, particularly dual-wielding. Put a pair of magnums or Falcon-2 pistols in his hands, and the enemy won't have enough money for all the coffins.
--Neural Implants (sixth sense). Jon has a rare gift among his fellow mercs: a miniature computer system implanted in his spinal and cerebral tissues, which give him something of a built-in HUD and radar. When the onboard interface detects something of notable danger in proximity, it gives his brain a "buzzing" sensation to alert him.