Hunter: The Rapening OOC

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Re: Hunter: The Rapening OOC

Postby Lady Foxy » Tue May 15, 2012 9:25 pm

Character Sheet:
Name: Lucy 'Dallas' Silverwind
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Creed: Avenger Creed
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Weapons: A 'bulldog' revolver (Basically a bad-ass high-powered revolver. It fires somewhat of big bullets, but not that exaggeratedly.) and a combat knife about the size from her feet to her knees, resting on her back under a protective sheath.

Stats:add 5 more
Strength: 5
Precision: 5 + 4 = 9
Willpower: 5 + 1 = 6
Virtue: 5
Conviction: 0

Bio: Dallas had lived her childhood on the streets. Her parents, missing after she had been born had left her to be raised by a neighbor who turned out to be a high-importance criminal using the disguise of an honest and kind regular person.

She was raised normally, although her 'father' had began to train her to defend herself and even gave her lessons on how to shoot guns when she was barely 8. When she was 15, gangs and street fights was the side-life she knew. Killing the enemy gang was somewhat difficult at first, but the other gang members were quite helpful.

One day when she returned home, (being 19 at the time) she found the house wrecked.. Who could have done this? She thought. While searching for clues and her father, she found his dying corpse under pieces of rubble..

He revealed that one of the 'gangs' they were rivals with contained creatures that were called 'werewolves', which had overrun the house and even killed familiar members of their own side..

Watching her father die in front of her eyes, she took what was left of the group and waged war on the so called werewolves. After a couple of years of mercilessly killing them for their 'crimes', she finally pulled the trigger onto the leader of the gang.

The leader was human at first, but she managed to kill him before he could transform..

Since then, she bid farewell to her old friends -- what was left of them before embarking on what seemed a 'journey' of redemption. After all, she had done a lot of evil and good on her own over time.. But now, she was going to try to redeem herself and do a final effort to relieve the world of evil. If she could.
Atton Rand: "Feels like my last time on Telos."
Bao-Dur: "Crashed a shuttle that time, too?"
Atton Rand: "No, pazaak.''
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Re: Hunter: The Rapening OOC

Postby Red Jello » Sat May 19, 2012 6:16 am

Oh this doesn't look like it started yet. Fun. I prefer joining in at the beginning of things~

I feel like using a crazy chick with a shotgun.

Name: Rose Tatiana.
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Creed: Judge
Appearance: Rose stands a few inches taller than your average female, has a pair of green eyes and a head of short red hair that ends in curls at her neck. She wears an opened long knee length white coat that you'd expect a doctor or scientist to wear with a cut beginning at her thighs down the middle of it in the style of a duster. Oh wait did I say it was white? It kinda is. Sorta. Years of fighting has left her coat stained with blood, with splotches of red all over it, some darker than the rest. Along with the coat she wears muddy shin high black boots, a crimson buttoned shirt and slick black pants that shows off her fine lightly muscled figure. Curiously enough, Rose wears her black sword belt around the waist of her coat, with her cutlass sheathed on her left side. Lastly, Rose wears a sideways sheath that holds her shotgun on her back.

Weapons: Scalpel, 6 shot pump action shotgun (Chk-Chk. BOOM!), a cutlass. Yar.

Strength: 7
Willpower: 6
Virtue: 6

Bio: Rose lived a normal lax life as a kid. She was happy more or less, and dreamed of becoming a doctor like her childhood friends. In her early 20's, the beginning of the dream was about to come true. She and her friends managed to get into a college where they would learn to become doctors. Granted, the dream didn't exactly pan out. What happened? Vampires to be blunt. Rose doesn't remember the details too much, probably because of all the blood and limbs everywhere in the classroom. Oh and the trauma. That too.

The incident didn't exactly leave her sane. She vowed to make every supernatural evil die in the most gruesomely way possible. But not right away! Oh no! She'd give the monsters a trial, a chance of forgiveness unlike how they did to her friends, THAN rip the bastards the fuck apart. Ya see, Rose has rarely been a fair judge, but most of the time, she's been right.
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Re: Hunter: The Rapening OOC

Postby PenName15 » Sat May 19, 2012 12:30 pm

Name: Julianne Nates
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Creed: Avenger
Appearance:(Include clothes) Julianne stands at 5'8, her eyes being emerald-green. Her hair color is hazel brown, its length reaching her the top of her butt. She usually wears black pants and black T-shirt that shows a bit of her belly. A black jacket with a 'Target' printings on the back of it. Pair of sneakers on her feet. Her chest seeming to be A-Cup.
Weapons: TAC-308, Combat Knife

Stats:(start with 5, add 5 more
Strength:5(0 point)
Precision:5(3 point)
Willpower:5(1 point)
Virtue:5(1 points)

(Edit: I forgot the BIO!) Bio: Julianne's parents died when she was at age of 17 right infront of her eyes. The death was caused by a mummy that had wandered off and was stupid to kill a person right infront of a person with a gun - Yes, with a gun...At the age of 17, Julianne ALWAYS carried a gun besides her, a hand-gun. As soon her father died - She shot the mummy to death with a hand-gun. Her mother comes next when she saved her from a zombie that almost killed her - Angered by the deaths of her parents. Julianne set out to kill the monsters that lurks the earth.

Her eyes were trained to see at long-distance, allowing her to snipe and shoot properly, this trait is like a food for her. That trait that allowed her to survive for many years. She founded her Sniper Rifle at a corpse of a military - she picked it up and used it properly, getting attached to it completely - She named it, the name of her TAC-308 is 'Faucon' Hawk in french.
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Re: Hunter: The Rapening OOC

Postby TheDaughterOfHades14 » Tue May 22, 2012 3:03 am

IC still isn't up? Dx?
Seriously gonna stop being Rape-Bait

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Re: Hunter: The Rapening OOC

Postby Taria » Sat Jun 02, 2012 6:39 am

bump, the IC's up.
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Re: Hunter: The Rapening OOC

Postby Taria » Sun Jun 03, 2012 6:11 am

what happened to not going crazy in the IC?
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Re: Hunter: The Rapening OOC

Postby jayjaycaps » Sun Jun 03, 2012 6:20 am

Whoopsies. On a side note, I believe I've upped my douche bag quotient by 20% :D
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Re: Hunter: The Rapening OOC

Postby Taria » Sun Jun 03, 2012 7:47 am

dunno what to do.
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Re: Hunter: The Rapening OOC

Postby TheDaughterOfHades14 » Wed Jun 27, 2012 6:00 am

So it kinda just died out...
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Re: Hunter: The Rapening OOC

Postby That_One_Guy » Wed Jun 27, 2012 6:06 am

Yeah, this died. :( Oh well though, i guess I'm more of the Free-form type, eh?
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Re: Hunter: The Rapening OOC

Postby TheDaughterOfHades14 » Wed Jun 27, 2012 6:13 am

Well, do you want to bring it back? Maybe get some new people?
Seriously gonna stop being Rape-Bait

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