Fun fact of the day!

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Re: Fun fact of the day!

Postby thealchemist » Sun Jun 03, 2012 2:20 am

Wait glass is a liquid? Dafuq when did this happen
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Re: Fun fact of the day!

Postby Thaedael » Sun Jun 03, 2012 2:40 am

Always has been, just moves at a slow rate.

Re: Fun fact of the day!

Postby thealchemist » Sun Jun 03, 2012 2:41 am

Holy shit.
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Re: Fun fact of the day!

Postby Zeus Kabob » Sun Jun 03, 2012 4:01 am

zeldafreak1 Wrote:o.o brain hurts.....too much educational skool things on a porn forum.....must go lurk in creative corner....

I'm here if you want it. XD

Schramm Wrote:Only a frog? No other small animal or just specificly a frog?
And what type of frog?
Dammit man, I want cold hard facts! After all, this is science!

Hmm. I don't really know. With 16 T, they could probably levitate a small bullfrog. Small frogs (like poison dart frogs) could probably be levitated with 12 T or less.

BlueLight Wrote:
So um... What are the traits to these phases and do they explain why glass is a liquid and tar is a solid?

There are many of them, and they are linked to each other by their combined property of having a transition temperature of 0 K.

One thing that can change is the crystalline lattice structure of the material, but there isn't a single phase, or a single transition. Different materials tend to have different quantum phases.

Glass is strange in that it has a measurable viscosity. The reason glass is in fact a solid is because it undergoes a phase transition called a "glass transition". This transition is specific to glasses (SiO2, Al2O3, etc), and has characteristics (of which I'm unsure; I haven't thoroughly studied this transition) not found in a melting transition.

As for tar, I'm not sure whether tar is a solid or a liquid, as it's not a single material, instead consisting of many long chain hydrocarbons. Tar may in fact have solid components mixed with liquid ones, making it impossible to define it as solid or liquid.
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Re: Fun fact of the day!

Postby thealchemist » Sun Jun 03, 2012 4:03 am

Soooo does jello fall in the same category as tar?(this is my brain trying to follow your fancy science)
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Re: Fun fact of the day!

Postby mando » Sun Jun 03, 2012 6:32 am

I believe jello is a colloid. Though I'm not exactly sure what the dispersed phase and continuous medium are.
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Re: Fun fact of the day!

Postby BlueLight » Sun Jun 03, 2012 9:23 pm

So glass is defined as a liquid. The machine way of saying this is if you let glass sit for 100 or so years, it starts moving downwards.
Tar i believe is defined as a solid because it's so thick basically.

These are the rare exception where somethings phase is the opposite of what you'd expect. Or at least that's what scientist have told us for years.
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Re: Fun fact of the day!

Postby Thaedael » Sun Jun 03, 2012 9:24 pm

I was pretty sure tar was a Newtonian fluid.

Re: Fun fact of the day!

Postby BlueLight » Sun Jun 03, 2012 9:26 pm

Damn Preview button!!!
Also i read you post. I have a clue of what your talking about in the first case but i can't say for sure but the second.... GOOGLE HELP ME!!!
Thaedael Wrote:I was pretty sure tar was a Newtonian fluid.

Since i have no clue what that is, i can't say it isn't.
I was given Tar and glass as examples so sorry it that's wrong.



I think i understand why this glass is a liquid but i can't explain tar since i don't know enough about it.

So the molecular structure of glass is always changing(pretending i know what i'm talking about. basically it doesn't change what it is but it keeps moving at all times) Since solids don't constantly change molecular structure glass is a liquid.

COMPLETE GUESS... With logic!
Tar is likely the same thing. Take a blow of water get a piece of paper,tear it up and put it in the water. now filter out the water and what do you get? Well paper.
Now lets say tar is mixed with liquids, however if you removed said liquids you still have tar and it would be solid.
Last edited by BlueLight on Sun Jun 03, 2012 9:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fun fact of the day!

Postby Thaedael » Sun Jun 03, 2012 9:30 pm

Typo, supposed to be non-newtonian

Re: Fun fact of the day!

Postby BlueLight » Sun Jun 03, 2012 9:38 pm

Thaedael Wrote:Typo, supposed to be non-newtonian

Thankyou google!

Also edit the post above!
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Re: Fun fact of the day!

Postby thealchemist » Sun Jun 03, 2012 11:46 pm

I just watched that and didn't understand what they were saying but.... wow that was cool
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Re: Fun fact of the day!

Postby Zeus Kabob » Mon Jun 04, 2012 1:49 am

Glass is a solid...

The reason for this is its "glass transition". Solids that aren't crystalline exist, and their nano-scale structure is subject to change.

Crystalline glass exists, however. Some very valuable mirrors from ancient times are crystalline, keeping them from "sagging" like you're describing.

I don't know anything about tar, sorry. XD
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Re: Fun fact of the day!

Postby BlueLight » Mon Jun 04, 2012 1:58 am

Sorry but i disagree that we're talking about the same thing. I can't prove with out using a inductive fallacy but i still think your wrong just by a context of what i'm talking about which might be in fact all my fault.
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Re: Fun fact of the day!

Postby Reaver » Mon Jun 04, 2012 3:03 am

Glass is made from sand :D
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Re: Fun fact of the day!

Postby BlueLight » Mon Jun 04, 2012 3:05 am

ikechi Wrote:Glass is made from sand :D

Ice is made from water!
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Re: Fun fact of the day!

Postby thealchemist » Mon Jun 04, 2012 3:18 am

Im made out of plastic!
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Re: Fun fact of the day!

Postby zeldafreak1 » Mon Jun 04, 2012 3:21 am

BlueLight Wrote:
ikechi Wrote:Glass is made from sand :D

Ice is made from water!

ok, NOW my brain understands. truthfully ive been more of a math person.
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Re: Fun fact of the day!

Postby thealchemist » Mon Jun 04, 2012 3:24 am

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Re: Fun fact of the day!

Postby BlueLight » Mon Jun 04, 2012 3:27 am

zeldafreak1 Wrote:
BlueLight Wrote:
ikechi Wrote:Glass is made from sand :D

Ice is made from water!

ok, NOW my brain understands. truthfully ive been more of a math person.

Let me make your mind blow up even more.

So the 3 state that i know water can is gas, liquid, and solid which I believe is normally true for gasses.
Okay so if you cool the water vapor is steam (gas form of water) you get water which takes up less space because it can't expand in all directions.
But if you freeze the water you get ice which takes up more space than water... I believe i know the reason why this happens but still. Mind blown?

2+2 . 2 = 3/y :P solution found!
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