rapidshare infected???!!!

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rapidshare infected???!!!

Postby Favelor » Fri Nov 05, 2010 3:44 am

i noticed that some of you guys keep using "rapidshare.com' (or how ever its spelled) im just letting you guys know that according to Macfee (virus protection(really great:D )) that that site is infected!! :evil: its hard to tell if its the download or upload or both that can give you a virus! just letting you guys know so you can finish the projects you've been working on (BTW nice jobs) also imageshack is NOT infected (i checked) good luck :D :mrgreen:
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Re: rapidshare infected???!!!

Postby Xananos » Fri Nov 05, 2010 5:45 am

Good luck, I'm using, like, a dozenteen proxies.
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Re: rapidshare infected???!!!

Postby Thaedael » Fri Nov 05, 2010 7:51 am

Imageshack is worse in terms of viruses.

Re: rapidshare infected???!!!

Postby Csbears » Sat Nov 06, 2010 7:18 am

Yeah...the files themselves (whoever uploads the shit your DLing is a total waste of life) have viruses waiting to be extracted...good example is any anime games ( i have a weakness for them v,v ) and yes...rapidshare has a ~lot~ of spin-off sites and duplicates who'll give you a nasty virus just the same. The interwebs is a very cruel place, you have to watch out for any number of computer crippling viruses from basically anything you skim your cursor over. It could be links to other sites, downloads, pop-ups, or manually infecting computers with a USB drive...being paranoid about viruses is a good thing. On that note I'd like to say i've once again got my desktop computer infected, har har the irony, and im now paying the consequences (don't worry, i beat myself up over it). The first time I trusted somebody on this site and followed a bad link that ended up giving me a root-kit....and i recently i've DL'ed a few anime games ( like 3 or 4 ), got too relaxed doing it, and the last one had shit in it. Don't be gullible like me and foolishly trust in anything or take anything for granted because the web will put you in your place. *sigh*
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Re: rapidshare infected???!!!

Postby Voodoo People » Sat Nov 06, 2010 7:10 pm

I use Ubuntu Linux, and I don't have to care about viruses. I'm not saying it's impossible to infect Linux, but the chances are almost at 0%.
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Re: rapidshare infected???!!!

Postby Thaedael » Sat Nov 06, 2010 10:53 pm

Actually Ubuntu Linux isn't hard to hack either.

Re: rapidshare infected???!!!

Postby Valithan » Sun Nov 07, 2010 1:30 am

most viral activity is based around effect spread per effort spent. Since the market is overwhelmingly people using widow's base operating systems on their computers, then virus and other malware are generally aimed at windows. An added bonus is that it's also easier (not sure by how much) to script for windows, but the motivation is certainly numbers of invected users.

Though if one is trying to avoid malware in the first place, they probably shouldn't patron anything of a pornographic nature :P Malware from programmers with a cause of self-righteousness need more kicks to the shins than a computer connection could possibly administer.
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Re: rapidshare infected???!!!

Postby Renara » Sun Nov 07, 2010 1:47 pm

Voodoo People Wrote:I use Ubuntu Linux, and I don't have to care about viruses. I'm not saying it's impossible to infect Linux, but the chances are almost at 0%.

That's precisely the kind of thinking that gets a computer infected :)
Number 1 defence against viruses is being cautious, but that's not perfect, and neither is anti-virus software, but at least by using both you can get much better protection than just assuming you're safe :D
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Re: rapidshare infected???!!!

Postby Favelor » Tue Nov 09, 2010 5:09 am

she's (he's) right. i thought i was safe on my last computer and i got hammered with over 15 viruses 0.o

needless to say IT SUCKED!! but now i have a good PC with good soft ware and i know WTF im doing :P
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Re: rapidshare infected???!!!

Postby dudelikeporn » Wed Nov 10, 2010 12:03 pm

Favelor Wrote:i noticed that some of you guys keep using "rapidshare.com' (or how ever its spelled) im just letting you guys know that according to Macfee (virus protection(really great:D )) that that site is infected!! :evil: its hard to tell if its the download or upload or both that can give you a virus! just letting you guys know so you can finish the projects you've been working on (BTW nice jobs) also imageshack is NOT infected (i checked) good luck :D :mrgreen:

Favelor Wrote:she's (he's) right. i thought i was safe on my last computer and i got hammered with over 15 viruses 0.o

needless to say IT SUCKED!! but now i have a good PC with good soft ware and i know WTF im doing :P

No, rapidshare is a file hosting/sharing site. The "viruses" you get are from the downloads, which is from the original unloader of said file. If you're downloading a ton of stuff like CD Key Generators or pirated software, they'll have trojans. Not by any fault of Rapidshare, but of the uploader being a dick.
In short, rapidshare is safe to use. And I doubt playshapes or the rest of the users here will try to give you a trojan.

Get yourself a good firewall/anti-virus before diving into that.
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Re: rapidshare infected???!!!

Postby Sainiku » Wed Nov 10, 2010 11:04 pm

It really comes down to 'internet smarts'. (sorta like street smarts)

I can tell a fake page from a real one, or a fake link from a real one in just a glance. Rapidshare has been around for years, but many people do use it for the purpose of spreading viruses ect... But only if you download the file they linked. Macfee probably tells you there's viruses on rapidshare simply to warn idiots. If you know what you're downloading is legitimate, then it's not a problem.

Honestly, for all direct download sites, i just use JDownloader.

PS: Macfee is complete crap. Use Avast! or AVG.
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Re: rapidshare infected???!!!

Postby Favelor » Thu Nov 11, 2010 4:57 am

well i would...but my mom is a total moron with computers/internet stuff. and so are my brothers. unlike them i can tell a bad file from a good one after a few secends of looking at it. i only keep it to tell them to stay out of that site. (plus it gives me free scans but ill look into that Avast and AVG programs thanks :)

PS i do live with my mom but because im 19. also SpywareDR is worse than MacFee
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Re: rapidshare infected???!!!

Postby Sainiku » Thu Nov 11, 2010 9:27 am

As I've never even heard of SpywareDR, you're probably right.

If you can tell good files from bad and good sites from bad, you should have realized that rapidshare is a legitimate site. >.>
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Re: rapidshare infected???!!!

Postby Favelor » Fri Nov 12, 2010 4:31 am

i never use rapidshare so i just with with MacFee. i should look into things b4 i judge

PS. with SptwareDR all it does is scan ur computer for virus DOES NOT protect from them
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Re: rapidshare infected???!!!

Postby putian90 » Fri Nov 12, 2010 6:36 am

You can't contract variant CJD( the human form of mad-cow disease) unless you eat meat from an infected animal-- and no tainted cows have been identified here so far.coach handbagslv handbags
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